20 Shades of Shifters_A Paranormal Romance Collection

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20 Shades of Shifters_A Paranormal Romance Collection Page 221

by Demelza Carlton

  Shakily, Amelia climbed to her feet, her blue eyes wide as she waited for her inevitable fate. The dragon’s jaws opened, flames spilling to engulf the girl below before she could even utter a scream.

  Chapter 2

  The forest she loved—destroyed. The unknown dragon whose fury knew no bounds. The flames as inescapable as the recurring nightmare.

  Rising quietly from silken sheets so as to not wake her love, Amelia grabbed her discarded robe, slipping it around her bare shoulders. Grasping the satin belt held in thick loops, Amelia secured the garment around her, pulling her blonde locks outside of the material before cinching it around her slender waist. Grateful the glass doors slid in near silence, she stepped onto the balcony.

  Ancient stone cold against her bare feet, Amelia welcomed the chill as she walked to the terrace’s edge. Cracks and chips dotted the gray wall, worn from centuries of use by the dragon shifters who called the ancient keep, hidden in the ice-tipped mountains of Kalleen, their home. The sun glowed with the promise of a new day behind the distant horizon, traces of color distorting the dark sheet blanketing the land. A cold breeze blew, only a few degrees above freezing, yet she welcomed it, lifting her chin to the sky. The icy touch soothed her heated flesh, the frigid air barely containing the fire within.

  Tonight, she thought, grateful for the momentary solitude. She’ll be crowned, and everything will be as it should.

  The castle and surrounding grounds, usually a quiet oasis, had been transformed to a bustling labyrinth, with people coming from near and far for the new dragon queen’s coronation. As a younger sibling of the destined sovereign, protocol demanded Amelia support her sister’s preparations, and greet various high-ranking visitors. Both tasks Amelia detested.

  Only as she crawled into her lover’s arms had she found any sense of normalcy since the first dignitaries had arrived. Having spent centuries struggling to find her place as the former dragon queen’s youngest child, the spare princess had never known contentment until she met Stephen, whose persistence and patience had pierced her strong walls to find a place in both her bed and heart.

  And so she embraced the morning breeze, this one in particular, grateful her sister’s crowning would be complete tonight, and she would again be free to return to quiet pastimes.

  The sliding door alerted her to another’s presence. Amelia did not turn, but kept her gaze on the snow-tipped mountains. When a hand touched her left shoulder, she relaxed, leaning until her back pressed against her lover’s chest.

  “You were restless last night,” Stephen observed. “You always are, when you don’t get to fly.”

  Though most of her kind preferred to embrace their fiery form with the light of the sun, Amelia favored the quiet, cool night. Each evening at sunset she would escape to the balcony, shedding her simple garments to take flight. She used to fly alone, but for many moons now, Stephen had flown with her. They enjoyed the quiet heights, the rushing wind muting all thoughts as they danced through clear skies, or whimsical clouds.

  But these past few days she had returned from various duties so exhausted she could not enjoy the freedom her heart craved.

  Turning from the mountains at last, Amelia wrapped her arms around Stephen’s neck and pulled him close for a kiss. Pressing her cheek to the side of his neck, she snuggled against his warmth. “One more day, right? Then all of this will be over.”

  “Would seem so. None have challenged her right to the throne thus far.”

  “I didn’t expect anyone to,” Amelia answered, before pulling back enough to meet his golden eyes. “Unless you were considering doing so yourself?” She gave a teasing smile.

  “Challenge your sister?” He issued a gruff laugh. “Have you seen her when she’s angry? She’d feed me my own wings for breakfast.”

  “True. I’m relieved others seem to be aware of this fact as well. Though I have no doubt she would defeat any challenger, having to defend her right to the throne would place her in a rather foul mood.”

  “So I’m not the only one who’s noticed she’s had an especially short temper this week?”

  “It’s only because of the visitors. I’m guessing we’re not the only ones who have been denied our daily flights.”

  Stephen nodded toward the icy peaks, now bathed in streaks of light. “Do you think we have time?”

  Amelia sighed. “I would love nothing more. Alas, I promised to give a castle tour to the son of Lord Richardson and his new wife. He would find it insulting if one of lower rank did so in my place.”

  “Ah, yes. Must keep the nobles happy.”

  “Only until the coronation, thank goodness.”

  Stephen nodded. “One more day.”

  Amelia drew a deep breath, inviting the cold air to push back the flames. “One more day.”

  Chapter 3

  Amelia spent the day much as she had the tedious one before. Guiding visitors to carefully assigned rooms based on their rank, and showing them around the castle grounds, had left her exhausted. Managing to steal an hour’s rest around sunset, she woke to a curt knock at her door.

  Slightly taller than her younger sister, the future queen entered without being invited. Normally Kaliyah’s golden tresses, a few shades deeper than Amelia’s sun-kissed blonde, would fall freely down her back, but tonight they were gathered in an elegant upsweep, baring her neck for placement of the silver pendant she would wear upon official pronouncement as queen.

  “Amelia,” her sister scolded, “you should be dressed by now. You weren’t out late flying again, were you?”

  “No.” Amelia shook her head. “Sorry, I didn’t sleep well last night.” She ran a finger along her left eye, clearing specks from the corners and lashes as she attempted to fully awaken.

  “The ceremony begins in two hours,” her sister warned. “I expect you to be on time and presentable.”

  “I’m always presentable,” Amelia countered with a tired smile.

  The future queen did not rise to her teasing tone, instead glaring and walking to the closet to retrieve the gown she had insisted Amelia wear for the event. The floor-length dress required multiple layers of petticoats to fit properly. A shade of deep sapphire, the gown matched the eyes of her human form, and was adorned with a row of sequins, which spiraled down the satin to glisten in flickering light.

  “Is this really necessary?” Amelia asked, preferring the less elaborate garments she generally wore. “Couldn’t I simply swear fealty now and go back to sleep? You know how uncomfortable these gatherings make me.”

  Kaliyah’s emerald eyes narrowed to slender flames. “You are my sister,” she spoke sharply. “You will attend the coronation, and ball, and you will be properly attired for both events, even if you have to be tied down to get you into this dress.”

  “May I do the tying?” Stephen’s voice entered the room unexpectedly as he stepped forward with a twinkle in his eyes. “Then again, if I do, we both might end up being quite late.”

  “You will both be there on time!”

  Stephen put up his hands, fingers splayed in a sign of surrender. “Only teasing,” he soothed. “I was coming to wake her.”

  The future queen did not join in their mirth, instead walking past Stephen to the door, her chin firmly forward.

  Amelia turned and eyed the deep blue gown with a heavy sigh. “I don’t see why I have to wear an outfit that’s so elaborate; I’m going to have to strip it off for the ceremonial flight after the crowning anyway.”

  “To appease your sister,” Stephen replied as he stepped forward and pulled Amelia into his arms. “Besides, I want to see you in the gown as well.”

  “You just want me to dress so you can enjoy taking it off later.”

  “You know me so well,” he laughed. “You could test your sister’s patience, and attend nude, but doing so might steal attention from the queen-to-be.”

  Amelia could not prevent a smile. “I suppose it would be unfair to steal the court’s attention on her big nig

  He gazed down and leaned forward, drawing her into a slow, sensual kiss, his hands reaching around her to unlace the simple white garment she currently wore.

  “What about getting us there on time?”

  “We will,” he assured. “But if we’re there at the last minute?” He offered a coy smile.

  She lightly smacked his arm when he pulled her closer. In response, he peeled the straps of her gown from her shoulders as she melted into his caress. He pushed the material down, and she shrugged, allowing it to pool on the floor, revealing her to be completely naked underneath.

  Amelia whimpered as Stephen buried his face in the side of her neck, nipping lightly at her exposed skin as he moved down her throat, his left hand sliding to the side of her bare breast. A sigh escaped, transforming to an appreciative moan as his lips moved down, Stephen dropping to his knees so he could press his mouth against her right nipple.

  She shivered as his hands slipped back around her, pulling her closer, allowing him to engulf more of her sensitive flesh. Closing her eyes, Amelia savored the warm sensation of his tongue flicking against her skin. With a pained moan, she knelt before him, wrapping her arms around his neck as she pulled him close for a passionate kiss.

  When she leaned back for breath, she met his golden eyes, the flames of his passion clearly visible. Amelia gave him a smile tinged with regret. “You know we have to get ready, right?”

  Stephen’s pupils narrowed, transforming to elongated slits before expanding back to their round, human shape. Pressing his cheek against her bare shoulder, he groaned in frustration.

  “Trust me, love, I would much rather fall into the sheets with you.”

  Stephen sighed as he pulled away, pushing back a strand of her blonde hair to place a kiss upon her lips before he rose. “I’ll leave you to it.” He gazed down longingly at her kneeling form, and considered the sapphire gown. “You’ll look lovely tonight.”

  “Come back in an hour?”

  “Absolutely,” he replied with a soft smile, before turning to leave the room.

  Chapter 4

  Dressing took closer to two hours than the predicted one. Several maids came in to assist Amelia in donning the impossible gown, lacing her into a boned corset and layers of itchy skirts, before finally pulling the deep blue gown over her form. Uncomfortable, the confining material and corset restricted her to short, pained gasps. They fussed with her hair, curling her straight locks into dozens of ringlets running down her back, to stand in contrast to her sister’s elegant upsweep.

  A touch of rouge and deep red lipstick completed the elegant transformation, and as much as she would have loved to deny it, Amelia could not argue the gown accented her best attributes, showcasing her hourglass figure before rising up to pull tight across her breasts, displaying the top of her ample cleavage. She considered adding a scarf to the strapless gown to create a more modest look, but the heat in Stephen’s eyes when he arrived caused her to abandon the additional material.

  “You look wonderful,” she complimented him as she took time to appreciate the classic black suit, his shoulder-length blond hair pulled securely into a low ponytail.

  “And you are stunning,” he answered with a wink. “Though I must say you were correct. I prefer the outfit you wore earlier.”

  Amelia rolled her eyes as she stepped forward, her golden heels giving her a few extra inches, but did not make her as tall as her evening’s escort.

  Holding out his arm in a formal gesture, Stephen bowed his head before asking, “Will you allow me to accompany you to the great hall, Your Highness?”

  “Certainly, my lord,” she curtsied, before allowing him to lead her from the room.

  The castle was a vast stone fortress; a maze of expansive halls and grand rooms. Though ancient, the building was well-maintained, benefitting from constant repairs and renovations.

  Transformation came upon most during their fifteenth year, and was difficult to control initially. It took years to learn how to fully master the beast within, and even among those who had learned such forms of control, there was always the danger of turning in a heightened emotional state. As such, most of the rooms had been built to allow shifters to transform, while not comfortably, at least without the danger of damaging the ancient keep or harming themselves.

  Amelia’s heels echoed against the stone, swallowing Stephen’s quieter footsteps as they glided down the corridors before emerging into a vast room filled with visiting lords and ladies also dressed in splendid regalia. Uncomfortable in larger crowds, Amelia was grateful for Stephen’s firm grip upon her arm as those gathered greeted the sister of their future queen. Faces blurred in a sea of bows and curtsies, leaving Amelia exhausted before the night had officially begun.

  Soft music filtered into the room, from an orchestra on the far side, helping to lessen the murmur of voices with the sweet sounds of the violin and soft drums. Delivering her near the wall, Stephen left momentarily, allowing the princess to scan the crowd, taking in the abundance of colorful gowns, sequins, and sparkling jewels.

  Warm, late sunlight filtered into the room, but the majority of the chamber was lit by firelight, from large torches burning in even intervals along the walls, and candles in massive chandeliers. Shadows twisted, flickering between guests as they celebrated this rare gathering.

  So enthralled was she in her quiet observance, she jumped when Stephen appeared to hand her a crystal flute of gold champagne. She accepted the glass gratefully, indulging in a sip of the bubbly liquid, enjoying the hint of fruit and slightly bitter finish.

  Stephen leaned forward, slipping an arm around her waist. She welcomed the embrace, leaning against him, appreciative of his attempt to ease her discomfort.

  “Would you like something to eat?” he asked.

  “No,” she answered. “I can barely breathe in this gown, let alone eat.”

  “Well, it’s only for a few hours. I promise to be most diligent in helping you take it off.”

  “Stop it!” Amelia scolded, but could not keep the laughter from her voice. She turned to meet his golden eyes. “How did I get so lucky?”

  “I don’t know,” he answered slyly. “Being a princess probably helped.”

  She tilted her head, her gaze challenging his words in the playful spirit she knew they had been intended. “You, sir, are supposed to be charming.”

  “I am,” he replied with a matching smirk.

  “Says who?”

  “You,” he answered, drawing her close for a kiss.

  She returned the caress, when another voice interrupted, “Forgive me, Your Highness. Your sister commands your presence.”

  Amelia pulled back, downing the remainder of champagne before handing the empty glass to Stephen. “Duty calls,” she said, with a trace of regret. “Wait for me?”

  “Always,” he replied, as she turned to follow the messenger across the room, and into a corridor, before being led through a wooden door leading to a chamber beside the banquet hall.

  Surrounded by a select group of elders, and a few younger advisors, Kaliyah stood near the far wall wrapped in a shimmering silver sheath. Unlike Amelia’s dress, worn over layers of petticoats, Kaliyah’s gown clung to her like a second skin, the silver lined with rows of sparkling jewels, including down the long train, which dazzled with even the smallest motion.

  “You look stunning,” Amelia complimented her sister.

  “Could say the same of you,” Kaliyah replied with a tight-lipped smile before reaching to push back a stray strand of her sister’s golden hair. “Blue suits you.”

  “Thank you for selecting this dress. I’ve never had your eye for fashion.”

  “True,” Kaliyah answered. “Then again, you’ve had less experience attending these formal occasions.”

  “For which I am grateful, sister. You know how I feel about parties.”

  “I do. Which is why I appreciate all you have done over these past few weeks, to entertain our guests, and make
arrangements for the event tonight. It has been rather taxing.”

  “I’m happy to help. Though, next time, if someone else could give Lord Richardson his tour, I’d be indebted.”

  Kaliyah failed to stifle laughter. “Is he still attempting to convince you his son would make a suitable companion?”

  She shook her head. “I’m surprised he hasn’t tried to force the kid on you instead.”

  “Who says he didn’t try?”

  Amelia laughed before switching to a more serious tone. “Have you considered a suitable consort? I mean, as queen, that’s one of the things they are going to expect you to announce.”

  Kaliyah’s smile dimmed. “Let’s deal with one issue at a time. Tonight, the coronation. Tomorrow, the business of ruling.”

  “As you wish.”

  The smile returned to Kaliyah’s face as she leaned down and softly kissed Amelia’s cheek. “What do you say we get this event started?”

  “Sounds good.” Amelia dropped to a curtsey and added, “Your Majesty.”

  Her sister straightened at the acknowledgment of the higher rank she would soon hold, and proceeded to walk toward the door, pausing to converse quietly with the eldest of her advisors, Lord Rowland.

  The woman in charge of the ceremony approached the princess. “Your Royal Highness,” she began, “you will follow immediately behind your sister to the ceremony. You must attempt to remain precisely three paces behind her, never more or less. During the crowning, you shall stand on the left side of the throne, as heir apparent.”

  “The procedure has already been explained,” Amelia replied.

  “Yes, but were you listening as instructions were given?”

  Amelia raised an eyebrow, pupils narrowing, but the elder woman ignored the shift in her demeanor.

  “This is a sacred, time-honored tradition, which has been upheld by the ruling families for thousands of years. I’m aware of your rebellious spirit, Amelia. I will not have tradition disrupted by—”


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