Dark Memories

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Dark Memories Page 19

by Liz Mistry

  ‘Moving things on, children,’ Langley continued. ‘The report from Cambridge also shows that some debris was extricated from wounds on Liam Flynn’s body. Although we’ve not yet had the analysis of ours back yet, so far I see no reason to assume that the traces will not be similar. Of course, till our results come back, we have to keep an open mind.’

  Whilst Marcus poured more wine, Saj nudged Langley. ‘Go on then, smartarse. Tell us.’

  But before Langley could respond, Marcus jumped in: ‘Paint specks or metal shavings.’

  He stopped pouring and looked round at the three of them who were staring at him. ‘What? It makes sense, doesn’t it? The only thing any self-respecting person uses a flat-head screwdriver for, apart from offing people that is – is, well, screwing screws – hence the metal shavings. Or …’ Marcus grinned ‘… opening paint tins, which again gives you metal shavings and/or paint.’

  Three pairs of eyes looked expectantly at Langley who frowned at Marcus. ‘Stealing my thunder, Marcus. But yes, you’re right. Traces of paint and metal shavings were discovered in some of Liam Flynn’s wounds and I suspect we’ll find that the debris I sent off from Gerry Hudson’s wounds will be the same. Now don’t get all overexcited about this. The analysis will probably show up a generic paint supplier, so you can’t use that to track down this bastard. But, if you find that sort of paint et cetera and a screwdriver …’ He splayed his hands. ‘Well, that’ll all be contributory evidence – it could help you tie a bow on your case when you submit to CPS.’

  This was huge. Okay, it might not push the case forward in terms of suspects, but it did give a concrete link, depending on the test results. It wouldn’t lead them to a screwdriver-wielding person’s door, but this was strong circumstantial evidence that would help in court. For the first time since that awful phone call directing her to Gaynor Street this morning, Nikki felt a shadow lifting. Things were moving forward. Now, all she had to do was make sure Springer did her job.

  Chapter 42

  For once, Lalita had been relieved when Isaac said he wanted to watch Dr Who in his bedroom. He had a bit of a crush on Jodie Whittaker and had watched the first series featuring her numerous times already. The lad had been subdued over dinner, but a phone call from Nikita had explained that and, taking her daughter’s advice, Lalita pretended not to notice his mood. Her qualms that, yet again, she was leaving it for her daughter to sort something that she should take responsibility for, nagged her. It had only been Nikita’s insistence that she’d be able to find out more from the other officers at work than Lalita herself could, that had finally convinced her to give in.

  About an hour after her daughters had left, DC Williams had turned up at the door. He’d been pleasant, courteous, but Lalita’s shame had made her responses abrupt and a little aggressive. Poor Nikita. She’d fought so hard to leave all this behind, got a job where she was well respected and now, her own mother’s shameful past was known to all her colleagues. This wasn’t fair – it just wasn’t fair at all.

  Although Williams had been thorough, noting down all the names Lalita could remember from Gaynor Street and showing her a few more images that Nikita hadn’t shown her earlier, Lalita sensed that he was as embarrassed as she was. He hadn’t shown her the diary extracts that her daughter had and Lalita wished she’d been able to have another look at them. There was something about them that tugged at her memory, and if she could just focus, instead of being all over the place, she was sure she could work it out.

  Before he left, DC Williams had asked if there was anything else she wanted to share – anything else, no matter how small, she could add to their investigation – and Lalita, clasping her hands so tightly together that her fingernails marked her palms, had shaken her head.

  Now, cup of cold coffee on the table beside her, she berated herself. The notes were relevant to this investigation. Deep down she acknowledged that. She had no doubt they were from Downey and, equally, she had no doubt that he was behind these murders. So, the next logical assumption was that he would come for her. Then, as another more appalling thought struck her, she jumped to her feet and began pacing the living room. Perhaps he’d come for her daughters first – or perhaps her grandchildren.

  Flinging herself back down on the sofa, Lalita Parekh cried and cried and, when no more tears would come, she made a decision. A decision that would sort things out for everyone.

  Tuesday 22nd September

  Chapter 43

  ‘It’s Anika’s birthday today.’

  Nikki blinked, rubbing sleep from her eyes, and gratefully accepted the coffee Marcus had brought her. After Sajid and Langley had gone home the previous evening, she and Marcus had spent time going over the files on Freddie Downey that she’d accumulated over the years and now it seemed like she’d only been asleep for two minutes. Groggy, she glanced at the clock. Six o’clock! She rolled over, wanting just another half-hour, but Marcus shook her shoulder again. ‘Did you hear me? It’s Anika’s birthday and your mum’s making a birthday tea with Isaac. She wants us all there this evening before Haqib takes her to the cinema.’

  Nikki opened her eyes and reached for the coffee. It was delicious. Now, if only Marcus had thought to bring some toast too.

  ‘You hear me, Nik? You can’t ignore it. I know she’s being a bitch but, with everything that’s going on, maybe now’s the time to reach out again.’

  Realising that Marcus wouldn’t let this one go, Nikki took another sip before grudgingly nodding. ‘Look, I’ll try, okay? That’s all I can promise. I’ve got a busy day ahead. Briefing at eight …’

  ‘You’ve been grounded, Nik. Your day will be a rare one, spent in the confines of Trafalgar House, so you’ll be able to nip into Broadway and grab something nice for your sis.’

  Nikki put her empty cup on the bedside table and got out of bed. ‘Need to pee.’

  But Marcus grabbed her arm. ‘You’ve no intention of trying have you?’ He stared at her with those eyes that seemed to penetrate her soul.

  She shrugged. ‘It’s too much right now. I can’t face seeing Mum all agitated and it’s only made worse with Anika’s bitching. Best if I steer clear. It’s Ani’s day after all.’

  ‘Okay, I’ll go and I’ll take the kids, but you can get the present and a card, and none of that petrol station crap – get something nice for her – something that shows you care. Oh, and get a cake too.’

  Pressure, pressure, pressure! When will it all stop? She raked her fingers through her hair. She’d forgotten to take the bobble from her hair when she’d fallen into bed and now it was a tangle caught up in a clump of hair. She yanked it hard, grimacing when a clump of long black hair came loose. Bloody great start to the day.

  The images and reports about her father’s activities, which she’d received from her PI over the years, were still all over the floor. The previous night, she and Marcus had dragged them from the bottom of her wardrobe and began the long, drawn-out task of scrutinising them. She wanted to go through them herself before she came clean to Archie and Springer. He’d no doubt confiscate them. Over the years, since his release from prison, Downey had stayed in a variety of cities – always monitored by a parole officer, still on the sex offender’s register – but only for what he’d done to her mum and a few other women whom he’d groomed and prostituted. The police had been unable to nail him for anything else and, at that time, Lalita Parekh and the other women had been too traumatised to give up anything more. He’d had a stint in Birmingham, then moved to Manchester for a while before heading up to Scotland where he stayed in Glasgow before settling in Livingston near Edinburgh. Nikki had wondered at the time if this was to physically distance himself from some unsavoury criminal activity that he’d managed to keep from his parole officer.

  Each of the places he lived in would have to be investigated – associates, work colleagues, employers, neighbours, all questioned and that was the first investigative action she’d start this morning.

h Marcus’s help, she began to put the files back into their boxes; whilst she had her shower, he lugged them out to the Zafira. Fifteen minutes later, hair still wet but dragged back into a dripping ponytail, Nikki grabbed her leather jacket from the banister, pulled on and tied her Docs and ran into the kitchen to drop a kiss on each of her children’s heads before she left. ‘Remember, nobody wanders off alone – you all report to your dad.’ She looked at Charlie. ‘Don’t try to slip away. This is for your safety – whoever you’re seeing in secret will just have to wait.’

  As Charlie rolled her eyes, Sunni began to chant: ‘Charlie and someone up a tree – K.I.S.S.I.N.G …’

  ‘Give it a rest, Sunni. Leave your sister alone. She’s allowed her privacy.’

  Ruby snorted. ‘What privacy? If we’ve got to report our every move to Dad, none of us have privacy.’ She pouted. ‘It’s state control – that’s what it is. Big Daddy watching us.’

  Nikki shook her head, laughing. ‘You know it’s not that, Rubster. You know that occasionally I’m working a case that I want to protect you lot from. That’s all it is, so stop being a pain. Just look after yourselves – yeah?’

  Nikki turned to leave, her damp T-shirt sticking uncomfortably to her back, but Charlie followed. ‘Mum!’

  Nikki turned. ‘Yeah I know, Charlie. Marcus and I will explain it all tonight – I’m not shutting you out – just been really busy.’ She moved closer to her eldest daughter and held out her little finger. ‘Pinkie promise?’

  Charlie laughed, but linked her own pinkie finger with her mother’s. ‘Okay.’

  Chapter 44

  I’m famous! Well, okay nobody knows it’s actually me who offed the old pervert, but at least it’s all over the news now. Was beginning to think they’d never find him. Wonder what they made of it all. It seems like they’re beginning to put two and two together now – linking the old bitch with this one and the Cambridge one.

  It feels so good, but I’ve got a bit of a problem and I’m not sure what to do about it. I’ve had to hide the clothes I was wearing – that’s why I started to wear them disposable all-in-ones. I don’t have money to squander on buying new clothes. I could boil-wash my clothes, but last thing I want is to leave even a little bit of blood on them.

  I get up and head out, yelling that I won’t be long – not that she cares. Not sure anybody does – not today. Still I’ll make sure I’m back in time.

  The library’s only a half-hour walk from here and I take my time. No need to rush; besides, walking lets me think. I’ve decided on my next target. It wasn’t hard really. I wanted another easy one first, but that’s not the only reason. No – this one’s dangerous. Got a lot of information that could fuck everything up and I’m not going to let any of that get out. I’ve decided that all this moving around could be risky, so I’m moving into a hotel. I’ve used a false name and will pay with cash – it’s one of those sorts of establishments, so if I get lonely, I can sort that out quick like. It’ll make everything easier. Still leaving my phone at home – no way I can be traced – no way at all. My bags packed under the bed, all ready to leave. Just need to get through the rest of the day and then I’m off. By the time I return it will all be sorted and we can move on.

  Thing is, I can’t drag the bloody clothes with me. That would be a dead giveaway if I got stopped, so I need to dispose of them somehow and I need to do it today. Thought about shoving them in the river – but wasn’t sure how much forensic stuff they could retrieve. Could use bleach I suppose and then dump them in the river. Or burying them. That could be an option. I like the idea of bleach first though. Whatever I do, I’ll bleach them first to be doubly sure. But I won’t make a final decision till I’ve been online. I smile at a mother whose kid’s having a tantrum. If it were mine, I’d smack its arse for it, but now the stupid bint tries to reason with it. ‘Give it a smack, love.’

  She looks at me like I’ve just asked her to hang, draw and quarter the squealing brat – her eyes all round and spacy. Grabbing it by the arm she scurries along casting venomous glances my way. I growl and take a step in her direction, laughing aloud when she whips the kid into her arms and skedaddles at full throttle down the road. Stupid bitch! Like I’d do anything to her in broad daylight.

  I smile at the old lady who witnessed my little interaction, and she flinches and looks away. I try to make my smile look less threatening. What am I playing at? I should be keeping my head down, not strutting around drawing attention to myself. But I feel good for once – not the reason for her disappointment, not the meek little “say nothing and shut up” creature they all think I am. I’m strong and facing things head on. I’m taking control for once. What a great day to be famous!

  Chapter 45

  The pelting rain suited Nikki’s mood as she headed to Trafalgar House and, for once, she didn’t care that the rain dripped onto her leather jacket from the leaky window, splashing up onto her face as she drove. Still, she was achy tired, like she could still sleep for another few hours. It was a reaction to all the adrenaline that had flooded her body the previous day and she knew the best remedy for her lethargy.

  Once she’d parked up in the car park, Nikki ran along, dodging puddles, uncaring that her ponytail was getting wetter, and she almost crashed through the Lazy Bites door.

  Elaine, glorious in pink as usual, welcomed her with the biggest smile, whilst Isaac practically dived from the kitchen area to greet her.

  ‘Lally Mum dropped me off, Nik Nik.’ He squeezed her tight. ‘I wondered if you’d come in to see how I’m doing. I’m doing grand aren’t I, Grayson?’

  Grayson winked at Nikki. ‘He sure is – a natural. He’s just been frying up some bacon and eggs and they’re spot on. You sitting down?’

  ‘Can’t stop, I’m afraid; got a briefing in ten minutes. But what about twelve butties, half bacon and half just egg, to take away?’

  Shoulders back, face flushed with pride, all business and efficiency, Isaac went back into the kitchen. ‘I’ll get them, Nikki. Got enough on the hotplates already.’

  As Nikki paid Elaine for the butties, the doorbell jangled and two lads walked in, nudging each other and talking loudly. ‘This must be that retard café. Look there’s the moron looking like a right ponce with that stupid hat and apron on.’

  Nikki glanced at Isaac. The colour had drained from his face and his eyes were flitting all round the room. A sure sign that he was nervous. He dropped two eggs on the floor and Grayson put a hand on his shoulder. ‘Never mind those idiots, I’ll deal with them.’

  But Nikki spun round, her anger palpable. These must be the lads who were bullying Isaac. Well, that saved her some time. Now she didn’t have to seek them out. They’d landed right on her doorstep. ‘Watch your mouths.’

  The taller of the two, nose covered with a slick of blackheads, cap on backwards, sidled up to her. ‘Oh and what are you gonna do if we don’t?’

  Rather than backing away as the lad seemed to expect, Nikki took a step forward and flashed her badge. ‘You know I can arrest you for hate speech?’

  Looking at her badge, the shorter of the two raised his arms, palms out in a placating gesture. ‘Now, no need to get your tits in a spin. We’re only joking. We know old Isaac here, don’t we?’

  Isaac, busy with the mop, cleaning up the dropped eggs, nodded once, refusing to meet Nikki’s eyes.

  ‘There, told you. He’s not offended.’

  Elaine had scurried to the back of the café and was sobbing into her hands. Grayson stood beside Nikki. ‘You’re both barred. We don’t want your sort in here. Please leave.’

  ‘Yeah, yeah, yeah we’re going.’ The tall one raised a hand and waved towards Isaac. ‘See ya soon, retard. We got unfinished business.’

  Nikki followed them outside and grabbed the tallest one by the arm.

  ‘Oi, that’s police brutality that is. Get your phone out, Lenny, and record this.’

  Nikki pulled him closer. ‘I know exactly what you’ve been
cooking up with McIvor and I’m not happy about that.’

  The lad’s sneering grin made Nikki want to slam his head against the wall.

  ‘What, you after a cut like? Heard about bent coppers.’

  Nikki squeezed his arm tighter. ‘You go near him again and I’ll arrest you, got it? This café’s right opposite the station and we have some really cold and crappy cells that we reserve for the likes of you. So, unless you want to end up in one, I suggest you toddle away and steer clear of this café and all the people in it.’

  She watched the boys walk off until they were a few metres away and then added. ‘Oh, by the way. I’m going to make sure every beat copper has your faces tattooed on their retinas. Any of you make one step out of line and I’ll make sure they bang you up. Got it?’

  With mock bravado, they jostled each other, jeering and laughing as they walked out of sight. Nikki waited till they’d gone, before walking back into Lazy Bites.

  ‘Thanks, Nik, good job you were here; maybe those tossers will stay clear of us now.’ Grayson looked well pissed off. ‘We always seem to attract idiots like that. I’d hoped we’d be a bit safer here opposite the cop shop.’

  ‘Always a pleasure to put idiots in their places and I’ll put the word out at the station for everyone to keep an eye out. Now, how are you, Elaine?’

  When Elaine blew her nose and smiled, her tears nearly dry, Nikki turned to Isaac. ‘And you? I take it they’re the scum who put that McIvor up to his trick yesterday.’

  ‘They’re not nice, Nik. You should be careful how you speak to them. They might beat you up.’


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