Dark Memories

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Dark Memories Page 22

by Liz Mistry

  ‘I’m sure. Trust me, she’ll love this.’ Nikki opened the card and wrote inside, with Haqib hanging over her shoulder.

  ‘What’s that mean – “I still love you enough to give you my last Rolo.” You haven’t even signed it.’

  ‘I don’t need to sign it. Nobody else would ever leave her these gifts.’ And Nikki reached up, kissed Haqib on the cheek and left. Contrary to Marcus’s belief, these birthday gifts had been planned well in advance.

  Chapter 50

  Still thinking about all of Haqib’s revelations, Nikki made her way back to her car, her steps heavy. Why did life always have to be so complicated? When her phone rang, a glance at the screen told her it was her PI, Douglas Shearer. After her earlier text to him, Nikki was on edge. Stomach clenching, she answered the call. ‘Hey, Dougie. What have you got for me?’

  ‘Bad news, I’m afraid, Nikki. The bastard’s flown the nest. Well, if you can call the shit heap he’s been living in a nest, that is.’

  She turned away and opened the car door, allowing some of the heat to escape whilst she was on the phone. Freddie Downey, the man who was her biological father had gone AWOL from the house in Livingston, where he’d resided for the past few years. Till now Nikki had always been reassured by regular photographic evidence and reports from the PI that Downey was hundreds of miles away from her family. However, she wasn’t surprised by Shearer’s news. She’d expected it – that’s why she’d got him to double-check. Now, Downey could be anywhere and although there was a restraining order against him making contact with Nikki, her sister or her mum, this didn’t reassure Nikki in the slightest. Freddie Downey had never been a man to conform to the rules and now, all these years later, his disappearance from the place he called home, where he had a job, set down roots, was ominous. The fact that his disappearance coincided with Gerry Hudson’s death and the anonymous letters sent cold shivers down Nikki’s spine.

  The link she’d been looking for between Liam Flynn’s death and Peggy Dyson’s might be closer to home than Nikki had first suspected. Struggling to maintain a non-committal tone, Nikki finally responded. ‘Any ideas when?’

  ‘Yeah, about three weeks ago, according to the neighbours – just after my last surveillance. Word is he left with a suitcase in a taxi. I’m going to track that down in a minute, but just wanted to let you know, he was onto me.’

  ‘What?’ Nikki’s tone was sharper than she’d intended, the single word spat from her lips like lightning. If Downey was aware that she was keeping tabs on him, this could prompt him to act; to maybe seek to insert himself into their lives and in the worst-case scenario to take the revenge he threatened against them before he ended up in prison. Nikki was in no doubt that Downey’s desire to get even would not have diminished after seven years in prison and a further fifteen in different cities. Downey was nothing if not tenacious – Nikki knew that to her own detriment.

  ‘There’s printed photos of me all over the manky old coffee table in his living room – taken from the upstairs bedroom window mostly, by the look of them. Some from the last surveillance, but some much, much earlier ones dating back to when I first started watching him.’

  ‘Bastard knew I was keeping an eye on him?’ Nikki’s fists clenched. She wanted to rage at her PI for being so stupid as to get caught, but she knew how devious Freddie Downey was.

  ‘There’s more, Nik.’

  More? What more could there be? ‘Go on.’

  ‘Thing is, Nik, I also found images of you and your sister and your mum – some of them going back years and some of them more recent – at your house, at your places of work, just doing day-to-day stuff. Your kids are in quite a few and in the more recent ones another Asian lady whom I don’t recognise – well dressed, fifties, and a kid with Downs.’

  Enaya. He’d even got images of her dead husband’s mum and Isaac.

  ‘Looks like when he got wind of me checking him out, he decided to reciprocate and have you checked out. I’m sorry, Nik, truly sorry.’

  Her mind was all over the place. Freddie Downey knew more about her and her family than she knew about him. The bastard had the gall to taunt her. He was doing what he’d always done in the past. He was playing games with her; like a fisherman dangling a fish on the end of his line, Downey was toying with her. Her family were vulnerable and even more so because she suspected that with Downey AWOL he would make his way back to Bradford. Shit, everything that had happened pointed to the fact that he was probably already here.

  ‘Get in touch with his parole officer – he’s in breach of his licence. I want them on his tail. Also, find that taxi driver – I want you to trace his movements from when he left his home. I need to know for sure if he’s in Bradford.’

  ‘Will do. Also, Nik, I’ll send you the images he’s taken in a file when I get back to the office, but I’m sending you this now. It’s really strange and I’m not sure how it fits in.’

  Sounds of Dougie fiddling with his phone drifted down the line for a couple of seconds. ‘Sent.’

  Nikki’s phone buzzed and she opened the image from Dougie. In silence, she studied the images. The photocopied ripped pages of diary excerpts written in the same familiar hand as the previous ones made her heart sink. Now there was no denying Downey’s involvement in all of this. They had to find him … and fast.

  Unsure how she managed to keep her voice from trembling, Nikki inhaled before responding. ‘Were there only these two sheets?’

  ‘Yep, just those two sheets. Looks to be ripped out of a notebook or diary.’

  ‘Okay, Dougie. Get them bagged as evidence and couriered down to me ASAP. But email me the images you’ve just texted me. Keep me informed.’

  After hanging up, Nikki slipped into her seat and rested her hands on the steering wheel as she thought through everything she’d just learned. She couldn’t be sure that Downey sent the anonymous notes. He could just as easily have been sent the diary entries, just like Nikki was. But Downey was a known risk to her and her family and she needed to get eyes on the street looking for him, chasing up some of his old known acquaintances, checking out his old haunts. Instead of hotfooting it back to Trafalgar House, Nikki got busy on her phone.

  Nikki: Ali, need some backup to keep my family safe. You able to sort that ASAP?

  Ali: Sure thing. What you thinking? Who we looking out for?

  Nikki: Need to guard Marcus and the kids as well as my mum and sister. A bloke called Freddie Downey might have it in for them. I’ll send you the most recent image I have.

  Ali: Sure thing. I’ll get two teams over to yours ASAP.

  Nikki sent her friend Ali, who owned a taxi service in Heaton, the latest images of Freddie Downey, updated Marcus on the threat and relaxed a little. She’d done all she could at present. With Ali’s mates and Marcus aware of a possible threat, her family were safe for now. Despite her reluctance to leave Listerhills before Ali’s men were in situ, Nikki had no option. She needed to get back to work and make sure that Springer implemented a “Be On The Look Out” for Downey. There was now no doubt in her mind that he was in Bradford.

  Chapter 51

  Duty is a complete ball-ache. It’s not like I’ve not got better things to do with my time. But needs must. After my little slip-up earlier with the mother and kid, I’ve been on my best behaviour all afternoon. Dutiful, attentive and bored out my mind. Still, it has to be done and it’s worth it. No point in drawing attention to myself. The thing is, when you’re a killer, even if you never really had aspirations to be one before, you’ve got to play the part.

  Now I’m getting into it, I realise I’m proud of my achievements. Taken me a long time, but I’ve found my forte. Three down – and a whole list more to go. When I hit that giddy number three, it really hit home. I’m no bog-standard killer anymore. I’m a serial killer. But, not a pervert like the likes of Sutcliffe or Bundy. My killing, although becoming more enjoyable every time, is the result of necessity. Wonder if that makes a difference? Wonder
if somewhere some clever arse has another label for me.

  It took a bit of smooth talking to get away. But, now I’m here in the hotel – if you can call it that, more like a hovel than a hotel – I can relax. I’ve got a busy few days ahead of me. I aim to complete my work, finish the job and then just get back into life. It’ll be hard. I know it will. But I’ve no choice. It was always all about preservation and, just because I’ve got a taste for it, that hasn’t changed. Once I’ve obliterated my list, we can all get on with it. I’ll still have my little interests, my hobbies to keep me amused and, if that’s not enough, I’ve heard there’s places you can go where human life isn’t as valued as it is here. I can always go and explore that, if I need to get my kill thrill.

  I lie on the bed and try to not dwell on the forensic knowledge I’ve gained through all my research. Apparently, forensically speaking, hotel bedrooms are a cesspool of DNA from bodily fluids – yuck, doesn’t bear thinking about. Instead, I close my eyes and go over my plan for later on. Today’s another surveillance day. I’ll spend a few hours checking out my next target. I’ve got an address and, for now, that’s all I need. This one should be another easy one. The hard ones I’ve left for last.

  With the thump thump thump of the headboard from the next room banging against the wall, accompanied by exaggerated moans of faked orgasms, I pull my jeans zip down. It’s been a busy few days and I deserve a bit of me time – no reason I shouldn’t add to the forensic mix now, is there?

  Chapter 52

  Nikki had taken a moment to phone Marcus to update him on Shearer’s findings and to make sure he would be able to collect the kids and also move Enaya into her mum’s house. If everyone was together, keeping them safe would be more manageable. Then she hotfooted it back to Trafalgar House and brought Sajid up to speed about her PI’s findings.

  Although they’d been expecting this, a frown furrowed Saj’s forehead. ‘Even if he’s not part of the equation, that bastard needs to be brought in. I’m sure we’ll find something to detain him with. How’s your mum?’

  Nikki had briefly considered telling her mum. After all, she was parked just outside her house, but she just hadn’t been able to face it – not when she was still processing everything. Instead she’d copped out and asked Marcus if he’d do it. She wasn’t proud of herself, but she brushed that aside with a light, ‘Marcus is telling her.’

  ‘We need to let Archie and Springer know about this.’

  That was a no-brainer. Of course she’d have to let the team know so they could direct resources to finding out Downey’s whereabouts. However, although she hadn’t confided in Saj yet, she was sure police resources wouldn’t be able to run to round-the-clock protection for her family – and that’s where Ali came in. She trusted him implicitly. They’d been through a lot together over the years and if anyone could keep her family safe then it was Ali and his men.

  Her phone rang and before the first ring had ended, Nikki had answered. ‘You got them protection, Ali?’

  ‘Located everyone, Nikki. Marcus took the kids out of school and they’re altogether at home. Your mum, Anika and Haqib are at home too and Enaya is going to stay with your mum and Isaac for the time being. So, all your family, extended and immediate, are safe. I’ve put two men outside the front and another two positioned at the back for now and we’re looking for a safe house for you all. Have to say, Nik, with you all living in the same street it makes it easier to look out for you.’

  As she hung up, Nikki risked a glance in Saj’s direction, knowing he’d have been listening in to her side of the conversation. His face was set in a frown. ‘Ali? Really? You’ve got Ali to bring in some heavies to protect your family?’

  Nikki glowered and turned away. ‘Gotta do what I gotta do, Saj. You’d do the same if it was Langley at risk.’

  Exhaling, Saj nodded. ‘S’pose you’re right. But soon as they get back you tell Springer to arrange protection and call off Ali’s heavies.’

  Plucking at her new wristband, Nikki disagreed. ‘Us all living on the same street made us an easy target for Downey.’ She punched her leg. ‘I fucking made it easy for the bastard, Saj. If I’d wrapped them all up in a box and sent them to his house, I couldn’t have made it easier for him. I should have thought ahead. Should have realised that if I was keeping tabs on him, then the chances were that he was keeping tabs on us too. But, we both know that Springer’s budget won’t cover it. So, Ali’s my only option.’

  She stared blankly at her computer screen, trying to piece all the information they had together in her mind. She had to consider whether Downey would have killed Peggy Dyson and, if so, what was the link to Liam Flynn? Right now she couldn’t see one and didn’t want to start creating imaginary links that might skew her analysis of the facts. The other question was, who the hell was sending the anonymous letters?

  This was truly confusing. Perhaps the Liam Flynn letter was a red herring – but what could possibly be the purpose of that?

  She sighed. Liam Flynn’s murder was an anomaly. Bradford seemed to be the centre of it all and, although she really didn’t want to go down that route, Nikki feared that her family’s past was integral to this. All the more reason to get to the bottom of things before someone else ended up dead.

  Chapter 53

  It was nice having Enaya and Isaac in her home, but the presence of the young lads outside her back door made Lalita both nervous and annoyed. Marcus had tried to keep her calm, tried to tell her it was nothing to worry about. But that was all platitudes. Of course there was something to worry about – she knew that only too well. Why the hell else would Nikita have holed them all up in one place with bodyguards outside both front and back? But what was worse was that, by putting her under guard, Nikita had scuppered Lalita’s plans and now, she not only had Isaac under her roof, she also had Enaya. How was she going to put an end to this once and for all with so many people around?

  Soon after Marcus had told Anika what was going on, her youngest daughter had also descended on her and now she paced round the kitchen moaning about Nikita’s high-handedness. Lalita’s head throbbed and her nerves were frazzled. She’d already cut herself once when chopping onions and now sported a bright blue Band-Aid on her finger. Usually able to tune out Anika’s whinging, she found that today it irritated her beyond measure. And for once, Lalita could see her younger daughter’s point. It was irresponsible for Nikita to disappear, leaving them grounded without a proper explanation.

  ‘She makes me mad, Mum. Really damn mad. I’ve got Haqib moaning on at home about Marcus telling him he’s to stay in, but not telling us why. She’s such a control freak. It’ll be her bloody job that’s got us in this mess – making us targets and meanwhile she’s not even here.’

  Torn between contributing her own tuppence worth to the bitching, or pacifying the already strained relationship between her daughters, Lalita did what she always did in times of stress and started to pile more ingredients on the table and work surfaces. Anika’s birthday tea was not going to be the nice time she’d hoped for, but at least nobody would go hungry.

  ‘She left me a stupid cake too. If she thinks a cake with a couple of Ninja Turtles on it and a single Rolo are going to win me round, then she’s got another thing coming. It’s not like we’re kids anymore.’

  ‘Aw, Anika. You’re too harsh on her. It’s sweet. You two were always role-playing those turtles when you were little.’

  Anika tutted, clearly not impressed, but at least for now she was quiet, lost in her own thoughts, which left Lalita free to indulge in her own. The note left on her car windscreen preyed on her mind and she now wished she’d spoken to Nikita about it. ‘Look, Nikita just wants to keep us safe. We should be grateful.’

  Anika spat out a loud hmph. ‘Oh yeah. Saint bloody Nikki looking after us all. When’s she going to realise that we’re adults? That we don’t need her protecting us all the time?’

  She peered out the kitchen window at the car parked beneath it
in which two burly men were sitting, the strains of Bradford Asian Radio tunes drifting through the slightly open window. ‘What’s she up to, Mum? This is all very dodgy. Not like she’s got police officers keeping an eye out. Those are Ali’s taxi drivers. That’s not official, you know?’

  Lalita had hoped that Anika would be too self-absorbed to comment on the fact that Nikki hadn’t arranged police protection. Relationships between the siblings were already strained without Anika having more ammunition to use. It wasn’t that Lalita didn’t sympathise with her younger daughter. On the contrary, she was well aware of how difficult Anika was finding things since her lover had been imprisoned earlier in the year. Lalita hadn’t liked Yousaf. He had been bad for Anika and, as it turned out, an evil bastard into the bargain. Still, Anika was grieving and angry and all her anxieties were finding an outlet – someone to blame: Nikita. Every emotion was poured out in a torrent of hatred and anger on Nikita’s shoulders. Lalita had tried to smooth things over, but it had been too early. Anika needed to vent and process everything before she could make her peace with her sister. ‘Look, Anika. Your sister always does the best she can for us. If she’s decided that we need Ali’s friends to protect us, then that’s what we need. When she comes home, she’ll explain everything to us, okay?’

  Flouncing over to the table, Anika pulled out a chair and flopped onto it, exhaling loudly as she did so. Enaya, whom Lalita had settled in her second spare room, came in and looked at the packets of gram flour, spices and vegetables on the table. Seemingly unaware of the tension in the room, she said with a bright voice. ‘Great, I’m in the mood for a cooking lesson, Lalita. Can’t wait to learn some of your Gujarati recipes.’ She poked her head back out the door and yelled upstairs. ‘Isaac, come on. Lally Mum’s going to teach us some recipes.’


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