Game of Fear Bundle: Rough Alien Medical BDSM

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Game of Fear Bundle: Rough Alien Medical BDSM Page 4

by Claudia Balvenie

  But it's getting harder. The last fear was cold, so very cold. I was drowning in him. I just couldn't get warm. I was still covered in his gelatinous juices, they'd caked and dried all over my body. And I was shivering.

  I glanced to that seamless cuff that was attached to my wrist. It blinked a strange red light. I knew, at any moment I could press that red button and end this. My fears would not kill me. Any pain or horror I felt would end. I would suddenly be back in my apartment, with a nice mound of gold to see me through. But that's how they get you, isn't it? A hundred times the amount I already had. It was the difference between being comfortable and “fuck you money.” So I was going to do it. Whatever it was.

  A sound made me raise my head. A crack had appeared in that seamless wall, growing larger until there was a door. A wan smile crossed my lips. Guess that's how they'd gotten me in here. I stood, wrapping the blanket even tighter against my body, clothed only in the tattered rags left over from my last fear. I stepped through into a long, white hallway. Lights turned on above me as I stepped forward, illuminating on the area I was in. As I kept walking, the lights behind me turned off. I was being herded somewhere. But there were no doors that I could see, no ending to the hallway. I could already feel the fear grasping at my throat.

  Finally there was a soft sound to my left. A door opened, the same strange way the last one did. I entered the tiny, round room. Above me there was a single circular light. Multiple cameras were pointed down at me, recording my every movement. The door sealed behind me, leaving no hint that it had ever been there.

  Three holes appeared at around eye level. There was something inside, something odd. Metallic. It had a smooth, round head, with a glowing yellow light at the end. The first one snaked out of the hole, moving of its own accord. I took a step back only to run into a second one behind me. It nudged me forward, back towards the first that hovered above me. Its one blinking eye stared into my face.

  The third snaked forward, shoving its way under my blanket. It began to tug away, but I gripped the blanket even harder. Didn't the person controlling these robotic probes know what I'd been through? I was so very cold. I needed this warmth. But the metal tentacles didn't care. The one behind me shoved it's way under the blanket as well, helping the first one to pry it from my fingertips. They tossed it to the ground. I bent to pick it up, only to be smacked in the rear by the one behind me. The one that hovered in front slowly shook from side to side, as if to tell me “no.”

  I tried to warm myself with my hands, running them up and down my arms. The probes were slipping under the tatters of my clothing, ripping it the rest of the way away. I tried to cover myself, but it didn't matter. They'd seen. They'd filmed. There was no modesty here.

  The light at the head of the probe intensified. They were scanning me. The one at my face moved downward, the light covering my body. The other two echoed the action, until they'd covered every inch.

  I was starting to think they were medical, and were trying to make certain I had come through the last game intact. That is, until they each began to wrap around my body. One began at my knee, wrapping over and over up my thigh. A second started at my waist, wrapping upwards, squeezing my breath away. A third wrapped around my neck.

  And that's when the warmth began. Each was slowly heating up, chasing the chill from my body. They vibrated, a not unpleasant sensation. Even with the tightness of their wrapping. Each head hovered in front of my body, their yellow glowing eyes watching.

  That's when I noticed their strange positioning. One hovered above my lips. Further down, another hovered over my heavy, nude breasts. Further down the third poised threateningly above my tight hole. Surely it was a coincidence. Surely.

  Suddenly the glow switched from yellow to red. The probe exploded in my face.

  I shrieked, which made it no better. The juice that emanated from the metallic tentacle poured down my throat, and I had to turn my head to keep from choking. The other two were spraying as well, coating my breasts and shooting deep inside my hole. The probe at my face chased me, keeping spraying directly in my face, despite how I turned.

  That's when I tasted it. Water?

  This was some kind of bizarre alien shower! Seriously, what the Hell? I didn't need to be pinned down while I took a shower!

  Then again... I was getting warmer. I was starting to regain my energy. The probes moved my body around, turning me from side to side, trying to spray that hot, pressured water over every inch of my form. The goo slid away, rushing down a drain. I was getting clean. One of the probes pulled apart my lower lips, spraying directly inside. A soft moan escaped my lips then.

  And so I began to relax. I let the robotic tendrils do as they would. When that probe forced its way deep inside me, I just closed my eyes. I lost myself to the sensation. The mild vibrations intensified. I was starting to feel good, so very good. When the second one began to spray inside my rear, I lost myself. I felt my juices release, coating the invading probe.

  The three probes turned off their spray then, the red lights switching off. They were wound back into the wall, sinking into the holes and closing over completely. I was once more in a solid, circular room, only this time I was dripping wet.

  Then air was pumped in from all directions, warm, rough air, drying my skin. It reminded me of a car wash, it was so brutal, buffeting my body. But still it was warm. That was worth everything to me. The touch of that ghostly creature was becoming only a memory.

  Finally dry, the door opened once more.


  I was led even further down the hallway. This time I was warm even though I was nude. I noticed the small cameras above, broadcasting every action I made. What would be my next fear to conquer? Clearly it wasn't the probes. That had been rather enjoyable.

  Another room opened before me, but the lights stopped this time in the hallway. This was a large room, dark. A spotlight suddenly turned on, revealing a strange chair in the middle of it. It reminded me of a dentist chair. I frowned. It was the only thing I could see in the room.

  The hallway was plunged into darkness. I knew what they wanted. I took a deep breath and stepped inside, slowly walking towards the chair.

  Closer now, the chair was no less frightening. What can I say, I've had my share of unfortunate trips to the dentist. It didn't matter. I wanted the money. I slid into the chair, my legs propped up in front of me and my arms on either hand rest.

  Faster than I could pull away, cuffs slid out of the chair itself and over my wrists. They tightened expertly, so that I had a bit of room to maneuver, but no way to pull myself free. I struggled, of course. You can't not try them out when restraints are put on your wrists. And while I was distracted with these, two more slipped around my ankles, pinning them to the chair as well.

  The light overhead was so bright that I couldn't see anything outside of the small circle which contained the chair. Was I alone? Who was doing this to me? Was this part of the game or something else?

  “Hello?” I called out. No answer, of course. I tried again. OK, I knew that they were watching, the cameras were still rolling. They wanted to see me afraid. Well, I was nude and restrained to a dental chair. There was some fear beginning to creep in.

  “Please?” I called out to the darkness. “Please is anyone here?” I began to struggle against the restraints, only causing them to grow tighter. The terror rose. Sweat beaded on my brow. How long had I been in this chair? How long had I been off world? Everything was getting more and more confused. I heard screaming and it took a moment to realize I was the one making the noise.

  “Quiet...” A deep voice commanded from the shadows. I was so startled that I clamped my mouth together. Heavy footsteps echoed through the room, each footfall bringing the owner of the voice closer to me. The room trembled slightly with each step, or was that just me?

  He stopped, just outside the circle of light. I could only make out an outline of his form, but even that was enough to gasp. He was huge, perhap
s eight and a half feet tall. He walked the perimeter of the light, a deep possessive chuckle following in his wake. He was inspecting me, like a prize.

  Finally, he stepped forward into the light, towering over me. And yet, it wasn't the alieness of his size that surprised me. It was instead how much he looked like one of us. How human he appeared, not only in physical characteristics, but in dress. He wore what looked like.. scrubs? He had a surgical mask over his face, one that you could get at any corner drug store. Why?

  He pressed a button on the side of my chair, and a drawer slid out. He reached inside, grabbing a pair of rubber gloves. He put the first one on with a snap, his eyes, a strange purple color, staring down at me.

  “Your restraint requires a secondary game abandonment method. You recall your 'safe word'?” He slid the second glove on with another snap.

  I nodded. We both knew I wouldn't use the word, but it was good to have it.

  “Excellent.” He bent over to the drawer and emerged with a long needle. I immediately went rigid. Of course I was scared of shots. He tapped it twice with his gloved hand and pressed down on the plunger. Liquid flew from the top in a thin stream. His dark purple eyes sparkled with mirth. “Then you won't mind a bit of medication.”

  “I...” I started, thinking to protest. I started to struggle against my restraints as he brought the needle slowly down towards me. I backed away as best as I could, still bound my wrists and ankle.

  That's when the other bindings appeared. One slipped over my waist, one under my breasts. One especially scary one went right over my neck. Two more slid over my knees, and finally another pair held down my elbows. My breath quickened.

  Normally I liked bondage. Normally I wanted this, to be frightened, and then to be used sexually. That's my kink, what can I say? But this? What was in that needle? Should I call out for him to stop? I was pinned down, I couldn't move, I had only my voice to save me. I should stop him. But the prize was worth too much.

  “Do it.” I said, gritting my teeth and turning away.

  He laughed again at my predicament. He pressed the needle against my arm.

  “This will sting,” he promised.

  True to his word, it hurt. Moments later, my world went black.


  I felt good. Peaceful. Relaxed. My body was warm. Nothing could hurt me.

  It wasn't just that. I felt aroused. Excited. My body was moist. A moan escaped my lips.

  I tried to open my eyes, but it was dark. I felt heavy. I couldn't quite claw myself free of sleep. But why would I? Here, in this dream state, everything felt so good. I was tingling with arousal.

  Something was working between my legs. Something was teasing my clit, running small circles around it. It would dip inside of my hole, and back out again to keep up the ministrations.

  My juices were flowing freely, I could feel them dripping down my rear. My legs were spread wide, and whatever was making me feel so good had access to every part of my most secret areas. It kept going, exploring and tasting. But when it began to suck, I lost control.

  A tremble ran through my body, from neck all the way to toes. I shuddered. I couldn't hear, I couldn't see, I couldn't breathe with the force of the orgasm. My back buckled, and I tried to rise off the bed, only to discover I was still pinned down.

  The feeling of the restraints brought me back to reality. I raised my head as best as I could, my neck still held fast. The chair had changed, leaning back, my legs separated and pushed upward like they were in stirrups. There, between my legs, was the doctor. His cruel eyes were watching my reaction.

  Then he pulled away and I had my first glance of his mouth. I went from ultimate pleasure to sheer terror in one instant. The mouth ran from ear to ear, filled with a double row of sharp pointed teeth. His thin lips stretched it back in a malevolent smile. A thick, forked tongue darted between the teeth, showing me exactly what had been between my legs. I screamed again, my eyes widened in fear.

  He was enjoying my fear. He reached into the drawer and grabbed a test tube. He lay it between my legs, scooping up my juices into it. Then he capped it and set it on a nearby table that I'd not seen before. There were several other red vials there. He'd taken my blood.

  “Why?” I asked him. “Why are you doing this to me?”

  “Your kind is rare...” He chuckled. “Especially such a fine specimen as you.”

  He hit a button on the side of the chair. Suddenly, snaking before me were probes nearly identical to the ones in the shower. They lined up above me, each eye glowing yellow. I shivered.

  “But why? Why are you wearing human clothing?”

  The probes wiggled above me, their eyes once again turning red. They seemed almost angry. My body tightened again, half in fear, half in anticipation.

  “Perhaps I wished to appear less alien for you?”

  I shook my head. That didn't make sense. How would this fear translate to an alien audience? What kind of suck fucks watched this sort of reality TV?

  OK, I guess I would. If I knew the girl really had a way to leave, I would watch it. Watching the most evil of villains taking and using a woman's tender flesh? OK yeah. Hell, I'd gotten off more than once, and I was the one living it. But I just couldn't see any human network letting this on air.

  One of the probes moved between my legs, followed quickly by a second one. The third began to nuzzle my face, slowly running its way around my lips.

  “How does your audience understand this fear? When have they seen a surgeon like this? I just don't understand?”

  Both probes between my legs shoved themselves inside, hard. My mouth opened to shriek, and was suddenly full of the third probe. I was drowning in that hard, metallic, malleable tentacle as it shoved it's uncaring way down my throat, past my esophagus, deeper and deeper.

  The two that had shoved in below were no kinder. They robotically slithered their way deeper, exploring my holes, both the dark and the light.

  “Foolish human female...” The doctor said, followed by cruel laughter. “You still think you're on a game show?”

  My eyes widened. I wasn't on a show? What the fuck? I began to struggle again, against the many restraints. But I was pinned down tightly. There was no escape. My words were garbled as I tried to speak around the probe that had invaded my throat.

  All three of the probes began to vibrate and warm, having gone as deep as they could go. One was no doubt all the way in my womb. My eyes were wild as I looked down. I could see the same scanning that they'd done to my outside as they did it from inside. What where they looking for?

  As one the three started to pump. In and out they moved, shoving deep inside my body, but never pulling fully out, no, they were each too deep for that. They kept the warmth, kept the vibration, but increased the speed in which they were moving. They increased the stride. Long strokes of the probes kept shoving deep inside my tender flesh, parting it, using it. And for what? What was it all for?

  A soft moan turned my attention back to the doctor. He'd split the lab coat and was reaching inside. What he pulled free was a monstrosity. It was fatter than my thigh, perhaps as long. It was a strange gray color, with odd spots that covered it, though the head was just like a humans. A sickly gray liquid leaked out of the top. I could only assume it was precum. He let it fall against my breasts with a thud.

  Between my legs the one that had been pumping in and out was widening. It was stretching me, growing larger with each thrust. And I began to understand. He was preparing me for his massive dick.

  He stroked one of his latex gloved fingers along his massive cock, while a second one explored my body. He ran his fingertips along my breasts, tracing them, running his palms over my nipples until they grew hard. Then he pinched them, laughing at my discomfort. Every second I was still getting triple thrusted, the rhythm of the probes growing faster and faster, my pussy being stretched wider and wider.

  Finally the one inside my hole yanked itself out, though the other two kept thrusti
ng in my throat and my ass. It slowly trickled up my body, running my juices along my form. Finally that angry red light poised itself above my eyes, as if it were watching me. It was truly huge, more than three times the size of the other probes. Still it was no match for the doctor's prick.

  The doctor moved between my legs, stroking himself as he did. He flopped that huge monster against my mound so I could feel the girth.

  “Already pregnant with two different alien species...” He began, shaking his head. “Why not make it three?”

  I tried to protest, to shake my head, to do anything. I was helpless. Unless I said my safety word, there was nothing I could do. I was completely under the doctor's control. He positioned that tremendous head at my dripping hole. With one hard thrust, he had shoved the head inside, ripping a shriek from me and a growl from him.


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