Make Me

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Make Me Page 7

by Amanda Heath

  Kellan is actually really quiet and thoughtful. He takes stock of a situation before he gives his opinion or before he even says anything. He’s very insightful. Both him and Brody still crash on my couch after parties, but they haven’t brought Channing since that first night. During one of these nights, Kellan was sick in the bathroom and he told me he’s been in love with Rachel since the first grade. I asked why he didn’t make a move, and he told me he’s good friends with Royal and that would be screwed up.

  Grandma and Papaw make me eat dinner with them every night now. Though I compromised and got them to let me cook two nights a week. They’ve enjoyed that. Grandma likes to take me shopping on Saturdays and I hate it. I thought at first she really gave a crap about me, but when I start talking, I’ve noticed she looks bored. She always wants to talk about herself. I’m starting to think the woman I met that first week was a fluke.

  Papaw, I found, likes cars as much as I do. He knows way more than me, and has been teaching me on Sundays. It’s really fun and I’m learning so many new things. One Sunday he took me fishing, and I enjoyed that as well. Hooking a worm on a hook was weird, but you get used to it. I won’t touch a fish and every time I catch one, I make Papaw turn it loose. I’ve got plenty to eat, so there’s no need to kill an innocent fish.

  I’ve also found if I ignore Pierce and his groupies, then they ignore me. Annabella talks to me some, but never about anything. She told me a few days ago that I make Spanish not boring. Apparently Pierce’s girlfriend and her friends are dumb and no fun. Though sometimes we make fun of them, and giggle during class. This pisses Pierce off, but not because we are making fun of his girlfriend. I’ve noticed the past five weeks that he has something for Annabella. His eyes follow her everywhere. I’ve even seen him in the hallways about to punch a guy for hitting on her. Rach says it’s because she’s Pierce’s older brother’s girlfriend. I don’t think it is.

  I thought I didn’t want Channing. And I thought I could go the rest of my life without knowing anything about him, but things have changed over the past weeks. Five weeks to be exact. I don’t even know when it snuck up on me. It was like one day I hated him and then next I still hated him, but now I want to jump his bones. Which is really weird. I don’t like the way it makes me feel. I can really tell I’ve never been turned on before, because there is nothing like this. Nothing at all.

  I’ll start from the beginning. The first week till the third week, nothing happened, which was fine with me. I had pretty much written him off, he didn’t matter, but then I learned a few things. Or he showed me a few things.

  Get your mind out of the gutter, because it wasn’t like that. I still don’t know what he was doing here. It had to have been ten o’clock or later. I was swimming, which I liked to do late at night. It honestly helps me sleep. Tires me out. So yeah, I’m doing laps, enjoying the water, when Maggie lets out a happy bark. Maggie has two barks, happy and dangerous. So I figured it was Kellan or Brody. Even my grandparents. When I popped out of the water though, it was Channing. I was at the deep end, pulling my goggles off and he at the shallow end, just standing there. “What do you want?” I asked timidly.

  Most of the time I had been around him, other people were there. I didn’t feel threatened because no one would let him do anything to me. Tonight, though, it was only us and Maggie and she didn’t seem to be inclined to bite off his leg.

  He didn’t answer me, and I was starting to get weirded out. He was just standing there with this hooded look. His face blank but those eyes, oh those eyes, they told a different story. That’s when things started to change between us. I didn’t know him, I didn’t want to know him, but I kind of wanted him.

  “Can I help you?” I finally snapped, uncomfortable with the way he was looking at me.

  “Do you want Royal?” he asks, softly, so softly I almost didn’t catch it.

  Caught off guard by his blunt question, I snapped out, “No, I do not want Royal. If I wanted Royal I would have him, considering he asks me out everyday.” I shook my head, exasperated. I will never understand boys. They say girls don’t know what they want. Well honey, boys don’t know what they want either.

  He looked shocked for a moment, and then his face went blank again. “You aren’t like most girls,” he told me, putting his hands into his pockets. His black shirt stretched across his chest, forming around his pectorals. His dark wash jeans hung off his hips and that’s when I noticed he wasn’t wearing any shoes. His toes are well taken care off, which isn’t something I would expect on a teenage boy.

  “You’re not like most guys,” I blurted out. He’s been kind of making me nervous to tell you the truth. Yeah I’d known him but I didn’t know him. And anything he had ever said to me was mean, or degrading.

  He raised an eyebrow and let out a chuckle. I think the chuckle is what got me. I wasn’t expecting it to be real. He meant that chuckle, I just don’t know if he meant for me to hear it. “No, I’m not.”

  I was starting to turn into a prune, so I slowly climbed my way out of the pool. Of course I was wearing a bikini, so I wished someone had shot me right then. The October air was chilly, so my nipples pebbled and I felt totally uncomfortable.

  I tried not to look at Channing, but like most of the times I’ve known him, I could feel his eyes on me. “What?” I snarled, losing my patience fast in the cold and his searing gaze.

  He walked over to me, his stride sure-footed and graceful. Hell even the way he walks is sexy. Jesus, what is wrong with me. He stopped about a foot away and I noticed his eyes were on my face, not my erect nipples. “Try to hold your breath longer during the free style. You’ll move faster and get a better workout.”

  “Huh?” I stammered out, flabbergasted.

  He chuckled again, this time moving even closer, “I’ve been on the swim team since I was six years old.” He paused, and the look in his eyes made me think he wasn’t sure about the next words. “I shouldn’t have watched you, I’m sorry.”

  My right eyebrow rose of its on accord. “Did you just apologize about something?” I asked him.

  He eyes went from pleasant to hostile in five seconds. I should have just shut up and walked away. “Yeah. You don’t have to be a bitch about it.”

  Then I narrowed my eyes, “You shouldn’t have been watching me like some creepy stalker,” I spat out finally reaching for my towel.

  I guess he thought I was getting away because he grabbed me around my waist. The second his hands touched me I sucked in a huge breath. Fire exploded through out my body. And when I say fire I mean inferno, the good kind of inferno. I think I finally knew what the hell everyone was going on about. “You shouldn’t have been out here in an itty bitty bikini. Guys get ideas about that you know. Anything could have happened.”

  I don’t know what came over me but I slapped him. He did kind of imply he was going to rape me. “You can leave the same way you came.” I started to walk away but I quickly stopped and met his eyes. “I suggest you stick to your own threat and stay away from me.”

  He griped my hip tighter. Don’t worry, the fire was still dancing through my blood but it turned to a mix of lust and anger. Never a good combination. He moved to right in front of me. We were touching, chest to chest. My nipples scraped against his chest, every time I took a breath, and since I was pretty much panting, that was a lot of scraping. He lowered his face down to mine, our lips almost touching when he said, “I will, no worries there, Paisley.” He said my name like a curse, but it still sent chills down my spine. “Just remember what you feel like right now. And when it tortures you later, think about me, with you. What we could do with each other.” He backed away from me, never breaking eye contact. His words made my skin erupt into goose flesh and a shiver raced under my skin. Then he ruined it, “Because I sure won’t.”

  Then he was gone.

  Chapter 11

  AFTER THE NIGHT by the pool, I stayed as far away from Channing as humanly possible. I don’t make eye contact, a
nd if he moves close to me, I step away. I don’t want him to think I’m harboring romantic ideas about him. Which I am, but not the kind you think. I want to see what he looks like without any of his clothes. I want to see his face while he’s having sex. Yes, I do realize this is weird, but let me explain.

  Channing has two faces. Blank and angry. I’ve only seen him smirk and laugh around me. At school that stupid face is blank or angry, and it usually appears angry when Royal flirts with me. Which he does a lot.

  I want to see Channing in the throes of passion, simply because I want to see him feel. I’m sure that he does feel, but he doesn’t show it. I’ve only had sex once, but I know it was hard as shit to keep the look of pain and discomfort off my face.

  Today though, I’m stuck going to a party. I don’t even know how I got talked into it. Mostly because it’s at my house. Not my guesthouse but the grandparent’s house. They went out of town last night on vacation. It’s Grandmas birthday weekend, so they took a trip up to Florida. They are taking BeeBee to Disney World. Apparently it’s a tradition to take the grandkids to Disney. They wanted to take me, but I refused to go. I’d rather not get groped by some creepy man in a Mickey Mouse costume.

  I told Kellan I wasn’t going to come out of my guesthouse, but he said he would evict me with force, if it comes down to it. I just rolled my eyes and told him fine.

  Sometimes I’m not very good at explaining things, so just to let you know, Kellan and Brody do not live at Grandmas. They both live in separate homes with their families. But since their parents are going to be home, they have to throw it at my house. Yippee!

  This is how I have found myself in my bedroom, putting on a stupid dress. I like my jeans. Rachel is here though, and threatened with bodily harm if I wore anything but a dress. I explained I didn’t even want to go, but she insisted, with an evil gleam in her eyes.

  The dress, I have to admit, is actually pretty awesome. Its strapless with a heart shaped bodice. It’s green and matches my eyes perfectly. My hair looks redder than it actually is, which I find amazing. Green happens to be my favorite color, so I’m pretty lucky green looks really good on me.

  My hair is down and crazy. I usually wear it up. It’s so damn long I really don’t like to mess with it. Rachel tells me it’s gorgeous hair and I should wear it down more often. The curls bounce when I move, and being rich means I have enough money to find hair products that actually get rid of the frizz. I honestly don’t think my hair has ever looked this good.

  My make-up is heavy on my eyes, but simple everywhere else. Even my lip-gloss is clear. I have a matching pair of green heels, but they’re only three inches. I’m not even going to attempt the six inches Rachel prefers.

  Rachel looks stunning. Her dress is a pale pink and ties around her neck. The back is low cut and her ass looks amazing. She also has on matching pink heels. Her makeup is heavier than mine, but it doesn’t look like too much.

  “Can we get this over with?” I whine, walking out of my bedroom.

  She looks up from her cell phone and her mouth drops open. “Jesus, you are going to give Channing a heart attack,” she tells me, walking over to inspect me closer.

  “Why are you always worried about what Channing thinks of me?” I question raising my eyebrows and putting my hands on my hips.

  She smirks before fluffing up my skirt. “I know you think he hates you, and he might, because hey, he’s a dude. But you forget that I’m twin sisters to his best friend.” She walks over to the coffee table where she left her purse before she finishes. “I’ve heard them talking.” She pauses for emphasis. “About you.”

  I scrunch my eyes up and drop my hands, “Huh?” Does it seem like I say that a lot? I do, especially around these people. They all talk in code and whispers.

  She laughs before linking her elbow with mine. “It was a few weeks ago. Channing showed up late one night, seriously pissed off. I didn’t even know he was there until I was almost upon them.” She opens the front door and ushers me outside. “Channing was ranting about you. He said something about you looking hot in your bikini, and that if he didn’t hate you so much, he would have thrown you down on one of the lounges chairs.”

  I gasp, stopping in shock. “He really said that? You’re not pulling my leg?”

  She laughs again, tugging me onward. “No seriously he said that. Royal told him to go for it, but Channing stated he couldn’t. Royal asked him why the hell not, and he replied that you get under his skin and he’d more than likely strangle you.”

  Me? I get under Mr. Channing Southerland’s skin? Please.

  “I don’t believe a word of that. The night he was talking about, he showed up out of nowhere, was watching me swimming. I got out and he proceeded to put me in my place.”

  We finally make it to the kitchen door. I can already feel the heavy bass from the inside. “You get under his skin, Paisley. No one gets under his skin. The guy is a fucking robot. He doesn’t care about anyone, save for Royal, his step-father, and his grandmother.” She stops me and meets my eyes. “He has to care what you think, if he said you get under his skin.”

  I just shrug my shoulders, done with this conversation. I’ve had a talk with Kellan about Rachel. She tends to get drunk within the first ten minutes and does her own thing. She won’t be worried about me in a little bit.

  She just rolls her eyes and lets us into the house. I’m immediately grabbed up in a bear hug, and then thrown over someone’s shoulder. I recognize the brown head as Kellan. “Kellan put me down. You’re going to show everyone my panties!” I yelp, slamming my hands into his broad back.

  “Not until we get you something to drink!” he hollers, taking off in a run, bouncing me up and down on his shoulder.

  “Kellan! Put little cuz down! You’re going to make her sick before she even gets a drink!” Brody yells from across the crowded room. There are people everywhere. I know most of them from school, but a lot of them I have no idea about.

  I’m finally set down beside Brody, who has Lola tucked into his side. She looks amazing in a white dress, that hits mid thigh. At least mine is an inch from my knees. Natasha and Jasmine stand on her other side, but their dresses are yellow and gold.

  Kellan hands me a red solo cup. I’m about to turn him down when my eyes meet a pair of sexy smoky blues. I nearly groan, and not from passion. I wonder if he’ll keep his distance tonight, or if he’ll pull something. He tends to always take me by surprise.

  His face is blank, of course, but those eyes tell a different story. I feel my face flush from those eyes. My entire body erupts in flames, the kind where you want to rip all your clothes off and hump someone. My breasts swell a little and there’s tingling in my thighs. I quickly take a gulp from my glass, ignoring the horrible taste. I need to calm my body down.

  I turn away before I can check him out. From the look his eyes, I really don’t want to egg him on. And I don’t want to egg my hormones on by checking him out. That boy knows how to fill out a shirt and a pair of jeans.

  “Paisley!” Rachel yells finding her way to me.

  “What?” I shout back, then sipping some more of my beer.

  She stops in front of me, her eyes a little glazed. “Why are you drinking beer! You need some shots!” She grabs my hand and pulls me over to the bar. “Royal! Make my girl here some tequila shots!”

  He smirks at me, taking in my outfit with his eyes. I can’t see his lower half but he looks good in his black dress shirt. How am I just realizing these people dress formally to get drunk? Doesn’t that seem stupid?

  Royal looks over my head slightly and his smirk gets even bigger. I don’t turn around to see what he’s looking at. I’m pretty sure I know what or who it is. “Tequila shots for the pretty lady,” he says softly, crooking his finger at me. I’m starting to feel my beer, so I go bold and walk sexily over to him. Then I give him a wink. He motions me even closer, then he whispers in my ear. “You better watch what you do tonight or you might end up in someon
e’s bed.”

  I pull back and looked confused. He knows I’m not serious and that I don’t take his flirting seriously. He waits until I meet his eyes again before pointedly looking over my shoulder. I turn before I can stop myself and meet those smoky eyes again. This time I can’t help it when I see his form fitting grey dress shirt. His slacks strain against his thighs and I can’t help the groan that passes my lips. My entire body is tingling now, and I want to rush over and devour him. His hair is even messier then usual, like someone just got done running her fingers through it. He’s freaking perfect in the looks department. I just wish he were perfect in the attitude department.

  I finally take in the way he’s looking at me. His eyes blaze, making the inferno in me blaze even brighter. My breathing starts to hitch and I have to clinch my thighs together before I run over there and kiss him.

  Alcohol and my hormones do not mix.

  I turn back towards Royal and look him in the eyes. “I think I’m in trouble.”

  His smirk softens into a smile. “Oh honey, you’re in a world of trouble.”

  That doesn’t sound good.

  Too bad I don’t really care.

  Chapter 12

  I’VE BEEN AT this party for three hours, and I’m freaking drunk. Not falling down drunk, but dancing my ass off and a little dizzy drunk. My limbs and lips are numb and I keep wondering why this is so fun. I’ve only been drunk one other time, and you remember what happened that night. Hopefully I don’t throw up this time.

  I’ve been in the living room dancing for the last hour. Every once in a while Rachel will show up with a shot, but then she’ll disappear again. She is also wasted but not sick, yet. I think she might be getting there. She was slurring her words the last time she came around.


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