An Angel All His Own (The Gifted Realm Book 5)

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An Angel All His Own (The Gifted Realm Book 5) Page 10

by Jillian Neal

  Vindico smiled as he nodded.

  “It’s complicated.”

  “Ya know, boy, it ain’t so complicated as you young folk like to make it. And let me tell ya why,” Sam explained as he lowered the trunk gingerly. “Ya get yoself up in the morning and you kiss her and you tell her you love her, and you decide that she gone be your one and only all day and all night. Then the next morning ya do the same thing an’ ya just don’ stop.”

  Vindico furrowed his brow as he considered the advice.

  “Now,” Sam chided as he moved back to the driver’s side and cranked Fionna’s car. “You tell Miss Amazing girlfriend that she gon’ hafta bring this to see me if she want it to go when she wants to go.” He showed Vindico that the top opened and closed with the push of a button again.

  “Thanks, I will.” Vindico looked thoroughly impressed with Sam’s work. As Sam began wiping his hands on an old rag, he leaned against his GTO, which Vindico visibly admired.

  “Now, Mr. Dan Vindico, what is it that we gon’ drive? Cause you look to me like a guy who ‘bout ready to trade in his bike built fo’ one and Miss Amazing Girlfriend’s car built fo’ one and a quarter into a sweet ride that ya can put one hand on the steering wheel and one hand cross her shoulders without ya arm hanging out the window.”

  Vindico considered. He glanced towards Rainer’s Boxster.

  “I’m not trading in my bike.”

  Sam shot Rainer a goading grin. “Uh huh, dat’s what they all say. They gotta keep whatever it is that cranks and rattles real nice for ‘em ‘cause they need it case she starts rattling real loud. But ya see, boy, women ain’t so different from cars. You tell ‘em how pretty ‘dey are, ya show you gon’ take care of ’em, tell ‘em you love ‘em, rub ‘em just the right way and occasionally you lube all the right things, make sure her tank’s full, she won’t rattle on ya.”

  Rainer cracked up as Vindico shook his head and tried hard not to blush. Sam chuckled as he gestured to the Solstice. “Let me tell ya, Big Man, that engine’s shot, son. She don’ need to drive it. So, why don’ you and Miss America come back and see me. We’ll see what we can put ya in that might make you smile and make her eyes dance just the way you like,” Sam instructed with a knowing smile, as Vindico began to understand the depth of wisdom standing before him.

  “Em loves her Hummer,” Rainer commented, though he was still enjoying the show that was taking place before his eyes.

  “She loves this car,” Vindico lamented.

  Sam chuckled. “Yeah, well I happen to know this kid, great guy, little cocky, occasionally wan’ ta save the world but t’aint nothing wrong with that, I ‘spose. He’s all right far as I’m concerned. Had a sweet ’65 Mustang rebuilt by the finest mechanic on the East coast.” He strutted and waved his hands in the air as Vindico and Rainer laughed. “But life happens, and one day his sweet thing call me up, ‘hey Sam let’s get my pookie a Porsche Boxster,’ and you know he don’ look too sad to me no more.” Sam put his hand on the scruff of Rainer’s neck and shook him slightly before slapping his back.

  “She did not call me ‘pookie’,” Rainer shuddered and brought on another round of laughter.

  “I’m kinda swamped this week. Do you think I could bring Fionna out here next week to see what you suggest? And I need for no one else to see us here.” That information concerned Sam momentarily but he spun to Rainer.

  “Wha’s my rule, Rain man?”

  “If you’re bringing a pretty girl with you, then you can come anytime you want.”

  “And where is yo’ pretty girl, Rain man?” Sam wiped the hood of the Solstice with a rag.

  “She’s at her parents’, watching the twins while her mom rests. I think they’re making Christmas ornaments. She was thinking about going to Fionna’s. They’re good friends.” Rainer gestured to Vindico and began wondering what Emily was doing and wishing he was with her. She was still a mess over the attempted Angels takeover.

  “And how is Mama Haydenshire doin’?”

  “She’s been put on bed rest. They’re letting her be up and around some, but the baby’s scans still aren’t showing that she’s Gifted, and Adeline’s pretty sure there are other things wrong. We’ll see in a few months, I guess.”

  Sam sighed. “Baby’s don’ need be Gifted; they need to be loved. I knows all those Haydenshires gon’ love her, so all’s gon’ be well.”

  Rainer certainly hoped Sam was right.

  “But, yes, Mr. Vindico, you welcome to bring yo’self and yo’ sweet thing out here. Jus’ call let me know cuz I try to see if I got something she might like as much as she like you.”

  “Thanks, I really appreciate your help.”

  “We better get back, Sam. Thanks,” Rainer shook Sam’s hand.

  “Ya tell Miss Emily, Sam say ‘hello’ and to keep you in line.”

  “I will.”

  “Thanks again for everything.” Vindico’s vow made Rainer wonder if he was only pleased with the work on the car or if he was thankful for the advice as well.

  “Wan’ me to get my crowbar get you back in there, son?” Sam gestured to the Solstice. Vindico pulled out his checkbook.

  “Actually, would you mind if I left it here? I don’t want her driving it, and I’m worried about someone seeing me drive it.”

  “Hey, you wanna leave her here I won’t say nothing to the little lady, s’long as you don’ want to be seen drivin’ it cuz ya gotta ‘nother honey on the side.”

  “Oh, no sir.” Vindico’s adamancy convinced Sam immediately. “I’m the Chief of Iodex. There are a lot of guys who would like to get back at me for what I do. I can’t let anyone know how much I care about her.”

  A warm smile lit Sam’s features as he nodded his understanding.

  “You jus’ tell her my work’s just like she like it, slow and sweet.”

  Vindico grinned. “Thanks again for everything.”

  Rainer and Vindico grabbed a quick burger on the way back.

  “It would be a lot easier to tell Fi that she has to get a new car if she weren’t terrified that she’s going to be out of a job.” Vindico carried a tray with two burgers, a baked potato, salad, and Dr. Pepper to the table with Rainer.

  “I will not let him buy the Angels. I don’t care what it costs me,” Rainer huffed as he dug into his much smaller meal.

  “We have to play it carefully. I don’t want Kent getting your inheritance. We need to work together to let Wretchkinsides know he’s out, but not pay more than we’ll ever get back. And if anyone other than Kent sells, we could be in trouble.”

  Rainer listened intently. Neither of them wanted to think about the ownership rules of Summation teams, the ones that could throw a major kink in their plans. They discussed the current value of the Angels stock, and what the majority owners’ reactions had been that morning at the meeting.

  Magnus was the most concerned and wanted to talk to his wife, as he was worried for her safety and that of their children. Vindico had pled with him to let the other majority owners or him buy Magnus out, should he decide to sell.

  As Rainer slurped down his Dr. Pepper, Vindico’s cell chirped. He glanced at it and grimaced. “Fi wants to know what Sam said.”

  Rainer offered him a sympathetic smile. “Don’t tell her that over the phone.” He still wanted to help Vindico out whenever he could. He’d never seen his boss so happy or relaxed.

  “No joke, Lawson,” Vindico bristled, not in the mood for advice, it seemed.

  After lunch, they headed back to the office to continue working on the information in Wretchkinside’s briefcase.

  Things Happen

  ~Dan Vindico~

  Heading to meet Fitz’s plane. We’ll be on our way soon

  Dan typed quickly, in response to Fionna’s text that she missed him and wanted him. He willed away what her text had elicited, and waved to his team before walking towards the landing strip. After checking his watch, he picked up his pace, still trying to decide how to break the
news about Lola to Fionna.

  As the plane taxied down the runway, he tried to envision his best friend’s reaction to the dramatically different Dan Vindico. Fitzroy exited, wearing his customary smirk. Pulling his sunglasses off, Fitz shot Dan a goading grin.

  “I got it,” he announced.

  “Oh yeah, what’s that?” Dan chuckled as they shook hands. Whatever was coming was going to be derisive.

  “You’re shitting me with the whole ‘new girl’ thing. You’re trying to get me back for that time when we started that special ops training course, and I ordered a ton of porn to your room, and had the bill sent to your parents.”

  Dan shook his head. “Yeah, that’s it. I’m trying to get you back for a stupid prank you pulled twelve years ago. I’ve been working on it all this time, and this is the best I’ve come up with.”

  “So, you’re giving up your ‘love ‘em and leave ‘em’ gig for this girl? She’s the one?”

  “That is what I’ve been trying to tell you. Now, would you get in the car and shut up?”

  They drove in amicable silence for a few minutes. “How’re the boys?” Dan quizzed.

  “A little girl in Alex’s class taught him to curse in French, only he doesn’t pronounce it correctly. Maddie and I are torn between correcting him and punishing him,” Fitz sighed.

  Dan chuckled. His godson was a handful and a half.

  “Where are we going?” Fitz asked as Dan pulled onto the interstate.

  “We’re gonna stay with Fionna for the week. She has a bungalow in Alexandria, so you can actually sleep in a bed, but you better be nice.”

  “D’you move in with her?” Fitz demanded in utter shock.

  “Not yet. I’m kind of hoping she’ll decide to move in with me. My house is bigger and a hell of a lot closer to the Senate; hell of a lot safer, too.”

  Fitz stared at him in bewilderment. “You gonna marry her?”

  Deciding to really throw Fitzroy for a loop, Dan grinned. “Maybe.”

  A long string of stunned curse words in both English and French flowed from Fitzroy’s mouth.

  “Yeah, and if you say any of that in front of her, I’ll have to kick you out so, like I said, be good.”

  “Maddie is gonna flip.”

  “Fi’s amazing; you’ll love her.”

  Fitzroy continued to shake his head in disbelief.

  Dan pulled in the driveway, not terribly thrilled to see Chloe’s Corvette parked there as well.

  “Hey, before we go in,” Dan eased, “I have to give Fionna some bad news tonight.”

  “Dan, please tell me you aren’t breaking up with her while I’m here.”

  Rolling his eyes, he glared at Fitzroy. “Did I not just say I was thinking about asking her to marry me?”

  “Okay, but you know you have to give me a little time to get used to all of this. Is it worse news than the fact that Dominic Wretchkinsides is trying to take over the Angels?”

  With a frustrated sigh, Dan explained, “I took Fi’s car to the mechanic today and the engine’s pretty much fried, so at some point I have to break it to her that the car she adores has to be replaced.” Dan wasn’t certain what it was he wanted from Fitz exactly. He held up his hands in mock defeat.

  “Hey, I’ll stay out of the way. You two carry on. You want me out, just say the word.” Fitz was still studying Dan speculatively.

  “You gonna stare at me like I’ve lost my mind all night or will you eventually get over this?” Dan opened the door and moved to get Fitz’s suitcases. Fitzroy relieved him of the bags, but gave no answer as they headed up the walkway. There was a Christmas wreath on the door, that hadn’t been there when Dan had left that morning.

  He knocked and tried to determine why he was suddenly so nervous. Chloe swung the door open.

  “Hey, Dan. Sorry, I was supposed to be gone before you got here. I’ll see you later.” She pushed past Dan and Fitz and scooted quickly down the walkway. Fionna appeared a moment later, shaking her head and rolling her eyes.

  “Bye, Chloe!” she called.

  “Bye, love you!” Chloe answered before sliding into her car.

  “Hi,” Fionna beamed at Dan, who smiled back at her adoringly. “Come in; it’s cold.” Her deep sienna eyes sparkled in the setting sun.

  Dan was surprised, yet again, when he entered and found a completely decorated Christmas tree in the sitting room and garland on the mantle.

  “Uh,” he pointed around the room, wondering how she’d done all of the decorating in one day’s time. Fionna giggled at his expression. “Sorry,” Dan shook himself slightly. “Fionna, this is Jean Paul Fitzroy, but you can call him Fitz or my pet name for him, ‘shit- head’.”

  Fionna shook her head. “I think I’ll go with Fitz.” She extended her hand to Fitzroy.

  “I swear he just threatened to kick me out if I cussed in front of you,” Fitz huffed before he kissed Fionna’s hand, giving Dan an impressed smile.

  “Honey, how did you do all of this?” Dan gestured to the tree, standing where the love seat was that morning, in front of the living room windows. Fionna shrugged.

  “Well, I wanted the decorations up. You know I love Christmas. I knew you were going to be busy this week, so Daddy came over and got it out of the attic for me. He brought me the Pani Popo I wanted to have with dinner. Chloe came over, and Emily brought the boys over, and we decorated. The twins are so adorable.”

  Dan smiled at her, and tried not to be upset that she’d gotten her father over there to do what Dan should already have done. That certainly wasn’t going to help win her father over.

  “Oh, here,” Fionna noticed Fitzroy carrying his bags. “I’ll show you to your room.”

  “I would’ve done that for you,” Dan insisted as they climbed the stairs. Fitzroy chuckled under his breath.

  “I know, but now it’s up, and we can enjoy it.” She was worried he was upset. Dan tried to modulate his emotions. He willed away his irritation.

  “This is a great house; how old is it?” Fitzroy attempted to save Dan from himself.

  “It was built in the early sixties, but I’ve redone a lot of it. So, is this okay?” She stood back and gestured Fitz into a small guest bedroom, complete with an antique wrought-iron bed, a writing desk, a chest of drawers, and a suitcase stand.

  “Are you kidding me?” Fitz chuckled, “I usually sleep on an old leather couch with a spring in my back. This is great.” Fitzroy’s compliments delighted Fionna.

  “Oh, good! Well, just let me know if you need anything else.”

  Dan wrapped his arm around her shoulders and immediately picked up on the nervous tension pulsing in her rhythms. “The bathroom’s here.” She gestured to the guest bath across the hall. “I have a basket under the sink with soap, shampoo, toothbrushes, stuff like that if you forgot anything.” Fitzroy looked very impressed. “I need to go check on the potatoes.”

  “Thank you, again, for putting me up for the next few days. Just let me call Maddie, and I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

  Dan followed Fionna down the stairs. He was having a difficult time not envisioning her wearing nothing but the apron she’d pulled on over her sweater and tight jeans.

  “Sweetheart, this is way too much. You shouldn’t have done all of this.” He was still shocked over the changes in the house that happened since he’d left nine hours before.

  “Dan, I had fun. I like to cook and have people over. Mrs. Haydenshire wanted the boys out of the house so she could rest for a little while. It seemed like a good idea; although Keaton did break one of my crystal ornaments. I’m trying not to be devastated over that.”

  Dan tried to sort through all of the emotions he was feeling. “Okay, I know. Everything looks amazing. I just wish you’d let me help. I feel badly your dad came over. I should have done that.”

  “But you were taking care of Lola and the Angels. You can’t do it all.”

  “I feel like I let you down.” He felt the stinging pain of regret wa
sh over him.

  Fionna’s brow knitted. “How, exactly?”

  Dan drew a steadying breath and caught Fionna’s hands as she slid them out of oven mitts. “Hey,” he pulled her towards him gently and then wrapped his arms around her. “I’m not trying to start an argument. I just really want to take care of you, always.” He felt the warmth of her smile through his shirt.

  “You do take care of me. I love the holidays. It really wasn’t a big deal, and it’s nice to have friends over, who can know about us.”

  Dan didn’t have time to react to the ache in his chest from her comment before she continued. “I got to help out the Haydenshires, and play with the twins. I got to hang out with my best friends. Now I get to spend the night with you and get to know one of your closest friends. All in all, it’s a pretty great day.”

  Dan felt his heart prick. Telling her about her car was going to ruin her great day.

  “Emily asked Chloe and me to be in her and Rainer’s wedding.” She was thrilled. Dan smiled at her adoringly.

  “She might want to rethink that.” Dan let his eyes scorch over Fionna’s beautiful body.


  “I just didn’t really think that most brides wanted to have a bridesmaid who’s going to upstage her as soon as she enters the room.” His tone softened as he held her close.

  “Dan, that’s not true,” she scoffed and pulled away, but he knew she was very pleased with the assessment.

  “Well,” he kissed her forehead sweetly, “I know that once I see you walk down the aisle, I certainly won’t be able to take my eyes off of you, even to watch Lawson and Miss Haydenshire get hitched.” Fionna’s energy spun in trilling pleasure as she stretched up on her tiptoes and brushed a kiss along Dan’s jaw line.

  “What’s for dinner, baby doll? It smells delicious.”

  “I hope you like it.” She pulled a tray of potatoes from the oven. “You said that you liked potatoes with cheese and scallions, so this is sort of that, with a little extra, plus my own special spin.”


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