Forgotten & Remembered: The Duke's Late Wife (Love's Second Chance Book 1)

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Forgotten & Remembered: The Duke's Late Wife (Love's Second Chance Book 1) Page 30

by Bree Wolf

  His eyes returned to the shaky handwriting on the page, betraying her emotions far deeper than words ever could, and for the first time Graham felt a connection to the woman he had loved for years on end. The woman he loved to this day. And yet, his love for her had changed too.

  Regrets served nothing because they were only that, regrets. They had no power, no effect on the future or the past. A life lived with regret was a life wasted. He knew that now. More than anything, the time spent after Leonora’s death had been a waste. Wallowing in self-pity, he had ignored the beauties life held.

  Until Rosabel had fought her way through the wall he had erected around himself. With her gentle determination, she had smashed a hole through its solid bricks, bringing light back into his life.

  Firmly closing the diary, Graham stood. Running his hand over the smooth leather of its cover, he finally said his goodbye to the woman who had been his life for so long. He placed the diary on the top shelf of his book case. Not hidden. Not forgotten. But remembered.

  Then he turned to the door and, with a smile on his face, walked toward his future.

  Chapter Forty-Four - To Hell with the Bloody Vows

  Quietly closing the door to the nursery behind her, Rosabel tiptoed down the hall. As she passed her husband’s chamber, her eyes darted to his closed door, and she wondered if Leonora’s words would finally set his mind at ease. Her heart beat against her ribs, and she took a deep breath, knowing only too well how much depended on tonight. Would he be able to let Leonora rest in peace and move on? Would they have a future together? Or would the past still hold its sway over him?

  Feeling her skin crawl, Rosabel paced the floor of her chamber, then and there stopping and peering out the window at the night settling over the land. The sky was covered in diamonds, and the moon shone almost at its fullest, its silver light drifting in through the curtains touching the delicate embroidery on her nightgown. From the fireplace a soothing warmth emanated, floating through the room and settling on her chilled skin.

  “You look beautiful in this light.”

  Rosabel spun around, her heart jumping into her throat.

  As her eyes fell on her husband’s laughing eyes, she sank back against the wall, letting out the breath that had lodged in her throat.

  “I apologize,” he said, closing the door and coming toward her. “I did not mean to startle you.” His hair was unkempt, yet not in a way that suggested he had been trying to pull it from its roots in sheer frustration. On the contrary, his eyes were bright and glowing and looking at her in a way that sent a tingle down her spine. He had removed his coat, and his shirt hung down unbuttoned. As he moved, it swayed here and there revealing flawless skin.

  “It is all right,” she croaked. “I just…I did not hear the door open.”

  Standing in front of her, he reached out and took her hands in his. The heat from his skin ignited her blood. It burned hotter and hotter, racing through her veins, filling her with the strangest sensation. Never in her life had Rosabel felt safer than in that moment as her husband held her hands in his, looking into her eyes as though she was the only woman in the world. But then again, a gleaming spark lit up his eyes as they roamed her body freely, and she felt the fire that danced under his skin when he touched her. Danger was lurking just around the corner. And yet,…

  As his hands slid up her arms to her shoulders, exploring every inch of her, a shiver crawled up her back, shaking her limbs and making them tremble. The breath caught in her throat, and her pulse hammered against her skin as though trying to get free.

  Only when his hand settled under her chin, gently lifting her head, Rosabel realized that she had averted her eyes. “Are you all right?” he whispered, his gaze searching her face. The heat she had seen there replaced by concern. “You need to be comfortable.” His breath tickled her skin as he spoke. “If you want me to go−”

  “No!” The word had left her lips before Rosabel had even fully comprehended his question. Its vehemence shocked her, and she felt the warmth of embarrassment colour her cheeks. Her husband’s face split into a delighted grin as he cupped her face in his large hands. “I too am nervous.”

  Biting her lip, she raised her eyes to his, reading honesty in them, and felt her own muscles relax under his touch.

  While his gaze never left hers, his hands slowly explored her body, noting every slight change in posture or intake of breath. Her heart still beating far beyond its usual rhythm, Rosabel revelled in the feel of his skin on hers. The shivers excited her, and she felt their pleasure deep within.

  As his arms slipped around her and settled on the small of her back, she melted into him, her own hands tentatively resting on his shoulders. When his embrace tightened, she gave in to the pull, feeling the length of his body pressed against hers. Occasionally, she glanced down, peering at the soft skin below her fingertips, only separated from them by a thin layer of fabric.

  He pulled her even closer then, holding her in his arms, resting his chin on her shoulder and breathing in her scent. Rosabel felt his warmth envelop her and leaned her own head against his strong chest. With her eyes closed, all sensation entered her body through the soft nerve endings of her skin: the gentle touch of his lips on her neck, his hands stroking her back and up and down her arms.

  Growing bolder herself, Rosabel’s hands travelled over his arms before returning to his chest, her fingers slowly nearing the edge of his shirt. When she felt his skin brush against her fingertips, she gasped.

  Instantly, his arms tightened around her, and a low moan escaped his lips.

  Encouraged, Rosabel continued her explorations, revelling in his open response to her hesitant touch. When she lifted her head off his shoulder to look at him, he turned to her, one hand cupping her face while the other held her body close to his. For a moment his eyes gazed into hers in sheer amazement as though he was seeing her for the first time. Then his arms tightened on her possessively, almost lifting her off her feet, bringing her closer. As he dropped his head, his hungry mouth found hers as though by instinct.

  Losing themselves in each other’s arms, they let go of the past and all its grievances. Under the lone willow tree that afternoon, Graham had confessed his love for her, but only now Rosabel understood what that meant. With every kiss, every touch and every whispered word, he opened his heart to her, and she welcomed him just as eagerly, returning the deep emotions he was so willing to share.

  At some point in the whirl of emotions, Rosabel felt the world shift under her feet as though their love had changed its axis. Strong arms picked her up, holding her close, and carried her the few steps to the bed. Sinking into the soft covers, Rosabel reached out her arms and pulled him toward her, finding the absence of his kisses intolerable.

  Careful not to crush her, he buried her body under his, kissing the exposed line of her arched neck. He nibbled her ear, one hand cupping her face. Then he lifted his head, and his eyes gazed down into hers. “I never knew what it felt like to hold someone you love,” he whispered, awe shining in his unguarded eyes. “Had I known, I would have swept you off your feet the first time I laid eyes on you.” A teasing smile played on his lips. “And to hell with the bloody vows!”

  A soft giggle rose from Rosabel’s throat as she brushed a lock of his dark hair off his forehead. “Had I known,” she whispered, seeing the spark in his eyes ignite once more, “I would have let you!”


  One Year Later

  Turning the small rattle in her hand, Rosabel admired its smooth metal surface catching the sunlight streaming into the drawing room through the tall windows and sparkling like a million diamonds. “This is exquisite,” she whispered, briefly lifting her eyes to Edmond, holding her new baby son. “And these patterns are so minuscule! That is true craftsmanship! Graham, look at this.”

  Absorbed in a game of chess with Georgiana, her husband barely raised his head, only glancing in her general direction. “I’m sure it is,” he observed from a di
stance, manoeuvring his king into place. “Now consider your next move carefully,” he instructed Georgiana, the rattle all but forgotten.

  Rosabel smiled.

  More than ever, this small room held the family life she had always dreamed of. The life she had briefly had with her parents, when she had been a little girl. The life she’d thought she would never have.

  Rosabel could not be angry with her husband for not giving her his full attention. Instead, she stood and watched father and daughter, heads bent toward each other, battling over the small wooden board. Sometimes their foreheads would crease in earnest consternation, only to grow smooth in the next moment when laughter shook their bodies and gave colour to their cheeks.

  “Do not mind him,” Edmond interrupted her thoughts of peaceful awe. Cradling the infant in the crook of his arm, he walked over to her, slightly bouncing in his step and making soft shushing sounds as he went. “At least this way I get to hold my nephew!” His face split into a grin as his eyes returned to the peacefully sleeping child in his arms.

  Shifting her own gaze from father and daughter to the cheerful man holding her new-born son, Rosabel couldn’t help but glance upward. Over the mantle, a new portrait had found its home. A portrait depicting a woman with deep-blue eyes full of affection and a dazzling smile that lit up the room. Her golden locks framed her face in a halo of light, and yet, goodness was not the first word that came to mind when beholding her image.

  Rosabel had spent many hours staring up at Leonora’s portrait, trying to piece together the woman behind it. And even though she had never known her in life, Rosabel was certain that the quality most befitting her daughter’s mother was strength.

  Emotional hardship had marked her life, and yet, she had never given up. She had walked her path, and even in death had guided Rosabel toward her own future -- a future as Georgiana’s mother.

  Rosabel truly believed that Leonora had given her blessing and whole-heartedly approved of the new family bonds that had formed over the past year, family bonds that included her brother Edmond just the same. From the beginning, he had referred to himself as her son’s uncle, never mind that they did not share the same blood. But then again, neither did Graham and Georgiana, and no one would ever doubt that they were father and daughter.

  “Do you want me to take him?” Rosabel whispered, gazing at her sleeping son. “He must be getting heavy.”

  Edmond shook his head. “As light as a feather.” His eyes never ventured from his nephew’s face as he slowly lowered himself into the armchair by the pianoforte. “If you don’t mind,” he added, his questioning eyes meeting hers.

  “Not at all.” Seating herself on the settee, Rosabel’s gaze strayed back and forth between father and daughter and nephew and uncle. Her heart warmed as happiness filled the room, and Rosabel reminded herself just how lucky she was to have found a life she could love after all, not just one she could live with.

  As her eyes returned to Edmond, she couldn’t help but wonder if there was someone special in his life. So far he had not mentioned any lady in particular, but Rosabel hoped that whoever she was, she would find her way into his life soon. Watching him with her son, she was certain he would make a wonderful father. One day, she thought. Hopefully, one day soon.

  About Bree

  Amazon bestselling author, Bree Wolf has always been a language enthusiast (though not a grammarian!) and is rarely found without a book in her hand or her fingers glued to a keyboard. Trying to find her way, she has taught English as a second language, traveled abroad and worked at a translation agency as well as a law firm in Ireland. She also spent loooong years obtaining a BA in English and Education and an MA in Specialized Translation while wishing she could simply be a writer. Although there is nothing simple about being a writer, her dreams have finally come true.

  “A big thanks to my fairy godmother!”

  Currently, Bree has found her new home in the historical romance genre, writing Regency novels and novellas. Enjoying the mix of fact and fiction, she occasionally feels like a puppet master (or mistress? Although that sounds weird!), forcing her characters into ever-new situations that will put their strength, their beliefs, their love to the test, hoping that in the end they will triumph and get the happily-ever-after we are all looking for.

  If you're an avid reader, sign up for Bree's newsletter as she has the tendency to simply give books away. Find out about freebies, giveaways as well as occasional advance reader copies and read before the book is even on the shelves!

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  Also By Bree

  Historical Romance:

  Love's Second Chance Series

  #1 Forgotten & Remembered - The Duke's Late Wife

  #2 Cursed & Cherished - The Duke's Wilful Wife

  #3 Despised & Desired - The Marquess' Passionate Wife

  #4 Abandoned & Protected - The Marquis' Tenacious Wife

  #5 Ruined & Redeemed - The Earl's Fallen Wife (Coming summer 2017!)

  #6 Betrayed & Blessed - The Viscount's Shrewd Wife (Coming fall 2017!)

  A Forbidden Love Novella Series: FREE on Kindle Unlimited

  #1 The Wrong Brother

  #2 A Brilliant Rose

  #3 The Forgotten Wife (Coming December 29, 2016)

  #4 An Unwelcome Proposal (Coming February 28, 2016)

  Suspenseful Contemporary Romance:

  Where There's Love Series: FREE on Kindle Unlimited

  #1 Remember Me

  Middle Grade Adventure:

  Airborne Trilogy

  #1 Fireflies (Now Perma-free!)

  #2 Butterflies

  #3 Dragonflies (Coming 2017)

  Paranormal Fantasy:

  Crescent Rock Series

  #1 How to Live and Die in Crescent Rock

  #2 How to Love and Hate in Crescent Rock (Coming 2018)

  Dear Reader,

  Although somewhat dark, Rosabel and Graham's journey touched me greatly. We all have fears and doubts we need to overcome in order to find true happiness, and it was inspirational for me to see them find their happy-ever-after. I am certain we will encounter them again in future novels. After all, don't we all want to know what happens to our heroes and heroines after they have finally won their happily-ever-after and the book closes?

  So, stay tuned.

  In the future novels of this series, the previous couples will often do a short appearance and reveal a little about what they've been doing and (my particular favorite) how many children they have by then! I often consult those readers subscribed to my mailing list with regard to naming the little ones. So, if you would like to put in your vote, sign up!

  I have one quick request before you can move on to the sneak-peek of 'Cursed & Cherished - The Duke's Wilful Wife'.

  If you enjoyed this story, would you mind leaving an honest and fair review?

  Would it help if I said pretty please with a cherry on top?

  In all honesty, reviews and recommendations are so important for attracting new readers, especially for indie authors like me. I would greatly appreciate your support! Thanks so much for reading!

  Here is a direct link to the book page on Amazon. (Click me! Click me! Click me!...Okay, I'll stop now!)

  All the best to you,


  Love's Second Chance Series - Overview

  #1 Forgotten & Remembered - The Duke's Late Wife

  One night, they found themselves under some mistletoe. Now he owes her a kiss. And she is determined to claim it.

  His heart torn in two, Graham Astor, Duke of Kensington, mourns his wife. As he distances himself from everyth
ing that reminds him of happier days lost forever, he comes to realize that there is one thing he cannot run from.

  Graham needs a new wife, if only for the sake of his daughter.

  Disillusioned with love, Rosabel only wishes to not remain a burden to her uncle’s family much longer. After seeing her parents’ love turn against them, Rosabel dreams of an independent life as a governess.

  But then a stranger asks for her hand in marriage, and to her utter shock her uncle instantly agrees.

  Will Rosabel find love after all? Or will the memory of Graham’s late wife keep him from finding happiness?

  #2 Cursed & Cherished - The Duke’s Wilful Wife

  One night, she stole his kiss. Now, he is determined to steal it back.

  Edmond Dunsworth, Duke of Cromwell, is bankrupt. The solution to his problem: a wife with a sizable dowry.

  Not worried in the least, Edmond takes his pick. After all, what woman could resist his charms?

  Anna Hanford, a merchant’s daughter, is faced with a difficult choice: allow her sister to marry the duke and see her happiness shattered…or marry the duke herself.

  Determined to ensure her sister’s future, Anna makes her choice. After all, isn’t marriage just a minor inconvenience in life?

  #3 Despised & Desired - The Marquess' Passionate Wife

  Long ago, he kept her secret. Now, she will save his soul.

  Elsbeth Munford is set to marry the man she loves until an accident destroys her life. Her beauty tainted by ugly scars, Ellie resigns herself to a life of spinsterhood.


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