The Billion-Were's Foxy Forever

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The Billion-Were's Foxy Forever Page 7

by Georgette St. Clair

  He reached down, grabbed the hem of her pink dress, and pulled it up over her head in one fluid motion.

  He tossed it aside, and they sank down onto the soft moss together, moving as one.

  He pressed his lips against hers, firm and warm and demanding, then lapped at her mouth, urging her to open to him. When she sighed, he stroked his tongue against hers in playful, darting movements that slowed into a sweet, seductive slide. It was hard to catch her breath, but more than air, she needed more of his kisses, and she shifted restlessly against him. Her heart fluttered in her ribcage like a panicked bird.

  He kissed his way down her stomach. He felt her start to suck it in, and he gave her a light slap on her butt.

  “Don’t,” he growled.

  She felt self-conscious in her plain white cotton panties and bra, almost naked in the moonlight under Austin’s hungry gaze, but that sense of awkwardness slipped away as he pressed his mouth to hers. He kissed her with sweet, languorous intensity, his lips warm and firm and demanding against hers. She couldn’t hold back a whimper of desire, and as her lips parted, he slid his tongue against hers, sending a thrill of sensation dancing down her body. She twined her arms around his neck and pressed closer against him, relishing the feel of his muscular form against her yielding curves.

  He drew back and looked down into her eyes, and she thought she saw something haunted in the inky depths of his pupils, blown wide with desire for her. She thought he was going to say something – not his usual sharp-edged banter, but something bittersweet and full of longing. But instead he dipped his head and kissed her again, hungry and relentless, as if he wanted to eat her up.

  She moaned again and squirmed in his arms as he trailed his lips over her jaw and down the curve of her throat, nipping at the pulse point and scraping his teeth over the tender flesh. She tugged at the tight white T-shirt that clung to his muscular torso, and he drew back for a moment to yank it off over his head and discard it on the forest floor beside them.

  He kissed his way down her body, his breath stirring the almost invisible down on her skin and making her shudder with need. When he trailed his lips over her stomach, she sucked her tummy in and curled away from his touch, suddenly struck by shyness again.

  She gasped, and her pussy clenched as he gave her a light, stinging slap on the hip. “Don’t,” he growled. “Don’t suck it in. You’re glorious. I want every inch of you.”

  He pulled back, eating her up with his eyes as he kicked off his motorcycle boots and pushed down his jeans. His gaze lingered on her curves, and from the flush of color high on his cheekbones and the rapid rise and fall of his broad chest, she could see how much he wanted her. He really did think she was beautiful and desirable.

  As she let her eyes wander lower, she saw all the evidence she needed of that. His cock was long, thick and achingly erect, standing up proudly from a thatch of dark curls. Her mouth watered as she imagined wrapping her fingers around it and sucking the head like a lollipop, but she didn’t have the chance – as soon as he was naked he was on her, over her, rocking his body against hers and driving her wild with the touch of his lips on her skin.

  He unhooked the front fastening of her bra and his mouth found her breast as his hands got busy peeling down her panties, his fingers playing in the fiery red curls of her pubic hair before delving between her pussy lips, sliding tantalizingly through her slickness.

  She gasped and arched against him, his cock sliding against the soft flesh of her belly, and he growled a helpless curse and urged her legs apart, circling her clit with his thumb as he pressed two fingers smoothly into her wet, welcoming channel.

  “Ohhh,” she whimpered.

  He curved his fingers to press against her inner wall, moving them in slow, tantalizing strokes. She bit her lip. She wanted to scream her pleasure aloud. She wanted to buck against him, to urge him on, but she forced herself to hold perfectly still as he stroked her again and again, his fingers running right over her g-spot. The pleasure was like nothing she’d ever felt before, it was so intense that it was almost pain, and she reveled in it until she couldn’t hold back any more.

  “Please, Austin,” she gasped. “I don’t want to wait any longer. I want you inside me…”

  With an inarticulate groan, he worked his cock against her pussy until he was slippery with her excitement. Then, bracing one hand against the mossy forest floor, he pushed inside her. Slowly. Smoothly. Filling her completely until they were locked together, their breath fast and their hearts thundering against each other.

  “You’re so tight.” His voice was harsh and guttural. “So wet. So sweet.”

  He rested his forehead against hers for a moment, eyes closed, then started to move inside her. With every thrust, she caught her breath, tensing the muscles in her thighs and arching up to meet him. She ran her fingers down his back, exploring the sweat-damp line of his spine and the flexing muscles beneath his skin. The scents of nature surrounded them – leaf mulch and damp earth and the dank smell of the crushed moss beneath their bodies – but what overwhelmed her senses was the distinctive smell of Austin’s skin, wild and beautiful and dangerous, like a storm.

  Tension coiled between her thighs, winding tighter with every touch of his lips to her skin, every stroke of his rock-hard cock inside her. Her pussy ached as her arousal built, and she wrapped her legs around his waist, urging him further inside her with wordless cries. His ragged breath was warm against her throat, his body furnace-hot above hers as he drove relentlessly inside her, holding her closer, working his hips to get deeper.

  As the tension broke in her core, sending whiplash waves of pleasure through her limbs, she went rigid, her muscles locking, and stifled her long cry of completion against his shoulder. He was only moments behind her, jerking inside her and letting out a staccato growl as he came, losing himself in her body.

  For a long time, they lay there without speaking. Neither of them was ready to move. Ready to let the other go. The fading pulses of their orgasms played through them. Austin was a warm, pleasant weight as his breathing settled and he gently stroked her skin and wound his fingers in her hair. Savannah gazed up at the dancing fireflies, like their own private galaxy of stars, letting the moment linger as the sweat cooled on their bodies.

  They dressed in silence. Savannah smoothed down the rumpled pink dress. She hoped Jessamine wouldn’t take one look and know exactly what they’d been doing. She didn’t want it spoiled with dirty jokes and sibling teasing. She wanted to tuck the memory away and keep it for herself and take it out only when she was alone.

  Slowly, they walked back to the party. They were a few feet apart from each other, but she could still feel the pounding of his heart beat as if it were her own.

  Chapter Six

  The sounds of snarling and snapping drew his attention as they entered the clearing, slicing through his exquisitely pleasurable post-coital warmth and dragging him back to reality.

  The reality where that was the only and only time he’d ever get to be with Savannah. The hollowness of loss that wrenched at him when he thought of leaving her behind forever.

  A group of foxes had shifted and were circling and snapping at each other. As the moon rose higher in the sky, tempers rose with it. Any second now, blood would start flowing. This wasn’t sparring for fun anymore – it had gone past that and was about to tip into ugliness.

  The police chief was shouting at the group, and they were ignoring him. Laurel pushed her way through the gathered crowd, who were starting to separate into two main factions. If someone didn’t do something, it was likely to turn into a giant, bloody free-for-all.

  Savannah stifled a cry of dismay. She started to move forward, and all of Austin’s protective instincts surged through him.

  Austin stormed into the middle of the group of brawlers. He grabbed two foxes, who easily weighed forty pounds each, and held them high in the air by the scruffs of their necks. He shook them, very lightly, but enough to get their atten
tion. They instantly went limp in submission.

  “Stop!” he yelled. He blasted his Dominus energy through the air. “Change back.” Fortunately, foxes were easier to compel than larger shifters. Fifteen foxes let out howls and yips of pain as their bones violently snapped, as their fangs were forced back into their gums, as their claws were painfully rammed into their fingers. Within a minute they were all human again, on their hands and knees in the grass, groaning.

  “Listen up!” he yelled. “Next person who tries to ruin Ms. Orman’s party will make me a very nice fox-tail hat! Understand?”

  He was rewarded with the sight of a bunch of foxes submissively bowing their heads.

  Then he was punished with the sight of a bunch of naked fox shifters in human form climbing to their feet, all flabby middle-aged men with their bits and pieces dangling. They all had fire-red pubic hair. Oh God, why had he noticed that? Delete, delete, delete!

  All the shifters started pulling their clothes on. They were lucky. When foxes shifted, they got smaller, which meant they didn’t explode out of their clothing like other species did.

  He looked around for Savannah.

  She was gone. He was sure she’d hightailed it into the house to shower, in a desperate attempt to wash the smell of sex off her.

  Like that would help.

  She was in for a major interrogation from her mother later, he was sure.

  To kill time while he waited for her, he walked over to one of the grills.

  He served himself up a hamburger, rare like most shifters liked it, and bit into it, letting the juices run down his throat. He’d worked up an appetite out there in the woods with Savannah, and he devoured half the burger in one gulp. That only satisfied one kind of hunger. He’d just romped with the little fox shifter and he was already eager to go again. Damn, did he regret having to head out tomorrow.

  He felt someone brush up against him. Not Savannah, unfortunately.

  It was Jessamine.

  “Hello,” she said in what was meant to be a sexy growl.

  “Goodbye.” He turned his back on her.

  She hurried around to stand in front of him. “I’m the sexier sister,” she informed him.

  “Debatable.” He took another bite of hamburger, chewing slowing, savoring the rich meatiness.

  “I can show you a really good time. I know tricks.” She ran her tongue along her upper lip. Then she stretched it out to touch the tip of her nose.

  “Oh really?” he grunted. “Can you play fetch?”

  He grabbed a hamburger bun from the plastic bin on a table and tossed it into the bushes. She just stared after it.

  “Guess not,” he said. He turned and walked away. She hurried after him.

  “We could go into the woods right now and nobody would ever know. I’d let you do anything you like to me.”

  He stopped and looked her up and down.

  “You know what I want to do with you? What I really, really want?” He leaned in and brushed his lips against her ear. She gasped. “I want to take you into the woods, tie you hand and foot…” Her lips parted eagerly, and she nodded.

  “Yes?” she breathed huskily.

  He straightened up and took a step back. “And leave you there, so I can get back to eating without you annoying the shit out of me. Run along now, flea circus.”

  Instead of looking offended, she turned and yelled out to her mother, who was at the burger grill, frying up meat patties, “Hey, Mom, he passed the first test!”

  And her mother looked across the yard at them and gave a big thumbs-up.


  Savannah came barreling across the yard towards them. She was wearing a T-shirt and jeans now, and her hair was wet from her quick shower. Her eye makeup was smeary. She couldn’t be any more obvious about what they’d just done if her T-shirt had said, “I just got sexed by Austin Bronson!”

  Come to think of it, he’d love it if she wore a T-shirt like that.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” Savannah demanded of her sister, panting for breath as she skidded to a stop.

  “Relax,” Jessamine told her. “Mom sent me to do the fidelity check. He turned me down. Honestly, if he’d said yes, I wouldn’t have done it anyway. He’s not my type. I don’t think he’s pierced anywhere.” She started to walk away, then she stopped, flicked a glance at Austin’s crotch area, and looked questioningly at her sister. “Is he?”

  Savannah’s face was so red it almost matched her hair. “I know where you sleep. I will get revenge on you, in horrible and humiliating ways.” She ground out the words as if spitting out glass shards.

  Jessamine tossed her head coquettishly. “Yeah, the problem with that is, I can’t be humiliated, because I have no sense of shame.”

  She turned and walked off.

  “That’s not something to brag about!” Savannah yelled after her.

  Then she shoved her hands in her pockets and stared at the ground, biting her lip. She looked like she was almost about to cry from embarrassment, so Austin threw his arm around her shoulders.

  “Your family seems…what’s the word that I’m looking for? Weird as fuck. But, you know, a good kind of weird. Unlike my family’s kind of weird; they’re a bunch of platinum-plated assholes. So, it’s like a full moon here twenty-four seven, I gather?”

  “You have no idea what I go through on a daily basis,” Savannah groaned, leaning her head against his shoulder.

  Then she quickly stepped away from him, shrugging his arm off and glancing around nervously.

  He smirked down at her. “Embarrassed to be seen with me?”

  “Hell, yes.” But a grin tugged at her lips. “Wolf cooties. Gross.”

  “Fox cooties.” He ran his tongue over his lips in response. “Tasty. I’d like a second helping.”

  She bit back a laugh, hiding it behind her hand. “Can you please stop being so— damn it to hell!” She finished that last bit on an angry snarl.

  “Can I please stop being so damn it to hell?” Austin repeated, confused.

  His little fox shifter was so wonderfully weird.

  But she wasn’t his. Not after tonight.

  That thought made him incredibly sad.

  Then he followed her gaze. She was glaring across the parking lot. A fox shifter who looked like an aging gigolo, wearing a pin-striped suit and with his hair slicked back like a wannabe gangster, was marching across the lawn, with a gang of men behind him. At least twenty of them. They were shoving foxes out of their way left and right, and they headed straight for the cash box, which was being manned by Niall.

  The gigolo fox violently elbowed a woman in the head, wrenching a cry of pain from her, and knocked her out of the way.

  Her mate started forward, and a big bruiser of a fox shifter snarled at him.

  The crowd was murmuring in fear and dismay. Austin glanced at the police chief, who was huddled in on himself, shoulders drooping, head down.


  The gigolo reached down, grabbed the cash box off the table, and started to walk away.

  “Hey!” Niall screamed, running after him. Austin rushed forward. Laurel and Savannah and Jessamine all went barreling towards the fancy fox.

  One of the gang raised his fist, about to deliver a punch to Niall’s head.

  Austin beat him to it, punching the man so hard that his jaw shattered and bloody teeth went flying.

  Immediately, the other men began closing around the overdressed jerk, growling protectively.

  Austin bowled through them, sending them staggering, and grabbed the cash box back from the man in the suit. He handed the box to Laurel, who had come running up behind him.

  “That is our money!” Laurel cried out, her voice choked with fury. “What do you mean coming here and stealing our money?”

  “Stealing? You owe me, bitch! You’re still sixty thousand dollars short!” He snarled at her.

  “That’s not how it works,” Savannah yelled at him, balling her fists. “W
e have a contract. We have made all our payments on time. If we can’t make the balloon payment in a month, then you get to take the property. You can’t come steal our money on top of that! And we told you to stay off our property until then!”

  “I’ll come on my property any damn time I want,” Fancy Fox spat at her. “I’m going to start coming here morning, noon and night, and I’m going to take whatever cash you’ve got sitting in your register, and whatever you have in your safe. And there’s not a thing you can do to stop me.” He looked up at Austin. “And if you know what’s good for you, you’ll hand me my money back, leave, and never come back. Oh, you may think you’re big and bad, but I have some very powerful connections, and you do not want to piss me off, Mr…” He let the last part trail off questioningly.

  Austin towered over Mr. Fancy Fox, glaring down at him. “I’m Austin Bronson. And who the fuck are you?”

  “I’m your worst fucking nightmare.” He grinned, letting his little fangs descend in an attempt to intimidate.

  Austin threw his head back and howled with laughter.

  “Oh my God. Oh my God. You did not just say that. No, really, who are you?” he gasped, wiping tears from his cheeks.

  “I don’t answer to the likes of you,” Fancy Fox snarled, shaking with fury. He glanced around at his men for support, only to realize that they were all casually, slowly, sliding back away from him and avoiding his gaze.

  “He’s Algernon, Lord of All Foxes,” Savannah said quietly.

  “What? No. That’s not what he calls himself,” Austin said in astonishment. He stared at her grim expression. “You’re serious. Lord of All Fuck-faces? Really?” He laughed so hard that he doubled over. He clutched at his stomach. “Ow. Whoooo. I think I strained something.”

  “Algernon, Lord of all Foxes!” Algernon screamed.

  “Algernon, Lord of all Fart-boxes? Holy crap.” Everyone in the crowd was joining Austin in his laughter now.

  One of Algernon’s men smacked a woman who was laughing at his boss, and Austin instantly stopped laughing.


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