The Immortality of Discipline

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The Immortality of Discipline Page 5

by E. L Discipline

  I drowned in my sorrows. Drank my pain away. I went to the strip club. I was drinking like a sailor. Shots after shots. “Give me another!” I ordered to the bartender. All of a sudden, there were some women that approached me. Lustful and devilish flowers. One placed her hands on my shoulders. She asked me, “hey, baby, do you want a massage?”

  I gazed at her with a menacing and dark stare. “First, don’t ever call me baby, second, don’t ever touch me without my fucking permission.” She removed her hands from my shoulders immediately. The other one was smiling, “oh, he’s feisty, he’s aggressive, I like him.” The one that had her hands upon my shoulders said dismissively, “well I don’t, he’s rude.” The first one then hit her, and gave her a look, like ‘calm down.’ A look of, ‘be nice. He could be reading big money all over him.’

  She then said to me, “hey, we won’t touch you without your permission. So, where are you from, hun?” I stopped her immediately, “don’t call me ‘hun,’ either!” She looked at her friend, “so, what would you like us to call you then?” I stared at the both of them.

  “Call me, sir, however, names are really irrelevant.” The one who was the calm one, I guess she was the ring leader in this friendship, said… “You seem tense, let’s give you a massage, would you like that, sir? We don’t want your money, we want you comfortable.”

  Oh man the fucking lies, I could read their eyes, I could feel their vibrations, I could read their thirsty money hungry aura. She winked at the other girl. We went into the dark room, and she was feeling on me. Touching, and I was touching her back, shit, at the end of the day I was a man and I wasn’t gay, but I was ahead of the games they were attempting to play. I then said, “let’s get out of here.” The other woman, who was not feeling me, because I would not allow her to touch my shoulders at first was like, “we can’t just leave, we still have our shift.”

  I pulled out a gwap of cash and it lit both their eyes. I told the both of them, “don’t worry, I’ll pay for the rest of your night.” And the one that said, she loved my aggressive behavior, that was the ring leader, the calmer one, the fucking hustler. She then said, “we are out this bitch, let’s go girl.” I assumed she was the fucking ring leader of her and her girl. We went to a hotel, all three of us, and we had a little fun. I wanted to tie the both of them up, and have my way with them. However, I was feeling so exhausted and I wanted to just pass out.

  “We will have to resume this great fun, ladies, I’m not feeling it tonight.” I then passed out. The women looked at me, with little remorse, and they then took my wallet. They were out of there, faster than a vehicle trying to run a yellow light before it turned red. There was no stopping them at all. I was knocked the fuck out.

  When I woke up, I saw that no one was around me. I haven’t got that drunk in years. I was looking for my keys and my wallet, and I couldn’t find either one. I couldn’t remember how I got there, but, I did remember the women I came here with. Where were they? One of them slipped up, and left her jewelry at the hotel. I grasped the jewelry in my massive hands and curled my fingers inward. Grasping the jewelry even tighter. I pulled my hand close to my nostrils, just to take a whiff of it. I smelled the jewelry with my eyes shut. I took a deep whiff of it, and that allowed me to know, where those two women were. I

  sniffed their scent that they left on me, and I sniffed the scent that was outside of the hotel. I could see their tracks, with my x ray vision. So, I began to follow those footsteps.

  Suddenly, I just shape shifted, and I teleported out of there, I was so fucking angry. I then came to the place I teleported to. A home. I inhaled deep within the air, and I took a big whiff, and it was the same smell, these women left on me. Their natural womanly scent with their perfume. I found my car, and I knew if I could find my car, then I must be near where the women were.

  Why? They must have been the ones that took my keys, and if they took my car, they took my wallet as well. I mean, I didn’t need the car, I can transport and speed run wherever I wanted, and the money, I could make back more tomorrow or later that week. But, I wanted them back because they were mine. It was the fucking principal of the entire thing. Plus, no one was going to make a fool out of Discipline, and fucking get away with it. No fucking way, no fucking sir, and no fucking ma’am.

  I then materialized within the home of one of the ladies, and they both happened to be there. “Well, hello ladies! I mean, were you both like not going to say ‘goodbye,’ prior to robbing my shit?”

  They were in shock, and their eyes were wide open. One of the ladies then shouted out to me……

  “How the fuck did you get in here?! And how do you know where I live?” The other one tried to run, and I was right in front of her instantly.

  “How the fuck did you do that? You were just over there!” She pointed behind her. “Who are you, or what are you?!”

  I grabbed her by her throat and lifted her up off the ground. The other one tried to run as well, so I threw the one in my hands across the room and ran after her. I grabbed her quickly and covered her mouth, so she wouldn’t scream.

  “Shhhh, silence, you pet.” I said softly. She began to cry, tears were running down her cheeks. “Please, don’t hurt me.” She whimpered. I laughed. “So now you’re begging? That’s cute, I guess you were hot shit when you were taking my shit?”

  She was gasping for air, “it was her, not my idea at all, I liked you, remember?” I really didn’t see her stopping her friend, who the fuck is she trying to play now? I replied with a smirk, “throwing your friend under the bus, huh? Don’t worry, I’m going to kill her, but as for you, I’ll spare your life.” She was panicking, “please, tell me what you need, and I will do it.” Funny how people will do anything when their life is on the damn line. I gazed down at her and I was silent, and then I said...

  “I just want my wallet you bitches stole from me.” She was gasping for air, as she then began to grasp my wrist

  with both her hands, as she was lifted off the ground by me. Her feet dangled off the floor like five inches. “That’s all?” She asked, as she struggled to breathe, trying to talk. “That’s why you came all the way here? You could always get another one!” I shook my head in frustration. “Look, I’m finished playing games with you, and your friend, so here’s how this will go…you will tell me where my wallet is in five seconds, or I will snap your pretty little fucking neck bitch!!!” I then started counting….

  “One…. two…. three…” she looked around, and panicked some more, “uh uh it’s…” she was stuttering and gasping for air…. I continued to count, “four…. five.” She finally gave in.

  “Okay, it’s over there.” She pointed to the direction of the kitchen counter. I looked up at her, I smiled, and then I said, ‘thank you very much. Now, I will let you go, see, I am a man of my word. I will not snap your neck. But, I never said anything about me not sinking my teeth into it.”

  And then, my eyes turned gold, my fangs grew, and I grasped her throat with one hand, turned my head sideways, and sank my teeth into her neck, she collapsed in my arms and I let her body drop onto the ground. Then I slashed her face.

  “Plus, you were too slow bitch, time is up. You really let me count all the way to five, before replying?” I stepped over her body and retrieved my wallet, yeah she was right, I could have gotten another wallet. But, that wallet had Precious’ photo in there, the only thing I had left of her to glance at. Her friend was beginning to come back into consciousness. My head turned to watch her, but my body

  didn’t turn with my head. The only thing that moved was my head, and I turned it quickly, to the direction where her friend was, as she was coming back into consciousness.

  I got my wallet, and I placed it in my pocket. And then I raced over to her, faster than a silver bullet. I didn’t even allow her to say one word, I placed my massive hands over her mouth, and I sank my teeth into her neck. I buried my fangs deep into her. Right on the side of her neck. Sucking every ounce of bloo
d and energy she had. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head after I dropped her on the floor. My eyes were red. Blood was on my hands, I then grabbed my wallet, just to insure everything was in there. Which was a good thing, these women just wanted money, they didn’t care about my personal identification or anything like that.

  I left the home, got into my car and was gone. I owned the night. I owned the streets, until I saw sirens from behind my rear-view mirror. Freedom is amazing, freedom is phenomenal, right until you see those red, white and blue sirens from the back of your car. As you stare into your rear-view mirror.

  I pulled over, and there was a police car behind me. I checked and watched who came out of the patrol car, it was a female cop. I haven’t seen a female cop in a long time.

  “License and registration sir,” she asked me, she then flashed her light into my car, and my wallet. “Is that blood on your wallet sir? Or is that something else on there?” I

  stared at it, and then I stared at her, “what seems to be the issue officer? What seems to be the question you are asking me, ma’am?” I said, politely, and then she continued to say, “there’s a series of activities that has been going on in the area, and you were speeding.” I gazed into her eyes, “what type of activity miss officer? Is it some sexual activity? Did you observe, or hear a man handling a woman, ferociously? The point of devouring her deep, she becoming the object of his unbridled lust? His inner beast coming out. He is unleashing her beast. Taking her to a place of no return. Succulent lips and tracing every curve with his hands, before he devours her with his big cock…..” I had her in a fucking trance, she was hypnotized by my words, and my power and more essentially, my fucking eyes. She couldn’t move, she didn’t speak, she didn’t even blink, she was moving in closer, gasping for air. Yes, she was wet. With her eyes shut in pleasure, she moved her face and head closer to me. Then her lips were inches from touching mine, and I was two seconds from grasping her throat with my hands and sinking my teeth into her neck, and then all of a sudden, her walkie talkie went off….

  “We have a 21, 45, do you copy?” She snapped out of my trance, her heart lurched painfully at that alert that she received. And then said, “yes, I copy. Okay sir, you’re good to go tonight, be careful, there’s plenty of strange activity going on in this area. Its very dangerous, stay safe.” She said to me. I smirked, “will do officer, you have a great night.” I wanted to bite her, to see how she dies. Final screams, running scared, whispers, unspoken, kissed twice, before she was bit. Deep freeze, fatal burn, wicked lies, wicked ways, most likely to die. Without any mercy, hot blooded meets cold blooded. Shiver, absolute fear, malice, devious. Would her life flash before her eyes, would she think about the night before? The morning after, born to die anyways, afraid to die, ready to die, deserved to die? Unseen, blind spot, hush. Shhhhh, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, nowhere fucking safe. Then I thought to myself….. ‘oh, I hope I don’t ever run into her again. Did I speak too soon? Should I have finished her off? Could it come back to, bite me, like karma? Nahh!!!’

  Then I sped the fuck off into the night. The world, was in the palm of my hands at this point, and I could crush it whenever the fuck I wanted………

  Chapter 7- Lust At First Sight

  When that pineal gland is functioning properly, you now view the world at a God point of view. Your mind is completely free, and your senses are enhanced like they have never been enhanced before. I was still feeling grief from Precious’ death. For the first time in a long time, I shed a tear. My tear ran down my cheek and onto the ground. That caused a big rain shower in the entire New York City. My emotions were extremely powerful. I had told myself that I needed to move on. I could not get sloppy like that ever again. Drunk? Shit, when was the last time I was that drunk?

  So now, several years had passed, and I had several gyms I owned, and a couple of night clubs I had to run. I couldn’t just be sloppy. I arrived at one of my night clubs, and it was a fucking banging and lit Saturday night. The night was lustfully delicious looking. And very promising for business. We were open like a few nights during the week, and we were on all weekend, from Friday through Sunday.

  Saturday and Sunday were always our biggest nights. We could bank one hundred and fifty thousand a night, whether it was a Saturday or Sunday. Especially Sunday, weird too, you would think people are getting ready for the week, and would love to rest up on Sunday, but not out here, no way. They were party animals around here. Motherfuckers didn’t sleep in New York fucking City. I know why Saturday was lit, I mean, most people out here worked a nine to five job, Monday through Friday, and they were off Saturday and Sunday. This was their time to unwind, this was a place for them to relax, have fun, escape.

  I had that special aura or something, because for some reason women could not take their eyes off me tonight. It must be all these women I’ve been killing, they were sensing the other women’s energies off of me. I mean, women were like wolves. Very intricate creatures, but they can sense things from a distance. But, that wasn’t the vampire aura, that was just my natural Scorpio Dominant aura.

  The bouncers greeted me, as I passed to the side of where the metal detectors were. “Hey sir, how is it tonight?” They asked me. I shook their hands, “well fellas, it’s looking promising. Real promising tonight. Looks like some great business is going to be in the building here tonight. Big names!!”

  I walked in, greeted the bottle women, and told them. “Sell those bottles ladies, whatever it takes, power of seduction, power of persuasion. Ladies, you’ve been doing this since you were born, you all know what to do, so do what you do best.” And they all at once said, “yes boss!!” I went over to the bar, and I was looking around. I smiled to myself and my thoughts went wild, ‘I fucking did it, I wish Precious could see me now, I fucking did it!’

  A man then approached me, he was in a business suit, dark red blazer, and a matching red tie. His energy to me felt very strong, and he looked very prominent. He was dressed in a way that made him stand out completely. He then stuck out his hand, and asked me, “I guess you are the owner of this place, huh?” I looked at his hand, granted, I don’t trust anyone, I don’t just trust a person that smiles nonstop in my damn face.

  I shook his hand, “who is asking?” I asked him right back, answering a question with a question. He then said, “I am Phil Scott.” I looked at him squarely, “a man with two first names, huh? Phil Scott? Should I know you, well you approach me, like I should know you sir?” He then continued with me, “perhaps you should know me, perhaps you should not, but soon you will know me very well.” I laughed, “haha, and why is that man with two first names? Why is that?”

  He smiled back at me, “well, I am looking to buy this place, what is your price?” I shook my head at him and then rolled my eyes, “listen, it’s not for sale, but I could possibly hire you as my general manger here, but I am the owner, and I will remain the owner.”

  He said, “we will see.”

  I wanted to know why this man with the two first names, matter of fact, who gives their child, two first names anyways? I wanted to know why this man was so confident in my club.

  “Why are you so interested in my club? There are tons of clubs all over the world, and here in New York, why mine?” He then said to me, “your club is one of the hottest in New York City, that’s why. I want to add it to my collection.” I looked at him confused, “collection? What do you mean? You own a series of clubs? Look this location is prominent for me, I grew up in Brooklyn, New York. It’s like my way of giving back to my community, and the fact that it is black owned, not many people would look at this place, and think it was black owned. I bet you didn’t know this either.”

  He nodded his head, “yes, that is correct, and I want to take it off your hands.” Damn, this man with the two first names was playing hard ball. He then said to me, “I want to add this club to my collection of clubs. I have one in Connecticut, one in Dallas, Texas, one in Atlanta, Georgia and I would own anoth
er in New York, which would be this one.”

  I laughed at him, “like I told you, its not for sale, but I would love to be partners with you on your clubs, and mine, I think we would have something pretty lucrative here for the both of us, don’t you believe? With my fresh new innovative ideas, your savvy business style? What do you think?” He smiled at me and didn’t say shit for like three seconds.

  “Well no, it sounds tempting, but I like to work alone, no partners,” Phil Scott replied. I wanted him to open his wallet, I needed to see his ID, I needed to know more of this man. He turned around, and gave his back to me, he was about to walk away from me when I grabbed him, I

  placed my massive hand on his shoulder, “look, take my card,” I suggested to him, “perhaps we change our minds, “I mean, if the dollar signs look promising, I might sell.”

  Now his eyes lit up, and he took my card. I mean, he would have never taken it, if I didn’t lie. He then took my card and took out his wallet, and placed it in there, but before he could put his wallet back into his pocket, I told him….


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