Along the Cane River: Books 1-5 in the Inspirational Cane River Romance Series

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Along the Cane River: Books 1-5 in the Inspirational Cane River Romance Series Page 49

by Mary Jane Hathaway

  Chapter Sixteen

  “The reason you will not say it is, when you say it, even to yourself,

  you will know it is true.”

  ― William Faulkner

  “I suppose your car is nice enough but nothing rides like a Caddy,” Bix said as they walked toward St. Augustine’s back yard. “Makes all those potholes just even out. Smooth as a new highway. Too bad I didn’t know you, then. I could have given it to you.”

  Gideon smiled, imagining himself driving Bix’s enormous green Cadillac. That would have made keeping a low profile very difficult indeed.

  “It’s hard to attract a nice lady with a little foreign car like that. You wouldn’t be havin’ any trouble gettin’ a wife if you had the Caddy,” Bix said.

  He didn’t know what to say. Somehow he’d given the impression he was on the hunt for a wife.

  Henry’s car was parked in the driveway and he wondered if Tom was peppering her with questions. He hadn’t told Tom that Henry liked her privacy. Now that they were feet away, he realized he hadn’t really told Tom anything at all. He ran a hand over his face and wished he could stop at the gate, sending Bix and Ruby on by themselves.

  “Now, you just relax and let us handle everything, sha.” Ruby reached over and patted Gideon’s arm.

  That’s what he was afraid of, but he didn’t say so. “I’m just not much of a talker, Miss Ruby,” he said. He could see a thin plume of steam and smelled spices in the air. Smoothing down the front of his shirt, Gideon rethought his plan to slip away. Maybe he’d stay for just a little while.

  “Who needs talking when you’ve got that handsome face? You simply look over at her every so often and smile real big with those dimples you got. Don’t say a thing. She’ll be done for in no time,” Ruby said.

  Gideon reached to open the little gate to the backyard. He could imagine Henry’s reaction if he grinned maniacally across the table without speaking a word.

  “Girls don’t need smiles,” Bix said. “They like gifts. You can smile all ya like but if you don’t offer a little token now and then, you’re just a friend. I brought Ruby a rose every day for a week before she let me give her a kiss and it was two months before I even got to―”

  “Yes, sir. I’ll keep that in mind,” Gideon interrupted. He could be wrong and maybe Bix had a perfectly normal ending to that sentence but he didn’t want to find out.

  “I remember those roses,” Ruby said, linking her arm with Bix’s and giving him a kiss. “It was the sweetest thing anybody had ever done for me. My first husband wasn’t real romantic that way, bless his soul and may he rest in peace.”

  They turned the corner and saw Henry and Tom by the pot. Tom was peering into a sack that probably held the crawfish and Henry was standing a little to the side, as if unsure whether to come toward them or stay put. She lifted a hand and gave a little wave. She was so beautiful, smiling shyly at them all, it took a moment before he was aware of his feet.

  “Give me a job,” Ruby demanded, giving Tom a kiss and Henry a hug. She held up a glass jar. “I brought watermelon rind pickles but you wouldn’t let me bring a real dish so I gotta earn my supper somehow.”

  “My favorite. And Henry was my sous chef. We’re all done.” Tom pointed to the sack. “Last step, right here. I rinsed them real good in the cooler before I started so after I dump the shrimp and these babies in, we’ve got about fifteen minutes before we eat.”

  “Would you like some sweet tea, Ruby?” Henry moved toward the pitcher.

  “I think I’ll get myself a beer from the fridge,” Ruby said with a wink.

  “Oh. Bix, then?” She held up a glass full of ice. “Tea?”

  “I’ll get me a Coke over here, sha.” He turned to Gideon. “But Gideon likes sweet tea.”

  “Yes, ma’am, I do,” he said. Henry poured him a glass. For a moment, she hesitated, as if unsure whether to deliver it or wait for him to come to her. Just when he started forward, she seemed to make up her mind and they met in the middle.

  He took the glass from her and tried to think of a safe topic. It was the first time he’d seen her without the ponytail and he couldn’t stop staring. The dark waves softly framed her face, her eyes were almost luminous in that late afternoon light.

  “You look beautiful,” he said. A second later he closed his eyes and sighed. Other than actually mentioning Kimberly, that was probably the worst comment he could have made. “Sorry.”

  “For what?” Ruby asked, coming out of the back door.

  “I dunno,” Bix said, frowning. “He said she was beautiful and then apologized. You becomin’ one of those feminists, Gideon? The kind who say you can’t a hold a door for a lady?”

  “No, it’s fine. I’m not―” Henry started to say.

  “Because if you can’t tell a girl you like that she’s pretty, then I don’t know what there is left.” Bix shook his head.

  Gideon looked at Tom, hoping that he would intervene but Tom just stirred the pot, a smile on his face.

  “Well, there’s always roses, right?” Ruby slipped her arm around Bix’s waist. “Pretty girls can get tired of hearin’ that, I suppose.”

  “Actually, it was nice of―” Henry said.

  “I think a movie is a real good way to spend some time with a gal. Some of those theaters are empty during the matinees and it’s so dark and cozy in there, if you know what I mean,” Bix said.

  “You like movies, Henry? Bein’ from a theater family, you’ve probably seen them all.” Ruby sighed. “I’ve seen Casablanca near fifty times. Those love scenes are so romantic.”

  Gideon glanced at Henry and started to smile. There wasn’t anything to be done but endure all the bad advice coming their way.

  “You’re right, now that I think on it. Telling her she’s pretty won’t win her over. I bet Henry hears it all the time. And she’s a thinker, just like Alice. Throwing compliments at her is probably as useful as a steering wheel on a mule,” Bix said.

  “True. I remember when Paul was wooin’ Alice. Poor man couldn’t do anything right until he wired up her apartment for the internet. I think she sure appreciated that.”

  “Is that the apartment I have now?” Henry asked. She looked more than ready to get off the topic of romance. “It’s beautifully preserved.”

  “Yes, ma’am. They were at each others’ throats. Like cats and dogs. But we could tell they were in love from the very first moment. It was real clear.” Ruby tugged Bix toward a chair. “Sit down, hon. You make me feel lazy when I’m sittin’ by myself.”

  “They seem to get along so well now.” Henry perched on a stool next to the table and held her iced tea in both hands.

  “Funny thing,” Bix said, taking a long drink of his Coke. “Those two didn’t seem to have anything in common, but deep down, they were just alike. You never know what’s under the surface.”

  Gideon wandered over to Tom, relieved that the topic had turned. Henry was listening to Ruby tell the story of how Paul and Alice fell in love, and Bix was interjecting now and then to correct her.

  “So, you staying?” Tom said, his voice barely above a whisper.

  “I lost my nerve for a minute. This really isn’t so bad.”

  “Let’s hope the worst is past. They could always start asking about her old boyfriends. Or current boyfriends.”

  He could handle the relationship advice, but having it connected to Blue was a certain kind of painful. “Sorry we’re late. Bix had to show me his African violet collection and then Ruby asked me to figure out why they couldn’t get into their e-mail.”

  “Just like a good son.” Tom speared a potato with a long fork and held it up. The steam curled off in wisps. “Speaking of which, Vince and Sally are coming in a few weeks.”

  Gideon peered into the boiling water, the bright red tails and claws of the crawfish waltzing with the vegetables.

  “Austin’s got a few days off after mid-terms and I thought since it was close to your birthday, we could all get toge
ther,” Tom continued, as if that was a perfectly normal idea, as if Gideon hadn’t been estranged from his family for the past seventeen birthdays.

  Stuffing his hands in his pockets, Gideon said nothing.

  “Vince says he wants to see that bluegill spot we found so we might take a few hours on the river while Sally meets up with friends,” Tom said.

  “Austin’s got a new girlfriend. She seems real nice.” Tom sliced the potato and checked the inside. “Here’s hoping he finds the one and gets married and has some kids soon. Sally says out of three sons, she deserves some grandbabies.”

  Three sons. They called him their son even after all he’d done and he wasn’t even their natural child. He looked across the little yard to where Henry was listening to Bix as he told some story that involved a lot of hand motions. Gideon had what Henry could only dream of, a family waiting to accept him just as he was.

  Henry leaned forward, attention focused on the man in front of her. Gideon understood what Bix was feeling right then as he talked and talked. When Henry looked you, it was like you were the most interesting person on the planet.

  Tom nibbled an edge of the potato. “So, I was thinking we could all meet for lunch and then go out fishing for a bit.”

  “Maybe so,” Gideon said.

  Tom paused, the rest of the potato balanced on the fork halfway back to the pot. “Yeah?” His voice was cautious, as if he expected Gideon to burst into laughter and tell him he’d been joking.

  “I’ve been thinking about them lately,” Gideon said.

  As if following his train of thought, Tom glanced back toward Henry. He watched her for a moment and then said, “They miss you.”

  “They miss the kid I used to be,” Gideon corrected him.

  “Is it about ready?” Ruby called over. “I could eat the tablecloth.”

  “Almost,” Tom called back. “I’m gonna have Gideon bring it over while I get the napkins. I always forget the napkins.” He put his hand on his shoulder and said, “I know you think I’m always pushing you to see them, but they’re getting older. Someday it might be too late.” And then he was off toward the house.

  Gideon took a kitchen towel and wrapped it around the wire handle of metal basket and lifted. He waited, letting the broth drain for a few seconds. “Watch out, now,” he called and carried it to the table. Ruby, Bix and Henry leaned back as he dumped the contents on the newspaper.

  “A veritable Southern cornucopia,” Bix said, inhaling deeply.

  “Let’s add a bit more seasoning.” Ruby had the shaker in hand and then paused. “Unless Henry doesn’t like it so hot. How do you like your crawfish, Henry?”

  “Oh, sprinkle it on,” she said. Something in her expression caught Gideon’s attention. Or maybe it was that she actually hadn’t answered the question.

  “Do you like crawfish, Henry?” he asked.

  “Sure do. I wouldn’t be at a low country mudbug feast if I didn’t, now, would I?” She shot him a look that said she knew exactly why he’d asked and he’d better not say anything if he knew what was good for him. He almost laughed out loud. He was learning to spot the lies, and somehow it didn’t bother him at all, because she’d come to dinner anyway.

  Tom emerged with a pile of napkins and stood at the head of the table. “Bix, you want to say grace?”

  “Oh, that’d be a shame, me sayin’ grace with a priest at the table.” But he stood up, looking pleased. He made the sign of the cross and spoke the traditional French Creole blessing.

  “Amen,” he ended.

  “Amen,” everybody answered.

  “Dig in,” Tom said and passed a plate to Gideon who passed it to Ruby who passed it to Bix who passed it to Henry, who sat directly across from Gideon. He looked up and Henry let out a soft laugh at the circuitous route.

  “So Henry, how’s Blue?” Ruby asked.

  Her smile froze. “Oh, he’s fine, thank you,” she said. “I mean, has something happened to him? I haven’t seen him since last night.”

  Last night. He imagined Blue walking her home, pausing under the little awning of By the Book for a long kiss. A bolt of white-hot jealousy went through him. He focused on his shrimp, carefully peeling it and dipping it in melted garlic butter.

  “No, not as far as I know. I don’t know him real well. He’s got a good education and seems to be a real go-getter. And from a nice Creole family, too,” Bix said.

  Henry nodded. “He seems close to them,” she said, her voice carefully neutral.

  “Always a good sign,” Bix said, raising his fork like a salute, a piece of potato stuck on it.

  Gideon shot a look at Tom. He’d thought it was awkward when Ruby and Bix had given romantic advice. It was much worse listening to a list of Blue’s attributes. Tom shrugged as if to say there was nothing he could do.

  “And such a good lookin’ young man,” Ruby said, letting out a low whistle. “No disrespect to my man, since he’s as fine as they come, but that Blue is something special, wouldn’t you say, Henry?” she asked.

  “He’s handsome,” she agreed.

  “But not as handsome as Gideon,” Ruby said.

  Gideon almost inhaled a bite of corn. He saw where this was headed now. Bix and Ruby thought they could somehow trick Henry into seeing that he was the better candidate.

  “Not as handsome as Gideon,” Henry agreed.

  He made a low noise in his throat, hoping they’d all move on. Henry didn’t have to coddle him.

  “But, for me, being attractive is about more than just what a man’s been blessed with. I like that Gideon doesn’t know he’s the handsomest man in town. Once, when we were on our way to the Finnemore house, a girl almost walked into a post because she wasn’t paying attention. But Gideon had no idea.”

  Bix let out a laugh. “She was payin’ attention, all right. Just not to where she was walking.”

  “When was this? I don’t remember this at all,” Gideon said.

  “See?” Henry asked. “It happens all the time. A few days ago when we were standing in front of By the Book, an older lady did a double take right in front of us and you didn’t even notice.”

  “I think you might be misunderstanding,” he said. “There are a lot of good reasons for that.” The fact that he’d spent more than a decade in prison for murder was one.

  She didn’t bother to answer, just went on as if she hadn’t heard him. “There’s just something about a man who isn’t aware of how he affects women. And as much as I like Blue, he might have an inkling that he’s a good looking guy.”

  “Well, Gideon sure knows now,” Tom said. “It’s back to square one. They’re even.”

  She brushed back her hair and flashed him a smile. “No, it was never even.”

  Was she flirting? He wanted to think she was flirting, but he was probably wrong.

  “How are the plans for the jambalaya feed?” Gideon asked.

  “Everything is going according to plan,” Tom said, spearing a piece of sausage. “Which means the real disaster is being saved for the day. That’s the way it goes.”

  Ruby said, “My cousin Lucinda is comin’ as soon as the sun is up. We’re gonna make a big batch. Last year we ran out early and wasn’t nobody happy. Remember that? Ol’ Fitz threw such a fit about not getting a bowl to take home for his wife when we all know it gives her gas bad enough to gag a maggot and he just wanted to feed it to his favorite dog.”

  Now that Ruby was onto the jambalaya feed, Gideon let himself relax a little.

  “Just remember you both are bringing a pot.” Tom pointed down the table at Henry and Gideon. He could tell Tom wanted to add “together” but knew he was pushing his luck.

  “Ooh, you two should team up! My mamere always said the best jambalaya was made up of mostly love with a whole bunch of yearning and a big ol’ dash of passion. See, the love is like the rice and the yearning is the chicken and the passion is the Tabasco sauce.” Ruby nodded as if it all made perfect sense. “Or, maybe the passion was
the chicken and the yearning was the Tabasco? Now I forget.”

  “We’ll take that into account.” Henry took a sip of tea and looked at him across the top of her glass, clearly trying not to laugh.

  “You know, this reminds me of the all the outdoor cookin’ we used to do with Mable Jean,” Bix said. “She lives up near you, Gideon, at Lac Terre Noire. We just don’t get out there as much, now that I don’t have a license.”

  “I’d be happy to take you any time,” Gideon said.

  “That’s real nice of you,” Bix said. “Father Tom, I was telling Gideon that he coulda had my old green Caddy if we’d known each other last year. Such a shame I had to sell it to a stranger. You would have loved it.”

  “I’m sure I would have,” Gideon said, pouring himself some iced tea. He looked across at Henry, ready to refill her glass but froze at her expression. She sucked in a sharp breath. His gaze darted around the table for what she’d seen.

  “Nothing rides like a Caddy,” Bix went on. “That little foreign car you got just wasn’t made the same. It’s all automatic windows and automatic air and automatic seats moving back and forth. You make everything automatic and you lose the best parts of the car.”

  “You’re probably right,” Gideon said. Now Henry’s expression was even more incredulous. Her mouth had dropped open and the napkin she’d picked up had fallen onto her food.

  “We shoulda kept it and used it for something, Bix. I saw where someone made a car into a greenhouse. That Caddy woulda made a real big greenhouse,” Ruby said.

  “What?” Gideon whispered, leaning over the table.

  “You,” Henry said. “You…” It was as if she were having trouble speaking.

  “Naw, that car needs to be driven. That’s what it was made for,” Bix said through a mouthful of corn.

  “Me?” He searched back through the last few seconds and found nothing.

  “You just…” Moisture glinted at the edge of her eyes and Gideon felt panic rise from deep inside. He’d offended her, somehow. They’d only been at the table for a few seconds and he’d already upset her so much she was close to tears.


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