Secrets Uncovered

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Secrets Uncovered Page 16

by Shelia M. Goss

  “Brent, you’re being cruel. Kem doesn’t deserve it.”

  “Auntie, she dumped me. She gave me back the ring.”

  “She did?”

  “Yes, but I wouldn’t take it so she threw it at me.”

  “So where’s the ring now?”

  “I don’t know. I left it with her. I gave it to her and even if she doesn’t want anything else to do with me, I don’t want the ring back. She can have it. Maybe it’ll remind her of what we could have had. I didn’t need the reminder.”

  Aunt Edna threw her hands up in the air. “Lord, I don’t know what I’m going to do with the two of you. This has gotten out of hand.”

  “It’s not my fault. All she had to do was trust me. But she doesn’t and you’ve always told me without trust there’s no relationship.”

  “I know but you two love each other. There has to be a way for you to work things out.”

  “I’ve gone out of my way to be there for Kem. For her to repay me by doing this—I don’t know if I could ever forgive her. I need her to support me on this and she’s not here.”

  Chapter Forty-Three

  The next day, Kem and Brent did their best to avoid being alone, which was easy with so many people being on set. But the tension between the two was obvious.

  Kem wasn’t sure who leaked it, but everyone knew of their broken engagement.

  She’d caught a glance of Brent leaving the studio early. She wondered why but kept her concerns to herself. Kem’s phone vibrated in her pocket and when she pulled it out, Charlotte’s name displayed on the screen.

  “I’ve been trying to reach you,” Kem blurted as soon as she answered.

  “I know. I’ve been busy putting out fires. My clients have kept me working hard.”

  “I can only imagine. Especially this thing with Brent.”

  “Brent told me what happened.”

  “He had no business telling you about what’s going on between us. But since he did, did he tell you how he tried to justify leaving his child?”

  “I wish you would have heard him out. You need to watch Terrance J’s interview.”

  “Charlotte, what do you know that I don’t?” Kem tapped her foot.

  “You should get the answers to all of your questions directly from Brent himself. I strongly suggest you tune in to the interview. I have to go.”

  “Charlotte!” Kem yelled but to no avail. Charlotte had ended the call.

  Kem did some more work and prepared to leave the studio. She looked at the time and realized there was no way she would be able to make it home before Terrance J’s show aired. She reached into her desk drawer and pulled out a remote. She moved her chair so it faced the forty-two-inch screen that was mounted on the wall in the corner of her office.

  She flipped the stations until she saw Terrance J’s face.

  Terrance J said, “We’ll be back with my exclusive interview with Brent McKenzie who was here just moments ago to set the record straight after his ex-girlfriend Alize Jenkins went on a media blitz about what should have been a private matter.”

  Kem inhaled and exhaled as she watched the commercials, waiting for the show to come back on. Soon, Brent’s face appeared onscreen. He was immaculately dressed as usual. Wearing a designer suit and the purple tie she’d given him for Christmas, he looked debonair. Despite his impeccable appearance, she could see worry lines on his face.

  Terrance J held up a piece of paper and the camera zoomed in. “I’m holding here in my hand proof that Brent McKenzie is not the father of Hennessey Jenkins. As you can see it’s an official court document showing that Brent is not the father, but a man named Donald Howard is. Brent, would you like to elaborate more on this?”

  Brent looked into the camera. “I wouldn’t normally speak of something so private in a public forum but since Alize has taken it upon herself to try to trash my name, I have no recourse. My only regret is that Hennessey has been subjected to this mess. Alize should be ashamed of herself.”

  “One question the viewers may have is why did you sign the original birth certificate if you weren’t the father?” Terrance J asked.

  “Terrance, at the time I signed the birth certificate, I thought I was. I had no idea that Alize had been cheating on me. As you’ve all seen in the videos and pictures she’s provided, I was a loving and doting father. I didn’t become aware of her cheating on me until Hennessey was around two years old. Some other man approached me claiming to be his biological father.”

  “Is that when you did the DNA test?”

  “It wasn’t that easy. Since I’d signed the original birth certificate, I had to get a lawyer and go to court. Once the DNA test results came back proving Donald Howard was Hennessey’s biological father, legal proceedings followed that removed my name from his birth certificate.”

  “This is like a soap opera,” Terrance J noted.

  “It was hard going through all of this. It hurt me to leave Hennessey because for two years I thought he was my child. I tried to be a part of his life still, even after learning the truth, but Alize wouldn’t allow me to see him and I had no legal recourse at that point.”

  “So you’re telling me that even after discovering he wasn’t your son, you were willing to be a part of his life?”

  “Yes, because I felt like it wasn’t his fault that his mother lied and schemed. He shouldn’t have had to pay for her actions.”

  Kem couldn’t believe it. Brent wasn’t the child’s father and she’d thought the worst of him. How could she have been so stupid after all he’d done for her? Brent tried to do the right thing but it was his trifling ex-girlfriend who didn’t.

  Kem heard Terrance J say, “Why do you think Alize decided to come out now about this?”

  “Alize has always been about the money so I think someone paid her to tell this lie.”

  “I would like to thank you for taking the time to clear things up. Man, I’m sorry you’ve had to go through this. Hopefully, one day, you’ll be able to have your own kids.”

  “Maybe one day, but probably no time soon,” Brent responded.

  Terrance J ended his segment.

  Kem sat back in her chair amazed at what she’d just seen. Brent didn’t do anything wrong. He was innocent. Alize Jenkins had lied.

  “What have I done?” Kem asked out loud. “Brent’s innocent. I have to make this right. I just have to,” Kem said over and over as she rushed out of her office.

  She located her keys in the bottom of her purse and rushed out of the studio parking lot. She had to get to Brent.

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Kem parked her car outside of Brent’s house. She’d tried calling him on the way over but her calls went straight to voice mail.

  She rang the doorbell but got no answer. She used the key he’d given her.

  “Brent,” she called out as she went from room to room searching for him.

  She went to the garage and his car wasn’t there, so she decided to wait for him in the living room. She waited and waited but he never came. It was late. She wrote a note and left it on his bed.

  She thought she saw his car driving down the street as she was leaving. She started to turn around but decided not to. Instead, she headed to her house.

  She dozed off to sleep waiting on Brent to call her but he never did.

  Kem’s alarm clock beeped waking her the next morning. She hit the snooze button several times before getting out of bed. She didn’t have an appetite but ate a bagel because she needed something in her stomach.

  While driving to work, Kem attempted to call Brent but her calls went to voice mail. When she arrived at the studio she wrote a note and slipped it under Brent’s door. It was hard to work but she did her best to concentrate on writing. She kept glancing at the clock.

  Ellen waltzed into the room smiling. “I’m sure you’
re happy about how Brent’s situation turned out.”

  “I am. Speaking of Brent, do you know if he’s here yet?” Kem asked.

  “Yes. He’s in his trailer. Do you want me to go get him?” Ellen asked.

  “No. I’ll catch up with him later.”

  As soon as Ellen was gone, Kem snuck away to Brent’s trailer. She decided not to use one of the golf carts and walked instead. She could use the extra time to think. She had no clue what to say to him as she played different scenarios in her head.

  Before she could think of how to approach Brent, she’d arrived at his trailer. She knocked on the door.

  “Come in,” Brent yelled.

  Kem sighed out loud, opened the trailer door and walked in with a smile. Her smile faded when she saw several people seated across the table from Brent playing cards.

  “Did I get the times wrong? I thought my scene wasn’t until after noon,” Brent said, in a matter-of-fact voice, void of any emotion.

  “You’re right. I’d been trying to reach you. Just making sure you were okay,” Kem responded.

  “I’m fine. As you can tell, we’re hard at work here.”

  The three men sitting with Brent laughed.

  “I can see that. But none of you get paid to lounge around.”

  “They are helping me with my lines so please don’t be rude to the crew.”

  “I’m not being rude.” Kem caught herself. “Did you get my messages?”

  “Yes, but I’ve been busy.” Brent barely looked at her when he spoke.

  Kem opened her mouth to say something but stopped. “Never mind.”

  Kem walked out. She heard the men talking and laughing. How embarrassing.

  She saw Brent later that day but he was always with someone. He went out of his way to be rude to her by avoiding her or making snide remarks and Kem didn’t like it. His actions were frustrating her, but a part of her thought she deserved his cold treatment. She loved Brent and wouldn’t give up trying to make amends with him.

  Brent received all of Kem’s calls and messages but until he decided how he wanted to proceed, he refused to talk with her. She’d hurt him more than she apparently realized.

  He didn’t mean to be so blatantly rude to her but it was his only defense at this point. One part of him wanted to take her in his arms and hug and kiss her, but his ego wouldn’t allow him to do that. She’d hurt him and he would not give her the opportunity to do it again.

  Apparently, she thought so little of him that she would believe someone like Alize. He thought Kem was different than other women, but she’d proven she was just like the rest of the women he’d come across—she was self-centered and only looked out for herself. She acted like she didn’t care about him.

  Aunt Edna and his mom were the only two women who’d ever cared about him, it seemed. Brent pushed back the tears forming in his eyes. He’d become emotional and he needed to get a grip.

  As soon as his last scene was over, Brent rushed past everyone and left the studio. He didn’t want to take any more chances of running into Kem.

  Aunt Edna lectured him over dinner.

  “Kem told me how rude you were to her. We didn’t raise you like that.”

  “You’re my aunt, so why are you on her side?” Brent’s tone was a little harsh. “I apologize for my tone, but I’m just frustrated right now.”

  “I’m glad you caught yourself because you’re still not too old for me to go upside your head.” Aunt Edna waved her hand.

  Seeing Aunt Edna mimic what she used to do brought a chuckle out of Brent. “Truce. But please hear me out. Kem broke up with me. How am I supposed to feel?”

  Aunt Edna scratched her head. “Kem’s sorry. Give her a chance to apologize.”

  “Like she gave me a chance to explain? No thank you. She should have thought about us before she threw us away.”

  “If you aren’t your mama’s boy. She was just as stubborn as you are. If it wasn’t for me, her and your father would have never married. Now I see I got to intervene with you and Kem.” Aunt Edna shook her head. “Now, listen up, boy, and listen good. Kem wants to talk to you and you will talk to her.”

  “Aunt Edna, I respect you but Kem hurt me and I’ve never done anything to her for her to hurt me like she did. I’ve been there for her since day one. Yet, when I needed her, she turned her back on me. How am I supposed to bounce back from that?”

  Aunt Edna bowed her head. Not even she had an answer for that.

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Kem’s attempt to enlist Aunt Edna’s help backfired. Brent wouldn’t listen to her so he still refused to take Kem’s calls. It’d now been a week since they’d broken up and it was the longest week of Kem’s life. The things she’d gone through the last few months were devastating but at least she’d had Brent by her side to help her get through them. Now, she felt completely alone. Not even Charlotte or Mona could get her out of this depressive state.

  One week turned into two weeks and the month had ended and she was nowhere near getting Brent to talk to her. She was at the point of giving up.

  Ellen walked into her office and plopped down in the chair. “How are you?” Ellen asked.

  “How do I look?” Kem batted her eyes.

  “If I answer that I might lose my job.” Ellen retrieved the chocolate covered candy out of the candy jar.

  “What do you want, Ellen?”

  “Nothing. I came to help you out.”

  “Are you sure? Because it looks to me like you came by to be a thorn in my side.” Kem frowned.

  Ellen laughed. “You got jokes. I came to offer you some advice.”

  This time Kem had to laugh. “Ellen, you’re like what, twenty-five? I’ve got about five years of experience on you.”

  “You’re older but you sure haven’t been acting wisely.”

  Kem asked, “What are you talking about?”

  “You’re going to let some other woman snag your man while you wallow in self pity? You need to do something and fast.”

  “Ellen, I still don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Ellen took her cell phone out of her pocket, did something and then shoved it in Kem’s face. “Now, are you going to do something or not?”

  Kem looked at the picture of Brent and the actress, former video vixen Pandora. According to the caption, the picture was taken at an album release party for Snoop, at a local Los Angeles club.

  “Brent’s a friendly guy. He takes pictures with anyone who asks.” Kem tried to sound unworried.

  “Did you read the paragraph below the picture?” Ellen leaned forward.

  Kem read what it said out loud. “It seems rumors of Brent McKenzie no longer being engaged to Secrets creator and producer Kem Phillips is true. He was seen at Snoop’s album release party snuggled up with this hottie, actress and model Pandora. Many of you know her from countless rap videos.”

  Kem handed Ellen back her phone. “So what? He’s just doing this to get back at me for being upset at him over that Alize mess.”

  “That situation was cleared up weeks ago. You two should have made up by now,” Ellen said.

  Kem was tired of discussing it. “Ellen, thank you for your concern, but what happens between Brent and me is between us.”

  Kem wouldn’t admit it to Ellen but she was afraid of losing Brent. She’d really messed things up. She wasn’t sure if the situation could be resolved.

  Ellen threw her hand in the air out of frustration. “Excuse me for being concerned.” She stood and walked toward the door then stopped and turned. “I’m going to leave you with this one last piece of advice. You can take it or leave it. You’re creative. Use that creative mind of yours to figure out a way to get your man back. He still loves you. And you would be a fool to let your ego stand in the way of your happiness. Now, my duty’s done. I�
��m gone for the day. Good night.”

  Ellen got on Kem’s nerves sometimes but she had a point. It was Kem’s lack of trust that broke them up. She devised a plan to get Brent alone so he would be forced to listen to her.

  Brent realized after hanging out with Pandora, that although she was very attractive, his heart still belonged to one woman…Kem. Pandora’s attempts to seduce him failed. After the album release party, he made sure she got to her hotel safely and went home.

  She called him and cursed him out. She accused him of getting her hot and bothered and now she was left horny because of him. He laughed out loud while listening to her message. He deleted it and went back to going over his lines for his scene.

  This particular scene required him to be upset with his costar after learning she’d cheated on him with his archenemy. He channeled the emotions he’d felt when Kem believed Alize as he acted out the scene.

  The director yelled, “Cut.”

  His costars and some of the crew members clapped. Jules said, “That was great. You need to make sure they send that reel in for the Emmys.”

  “Man, I’m not even thinking about that.” And he wasn’t. Brent was trying to deal with his pain. He poured all of it into that one scene. Jenny’s character’s betrayal helped him relive those feelings.

  Brent caught Kem staring at him. He knew she’d been reaching out to him but if it wasn’t work related, they had nothing to say to each other. As far as he was concerned, she’d said all she needed to say to him the night she threw his ring at him.

  He saw Aunt Edna walk up to Kem and hug her. He hadn’t realized she was going to be on set today. After that last talk she tried to have with him about Kem, she stopped trying. She realized he’d made up his mind.

  It irritated Brent to see them both talking and laughing. Brent didn’t see anything worth laughing about but apparently they did. Aunt Edna waved at him. He waved back but didn’t go to her; instead he left and went to his trailer. He needed some air. He had to get as far away from Kem as he could.


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