by Alan Huffman
Lugenbeal, William, 205, 222
McCook, Edward, 14, 33–35, 68–76, 89
McCord, “Susan,” 224, 226
McCormick, A.S., 256
McCrory, L.W., 171, 211, 225
McFarland, William, 188, 204, 224–25, 238
McGinty, Thomas, 169, 186
McIntosh, Epenetus, 188
McLeod, Daniel, 178, 202, 221–22, 224, 226, 232–33, 235
McMillan, D.E., 122–26
Macon & Western Railroad, 68–71, 74
Maddox, Elvira, 251
Maddox, John C., xii
boarding Sultana, 174–75
at Cahaba prison, 109
capture of Tolbert and, 76
death of, 269
enlistment of, 6, 8, 10–12
intestinal disorder of, 40, 41–42, 47
in local militia, 3, 6, 10
at Memphis Soldiers Home, 226
onboard Belle of Memphis, 237, 238
pension application, 240, 251
postwar years, 247–52, 254–55
as recruit, 12–14, 17–18, 35
return home after disaster, 240
survival in the water, 3
Maddox, Margaret, 251
Maddox, Mary, 251
Maddox, William, 247
Madison, Indiana, 5–6, 240, 245–46
Madison Courier, 12, 14, 40, 246–48, 254, 269
Maes, Jotham, 200
Magee, Benjamin, 244, 252
Marietta, Georgia, 73
Marshall, William, 209
Marvel, William, 139–40, 145–46
Mason, J. Cass, 169, 172–73, 175, 178–84, 186, 194–95
Mattoon, Illinois, 238–39
Matz, John, 63
Melvin, Samuel, 145–53
memories, 29–30, 258–59
Memories of Old Cahaba, 262
Memphis, Tennessee, 185–89, 231–37
Memphis Argus, 234, 235
Memphis Daily Bulletin, 232, 233
Memphis Soldiers’ Home, 226, 232, 233, 237
Merchant and People’s Steamboat Line, 180
Meridian, Mississippi, 121–22
military contracts, 69–70, 169
Miller, William Blufton, 38–39, 57, 74
Minié balls, 86
Missionary Ridge, 30, 95, 256
Mississippi River, 175, 206–7
flooding (2008), 271–72
Montgomery, Alabama, 65, 88
Montgomery & West Point Railroad, 58, 65–66
Morgan, John Hunt, 10–11, 33–34
Morgan, Thomas J., 100
Morrow, William, 233
Mosby, John S., 141
Moss, Joe, 192–93
mule jokes, 59
mules, 52, 59
Nashville, Tennessee, 77, 95
National Archives, 7
neocortex, 32–34, 37–38
New Albany Ledger, 14
New Bethel Church, 7, 249
Newnan, Georgia, 71–72
New River, 72–73
Newton, Thomas, 90–91, 131–34, 140, 141, 158, 159–60, 258
New York Times, 234
Nine Mile Creek, 100–101
Norton, Henry, 198–99
O’Hara, James, 169, 186
Ohio River, 5, 175
Old Bridgeport Road, 276
Olive Branch, 174, 180
110th Regiment Infantry U.S. Colored Troops, 95–97
115th Regiment Ohio Infantry, 227
On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society (Grossman), 36–38
Overton Hospital, 232, 233
Owl Rock Church, 55, 70, 75–76
Paddy’s Hen and Chickens, 189
Palmetto, Georgia, 70
Pauline Carroll, 174, 181, 182–83
Paynesville, Indiana, 246, 254
Peacock, William, 199–200
Perker, Jerry, 210
Perryville, Kentucky, 14, 30–31
Pickens, Samuel, 209
Pocahontas, 205–6, 218, 224–25
Poe’s Crossroads, 45–46
Porter, W.C., 188
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 258
Potter, Jerry O., 277, 283
prisoner exchanges, 90, 111, 127–30, 155–56, 159–60, 171–72
prisoner-of-war camps, 28, 89–93, 260–62. See also Andersonville prison; Cahaba prison
property ownership, in prison camps, 138–39
Providence Spring, 143–44
provisions, 50, 109
quinine, 41, 223
racism, 94
at Andersonville prison, 140–43
at Cahaba prison, 112–14
Rankin’s Ferry, Tennessee, 46
Ransom, John L., 142, 155–56, 275
Raudebaugh, Samuel, 175–76
Rear Guard of Company H.: Officers and Privates surviving January 1st, 1910 (reunion scrapbook), 254
Red Badge of Courage (Crane), 30, 35
Ringgold, Georgia, 49
Robertson, Melville Cox, 115–16, 120–21, 164, 169–70
Robinson, George A.
at Adams Hospital, 232–33
at Cahaba prison, 121–22
Chickamauga battle, 18, 19
onboard Sultana, 186, 187–88, 191–92
postwar years, 259, 268
rescue from water, 217
survival in the water, 3, 208–9, 217, 258
Rosadella, 224, 235
Rosecrans, William, 21, 27
Rose Hambleton, 224
Ross, L.S., 70, 71, 82, 103
Rousseau, Lovell, 57–69, 73, 248
Rowberry, William, 178, 184, 189, 234
Rowe, Asa, 143, 146–47, 149–51
Rush, J.W., 194–95, 211, 215, 222, 237
sabers, 12
saddles, 69–70
Safford, George, 204, 231–32, 263
St. Patrick, 238
Salecker, Gene Eric, 171, 173, 180–81, 233, 237, 244
Saluda, Indiana, 8–9, 11–12, 245–46
Sample, Thomas, 79
2nd Regiment Indiana Cavalry, 21, 28, 29, 33–34, 49, 71, 89
2nd Regiment Michigan Cavalry, 121
Selma, Alabama, 57–58
Sherman, William Tecumseh, 30, 39, 58, 67, 68–69, 78–80, 100
Sherman’s Horsemen: Union Cavalry Operations in the Atlanta Campaign (Evans), 58, 67
Silver Spray, 224–25
Sisters of Charity, 184, 185, 208, 235
skin ulcers, 136
slaves and slavery, 64–65, 94
smallpox, 136
Smith, Commodore, 201–3, 224–25
Smith, Morgan, 173
Smith, Truman, 198–99, 211–12, 232–33, 235
Smoked Yank (Grigsby), 260–62
Snodgrass, W.H., 79
Snow, William D., 187, 198, 224–25, 236
soldiers, 35–46
black, 93–105
cavalrymen, 50–55, 69–70
survival decisions, 23–26, 29–34
underage, 77–79
Speed, Frederick, 172–73, 181–82, 242–43
Spencer rifles, 26
Spikes, Dewitt Clinton, 178, 221, 235–36
Sprinkle, M.H., 202–3
steamboat boiler explosions, 191–93, 243–44
Stevens, Joseph, 193–94
Stevenson, Alabama, 44, 47
Stilesborough, Georgia, 89
Stillwell, Joseph, 78–79
Stockade Creek, 133, 135–36
Stoneman, George, 68–69, 127–28
Stone’s River, 64, 89, 95
Street, Thomas, 266
Streeter, William, 242
Sultana, xii–xiii, 172–220
boarding at Vicksburg, 174–76, 181–83
boiler explosion, 191–93, 243–44
boiler problems, 175, 178–81, 242
boiler repairs, 175, 176, 179–80, 234
building and outfitting of, 176–77
Cairo docking, 168–69
death toll, 232, 243
debarks Vicksburg, 184
the disaster, 191–226
head count, 176, 183, 184, 232
historical marker (Mound City, Arkansas), 276–77
investigations into disaster, 234, 242–44
Memphis docking, 185–89
overcrowding aboard, 176, 182–85
rescue efforts, 212–26
sabotage allegations, 242
survivors, number of, 232–33
survivors’ reunion (April 27, 1914), 255
Vicksburg docking, 174, 179
Sultana Tragedy, The (Potter), 277
Summerville, Perry, 89–93, 259
boiler explosion onboard Sultana, 193
at Cahaba prison, 92–93, 109
Chickamauga battle, 18, 21, 28
McCook’s raid, 33–34, 89
postwar years, 268–69
rescue from water, 224–25
in 2nd Regiment Indiana Cavalry, 21, 28, 33–34, 49, 89
survival in the water, 3, 210
survival, as process, xiii–xiv
survival decisions, 23–26, 29–34, 37–38
Surviving the Extremes (Kamler), 37–38
Talladega, Alabama, 64–65
Tallapoosa River, 66
Taylor, James, 75, 82, 247
Tennessee River, 44, 46
10th Regiment Indiana Infantry, 9, 31, 95
Terre Haute, Indiana, 239
39th Regiment Indiana Infantry, 44–47
Champ Ferguson manhunt, 45
Chickamauga battle, 17–28
reconfigured as 8th, 28, 45
Tolbert and Maddox enlistment in, 11–12, 17–18
Thomas, George H., 56, 95
Tolbert, Daniel, 14, 17, 74, 77, 246, 254
Tolbert, Mathew, 28, 129
Chickamauga battle, 17–18, 20, 21
postwar years, 246, 247, 253
Tolbert, Romulus, xi–xii
at Adams Hospital, 226, 232–33
boarding Sultana, 174–75
at Cahaba prison, 108–9
death of, 269
enlistment of, 6, 8, 10–12
lack of archival material on, 7–8
in local militia, 3, 6, 10
onboard Belle of Memphis, 237, 238
pension application, 240, 248
postwar years, 248–50, 252, 254–55, 269
as recruit, 12–14, 17–18, 28, 35
return home after disaster, 240, 245–48
survival in the water, 2–3, 200
wounding and capture of, 55–56, 75–76, 81–82, 85–86, 88, 276
Tolbert, Samuel, 14, 77–80, 246–48, 252–53, 269
Tolbert, Silas, 14, 17, 74, 246, 253–54
Tolbert, Sophronia Eldridge, 248–49
Tolbert, Tyrus, 14, 246, 253
Tolbert farmstead, 8–9, 245–48
Transport to Disaster (Elliott), 178, 179–80, 182–84, 187, 205, 214, 234
tricksters, 35–36
Tryus Church, 8–9
tubular boilers, 179
12th Regiment Infantry U.S. Colored Troops, 104–5
22nd Regiment Indiana Infantry, 14, 17, 74, 77–80
Tyler, U.S.S., 214
Underground Railroad, 9, 31, 94
Vicksburg, Mississippi, 10, 174–76, 181–84
Vindicator, 235
Vining’s Station, Georgia, 56, 57
Walker, John Lowery, 233, 238
Wamsley, Eli, 142
Washington Hospital, 232
Watkins, Sam, 22, 27
Weiser, George, 129, 133, 134, 138–41, 156, 157
West Chickamauga Creek, 18–19, 21
Wheeler, Joseph, 50, 69, 71
White, M.C., 195, 222
Whitfield, R.H., 116
Widow Glenn’s Farm, 17–21, 24
Wilder, John, 19–20
Wilder, Lucius, 137, 139, 143–44
Wild Gazelle, 121
Williams, George Augustus, 183, 243
Williams, Thomas, 59, 64
Wilson, Jack, 64
Winters, Erastus, 232–33
Wintringer, Nathan, 178–79, 184, 234, 242
Wirz, Henry, 131, 139, 142, 143, 159, 241–42
Woodbury, Anne, 8, 273
Woodridge, William, 206, 222
World War II, 279–80
Young, George, 201, 209–10, 221–22, 236, 263–64
About the Author
ALAN HUFFMAN is a freelance journalist and the author of the highly acclaimed Mississippi in Africa. He has appeared on numerous NPR shows and has contributed to many publications, including Smithsonian magazine, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, and the Washington Post Magazine. He lives in Bolton, Mississippi.
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Also by Alan Huffman
Jacket design by Patti Ratchford
Jacket art courtesy of the Granger Collection, New York
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