Come To Me

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Come To Me Page 3

by Genevieve Ash

  “Megan, you scared the daylights out of me! I could have seriously hurt you.” Amanda put the vase down on the floor with a thud. “This is a nice surprise, but what brings you out on such a frigid night?”

  “Why are you so nervous lately? What is going on? I’m worried sick about you and so is Uncle Vince.” Megan’s forehead was creased with concern.

  “Oh, he called you. Look, I’m fine, Megs. Truly I am. I’m just tired. Of course, the five hour nap I just took should help,” Amanda said, her voice laced with weariness.

  “You can’t be tired all the time,” Megan insisted. “I know you better than anyone, and you’re holding something back. We need to talk.”

  She looked Megan right in the eye and chuckled amusedly, “You’ll think I’ve gone mad and lock me up if I tell you. I sometimes feel like I’ve lost my mind.”

  “I love you, and I do know that you’re not really crazy. Let’s have a cup of tea and some soup, then you can spill the beans.” Megan assumed the maternal role for a change.

  After a nice long chat with her sister, Amanda felt much better. She knew Megan however, did not. She could tell her sister doubted her sanity. Although it was rarely discussed, she knew Megan understood her issues with men stemmed from her guilt over their father’s death, no matter how many times her family tried to convince her otherwise.

  Megan had not been home when the fire broke out. She and her mother had come home from a doctor’s appointment to find their lives changed forever. Amanda bore the brunt of her mother’s inability to handle the girls after the fire. Trying to assuage her guilt, Amanda had cared for Megan and the house. When Amanda needed care the most, she was busy caring for everyone else. She’d never really had a chance to heal.

  Once her sister had left and she’d finished cleaning up their dinner dishes, Amanda headed to the library for something to read. She knew it would be a long night after the lengthy nap she’d had. A hot bath, some flannel PJs, and a good book would be just what the doctor ordered. As she ran the water into the tub, a shiver raced down her spine. The splashing water brought back memories of her bath the night before. She wanted to luxuriate in the steamy lavender-scented water but, as soon as her mind drifted to her dream lover, she opened her eyes quickly and tried to shake the thoughts out of her head.

  “This is ridiculous. A little fantasy never hurt anyone,” Amanda scolded herself as she slipped off her robe and stepped into the welcoming water. “If it makes me happy, what can it hurt? I’ve got to get this out of my system or I will go mad,” she said out loud to herself.

  Unable to relax, she pushed herself up and out of the bath. She toweled herself off roughly in frustration, tugging on her favorite fleece robe and fluffy slippers. She pulled her damp hair into a high ponytail that left tendrils curling gently near her temples and at the nape of her neck. Her skin had been scrubbed soft and the sheen from the humidity in the bathroom created a soft pink glow. Turning off the light in the bathroom behind her, she marched determinedly up the stairs to the ballroom.

  Undeterred by the fact that the ballroom light switch clicked but didn’t turn on any overhead lights, she continued through the darkened space to a hanging work light and switched it on. The spotlight flashed brilliantly against its stainless shell, causing a moment of blindness as her eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness. Rubbing the spots from her eyes until her vision cleared, Amanda took the light from its hook and slowly walked through the room, tentatively peering into each of the eight large mirrors.

  “One, two, three—well, this is going swimmingly! Only five more, I can do this.” She breathed shallowly as she walked past the mirrors. Although her bravado increased with each empty mirror, she couldn’t help but feel the tension building deep within her core.

  “Six, seven—will I be disappointed if my dream lover has disappeared?” Amanda asked herself, not really sure of her answer. She had saved the mirror Peter had given her until last.

  “Final one—whew, guess I’ve successfully rid myself of this lunacy.” She smiled in private triumph.

  She felt the soft caress of his breath before she heard his words. “Amanda, you know that is not what you want. Why do you insist on fighting this?” Cameron’s voice was warm as he appeared in the tenth and final mirror before her.

  “This is crazy. It’s not really happening and I refuse to give in to this. I am not losing my mind!” She closed her eyes tightly, determined not to continue this lunacy.

  “It is not your mind that you will be losing, sweetheart.” She blushed at his reference to her well-guarded innocence.

  “Why is this happening? I thought I had it all figured out.” Amanda struggled to find an answer within her practical nature.

  “The only insanity would be not letting go enough to allow me into your life.” Cameron’s voice reverberated with persuasion and sensuality in her head.

  “Oh, is that all? Well, let’s see…” she let out a clipped laugh and continued, “if you were real, which you are not, then all I would have to do is explain to my friends and family that I finally found a great guy. Oh, where did I meet him, you ask? Why he just popped out of my mirror! Happens all the time. And then after they have me committed, how will you come visit me?”

  “I know you’re frightened, but sarcasm does not suit you.” Cameron’s voice was gentle and patient with her protests.

  “Okay, whatever, stud!” Try as she might, Amanda couldn’t clear the vision of his impressive body from her mind. “At least I have good taste in ghost lovers.”

  “My name is not ‘Stud.’ It is Cameron, Cam to those close to me, but a ghost I am not.” He practically spit the last words at her. “Just because I am immortal does not make me evil.”

  “Oh, this is getting better every minute,” she laughed sarcastically. “Not only are you the hottest man I’ve never seen in the flesh but you’re also immortal? Well, I feel better now. And why should I let you out? What would be the purpose?”

  “It’s complicated. Let me out and I will explain. I will not touch you if that is what you wish. You can send me back if you change your mind.” Cameron opened his large hands toward Amanda, pleading for even a brief release.

  Amanda shook her head stubbornly as she pondered the possibilities of the situation. Since her brain was telling her this was impossible, she decided to just go with it. “This is too good to pass up. What the hell, I’ll bite. How do I let you out and how do I send you back?”

  “A curse binds me to you and your wishes. If you wish for me—anytime, anywhere—call to me and I will come to you or leave you if you choose. It is that simple.”

  “A curse, really?” Her cynical laughter filled the air. “Well, I’m going down to the library to start a fire. If this is truly happening, you may join me there. To talk—nothing else,” she concluded, speaking with more bravado than she felt. “Understand, big guy?”

  Amanda turned away from the mirror, shaking her head, and shuffled her slipper covered feet across the once beautiful inlaid wooden dance floor as she headed to the library.

  Chapter Three

  Breathing deeply, the earthy smoke from the damp logs filled Amanda’s senses. Then she heard the clank of the decanter stopper and the splash of liquid as it hit the crystal glass. A rush of emotion assaulted her as she drew near the library door. Her heart was pounding, but from anticipation more than fear. She squared her shoulders, took a deep breath, and tried to decide what she wanted to see as she entered the cozy room.

  Cameron’s massive frame was silhouetted against the crackling light of the fire. One hand was propped against the large carved mantle; the other held a glass of amber liquid as he gazed into the flames.

  Well, at least he appreciates single malt Scotch! The errant thought went skittering through her mind.

  “Amanda, please come to me. I will not hurt you. I am aware that this is difficult to understand and I hope you will allow me to explain.” He turned his head and smiled at her warmly as she pulled
her robe around her more tightly, walking toward him.

  He turned his whole body away from the fire slowly and straightened to his full height. “Wow, objects in the mirror really are larger than they appear!” Cam’s rich laughter filled the air at her quip.

  Amanda took a moment to admire his perfect form. His legs were firmly encased in close fitting jeans. His long chestnut hair was loosely tied at the nape of his neck and the orange glow from the fire played on the golden highlights. But it was his eyes that stopped her in her tracks. The color was difficult to discern in the dim light of the room, but their depths were frightening, almost fathomless. How long could he have lived to have eyes that had seen so much? She also knew that if she looked too deeply into those eyes, she would be lost forever.

  Her legs trembled as she stood there. She couldn’t have moved forward even if she wanted to. As though looking through someone else’s eyes, she saw him slowly moving toward her. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words would come out. He cautiously reached out his hand and, shakily, she put her hand in his. Gently, he led her to the worn leather couch and handed her a glass of deep amber liquid.

  “I don’t understand how this can be happening.” Apprehension was replacing the anticipation she’d felt just seconds earlier.

  Gently, Cameron sat down close to her, careful not to touch. “You are even lovelier in person. Thank you for giving me a chance to explain.” He paused for a second to gather his thoughts. “A long time ago, I went against the wishes of a very powerful goddess and, because of my decision, she cursed me into the mirror for all eternity. I know that sounds incredible, but the only way I can break the curse is to be self-sacrificing enough to give up everything I treasure for the happiness and fulfillment of another.” He watched her closely as she absorbed what he said.

  “My mother, Lilah, is the granddaughter of the Goddess Freya. My father is an immortal Celtic warrior. Freya raised my mother since her own mother died when she was young. My mother rivaled Freya’s beauty and skill in every way, but Freya was never jealous. Instead, she took Lilah under her wing and helped bring out her true potential.”

  “Freya? Really?” Amanda took a long swig of her drink, shaking her head in disbelief.

  Cam nodded patiently, an even smile on his face as he continued. “But being that beautiful had its price and many were jealous of my mother. There were many attempts on her life. Unfortunately, my mother had an enemy who was smarter than the rest—Frigga’s daughter, Astrid.”

  “Frigga—Odin’s wife? Let me guess, your great-grandmother had an affair with Odin and Frigga was not very happy about it, so she took it out on your mother,” Amanda paused, swirling the liquid in her glass. “Am I close?”

  “That’s remarkable. How do you know this?” Cam was astounded by her insight.

  “I was a history major with a minor in mythology.” She smiled triumphantly. “Huh! And my mother said it was just a waste of money.”

  He chuckled at her humor before continuing. “Frigga tried to compete with Freya one last time. She sent her great-granddaughter, Brita, to our keep for the summer to spend time with my mother, Lilah. Brita was a beautiful girl and, Astrid, her mother, was hoping that I would be unable to resist her charms.”

  “And were you able to?” Amanda questioned hesitantly.

  “I was a young warrior back then and my experience with women was limited. I found myself attracted to Brita’s charms and she made sure to put herself in my way as often as she could. I should have known she was taunting me, but I was blinded by her beauty.” Cam paused, working through his history slowly.

  “I was returning my horse to the stable one day when I heard a sweet voice crying softly. I found her in the corner on her knees, weeping. I offered her comfort, nothing more. She told me that her mother had chosen a husband for her and she would be leaving. She said she wanted to marry me, that she loved me.

  “Brita put her arms around my neck, crying into my shoulder. Her hair smelled like wildflowers and her warm body was close to mine. I could feel her soft breasts against my chest. She kissed me and I was…”

  “Whoa, Romeo, I don’t need the details, thanks,” interrupted Amanda, as a blush quickly rose in her cheeks.

  “Sorry, I forget how sweet and innocent you are.” Cam rolled his eyes playfully before resuming his story. “Being young and naïve, I begged her to stay. I told her we could be married immediately. She clung to me, grinding slowly against my already strained breeches. I was having a difficult time keeping my honor—and hers intact. She kept insisting it was okay and we did not need to wait. My resolve weakened as I began to remove—”

  “Hey, now, I warned you about that!” She interrupted quickly.

  “Really, you need to be a little more—how shall I say—mature about this.” Even as he teased her, he couldn’t resist a quick longing glance down the open vee of her robe. “As I was saying, I was close to giving in when a falcon flew into the stable, flapping its wings wildly about Brita’s head until she ran from the stall screaming. I later learned the falcon was my great-grandmother, Freya.” Cam was surprised to see Amanda smiling at the turn of events.

  “A rolled up parchment was attached to the falcon’s leg. I removed the letter and, much to my dismay, I read of Astrid’s plan to have Brita seduce me so she could get closer to my mother. I was heartbroken and refused to have anything more to do with Brita.” He paused to take a long sip of his Scotch.

  “I’m guessing this is where the curse comes in? Gee, and I thought my mom was pushing me hard to marry,” Amanda snorted.

  “Yes, that is when Astrid cursed me.” Cam felt transported back to that day as he began to speak.

  “You will never again be able to gaze at your own reflection. When your beautiful mother looks into the glass, she will see only you. She will never be able to see her own image. If my Brita cannot have you, no one will have you. You are cursed for eternity to remain inside the glass. The only way you will find freedom is if someone can see you and love you for who you are, not just your physical beauty.”

  “And your father? Where does he fit into this picture?” she inquired, pushing for the complete story.

  “I would rather not talk about him.” Cautiously, he continued, “He wasn’t around at the time. My brother, Gavin, and I trained with him as young men but, once we were ready for battle, he sent us on our way. He was a warrior first and a father second,” Cameron observed bitterly. “I do not know how he feels about the curse. Or if he knows of it.”

  “I’m sorry, I can relate,” she replied quietly. He saw tears in her eyes. He hated to see a woman cry. He already was developing feelings for Amanda, and it made him go weak inside. He had to stay detached. It would only complicate matters for both of them later.

  “Let me get this straight, you are a descendant of one of the most powerful goddesses of all time. You were cursed into a mirror so you cannot see your own beauty, only the beauty of others. Others that you cannot be with unless they choose to love you. Do I have the story right so far?” She leaned toward him as she recited the facts, ticking them off on her fingers.

  With his eyes fastened on her green ones, Cam nodded briefly and she continued.

  “You were cursed because another goddess was jealous of your mother, so she tried to trick you into marrying or impregnating her daughter and you refused.” Amanda spoke more quickly as she proceeded. “Now—and I’ll admit this is a leap, even for me—evidently, I am descendent of the evil Astrid and you’re here to give up everything for my happiness.”

  He nodded again, tentatively, fully aware that this conversation was not over.

  “I know this must seem hard for you to believe, but…” He looked at her helplessly, understanding her conflicted emotions.

  “Hard to believe! Are you kidding me?” Amanda laughed a little too loudly as the Scotch worked its magic on her. “I’m supposed to just agree with you and act like this is perfectly normal. Oh, and let me drop my long held vi
rginity so you can have your freedom and then head off for Valhalla or wherever it is you go.” She waved her hand airily as she sketched out the proposed plans.

  “Valhalla—don’t be ridiculous. I wouldn’t be caught dead there, so to speak.” He noted her smile at his attempted humor.

  Cameron watched as Amanda paced furiously back and forth in front of the crackling fire. He rose from the couch and placed both of his hands on her robe clad shoulders to still her.

  “Please trust me. It cannot hurt to give this a try.”

  His desire flared once more as he glanced down to the opening of her robe. The gaping fabric exposed a tantalizing peek of her lovely breasts. His right hand gently moved down her shoulder, his index finger snaking in under the opening and just grazing her left nipple. A barely audible sigh escaped her lips. He had to kiss her. There was no more patience inside him. As he bent his head toward her, he saw a mixture of panic and desire in Amanda’s eyes. He knew that she was unsure of her feelings, but he also knew that she was powerless to ignore them.

  As his soft lips slanted over hers, she moaned into his mouth. He tried to remain gentle, pushing at the seam of her lips with his tongue to gain access.

  He wrapped his arms around her and she opened her lips greedily to his demanding tongue. He could taste the warm peat flavors of the Scotch. She relaxed into his embrace, letting him lead the way. Their tongues intertwined, finding each other at one moment and searching the next.

  He could feel her arching her breasts into his chest, trying to ease the ache. His hands ran down her back and grasped her hips, pulling her tightly against the heat of his arousal. The emotions she stirred within him were powerful ones. He couldn’t understand the intense need he had for her, but he didn’t care. All he knew was that he had to have her—and have her now.

  Running his hands up the sides of her body, he gently opened her robe more fully and cupped her full breasts, sliding his thumbs across each pebbled nipple. Amanda groaned and pushed her hips closer, moving against the hard bulge trapped painfully within his pants. The moment of victory was near, but something rang hollow. Yes, he could have her now, but was it the right time for her or was he taking advantage of her innocence? I am a man of honor, am I not? Yes, but still, I am a man…


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