Billionaire's Babysitter: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 20)

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Billionaire's Babysitter: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 20) Page 2

by Flora Ferrari

  “Hi Benjamin,” I say, seeing him sitting there dressed in a polo shirt, pants and boat shoes. He looks so cute and I just want to go up and hug him after everything that’s happened.

  “Hi Anna. These are for you,” he says, handing me a bouquet of flowers.

  I don’t know what to say. Literally. “Thank you, you didn’t have to. I’m sorry if I overreacted.”

  “It’s my fault. I have to be careful where I ride my bike. I’m sorry I ran into you. I apologize.”

  I kneel down and give the little guy a big hug. “I apologize too.” He doesn’t hug me like a kid who’s been forced to come over and talk to me. His hug is real, and it melts my heart.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you. It’s just that I haven’t seen you since you were this big,” I say, holding my hands apart about twenty inches, remembering how long he was when we went next door to see him for the first time.

  “I know, but I don’t remember.”

  I laugh. “Of course you don’t, silly. You were just a baby.”

  “But I’m five now. It’s nice to meet you now that I can talk.”

  He is so cute!

  “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “I hope you accept my apology,” he says. I didn’t know kids had such good manners these days.

  “I do, and I hope you accept mine. I’m sorry.”

  “Thank you, but it was my fault.”

  “Can we get you some ice cream, Benjamin?” my dad says.

  “No thank you, Sir. I’m not allowed to have sweets until after I finish all my dinner.”

  I want to grab this kid and hug him again, but I somehow restrain myself. What an amazing little boy. His dad was a military man and it’s clear to see the respect and discipline he has. If only all kids were like this.

  I always liked kids, especially babies, but this is a whole 'nother level. Benjamin is incredible. He’s unlike any other kid I’ve seen before. I only came home to visit twice the entire time I was at NYU so I guess we just never bumped into each other. I can’t believe I missed out on this cutie.

  “Thank you for accepting my apology. I have to go now. It was nice meeting you,” he says as he extends his hand.

  “And thank you for accepting mine,” I say, as I take his tiny little hand in mine and we shake.

  He smiles ever so slightly. “Goodbye, Sir,” he says to my dad.

  “Goodbye, Benjamin,” my dad says, as Benjamin walks out our front door, just as quickly as he has opened the door straight into my heart.



  The next morning

  I run the lint roller over my outfit one last time and grab my briefcase.

  I’m excited that I got a call from my headhunter last night for an interview first thing this morning, but maybe not as excited as I was about Cole. I was up all night, finally falling asleep sometime after three.

  I’ve known Cole my whole life, but I’ve never quite seen him like I did yesterday. He was always in good shape and friendly, but he seemed more fit than ever. He was more filled out and more muscular. He’s definitely been working out, and it showed.

  As I lay in bed I fantasized running my fingertips across that broad chest of his. How I wanted to massage his massive shoulders. How he could use those big, strong hands of his to do things to me that required the strength that only someone like him possessed. I felt it when he touched me. His fingers were thick and powerful, but gentle with me at the same time.

  He was almost my dad’s age, but he looked incredible.

  And the moment I stepped out the front door on the way to this morning’s interview I saw why.

  Cole is on the front yard with Benjamin. Are they doing what I think they’re doing? Oh my god, they are. Cole is leading Benjamin in some light stretching and it gets even better. They’re wearing matching workout outfits. I want to run back inside, grab my proper camera and try and take a photo of them from the living room. I would really consider it, but I’m running late.

  “Morning,” he says as his big body turns sideways as he stretches.

  “Morning you two,” I say. Thank god it’s already sunny and I’ve got my sunglasses on so I can ogle his body.

  He’s got his legs spread and his right hand on his left thigh, with his left hand and arm extended skyward. His tush looks incredible from my position. He’s too far away to know exactly what I’m looking at so I just continue staring.

  He’s more flexible than I would have expected, especially for someone his age and size. I do the mental math, remembering he’s two years younger than my dad. My dad’s thirty-nine so that makes Cole thirty-seven. Wow, he is really proving that age ain’t nothin' but a number.

  “Good morning, Anna,” little Benjamin says as he performs the same stretch as Cole, just in the opposite direction as they’re facing each other.

  What an incredible team they are. I don’t know why I didn’t see it yesterday. They’re the entire package. Cole’s the incredibly handsome guy who’s a little older and without all those games guys my age play. Benjamin is the perfectly well mannered kid, except for that one moment yesterday. The more I think about it, maybe it was my fault. I was in a hurry and upset. Maybe I stepped out in front of him. Regardless, the kid is too cute and too perfect.

  And something about Cole has really changed, at least the way I remember him. He’s always seemed confident, but he seems even more so. I can’t put my finger on it, but judging by that beautiful, and expensive, car he’s driving he looks like he’s found the secret to success. Something might have changed for him, and something is definitely going to need changing for me. Something like my underwear which is dampening already. That was fast.

  “Thanks for the flowers,” I say, focusing in on Cole’s thick trunk, which is twisted so far around I wonder if he’ll be able to put it back. I also wonder if he can twist me like that.

  “You’re welcome,” Benjamin says. I was kind of expecting Cole to reply, but I guess they really were from Benjamin.

  “New flower shop around the corner. Think they put it in since you went off to college.”

  “Things seem to change so fast these days.”

  “You can say that again,” he says, reaching out his hands to Benjamin. He takes Benjamin’s hands and then pulls him slightly towards himself and then Benjamin tries to do the same. It looks like some sort of tug that supposed to stretch your lower back, but what it’s really tugging at are my heartstrings.

  “Did Carol come by?”

  “Yes, yesterday evening. She was very nice, and said my arm will be fine. You didn’t have to send her, especially for a house call.”

  “It was the least I could do. And I still owe you a clean shirt.”

  I laugh inside a little that he calls a blouse a shirt. He’s a throwback, a simple kind of guy.

  “You two going for a run?” I say, forgetting I’m running late and need to get going, and that I’m stating the obvious. I don’t want this encounter to end. I hadn’t seen Cole in years before yesterday. I don’t want that to happen again.

  “Yeah, we’re running in the mornings a couple times a week. Better before it gets too hot, and the sidewalks are still empty at this hour.”

  “Good plan,” I say.

  “Plus it keeps us busy,” he says. Keeps them busy? Doesn’t Benjamin have school and Cole have work?

  “Right. Big plans for the day?” Jeez, the strangest things are coming out of my mouth. He can surely tell I’m fumbling all over myself.

  “We were thinking about going to the beach this afternoon, after the markets close.”

  Is he playing the stock market? “That’s at one, right?”

  “Yeah. A nice benefit of being on the West Coast. Workday’s finished by lunchtime.”

  “I forgot about that, being in New York for so long.”

  “Don’t tell me you forgot about our beautiful beaches,” he says, moving into a different stretching position, quickly followed by Benjamin

  “That’s one thing I could never forget,” I say. I’m not sure if I’m talking about the beaches or the way I can see his back muscles rippling through his shirt right now.

  “Why don’t you join us then.”


  “If you don’t already have plans that is.”

  The option of ice cream and scanning Internet job board postings until my eyes are bloodshot doesn’t even compare. “Yeah, I should be able to tie up the important stuff before then. Sounds fun.”

  “So it’s set,” he says, straightening up and nodding at Benjamin. They start off in a jog down the block.

  “See you then,” he calls out over his shoulder.

  I watch the two of them glide away in lockstep.

  “See you then,” I mouth quietly to myself. I’ve got a date with Mister Muscles and his gentlemanly sidekick.

  “Everything, okay?” my dad says from the front steps.

  Crap! Did he hear me?

  “Yeah, just saying hello real quick.”

  “You better hurry. Don’t want to be late for your interview.”

  “Definitely not,” I say hurriedly getting in my car and giving my dad a wave as I drive off down the block.



  “You go first, buddy.”

  Benjamin nods his head and goes into the bathroom for his post-run shower. I go out into the living room and do a couple extra push-ups while I wait my turn.

  I need this time to burn off the adrenaline that’s been ripping through my veins since this morning.

  I’m stretching in my nylon track shorts and she shows up out of nowhere to tease me. The sun at her back making her look just like the angel that she is.

  I can’t stop thinking about her. I couldn’t sleep last night, just tossing and turning. It’s been an emotional time lately, and as much as I want to tell myself she’s just a distraction, I know it’s not true. She’s so much more than that. I know her father raised her right. The guy is solid as steel. He’s the guy who once had a bank error in his favor, just like that card in Monopoly, but unlike how it works in the game he actually went in and returned it. Ten thousand dollars he just gave back. Said it wasn’t right, that someone would be looking for it…maybe someone’s grandmother, or someone who relies on that money.

  And he raised her the same way. I think back to all the times I met her when she was just a kid. Barbecues. Summer picnics. Holiday parties. Sure, she was just a kid but she was always so well mannered and respectful of everyone.

  But that was then and this is now. She’s still got that same way about her, but she’s not a kid anymore. Far from it.

  One seventy-one…one seventy-two…one seventy-three. My knuckles are white, but I don’t care as I continue raising my body off the floor. My record for fingertip push-ups is one eighty-one and that was a good twenty years ago. I know I’ve got two hundred in me today.

  I feel the burn in my body, but it doesn’t match the fire in my belly for her. My thoughts are only of her as I mindlessly push my body towards exhaustion, but it’s not working. I feel the tip of my cock push across the floor as I lower myself. With all the blood that’s in my chest, arms, and shoulders how can there be any left for my rod?

  Because of her there is.

  One ninety-eight…one ninety-nine. I pause at the bottom, holding it. It burns until I exhale hard sending my body to the top. Two hundred and I’m still hard as a rock.

  “I’m finished, Cole.”

  I look up and see Benjamin standing in front of me. I can’t stand up right now.

  “Thanks, buddy. Want to turn on CNBC so we can see what’s happening with the markets?”


  It’s the most enthusiasm I’ve seen out of him the last few days. The kid is a sponge for knowledge. He runs into the other room and I fall flat on my face, reminding myself I need to get up before he comes back.

  I push myself from the floor and make my way into the bathroom.

  I flip the shower on and slide out of my clothes.

  I’m even harder now than I was when I was working out. Two hundred fingertip push-ups in an attempt to burn off the crazy amounts of energy she’s giving me. Looking down at my dick I can see it obviously didn’t work.

  I squeeze a blob of shampoo the size of a quarter into my palm and begin working it into my scalp. Even with the water being barely lukewarm it’s already foaming.

  I take a handful and bring it down to my groin, lathering my cock, which my hand is firmly wrapped around. I stroke my shaft forward and back, and breathe out hard.

  “General Electric’s up ten percent on analyst expectations,” Benjamin yells from the other room.

  “Yeah, and I’m up ten inches on expectations of a certain young analyst who’s right next-door,” I mouth quietly. “One who we’re going swimming with in just a couple hours.”

  I look down at my rod. As much as I want to unload the cannon now, so I’m not spending the entire afternoon hiding hard-ons at the beach, I can’t. I know it’s going to be a shallow victory…not a victory at all actually. There’s no substitute for the real thing, and the real thing can only be her.



  I stand in my room trying to pick out a swimsuit. Nothing looks right and I’m wishing I hadn’t been so stressed out lately. Stress leads to bad eating habits, which leads to me stressing even more right now when I have to choose a suit and nothing seems right.

  I decide to play it as safe as I can. A modest one piece in black will have to do, but what does a girl really wear when she’s out with a guy who’s a USDA Certified Grade A Hottie?

  “Want to go for a coffee,” my dad says from downstairs.

  “No thanks, dad. I’ll pass.”

  “Sure? There’s a new spot that just opened up. They’ve got some of those Vietnamese iced coffees you love so much.”

  “Thanks, but I’ll pass.”

  “Okay. Your loss.”

  My upper teeth rake across my lower lip. I imagine the taste of a cold, sweet Vietnamese iced coffee right about now, but it’s definitely a no-go. Hopefully dad will be a go though, as in go to the shop by himself so I can slip out.

  A couple minutes later I hear the front door shut, and I breathe a sigh of relief. With dad at the coffee shop a quick escape will be easy.

  It’s just a few minutes after one and I’m expecting Cole anytime now, but I’m not expecting to find my dad on the couch when I go bounding down the stairs to the living room.

  “Going somewhere?” he asks.

  “I thought coffee was in your plans,” I say, leaving myself a way out with my sentence structure.

  “Coffee is in the plan. Want to go? I can cancel the drip I just started.”

  “Oh, I thought I heard the door shut. I thought you went to that new place.”

  “No, I just saw Cole packing up his car and went out to say what’s up. He was back inside by the time I stepped out.”


  “Speaking of packing, it looks like you’re packed and ready to go somewhere.”

  “Yeah, I was thinking of heading to the beach.”

  “Don’t you have job searching to do?”

  “I could use a break. I was up all night.” I conveniently forget to mention the reason I couldn’t sleep was that I was thinking about Cole when I should have been looking for gainful employment.

  “Hot date?”

  “No, nothing like that.”

  “Okay, well have fun.”

  “Thanks,” I say and slide out the door before I get any more questions.

  “Oh, Anna!” my dad calls out.

  I cringe and stick my head back inside the door.


  “I heard Cole’s looking for a babysitter. If you have any friends that might be interested you might want to send them his way.”

  “Okay. Thanks. I’ll keep it in mind.”

  “I’m doubt that it’s p
ermanent, but it could be a little extra spending money for summer.”

  “Right. Okay, talk to you later.”

  My dad takes a sip of his coffee and raises his eyebrows at me in that way guys say good-bye without actually saying anything. But my dad’s already said enough.


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