Billionaire's Babysitter: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 20)

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Billionaire's Babysitter: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 20) Page 7

by Flora Ferrari

  I look up at him and see I’m just as much the woman for him as he’s the man for me.

  “I need to fill you,” he says.

  “Fill me,” I say. His words push me closer to a final climax that I’m almost afraid of. Something that will be so powerful and so intense I know I’ll lose complete control.

  He picks up the pace, and I feel my peak approaching.

  “I’m gonna cum,” he moans.

  “Cum inside me,” I beg.

  “Uh,” I moan as my mouth opens again and my body accepts his gift as his eyes close just before his head tilts back.

  “Uhhhhhhh. Fuuuuuuck!” He continues exploding deep inside me and I feel my body go numb.

  His aftershocks continue, as my climax meets his.

  I feel my mind go blank and I’m floating. I lose sense of consciousness for a second until I feel his body crash down on the bed next to me.



  We check out of the inn the next morning and I drive us back to Anna’s house. Benjamin will be getting dropped off from the slumber party in about an hour so I’ll be ready and waiting for him when he arrives. Corey’s working remotely today so there will be no drama when we pull up.

  I still want to play it safe, until I’ve had a chance to talk to Corey.

  I pull up and park along the curb. We kiss in the car and then Anna gets out and walks towards her house, while I get out and sit in the car for a second taking in the amazing night that we just had. That and I want to watch her from behind one last time before she goes inside.

  But she doesn’t make it.

  Corey comes shooting out of the house and points a finger in her face. He’s yelling.

  I spring out of my car.

  “Corey, —”

  “Shut up, Cole. No. Actually…fuck you! Fuck you, Cole! You want to fuck my daughter? You’re supposed to be my friend. My best friend? With friends like these who needs enemies? Get in the fucking house, Anna!”

  “Corey, wait.”

  “Don’t tell me what to do, Cole. Get in your own damn house and watch after Benjamin.”

  “Benjamin’s not home, Corey. Calm down.”

  “Yeah, he’s not home because he’s at my house. He’s been here for three hours. That slumber party he went to? Yeah, I know his buddy’s dad. He came by to say hi, and asked if he could stay here because he couldn’t reach you because your phone was off. Nice parenting, Cole. You’re not cut out for it. Why don’t you go back to the single life and just leave the real families alone!”

  “Where’s Benjamin?”

  “Cole?” Benjamin says, stepping out of Corey’s house. He must have heard us from all the way inside.

  “Benjamin, come on buddy. Time to go home.”

  Benjamin runs to me and jumps in my arms. “Corey is mad.”

  “I know, buddy. Don’t worry. He’ll calm down, but let’s go home for now. Sound good?”

  “Yeah,” he says.

  I realize this isn’t the place for Benjamin to be.

  “Want to go to the other home?”


  I carry him to the car, and put him in the back seat.

  “Stay the fuck away from my daughter, asshole!” Corey yells the moment I shut the door.

  I can’t do this now. Not here with Benjamin watching and Corey so angry he’s about to blow his top. We’re out of here. I’m taking him back to the beach house, and away from this mess. This mess that I caused. Damn, I have to fix this pronto or any chance I have with Anna is gone.

  There’s no way I’m going to let that happen.



  Three days later

  “You look sad, Cole.”

  Benjamin’s sounded like a broken record for the last three days. He’s supposed to be enjoying his summer break, and I’m doing the best I can to keep him cheered up and his mind off of everything, but kids can see the truth. There’s no point in trying to hide it from him.

  “I am. It’s just how it goes sometimes.”

  “Are you going to be happy again?”

  I can’t help but smile. I pat him on the head. “I am going to be happy again. Don’t worry.”

  “When Anna comes back?”

  “You’re good, Benjamin. You’ve got a bright future in psychology or surveillance or something that deals with observing and understanding people.”

  “I’m sorry I told Corey that we had a slumber party at your beach house.”

  “It’s okay, amigo. It’s not your fault.”

  “What’s an amigo?”

  “Friend. It means friend in Spanish.”

  “Are we friends?”

  “We’re a lot of things. Friends is one of those things for sure.”

  “And we can talk about anything. Right, Cole?”

  “Sure thing. What do you want to talk about?”


  “Nothing?” I teasingly poke him in the ribs. “You don’t want to talk to your friend, Cole?”

  “I want my friend Cole to talk to his friend Corey, so our friend Anna can come back and be friends with all of us again.”

  The little guy’s words hit me right in the gut.

  “I want that too.”

  “Then why don’t you go talk to Corey, Cole?”

  “I need to let some time pass first.”

  “He was mad three days ago. I don’t think he’s mad any more.”

  “You don’t think so?” I can’t believe we’re having this conversation, but somehow Benjamin’s sucked me right in.


  “Why not?”

  “Because we’re all friends. If you just go talk to him everything will be okay.”

  I open my mouth to reply, but catch myself. Sometimes the hardest things are the easiest if you just let them be.

  “You know what?”


  “You’re right.”

  “I know,” Benjamin smiles.

  I pat him on the head again. “I’m going to call him right now and let him know we need to talk and straighten this out…so we can all be friends again.”


  “You want to throw the Frisbee on the beach?”


  “Okay, let’s go grab it and I’ll make that call.


  At first it felt like Benjamin was trying to stop Anna and I from being together. Not intentionally, at least it didn’t seem, but his requests for water had us laughing. He slowed down our relationship, which led us to a night of just talking and getting to know each other better. We had the time to really connect mentally.

  Then his night away at the slumber party allowed us to connect physically.

  And now he’s bringing it all together, whether if by chance, fate, or maybe intuition.

  He can see I’m missing her. It’s written all over my face. He’s a smart kid. I can’t hide anything from him.

  I proud of the little guy, and I’m going to be even more proud when he becomes my son really soon. And I know someone else is ready to be proud of him too.



  The suspense is killing me. Dad is meeting with Cole and all I can do is pace around the house trying not to pull my hair out.

  My phone chirps and I grab it.

  Is it Cole?

  Is it my dad?

  It’s an email. I exhale and feel my shoulders and entire upper body drop. Was I holding that much tension in my neck and shoulders just now? I’m going to give myself an ulcer worrying.

  I squint as I look at the subject line. Position Available

  Probably another email sent to thousands of candidates on one of the many job boards I’m on. I click it anyways to try and take my mind off my current dilemma.

  I read through it quickly. I scan it again looking for that line I thought I just read. Yes, I read it right. What? They “found my resume in a pile” and they “don’t know
how we overlooked it.”

  I still don’t know how so many other employers overlooked it either.

  I look at the “from” line of the email. It’s one of the biggest banks on Wall Street.

  I read the email again, and download the attached file. It’s not an interview. It’s an offer!

  Did Cole put in a good word for me? Does this even have anything to do with Cole?

  If it was Cole does this mean our L.A. thing is off? Shoot, is everything off with Cole?

  Why is everything so confusing right now?

  As soon as I set my phone down it chips again.

  Are you home?


  Don’t go anywhere

  It’s my dad. Now what’s he up to?

  I plop myself down on the couch, but I’m too fidgety. I’m right back up pacing the room again.

  I’ve never smoked a cigarette in my life, but for some reason now seems like a good time to start. My dad doesn’t smoke so I consider mixing myself a cocktail instead, but I don’t. I need to stay levelheaded right now.

  Don’t go anywhere. What is that supposed to mean?

  I straighten my room until it’s as clean as it’s ever been. I wash all the dishes. I vacuum. I start ironing things. I’m trying to stay busy to take my mind off of things, but it’s not working.

  I look up at the clock and three hours have passed. It seems like three years. Time is dragging by so slowly right now.

  Where are you? I can’t stand waiting on my dad to find out what’s going on so I text him.

  The front door flies open.

  It’s dad.

  “Anna, go upstairs and take a shower. Put on a nice dress and come back down here.”

  “Dad, I—”

  “I’m still your father. Do as you’re told.”

  “What in the he—”


  I march upstairs. I am pissed beyond belief.

  Who does he think he is? Why won’t he just tell me what’s going on? Why hasn’t Cole called?

  I don’t want a shower. I want a bath and to close my eyes and for this to all go away.

  “Hurry up!” I hear from downstairs.

  It’s obviously not going away anytime soon.



  I’m showered and dressed and halfway presentable, but the question is for what.

  I walk down the stairs and my dad is standing in the living room. Standing, not sitting.


  His stern, upset look follows me almost all the way down the stairs. I look down to make sure I’m not going to fall, and when I look back I’d say he’s smiling if I didn’t know any better.

  “Can somebody please tell me what’s going on?”

  Cole steps in from the other room. “What’s going on, Anna, is I love you.”

  Anger turns to shock in under a second, and I look back at my dad who’s smile is now ear to ear.

  My eyes dart back to Cole, as he takes my hand and leads me from the base of the stairs and into the living room.

  I can see Benjamin’s here too. And he’s in a suit!

  I look back at my dad. He’s in a suit too. How did I miss that?

  And Cole. He’s dressed to the nines in something absolutely exquisite. He looks like he stepped off the cover of GQ and into my living room. And his last few words have cemented the foundation he’s already laid in my heart.

  “What are you doing, Cole?”

  “I’m making sure you’re mine. Forever.”

  He takes a knee and my mouth hits the floor.

  He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a box.

  “Anna, sometimes the best things in life happen when we’re least expecting them. And the best thing that has ever happened to me, is you.”

  I feel my knees getting weak and I reach for the edge of the couch.

  “No one has ever made me feel the way you do, and no one ever will, because for the rest of our lives I want all my feelings, all my memories, to be shared with you.”

  “Oh my god, Cole,” I say, bringing both hands up to my face.

  “Will you marry me?”

  I shake my head up and down and close my eyes as the tears flow. “Yes,” I say, quietly at first. “Yes,” a little louder.

  “Yes, Cole! I will marry you and when I do you’ll make me the happiest woman ever.”

  Cole carefully removes the absolutely huge diamond from the box and slides it on my finger. It’s sparkling and perfect. It’s exactly what I would have picked out for myself.

  Cole jumps up and we kiss.

  “And we’ll be the happiest little family in the entire world.”

  I look over at Benjamin who’s looking way too cute again. He’s smiling bigger than I’ve ever seen.

  One hand goes back to my face to and the other motions him over. “Oh, Benjamin,” I say and he comes to us.

  The three of us hug and I know I’ve found my happily ever after with these two men.

  “Can I get in there?” my dad asks.

  “Oh, dad,” I say, running to him to give him a hug.

  We’re quickly joined by Cole and Benjamin.

  I came into this world as the first and only addition to my father’s family, and now it was time to begin my own.

  I couldn’t wait to get started with my big man and my little man. Just the three of us. Together. Forever.



  Three weeks later

  Cole pushes the back of my surfboard into the wave with his right hand and Benjamin’s surfboard with his left.

  The salty water on my skin and the sun of Australia’s Gold Coast make me feel so alive, but I can’t think too much about that right now. I only have a few seconds to stand up and ride this wave to the shore.

  I push up, keeping my hands along the sides of the board as Cole showed me during our impromptu surf lesson before we paddled out.

  I tuck my feet, and like a baby deer standing for the first time I wobble and start to straighten…almost there…I got it!

  “Turn! Turn!” Cole yells from behind me, but I don’t care. I just accomplished my goal of surfing.

  I look back over my shoulder quickly and see little Benjamin trying to do maneuvers on his big foam surfboard. He’s a natural. We chose a foam board for him to keep him safe, but he’s itching for the real thing. I am going to be such a proud mamma when he becomes my own.

  We’re in Australia to celebrate the completion of the paperwork for Cole’s adoption of Benjamin. It’s official. Cole is Benjamin’s dad now.

  And in a few months time I’ll be his wife.

  I imagine a lot more holidays just like this in our future.

  The wave starts to die out and I jump off my surfboard and into the water. Luckily we found a spot that was shallow so I could easily stand where I just landed. The water is barely waist high, and the waves aren’t too big. It’s the perfect spot for Benjamin and I to learn in, and even better that I get to stare at Cole’s body all day.

  He’s a natural in the water. Those surf trunks accentuating his firm waist while his muscles flex as he moves our boards into position before each ride.

  And later he would surf and I would get to admire his athletic prowess from my beach towel. I could hardly wait.

  “Time to get out of the sun for awhile, Benjamin,” I call out.

  “Just a few more. Please?”

  “Okay, one more, but then we need to get in the shade.”

  I shuffle my way in towards shore while Benjamin paddles back out to my fiancé.

  When I get in I park my butt under some trees and just watch.

  Cole and Benjamin are having the time of their lives out there. I can’t hear, but I can see Cole demonstrating how to paddle so Benjamin can get more speed and into the waves faster.


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