The Only One for Me

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The Only One for Me Page 3

by Bridget Anderson

  “You were being a nosy little sister is what you were doing.”

  “Hey, that’s what I did best. Shoot, imagine what it was like for me to have football players in the house all the time. My friends came over just so they could watch you all practice in the field. That alone made me very popular in school.”

  “Yeah, and what about the time you brought Belinda over here when you knew Rollin had another girl down by the creek. Is that creek still there?” he asked.

  Corra shook her head. “It dried up years ago. Rollin deserved that though. I never did like a two-timing man and that’s what Rollin was trying to do to Belinda.”

  “He was young. But, man, you were a pistol growing up, you know that?”

  “I was your typical little sister, no more no less.”

  Chris laughed. “Yeah, I guess you were, because Pamela and Darlene used to give me a hard way to go as well.”

  After a tour of the house Corra carried Chris over to the gift shop.

  “This place is really growing. I know your parents would be proud.”

  “Do you remember my parents?” Corra asked, as she leaned against the counter. Her parents were killed by a drunk driver after Rollin and Chris went off to college, but she hoped he hadn’t forgotten them.

  “Sure. I remember your mother used to feed us after games, even when we practiced out in the field. She loved to cook, didn’t she?”

  Corra smiled. “The kitchen was her domain.”

  “And your dad came to every football game. I remember that vividly because my dad missed a lot of games when my mom was sick. Your dad was a serious football fan.”

  “Yeah. He was so proud when Rollin got that football scholarship.”

  Chris walked over and stood next to Corra. “I also remember your brother and father giving me hell in high school when I mentioned how cute you were. I wanted to ask you out, but they were very protective of you.”

  Corra stared down at her feet before looking up at him. “Maybe you should have tried,” she suggested.

  He chuckled. “At the risk of ending my friendship with Rollin, and having your father kick my ass. No thanks. I settled for admiring you from afar.”

  She tilted her head and bit her bottom lip. “Too bad I didn’t know.”

  “Yeah, what would you have done?” he asked, fighting the urge to lean over and kiss her lips.

  The bell over the door jingled and Corra sprang from the counter holding a hand over her heart. Two middle-aged women dressed in comfortable jogging suits and sneakers walked in.

  “Customers. I’ll be right back.” She excused herself, and saw to her guests while Chris browsed about the store. It took the women quite some time to settle on their gifts while telling Corra all about their Greek Alumni reunion. Corra was in her element as she listened to their stories and helped them pick out suitable gifts.

  After the ladies left, Chris walked back up to the counter. Corra came from behind the register.

  “So where were we?” she asked.

  “We were about to pick up from seven months ago when I walked into the fund-raiser and saw one of the most beautiful women in Danville. How about that date now?”

  “Can I trust you to get me someplace safely this time?”

  “I promise. So what are you doing tomorrow night?”

  Corra smiled. “Looks like I’m going out with you.”

  Chapter 4

  Corra had reopened the gift shop by the time Rollin and Tayler pulled up separately out front. She walked over and leaned against the door frame with her arms crossed waiting for them to exit the car.

  Rollin tried to offer a nonchalant expression as he stepped out of the car. But Corra knew his mask when she saw it. Tayler, on the other hand, didn’t even try to hide the big smile on her face.

  “How’d it go?” Rollin asked, as they approached.

  Corra decided to have a little fun. “He didn’t show.”

  Rollin frowned. “He didn’t?”

  Corra shook her head. “Nope, I waited at the front desk until after one, and then I had to reopen the shop.”

  Rollin and Tayler glanced at one another before shrugging. “I wonder what happened,” Rollin said.

  “Me too,” Tayler added.

  “You never told me who to expect anyway. What’s his name?” Corra asked. She tried to look as unconcerned as Rollin.

  “A guy from 3C Evolution,” Rollin said.

  “Isn’t that Chris’s company?” she asked.

  Rollin and Tayler glanced at one another, again. “Yeah, I believe it is,” he said.

  Corra reached inside the door and grabbed a plush toy and threw it at Rollin. “You knew Chris was coming by here. You set me up.”

  Rollin ducked, and Tayler laughed. “So he did come by?” she asked.

  Corra went to retrieve her toy, and punched Rollin in the arm. “Yes, he was here. I think I surprised him too. Seems like no one told him I was working here.”

  Rollin threw his hands up. “Hey, I had every intention of meeting with him, but something came up. I’m glad you two got to talk. Did he tell you he’s moved back?”

  “Of course. He even asked me out.”

  Rollin smiled and nodded. “Well, looks like my work here is done. I’ll leave you ladies to gossip about the details, I’ve got work to do.”

  Rollin left them and walked toward the house.

  “You knew he was coming, didn’t you?” Corra asked Tayler.

  “Of course. Why do you think I made myself scarce all morning?” Tayler asked.

  “For a split second I thought you and Rollin had eloped.”

  Tayler shook her head. “Girl, I’m sure that would be okay with Rollin, but not me. I want a wedding, and I want it right here at the Coleman House.”

  Corra placed her hands on her hips. “What happened to the church wedding?”

  “Rollin and I talked it over. I love your church and your pastor, but I don’t know a lot of people in Danville outside of the family. So, I thought a more intimate wedding right here at home would be more fitting. With your pastor officiating of course.”

  Corra couldn’t believe her ears. “Wow, you are definitely not the same woman who came to stay here eight months ago. That woman would have wanted a big church wedding with all the bells and whistles.” It seemed like years ago when Tayler checked in as a guest, and departed as Rollin’s fiancée.

  “Not actually. I already have what I want—Rollin. A wedding is just icing on the cake. Which reminds me of something.” Tayler pulled several brochures from her huge designer purse. “When you close shop come on over to the house. I have something I need your help with.”

  “Business is slow, so I’ll come over now.” Corra put up the Back in Thirty Minutes sign. She followed Tayler over to the house. They used the back entrance since guests were sitting in the big rocking chairs on the front porch.

  The minute Corra walked into the family room Rollin said, “Corra, I forgot to ask, how did the demo go?”

  “Oh, it was great. That software encompasses everything we do on a daily basis and then some. He’s also looking for a beta tester and I told him we’d be glad to help him out.” She took a seat on the couch.

  “Humph!” Tayler grunted from the other end of the couch. “Who’s helping who? I told Rollin that antiquated system of his needs to be updated.”

  “New software is on my list of things to do. That’s why I told Chris to come on by. Corra, you’re practically up to speed on how the place runs, so the decision’s yours. I’m putting you in charge.”

  “Does that mean I get a raise?” Corra asked.

  “Prove you can handle some additional responsibilities and I’ll see what I can do.”

  Corra’s heart swelled.
She knew eventually her brother would give her more decision-making authority. After all, the bed-and-breakfast did belong to the both of them. “In that case, I’m gonna need you to babysit your niece and nephew tomorrow night since I can’t afford a babysitter.”

  “We’d be happy to,” Tayler said.

  Rollin shrugged. “Whatever she says.” Then he left the room.

  Tayler pulled the brochures from her purse, and scattered them over the coffee table.

  Corra moved closer. “What’s this?”

  “Well, Rollin and I finally settled on a date. The second Saturday in July we’re getting married right here.”

  Corra stood up and reached over to give Tayler a big hug. “Great! I’m so happy for you two. Are you sure we don’t have guests that weekend?”

  “I’m positive. We blocked that weekend months ago, just in case. And I want to ask you if you’ll be my maid of honor?”

  Corra reached out and hugged Tayler again. “Of course I will.” At this moment, she wished her mother was here.

  “Nicole will be my bridesmaid, and my family’s coming.”

  “I’m so excited. It’s going to be a family affair.” Corra’s cousin and Tayler’s best friend, Nicole, was the reason Tayler had chosen their bed-and-breakfast as a vacation spot in the first place.

  Corra grabbed a brochure. “Well, let’s take a look at what you’ve got here.”

  Tayler reached out and stopped her. “First, I want to hear all about Chris’s visit. Did you pick up where you left off seven months ago? And where has he been since then?”

  Corra took a deep breath and crossed her arms. “Well, when he walked through the door I got the shock of my life. He’s the last person I expected to see, and I believe the feeling was mutual. Where has he been for the last seven months? I don’t know, but I plan to find out tomorrow night.”

  * * *

  Although Chris knew where Corra lived, she’d asked him to pick her up Friday evening at the Coleman House. He’d planned to take her to his favorite restaurant in Lexington which was about forty-five minutes away.

  When he arrived the gift shop had a Closed sign on the door. He parked and headed over to the house. He didn’t get too far when the door to the gift shop opened. Corra walked out, so he turned around.

  “I thought I’d wait for you here. It’s kind of busy in the house right now. Full house.”

  “Sure.” Chris couldn’t hold back the smile on his face. Corra had on a dress that hugged her hips and heels that showed off her beautiful legs. Her shoulder-length hair had that sexy, tousled, “I just climbed out of bed after a night of lovemaking” look. He loved it.

  They met up as he walked back to the car.

  “Why are you smiling?” she asked.

  “I’m admiring how good you look. Your hair’s different.” She reached up and ran a hand through her tresses. The simple movement turned him on.

  “I just thought I’d curl it for once.”

  He opened the car door for her.

  “So, where are we headed?”

  “I hope you’re hungry? I’m taking you to my favorite restaurant.” She eased down then swiveled ever so gently into the seat. Damn! She looked so inviting tonight.

  “I’m famished.”

  He closed her door, and then walked around to the driver’s side and got in.

  Corra buckled herself in as he started the car.

  “Is this yours?” she asked.

  “Yep. This time I decided on a Made in America, Cadillac.”

  Corra looked around. “It’s a beautiful car. I’ve never rode in one before. What model is this?”

  “It’s a CT6. If you’ve never had the pleasure, sit back and be prepared to be amazed.” Chris turned the radio on to a soft jazz station.

  “So, what did Rollin say when you explained the software to him?” Chris asked, as they pulled away from the property.

  “He said it’s up to me. Since I started, Tayler and I have been doing most of the administrative work, which has freed up Rollin to expand on the farm.”

  “That’s great. I like to see families keeping business all in the family when they can. That’s how you grow a legacy. Who knows, one day one of your children will be running things.”

  Corra laughed. “Well, I certainly hope so. That place meant a lot to my parents. That’s why I couldn’t let Rollin close it down. Now we’re on the upswing and I only wish it was bigger.”

  “Expand. You have room in the back of the house to add on, don’t you?”

  Corra lowered her head, then gazed up at Chris. “You know Rollin. That will never happen. He’s more interested in expanding the farm than the house. Which is okay with me. Either one equals more revenue at the rate we’re going.”

  “I’m glad to hear that things are going so well. I know Rollin was concerned for a little while there. Our new management system should cut your work in half. If it doesn’t let me know and I’ll pay to install something else for you.”

  Corra snorted. “You’re giving that type of a guarantee?”

  “Yes ma’am. I know my product. It’s damned good.”

  “Well, Tayler and I will be the judge of that. She’s eager to get her hands on it as well.”

  “And I’m equally eager for you to get your hands all over it, then let me know what you think.” Chris glanced over at Corra’s dress as it rose up her thighs, causing a shortness in his breath. He turned his attention back to the road as they entered the expressway and he put his new automobile to the test.

  * * *

  It took forty-five minutes to get to Tony’s Steaks and Seafood. Corra had heard of the restaurant, but had never been.

  They had a huge menu selection, so it took Corra a while to decide on her entrée. The freedom of being able to pick whatever she wanted without placing another order for the kids was new to her. She hadn’t been out on a date in forever and relished this experience.

  She quickly placed her order, anxious for the waiter to disappear. She’d been holding something in from the minute Chris entered the bed-and-breakfast. This evening, she had to have an answer.

  “So Chris, where have you been for the last seven months?”

  Chapter 5

  Chris lowered his gaze and took a deep breath. He’d been waiting for that question.

  He smiled up at Corra. “I know I owe you an apology. I had every intention of keeping in contact. But the minute my plane landed in Philly, the chaos ensued. I had building problems, people issues, and a few other things that come with growing pains. We’re opening a new office in London, so I had to make a trip there. They were good problems to have, but very time-consuming. Can you forgive me?”

  He bit his bottom lip and pressed his palms together at his chest. Corra tilted her head and gave him her side eye “what do you take me for?” look.

  She threw her chin up. “I’ll think about it. But, maybe we should keep things strictly business for now.”

  He lowered his hands and nodded. Just as he did, the waiter appeared with a bottle of champagne and two glasses. Corra gave the waiter a double take. They hadn’t ordered champagne. Chris stared across the table at her while the waiter poured two glasses and complimented Chris on his selection. Corra crossed her arms as she realized he’d ordered the champagne before they arrived.

  Chris picked up his glass and motioned for her to do the same. She complied. “What are we drinking to?” she asked.

  “To new beginnings. The start of something beautiful. Whatever you want to call it as long as you’ll forgive me.” He held his glass out waiting for her to toast.

  Corra set her glass down.

  “So, you think this fancy restaurant and that bottle of champagne makes up for that flimsy excuse?”

  Chris low
ered his glass and nodded. “You’re right,” he said, before looking up at her. “That’s not good enough. I was wrong not to communicate with you, and I hope you’ll find it in your heart to forgive me. It wasn’t my intention to invite you out to upset you. I want to make up for my absence, if you’ll let me?”

  The waiter returned with dinner, and to check on the champagne. He offered to bring out a different brand if they didn’t like the first choice.

  Chris smiled. “No, it’s fine.” He picked his glass up and held it out to Corra.

  The waiter slowly backed away. She left him hanging for a few seconds before she picked her glass up again.

  “To forgiveness, and new beginnings,” Chris said.

  Corra chuckled. “To new beginnings. You have to work for forgiveness.”

  Chris held his glass up higher and smiled. “That I can do.”

  Over dinner they discussed Chris’s company and their new line of software. Corra stated she was proud of him and all of his accomplishments. The conversation moved from work to family as Corra bragged about her babies.

  “Katie’s my little soft-spoken princess. She’s so sensitive for an eight-year-old, and I have no idea where she gets that from. Jamie, he’s ten, and playing baseball this year. He’s actually pretty good. If only I could stop him from losing his gloves. We’re on the third one.”

  Chris laughed. “I’m surprised you don’t have him in peewee football. The skill might run in the family.”

  “Oh, no. Not my son. I don’t want him to play football. It’s such a dangerous sport.”

  “Like he can’t get hit with a baseball?”

  Corra shrugged. “I know. But with all the controversy about concussions and football players I’m playing it safe. Besides, he doesn’t have an interest.”

  “Then he takes after his father. Eric was good at baseball too. He just wasn’t disciplined enough to play on the team.”

  That was the first time Chris had ever made reference to her ex-husband, and his high school nemesis.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to go there.”


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