Vessel of the Demon God (Rough Reluctant Monster Breeding Erotica)

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Vessel of the Demon God (Rough Reluctant Monster Breeding Erotica) Page 1

by Madelene Martin

  Vessel of the Demon God (Rough Reluctant Monster Breeding Erotica)

  by Madelene Martin

  Published by Madelene Martin, 2013.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. March 5, 2013.

  Copyright © 2013 Madelene Martin.

  Written by Madelene Martin.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Vessel of the Demon God (Rough Reluctant Monster Breeding Erotica)

  Further Reading: Demon Seed (Rough and Reluctant Monster Breeding)

  Also By Madelene Martin

  Idara couldn't help but flinch as the knife touched her skin of her arm. The cold steel paused for a moment, then gently scraped at her skin, shaving her soft, sparse hair away. The priestess wielding the knife gave her a disapproving look, scowling at her, and bent back to her task.

  They finished shaving under her arms, and then the senior priestess knelt before her. Idara blushed furiously as the woman inspected her sex. The woman prodded Idara to open her legs, then pressed the blade against her skin again and began to carefully, almost reverently, shave the curly dark hair from Idara's mound.

  "To be sure you are pure, we must remove all the hair on your body." She said, as though Idara might have forgotten.

  A thought occurred to Idara. "Do you have to shave my head?" She blurted out, and immediately felt ridiculous. It was a stupid concern, considering she would be dead in a few hours.

  The priestess scowled again and shook her head. "No." She said. "Keep still."

  Thankfully, after Idara had been shaved, a young acolyte took over. She brought in two small bowls, and knelt before Idara. The girl began to smooth fragrant oil over Idara's bare legs, rubbing her strong hands up over her thighs and massaging the oil into her buttocks.

  "You are so blessed to be chosen for this honor," the acolyte sighed rapturously.

  Idara closed her eyes, ignoring the girl as she continued to babble.

  Of course, it was true. She had lay awake all night telling herself that very thing. She was the sacrifice that would bring peace to the land; the chosen one of her generation. When their demon-god Ashak-ves struck down their oppressive enemies, the people would remember her as the sacrifice that made him hear their cries.

  She wanted to end her peoples' suffering. She wanted to fulfill her destiny. Still, she was afraid, and ashamed of herself for it. She fervently wished this part was over. She had spent so long steeling herself for this moment, and the seemingly endless preparations were making it torturous.

  Nonetheless, she stood with her arms obediently outstretched as the acolyte anointed her entire body. The girl smoothed her hands expertly over Idara's back, then moved to the front and rubbed oil into her chest.

  She massaged her full round breasts, paying special attention the the nipples – oiling and teasing them with her fingertips until Idara felt them harden under her touch. Then she used the other bowl, touching her fingers gently to Idara's nether lips and anointing them with a honey-scented oil.

  After every inch of Idara's body was done, the girl directed her to climb the dais and stand before the altar. Her job complete, the acolyte picked up her bowls and left.

  Idara shivered. The temple was open to the night air, the roof over the altar open so that the sun would shine through it when the dawn came. The cool breeze brushed over her naked skin. She closed her eyes again and inhaled deeply, willing herself to relax.

  In a matter of minutes, robed priestesses of all ranks and ages began to arrive. They talked excitedly and gathered in groups. Some came before Idara, to look at her and hold their hands before her, offering prayers and encouragement. None could touch her, lest they make her impure.

  Idara was trembling. She could see the moon peeking through the open stone of the ceiling. It was almost time.

  The High Priestess – an ancient woman Idara had seen only once or twice in her life – approached the dais. She faced the gathered women and they all fell silent, waiting.

  The Priestess spread her bony arms skyward, her reedy voice cutting through the silence as she prayed aloud.

  Idara barely listened to the words. She stood still, feeling the gaze of myriad eyes on her naked body, and the crushing sense of her own impending doom. She would be left here alone until morning, when the god would appear with the first rays of the sun, and take her blood as his tribute.

  "Ashak-ves, accept this blood sacrifice, and help us, your people." The priestess ended.

  The gathered women repeated the words.

  The priestess waved a hand and two acolytes stepped forward. They locked heavy manacles to each of Idara's wrists, chaining each to a corner of the altar behind her. The girl tried to stay stoic, not wishing to cry in front of them and shame herself.

  They all turned to leave. No one could watch the sacrifice. Ashak-ves would not appear to people save those on the brink of death.

  Hours passed. Idara stood before the altar, eventually growing tired and swaying on her feet, but refusing to sit down. She had some room to move her arms, but of course she could not flee.

  She tried to pray. Idara had no family, so she prayed for herself and her people. That the god would accept her sacrifice and would find her worthy. She prayed that he would deliver them, that with his help they would win their war and be free. Mostly, she prayed that he would make it quick.

  After a time, she lifted her head in a haze of exhaustion. She noticed the dim light and the pink rays of sun shining through the windows. Her heart began to pound, hammering in her chest, and she caught her breath. She stared ahead at the huge stone effigy of the monstrous jaguar-face of Ashak-ves, carved into the stone on the opposite temple wall.

  As if on cue, there was an ear-splitting crash. Idara cringed, squeezing her eyes shut as a searing light flared. A moment later, when the light had faded to a glow, she peeked through her half-cracked eyelids.

  Standing before the giant stone god's face, was a massive black cat – a jaguar. She realized that the glowing light was emanating from the beast itself. On its dark fur were the faint indications of darker spots. It was far bigger than a regular panther, and stared at her with intelligence in its eyes. Idara gasped, her lips falling open in astonishment.

  The jaguar stared at her for a moment, then turned its body toward her and roared, showing long white teeth. It began to casually walk toward her, its head down and its mouth open, as though it were stalking her.

  Idara had never seen such a magnificent beast. As she stared, tears came to her eyes, and any shred of doubt she had that their god existed was wiped away. The cat began to change shape, shifting before her eyes. It lengthened and stood tall, the light flashing off its body.

  By the time it reached her, the apparition was man-shaped. The glow faded and Ashak-ves stood before her - before his altar - in all his glory.

  His skin was dark, with the shadows of spotted markings on his lower legs and arms. His fingers and toes were tipped with long claws. He had long, wild black hair which fell over his shoulders, with stray strands in front of his face. And his eyes were yellow with slitted cats' pupils.

  He was naked, of course. Idara had never seen a man completely naked before, and couldn't help staring. Though of course, he was more than a man.

  His body was perfectly formed - all lithe and lean, with strong arms and thighs. He stood about two heads taller than a r
egular man, and radiated power. She couldn't help but notice his huge member, rising out of a patch of black hair, fully erect.

  She drank in the sight, eyes wide in astonishment.

  "Idara," Ashak-ves growled, baring his sharp teeth. His voice was powerful and resonant... and dangerous. She was suddenly afraid again.

  "My Lord!" She breathed, trembling, staring into the demon-god's eyes.

  He reached out a hand, and she couldn't help flinching as he raised it to her chin. He ignored her reaction, and with one upturned claw, gently tilted her head. He looked at her carefully, taking in her face - her large dark eyes and quivering lips.

  The girl spread her arms, her chained wrists pulling at their restraints. She closed her eyes, and waited for those claws to strike – to rend her flesh and spill her blood. Her sacrifice would soon be done.

  The man who was Ashak-ves made a low, rumbling sound, and Idara opened her eyes to stare at him. He wore a feral grin, his sharp teeth shining. It sounded like he was laughing. She furrowed her brows, confused.

  "You think I want your blood, little one?" The god purred. His sharp claw stroked the underside of her chin, making her tremble.

  Idara was alarmed. "Am I not worthy, my Lord? I am pure! I-"

  He laughed again, louder, cutting her off. "No, no, my beauty." He took his hand away, letting her head relax. And he looked up and down her body.

  She could practically feel his eyes raking her flesh, devouring the sight of her. Her breasts heaved, and the nipples hardened, as though responding directly to his gaze.

  "I can see that you are pure. And what loveliness." He reached out a hand and ran it up her side, from her hip to her shoulder, brushing the side of her breast very lightly.

  Idara was confused, but before she could ask questions, Ashak-ves stepped toward her. He took hold of her right wrist-chain, and she gasped as he snapped it in one easy movement.

  Then he took her hand, and turned her so that she was facing away from him, toward the altar's edge. He put her wrists together against the altar and held them there, one chained and one free. Then he pressed his body up against her. His skin was hot, and she could feel the energy thrumming through him.

  The god bent to speak close to her ear. "I don't need blood," he purred. "I need a worthy vessel for my seed. And you... yes. You will do nicely."

  Idara gasped as he rubbed himself against her back, his phallus hard against her ass. Pressed up against her, it seemed monstrous and huge. With this distraction, it took a moment for her to process what he was saying. "You mean you're going to-"

  "I'm going to fill you with my divine essence."

  The god growled, and bit her ear, and Idara yelped at the sudden pain. Closing her eyes, she shuddered as he moved a hand up and cupped a breast.

  "You will grow my child inside you." He informed her, curling his left arm around her body to stroke the flat plane of her belly. "And he will grow and be born, and deliver your people."

  He breathed hot breath on her neck, then opened his mouth, licking and sucking her tender skin, his teeth grazing her. He rubbed his thumb over her nipple and squeezed her breast hard enough to make her wince.

  Idara shook in terror and shock. She thought of the stories from the days when the god had walked among men. He had been beautiful and fearful – tearing his enemies apart with bare claws and devouring their flesh. Long after he had gone away to his godly realm, the people still made regular blood sacrifices in times of need, in order to bring him back.

  She had been expecting to die here – to have her blood spilled, and for this to be all over. Instead, this creature was going to have his way with her, touch and take her the way no man had been permitted.

  And she would carry his offspring. She would live with a reminder of this day, carrying it inside her until she gave birth... to what? And would she even survive such an ordeal?

  It was too much.

  "Please..." she whimpered, the words breaking free despite her best efforts to stay silent. "Please, no."

  To her surprise, Ashak-ves laughed again. "Oh, little one." He said, nuzzling against her neck, and teasing her nipple. His left hand dipped lower, stroking her mound, creeping between her legs. "This is happening."

  She tried to squeeze her legs together as his finger invaded her, his hand cupping her sex as he began to slowly rub her clit. Idara arched her body as unexpected pleasure radiated from his touch. She groaned, horrified and fascinated.

  "Do not worry." The god told her, turning his attention to the other side of her neck and biting her there as well. "You will be honored for all time as the mother of a god."

  A tear dripped from her eye, rolling down Idara's face. She could barely comprehend what was happening. She felt so helpless. It was as though his touch and his power hypnotised her, and pleasure took over despite everything.

  His right hand gripped her hip and squeezed her ass, claws digging into her flesh almost – but not quite - hard enough to draw blood. Then he traced her curves, caressing her breast, her hip and her thigh as his left continued to roughly manipulate her clit.

  Idara's breathing became faster as he moved in a more rapid rhythm, and she felt herself getting wet between the legs. She had never felt such intense pleasure – certainly not alone at night when she touched herself in secret.

  She could do nothing but grasp the edge of the stone altar as her god ruthlessly pleasured her. His hot breath in her ear, his erect manhood pressing against her back and his low sounds of pleasure evoked a shameful thrill deep within her.

  She suddenly knew she was close, and some instinct took over.

  "No!" She cried, and tried to pull away, flailing with her free arm. She succeeded in writhing enough that his fingers were off her for a moment, before he growled and angrily grabbed her, bringing her under his control once again.

  Ashak-ves easily captured her wrist with one arm, pulling it behind her back, and pushed her roughly face down on the altar. The stone was cold against her cheek, her breasts squashed painfully beneath her, and she bit her lip to stop herself from crying out.

  He bent low over her body, and she felt more exposed than ever as his phallus pressed right up against her entrance. She could feel him sliding along her wetness, and thought for sure that he would take her right then.

  "So innocent." He murmured, in an amused tone. "You don't even know what pleasure is. Here. Let me show you."

  He held her arm tightly against her back as he knelt behind her. Idara tried to move but his hands kept her easily pinned to the stone.

  Ashak-ves was so tall that he had to bend as he brought his face close to her sex. He inhaled deeply, and then she felt his tongue on her. It was rough like a cat's, and it made her shiver as it rasped on her sensitive swollen skin.

  He traced along her slit, tasting her juices, and then delved his tongue into her folds, lapping at her sex, and dipping just a little into her hole. Idara moaned, a half-surprised sound.

  The pleasure was intense, and she felt ashamed at her own wantonness as she gasped and began to move her hips in time with his rhythm.

  He purred against her flesh, enjoying her taste and her response, and his claws dug into the skin of her back and hip just a little harder.

  This time the pain only served to increase the intensity of her pleasure. Idara moaned again, a weak sound of protest mixed with ecstasy. The rough tongue thrust inside her, curling against her inner walls, moving in and out, and then withdrew to lap at her clit. He repeated this over and over, fucking her with his tongue then licking, circling and teasing her center of pleasure.

  When it happened, it was sudden. She cried out loudly, bucking her hips against his face and struggling as a wave of powerful pleasure slammed into her. Her whole body shook as she rode each peak, gasping for breath.

  He continued to lick her until she subsided, going limp and breathing heavily. Then he moved away, releasing her wrist and standing once more. He stroked her back, a surprisingly tender gestur

  Idara squeezed her eyes shut, cursing her treacherous body.

  But he didn't let her rest. She felt his huge member pressing against her again, and he took hold of it and rubbed it in her juices. Her nerves were still on fire, her flesh swollen and over-sensitive, and each stroke up and down her wet slit caused her to shudder.

  "You see?" He purred, looming over her. "You are ready for me now. You want me."

  She shook her head, but he either ignored her or failed to notice. She felt the tip of him at her entrance, swollen and pulsing. It felt impossibly large, and she had time to briefly wonder again how he would fit inside her without tearing her apart.

  Then, he thrust in, breaking past her barrier, taking her virginity. He hilted himself deeply in her, in one sharp motion.

  Idara felt as though she would split in two. She screamed in pain, but he paid no attention as he began to move, smoothly and firmly pumping in and out. He filled her completely, stretching her, and she had to grit her teeth hard against the discomfort.

  He moved faster. His hips slammed against her ass as he took his pleasure, mercilessly thrusting. And before long, her pain began to fade. He slid easily in and out of her wetness, causing friction that quickly grew pleasant. Little shocks of sensation jolted her with each pump, and she found herself breathing hard once more, beginning to gasp.

  Ashak-ves moaned, a low, pleased sound. "Yes." He said. "Give yourself to me." He sounded out of breath and shaky, and to Idara's shame, it thrilled her: that this powerful being – her god – desired her and delighted in her body so much.

  She clenched her thigh muscles, squeezing them together and felt her inner walls clenching around his thrusting member. And she was delighted when he moaned again.

  He reached a hand around under her then, and found her clit once more. Idara closed her eyes as he began to circle and rub her there, carefully keeping his claws away. As he pounded against her and kept his fingers pressed hard against her clit, the intensity became too much.


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