True Blue Love: The Thorns, Book 3

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True Blue Love: The Thorns, Book 3 Page 17

by Melissa Lopez

  Miller grunted, looking over her shoulder. “Why is your hand trembling?”

  Closing her calendar, she put it away. “Because a bear of a man is breathing down my neck.”

  “Is the fourteenth day good?” Sweat beaded Miller’s brow. “Or not?”

  “It’s fine. I’m not pregnant.” Of that, she was confident. “So no more worrying.”

  “Then why do you look like you’re going to cry?”

  Because if Ginger had been born, I’d never have met you. She caught her lower lip between her teeth.

  He braced a hand on the wall near her head. “I wasn’t shitting you. If you are…I’ll marry you.”

  “Miller, be serious.” She pushed on his chest for breathing room. They needed to get off this subject of marriage and babies. “I’ve wanted to talk to you since yesterday.”

  “Eh? I’m listening.”

  Collecting her bag, she sat on the bed and withdrew her journal. Miller joined her with his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Since being fired.” She speared him with a glare. “I’ve been doing the math.”

  He grunted.

  “I think I can manage three, maybe five months on what I have saved before I have to go.”

  “You can stay as long as you want.”

  “No, I can’t.” She smiled. “I can’t. I’m not moving in with you.” She needed to find a real place to stay. Some rental somewhere. Maybe Connor would have a spare room…

  He stood and wiped his hands on his jeans. “I bought Brady’s property.”

  “Holy snap.” Her mouth gaped for a moment. Why would he do something like that? She looked up at him. “You bought Brady’s property?”

  “The old man could use the money. The crew will be out of there tomorrow.” Using the big knife he always kept handy, he peeled an apple and offered her slices. The apple was sweet and juicy. He took a piece and gave her another.

  Again, the Native had surprised her. Don’t read anything into it. But she couldn’t help herself. Up north he’d spent money on her, on them. How could she not consider spending money his way of expressing his interest in her? His affections?

  Quietly, he diced up the remaining apple, passing her a few more pieces.

  “You’re welcome to use it for as long as you want.” He shrugged, setting the knife aside. “I’ll offer it to Luke once you’ve gone back across the pond.”

  What a temptation he offered her. To be able to spend more time in Australia like she’d originally planned. And to have a private place to be with Miller. Still, it seemed so fast… “I don’t know exactly what to say.” His intense blue gaze burned into hers. “I don’t like just using the house.” But again, if it allowed her to stay longer…

  Impulsively, she smiled. Why not take another risk? “Great. But, you’ll have to take some kind of rent for it.”

  “I’m not taking your bloody money.” A growl rumbled from his broad chest.

  Frustrated, she stood to face him. Then she climbed on the bed to be at a better position to glare him down. “Well, you’d best figure something out because I’m not going to allow you to think I’m using you for your money.”

  Miller approached the bed. “I’ve gotten the impression you like to argue.”

  “I do not.” She laughed, and wrapped her arms around his neck. Ran her hands on the warm skin of his back and beautiful shoulders. “Oh, this is nice. I get to look down at you for once.” Delicious sensations stirred awake in her under her breasts. Delight shimmered across her skin. “We’ll figure something out, won’t we, Native?”

  Abruptly, he grabbed her thighs and pulled her legs out from under her.

  Squealing, she landed on the bed with him as a cover. With his arm wrapped around her, he shifted them both up along the bed.

  His mouth was hot and dominating as it possessed hers. His tongue aggressively sought hers out. His lips roughly teased her. Her breasts swelled, aching to be caressed by the hair across his chest.

  He was the one to break the embrace.

  “Don’t stop.” She whimpered, arching her hips. “Make love to me.”

  “I need a condom.” His chest heaved. “And you need the bloody jeans off.”

  “Oh.” Panting, she removed her shirt, before wiggling her bottom out of her pants. He helped her get them down her thighs and off her feet.

  Naked, she admired him as he removed his own jeans. At the dresser, he quickly peeled the second apple and sliced it up in the palm of his hand. He carried the bites and a condom back to bed.

  Laying the apple on her stomach, he fed her a slice. Her tongue licked the juice from his fingertips. “Hmm.”

  A whole slice disappeared between his teeth. Shifting her feet, she encountered a string of rope he’d used on her earlier. Arousal stirred at the thought of what he’d done to her. How he’d made her breasts ache. How he’d made her scream and climax.

  She moaned at the anticipation curling between her thighs. After what he’d done to her, she couldn’t imagine there being any limits between them. “I…” She bit her lip.

  Teasingly he angled another slice to her mouth. Once, twice she almost snapped a chunk from the piece of fruit. When he finally gave up the game, she took a bite. “You know you could do anything to me, don’t you?”

  His blue eyes darkened, his cock pressed into her thigh.

  “Anything at all, Miller.”

  Miller woke and stretched out his body. He rolled over to his back. Christ, what a bloody fine night he’d had. It could have very well been the best of his life. Other than a dinner of grilled chicken and a shower, their night had been spent in bed. His bed.

  The night left him thinking something very particular about Kaycee. She was submissive in bed. She’d allowed him to have his way with her over and over. The suspicion intrigued the fuck out of him. Her willingness had opened his mind up to fantasies. Fantasies he wanted her to be the star in.

  Anything at all.

  The Yank had meant it. He’d fucked her all night long without a single complaint from her. She’d been wet, hot and begging for it. And when he’d urged her to suck him off, she had.

  Eyes closed, something else came to him. On his birdie. The question about marital sex. She’d said she’d want to keep her husband happy…

  Anything at all.

  Maybe his Yank wasn’t submissive. Maybe she actually cared for him.

  Still the best things of the night had been when she’d whispered she loved him. Though he doubted she even knew she admitted it. The declaration always came when she climaxed. It had to be the hot sex getting to her. It had to be.

  Good things don’t happen to me.

  Eh, it’d been a bloody fine night. He’d best just take it at its worth and leave all this thinking alone.

  His hand went to his prick to rub himself. The muscle ached from overuse but he didn’t care.

  The discovery of her accommodating nature led to a problem. One he never thought he’d face. As many whores as he’d had—in the end he’d had few real sexual relationships and even fewer emotionally engaging ones.

  How the bloody hell did one keep a woman happy?

  Christ knew he didn’t know a bloody thing about happiness.

  In sleep, Kaycee snuggled back against his body.

  Balls already tight, he rolled over. He nuzzled her neck. “G’day luv.” He settled his prick against her arse.

  She whimpered, arching her hips back in offering.

  Very much wanting to take her up on her offer, he closed his eyes. Worked to get a handle on his lust. If his prick was sore, her soft body had to be even more so. In his arms, Kaycee relaxed, her breathing shallow.

  Reluctantly, he left her to climb from the bed. She needed more rest. While he needed food. Lots of it. After pissing and dressing, he made his way toward the kitchen.

  The smell of beer stalled him in the living room. His sight adjusted to the darkened room. Slowly, he ambled across the room to let the waking sun into
the room.

  “I’ve never heard so much headboard slapping wall in my bloody life.” His cousin Ace’s words were as hoarse as slurred.

  Bugger me. Miller scratched his chest. Ace had been gone for over two weeks. As a nature expert and guide, he took those that paid on walkabouts into the bush. His cousin had one hell of a homecoming this time. No doubt the mate had heard about Lee’s beating and Travis leaving.

  “Better get all you can now. She’ll change her tune soon enough.” Ace snickered. “They always do.”

  A time or two among the men, he’d heard similar comments. In the beginning, relationships were hot and heavy only to dull and fade away.

  Maybe his cousin had a point. Maybe what he had with Kaycee was something passing. Eh, the prospect was a likely one. Still a good thing was a good thing, even if it was temporary. The Yank taking an overnight flight across the pond for home was only a matter of time.

  Best to be realistic.

  Ace tossed an empty bottle into the trashcan he’d dragged in from the kitchen. “Did you hear about my bloody brother?”

  Wanting to feel Ace out for a reaction to Lee, Miller remained silent. He wanted to know where Ace stood without influencing him one way or another.

  “Guess what?”

  “You’re drunk?”

  “Nope. Not even close. I got home from the bush to learn…” He closed his eyes as if in pain. He pinched the bridge of his nose. Ace avoided his gaze when he finally pulled himself together. “My little brother is a manlover.” His mouth twisted.

  Miller folded his arms. Outside, the sun spread her arms to embrace the land. At least the old man had given his mum a nice view in the mornings.

  Ace laughed. The sound lacked all amusement. “A bloody manlover.” He opened another beer. “So, just what the fuck am I supposed to think about this…everything?”

  Miller didn’t turn around. Wasn’t sure what to say. If it’d been his brothers, he’d have simply kicked their arses for any show of disloyalty to one another. That would have been it. But Ace wasn’t his brother. And though they were closest in age, they’d never been tight. No. Ace had never seemed to care about anything. That’d never sit well with Miller.

  You had to care about something. You had to believe in something. Or life wasn’t worth shit.

  The land, his mum, his brothers and their families kept him focused. Christ, he needed to call Ethan. He owed Ethan a long-overdue talk. He looked at Ace. His cousins and Auntie mattered in his life too. “If Lee was my brother I’d get over it.” Real fucking fast.

  “Dad said Lee was dead to us all.”

  “I’d never have guessed you for one to care what others said.”

  “He’s my dad.”

  “Eh, Lee’s too.” Miller’s teeth clenched, recalling what the old man had done. “No one would ever come after a brother of mine like that.”

  “I wasn’t there.”

  “If you had been?”

  “Lee wouldn’t have gotten so busted up.” Ace swallowed down half a bottle. “Bloody Christ, I’d have beaten Matt for bloody standing there.” He downed the other half of the drink. “What the fuck was my little brother thinking? He’s not going to have a life out here.”

  Nope. Lee was in for a bitch of a time. The old timers were never going to accept a manlover. Hell, few would accept Lee now. He sighed. This made things worse for his cousin. Lee belonged out here. He loved the land as much as Miller did.

  “Miller?” Kaycee’s voice drifted from down the hall.

  “In here, Yank.” He moved to meet her, blocking the view of her from his cousin.

  His shirt engulfed her. She looked sleepy, her hair tangled down her back. “You left me.” Gentle hands rested on his chest.

  Eh, leaving her alone in bed showed he could be a fruit loop. “I needed breakfast.”

  “Want me to scramble some bum-nuts?” She treated him to her dimples.

  “Eggs will hit the spot.”

  “Your mom home?”

  “I’ll let her know breakfast is on.” He glanced over his shoulder. Ace had lain back on the couch. “We’ve got company.”

  “Oh, let me go get dressed then.”

  “Sure. I’ll get the meal started.”

  Kaycee planted a quick kiss on his mouth. He watched her go before turning back to the living room.

  “Remember, get all you can.” Ace saluted him with a bottle.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Miller sat on Cohen’s porch watching the evening slip by. Or trying to. The yard was filled with screaming ankle-biters.

  Around him a celebration for Hayleigh’s birthday was taking place. Everyone had shown for the beer-up. Eh, his family didn’t pass by a beer-drinking party. The neighbors either.

  Kaycee had shaken up his world. He’d completely forgotten about the gathering until his mum had reminded him. Kaycee had readily agreed to attend with him.

  It was a kick having her at his side among family and friends.

  From inside, he heard her laughter. His Yank seemed to be having a good time. Seeing Isabella upon their arrival had slowed his steps, but Kaycee hadn’t acted bothered. Thank Christ, because he didn’t want to see his Yank upset over nothing again.

  “Mate.” His little brother handed him a drink.


  Co took the chair next to him. “You’ve got yourself a beauty.” Wearing a grin, he saluted Miller with his own beer.

  “Eh, Kaycee’s a beaut.”

  “Didn’t believe it when T first sent her picture around.”

  Miller grunted. This was the first chance he’d had tonight to chew the fat with him. His brother had been busy handling the barbie. Figures Co would start right in on ribbing him about his Yank.

  “You heard from E?” Cohen leaned back to stretch his legs out.

  “Nope.” E had been on his mind some. A time or two he’d recalled the last conversation he’d had with his brother. His brother’s parting words. “Fuck it. I’m done.”

  “Look.” Co released a long breath. “I’ve never been one to butt into anyone’s business but E named his son after you.”

  “Eh, I’m bloody proud of the fact.” Miller eyed him. His little brother had rarely confronted him. Cohen reminded him of their mum more now than ever before.

  “You know the way you and E kept things from me?”

  Miller looked away. They’d done what was best for Co. There’d been no reason Co had needed to know what an arsehole their father was. Either the old man had softened by the time Co came, or he knew Miller would never let him have a go at his baby brother, Miller couldn’t say. But they’d all gone out of their way to make sure Co had the best.

  “I felt like a bloody idiot for not knowing.” Cohen’s teeth clenched. “A bloody idiot. But I got over it. It’s about time you did too.”

  “Eh.” Having already come to that conclusion, he nodded. “I need to give him a call.” And he would. Soon. He’d tried calling earlier only to leave a message with De. Ethan had been at work. But it was possible E honestly didn’t want to hear from him again. He’d held on to his grudge a long time. He supposed he couldn’t blame E if his brother was done with him.

  Cohen stood. “Abbey!”

  His oldest niece stopped in her tracks. “Yeah, Daddy?”

  “Don’t think I’m not watching you. Leave Jeremy alone.”

  “Okay, Daddy.” Face pinched, Abbey ran up the porch steps and into the house.

  Sighing, Cohen sat.

  “I missed it. What was the hellion doing?”

  Cohen laughed with a shake of his head. “Putting bugs down Jeremy’s shirt. Had the little mate close to tears.”

  How his brother could tell the boy was upset, Miller couldn’t say with all the noise the ankle-biters made. Christ, the girls only seemed to get to be bigger handfuls as they got older.


  “Eh?” His brother had turned serious.

  “We’ve got a couple of slacker
s you’ve got to take care of.” Co passed him a white slip of paper.

  Miller grunted, already knowing what was expected of him. Co, his cousins and Luke hired station hands. He fired them if they didn’t work out. Quickly, he read the two names on the paper. He didn’t recognize either bloke’s name. “I’ll track them down.” Dealing with seasonal workers was easier. They always knew when their time was up without being told. And nearly always showed back up next season.

  For a long while they sat there listening to the children at play. Time and again, his nieces caught his regard. Besides their blue eyes they put him in mind of Hayleigh. His chest constricted. An ankle-biter of his own wouldn’t be a bad thing at all. Especially if the baby had black hair.

  Miller understood how a reproductive system worked. He worked around animals. Made his livelihood by birthing more calves and lambs. But how exactly a woman’s body worked, he’d never studied. Still, he was no idiot. There was a slim chance Kaycee was pregnant.

  “How easily did Hayleigh get pregnant?”

  Cohen coughed on his beer. “Are you asking a personal question?”

  “Just bloody answer it.”

  “Well, to hear the missus tell it, I look at her and she gets pregnant.”

  He grunted.

  “Why you asking?” Co looked at him curiously.

  The screen door opened and closed, ending a discussion he should have never started. Kaycee stood there alongside Darel Moore.

  The man was standing too close to his Yank. With effort he stayed in his chair.

  “Hey.” Kaycee leaned over and kissed him on the mouth. “Darel has a property I might be interested in renting for the rest of my stay. I’ll be back in a few.”

  Darel nodded to him and Cohen before following Kaycee down the steps.

  His teeth clenched, a tic popping to life in his jaw. He couldn’t take his gaze from them. Darel was a fine bloke. A bloody fine bloke.

  I’m marrying John Ashlan. He’s a man who can give me everything I want.

  Hell, my own brother unwittingly stole De. What’s to say Darel won’t steal Kaycee? After all, Darel wouldn’t come with a shitload of baggage. While he’d been dealing with baggage since he was able to piss alone.


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