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Dedicated Page 3

by Clara Jenkins

  The door opened and Mason saw the surprise in the priest’s eyes. The man stepped back and ushered him inside. He inquired, “What brings you to my door tonight? Has something happened?”

  Mason had to laugh as he answered, “That’s an understatement. So much has happened that it may take a while to explain. First, I want to make sure you know how much I appreciate all the time and energy you’ve spent on me. I might not have survived if you hadn’t been there to guide me.”

  “It sounds like you’re saying goodbye. Are you leaving? What about your grandmother? You can’t desert her.”

  Mason replied, “I’m not leaving. At least not in the way you mean. I’ve been in a quandary and found myself coming to terms with the wrong choices I’ve made. I found the redemption and solace I sought within these walls, but I was never meant to be a priest. Living my life alone is not the road for me. I long for a family to love care for. I want to be released from my vow of celibacy.”

  “You’re not alone. This congregation can be your family to love and care for. Don’t you see that? Has Samantha gotten her hooks so deeply embedded in you that you’ve forgotten everyone else?” the priest asked.

  “Samantha has done nothing wrong. She didn’t seek me out in any way. It’s me who’s changed. Yes, I am in love with her. But, even Grammy realizes that if it wasn’t Samantha, it would be someone else. I was meant to have a wife and children. My love and devotion to God hasn’t disappeared, just my role in the church. Please, understand what I’m saying. I have needs that a congregation can’t fulfill. I’ve prayed about it and was given peace. Let me go. Samantha and Alyssa are my future. I hope they will accept me as I am. I haven’t even told Samantha how I feel. Don’t hold this against her. She has never tried to dig claws into me. She’s just been her own sweet self. How could I not love her for that?”, Mason inquired.

  “If you’re determined, I can’t stop you. I wish you joy, peace and everlasting love. Those are the things I’ve always wanted for you. I admit, a part of me knew you would never become a priest. You have too much passion and drive to hold yourself back. You’ll be a wonderful father to Alyssa. Go with God.”

  Chapter 8

  Samantha felt like a hero. She had made a significant difference in another person’s life. Once the grocery shopping was done, she had driven the young woman to her tiny apartment. It would have proven impossible to drag all the things she had bought onto a bus, which Cora, the woman she was helping, had planned to do. Thank goodness, Grammy had loaned her the car today, otherwise they both would have been riding the bus. Cara’s home held only a chair, a table, a twin bed, and a portable crib. The cupboards and refrigerator had been bare until Samantha had donated the groceries. Cora was a widow. She counted on welfare checks to pay for her apartment and food, but there wasn’t too much left over after the money was spent. Samantha called the truck stop and convinced them to hire Cora to help her. She then asked Grammy if another baby was too much for her to take care of and Grammy proclaimed it a privilege. She also said that Mason had furniture in the attic that wasn’t needed anymore and Cora was welcome to it. They would search through it over the weekend.

  Too excited to control her smile, Samantha bounced happily into the house. She had news of her own to announce. Grammy had taken the baby for a walk in the park according to the note in the kitchen, so she searched the house for Mason. She discovered him in the attic, clearing piles of junk away from the furniture on Grammy’s orders. He exclaimed, “I heard what you’ve been up to! Good for you. It does wonders for the soul to help others.”

  “I helped myself too,” she replied. “They have another efficiency apartment open and I can have it. I’ve saved enough money to move out on my own. Isn’t that great?”

  Mason’s face hardened. It wasn’t great from his perspective. He had just changed his entire life to be with her and before he could tell her, she tossed out the news that she was leaving. “You don’t need to leave,” he growled. “You have a home right here with us. Alyssa likes it here. Why uproot her now?”

  “I thought you would be pleased. I won’t be here to tempt you anymore and I’ll be standing on my own two feet,” she declared.

  Mason took a calming breath. He shouldn’t have jumped on her. She had no way of knowing what he had done and she should be proud of how far she had come in such a short time. “The thing is, I don’t want you to leave. I’m very proud of you, but I selfishly want the woman I love to be near me all the time.”

  Samantha gasped for air. “What did you say? I’m not sure I heard you right.”

  “I said, I love you,” Mason repeated. He quickly walked toward her and wrapped her in his arms. “I’ve been waiting since last night to do this.” He kissed her soundly with enthusiasm.

  She shoved against his chest until he let go. “What did I miss? Last time we spoke, you were struggling to stay on your chosen path and I was getting in the way. So, I prayed for a solution and the apartment was my answer.”

  Mason grinned, “I prayed too and I think the apartment was just to make you see that you could make it on your own. However, the answer to both our prayers is a life together. That is, if you’ll have me. I’ve rescinded my vow. I choose you. Marry me, please.”

  Samantha jumped into his waiting arms and with tears running down her cheeks admitted, “I love you too. I can’t believe all my prayers are coming true. Pinch me so I know I’m not dreaming.”

  “I’ll do better than that,” he replied. He rained kisses over her eyelids, cheeks, and finally her lips. No longer holding back his passion, he allowed his hands to roam. Down her back they slid, until he reached her rounded bottom. He took it in both hands and lifted her off the floor. Mason carried her to an old sofa and gently laid her down. His lips moved to her neck and she tossed back her head to let him gain access to its most tender spots. Her breathing became labored as he moved downward, unbuttoning her blouse and pushing it aside. His fingers wandered over the mounds of her breasts and unhooked the front clasp of her delicate white bra. The creamy mounds spilled into his hands. He gathered them up and let his tongue flick over the pointed, rosiness of her nipples.

  Samantha nearly came off of the sofa in her excitement. It had never been this way with anyone else. She had always given and the men had taken. She delved between them and ripped open his shirt. Buttons flew across the attic, but no one cared. They had waited too long for this moment.

  Mason stood and quickly shed his jeans, while Samantha wiggled out of her own. They stopped, frozen in the moment, as they stared at each other’s now nude bodies. Mason’s shaft rose to all its glory before her eyes. The hunger in his face made her center warm and wet. Both were panting when she finally broke the spell and reached for him. He tumbled onto her soft skin and guided his throbbing shaft into her hot, silky entrance. She raised her hips and he sunk to the hilt. Twining their hands together over her head, he began to move. Flesh pounded against flesh and Mason was ready to burst. But he refused to go over the edge without his beloved. He slid one hand between them to touch her swollen love button. She pulsed over his member, drawing his seed into her body as she shouted his name. Two lost souls found each other and melded into one.

  Chapter 6

  Mason was extremely worried about the reaction of the congregation to his change in status. In just a few minutes, he would be entering the church, not as a future priest, but as a simple worshiper. By his side would be Samantha, his future wife. In his arms he would carry Alyssa, the baby he planned to adopt. Grammy would be there for support and to aid in warding off the most persistent of skeptics. One word against Samantha could bring out the worst in Mason and he wanted to remain calm at all costs. She had done nothing to bring about his decision to give up the priesthood, but he knew there would be many who blamed her.

  If it was possible to be excited and terrified at the same time, Samantha was sure she was experiencing both of those emotions. Grammy had bought her a new dress for her debut as Mason
’s fiancé and she felt elegant and tasteful wearing it. The deep blue dress, with the band of white at the waist, was paired with a deep blue jacket and heels. She put Alyssa in the ruffled outfit that Grammy had made when they first came to live at Mason’s. Everyone intended to put their best foot forward for such an impactful event. For the first time in a year, Mason would take a spot in the pews with the rest of the congregation.

  Sure enough, all eyes were on the group as they passed through the church doors. Some appeared friendly, yet there was still hostility in many. Whispers followed them to their seats. Mason did his best to smile and nod at those who glared. Alyssa’s gurgles and smiles helped him to remain calm.

  The sermon seemed interminable. The priest had chosen his subject well. He spoke of casting the first stone if you were without sin. It caused a few to writhe in their seats, but a few acted as if they were truly sinless, pointing and gossiping throughout the service.

  Mason and Grammy flanked Samantha as they lined up in the aisle to exit the church. Mason received some handshakes and congratulations from those who saw his newfound happiness evident. They were glad to know that the kind man they admired had found the peace and love he deserved. But, one or two could not hold back snide remarks. One man commented, a little too loudly, “I’d give up celibacy for a taste of that too.” Only the hard squeezes on his arms from both Samantha and Grammy kept him from punching the man.

  The trio of women who had referred to her as a harlot and Jezebel intercepted them as they passed. Mira exclaimed, “I’m ashamed of you Mason. You let that little tease take away your good sense and now you’re lost to God.”

  Mason replied in a tight voice, “God hasn’t given up on me nor I on Him. If all who sinned were lost to him, then none of us would be in this room, including you.”

  Clara gasped and said, “She’s taught you to be rude and unloving as well, I see. I’ll never accept her as one of the congregation. You should be kicked out too.”

  Before Mason could answer, Annabelle stepped forward and proclaimed, “Be quiet Clara. You too, Mira. Your childish, sinful characters are showing. Samantha isn’t the harlot we thought her to be. She is kind and caring. I saw her reach out to help a woman in the supermarket. She paid for her purchases and gave her the things from her own cart. I’ve never done that, have you? We should be the ones who are ashamed. We judged her without any knowledge of her background or current condition. Gossip was all we had and gossip is the devil’s word. We’ve been casting stones where none belonged. I, for one, want to welcome Samantha and get to know her. We could all learn from her fine example. She’s never said anything bad about anyone or showed prejudice of any kind.”

  Taken aback by Annabelle’s speech, silence descended in the church. Her words had been heard up and down the aisles. Those too far away to hear them personally were filled in as they were passed along from mouth to mouth. The crowd parted to let Mason and the ladies walk through. Hesitant to start another argument, Samantha held her head up and smiled shyly as she passed each person. The priest was waiting at the exit. Word of Annabelle’s change of attitude had already reached his ears. He apologized, “I am sorry that I let human error get in the way of seeing what a good person you are, Samantha. I should have heeded my own sermons. You have proven that actions speak far louder than words. You never argued. You just went about your life, being a kind and caring person. It taught us all a much-needed lesson. Mason, I applaud your ability to see what’s inside rather than the surface only. You could have made an excellent priest; however, you’ll be an even better father and husband.”

  Samantha gathered her courage and asked, “Do you think you might marry us? I’m not sure how you feel about someone like me being married in a church, but Mason has always belonged here and I don’t want to take a sanctified marriage away from him. He’s given up so much for Alyssa and me.”

  The priest replied, “I would be honored to marry the two of you. A more perfect couple has never been wed in this church. It opens its arms to all who seek love and redemption and you have more than proven you deserve both. It’s the rest of us who were lacking.”

  Grammy replied, “Come to dinner and we can discuss the date and other plans. I don’t think these two want to wait a long time, so we better get started.”

  Chapter 7

  Grammy was correct. They hadn’t wasted any time setting a date for the wedding. In barely two weeks, they had managed to get everything together. The church was booked for a Saturday evening. The reception would be in the huge back garden of Mason’s stately home. Food was to be provided by the now friendlier congregation. Annabelle had even offered to make the wedding cake! Cora was to be the maid of honor. Grammy’s quick fingers had sewn both Samantha’s and Cora’s gowns. She had even made a tiny dress for Alyssa.

  Samantha was all smiles as she walked down the aisle to her beloved Mason. Her simple, white satin gown, overlaid with lace and trailing a beaded train, made her appear like the angel Mason always called her. Her bouquet was filled with burgundy and white roses that perfectly matched Cora and Alyssa’s dresses. She wasn’t nervous at all because she was going to meet her savior and soul mate.

  Mason cited his vows with the words, “I was a broken man when I returned from the horrors of war. The church gave me the contrast I needed to let the past go, but peace was still elusive. Then an angel walked in seeking redemption for a past that wasn’t her fault. She showed me how to be kinder and more forgiving. Her soul was the missing half of mine. With her, I found peace. She will remain a part of me long past my death. A truer love has never been known.”

  Samantha’s reply was, “I was lost in an unforgiving world, without a clue where to turn for help. My footsteps were guided into this church. I met my savior that day, though I didn’t dream he would turn into the love of my life. I sought redemption. I found it and so much more. I am marrying my soulmate in front of God, my new grandmother and so many new friends I can’t count them all. I was given more than I asked for or deserved. My happiness overflows and I will thank God every day for the riches I’ve received. Mason, I will love you and only you long past my death. A truer love has never been known.”

  Mason and Samantha sealed their vows with a kiss as the setting sun shone through the stained-glass windows and made a rainbow of colors on her dress.

  With congratulations ringing in their ears and delicious cake on their lips, Mason and Samantha took leave of the celebration. The plane carried them to a cloudless beach for the honeymoon of their dreams. Neither paid much attention to the beautiful blue waves that slapped against the sandy shore right outside their tiny beach cottage. They had eyes only for one another.

  Mason’s hands trembled as he gently removed the lacy blue confection that was Samantha’s lingerie. He kissed her shoulders as the thins straps disappeared and the simple garment fell to the floor. She stood her ground as his gaze followed every bare curve, though her breathing was fast and shallow. His warm hands cupped her plump breasts reverently. He lowered his head and suckled their sweetness. Samantha stepped backward until her legs touched the edge of the bed. With a small nudge from Mason, she landed on its soft down comforter. He bent over and kissed his way down her prone body. When his lips reached the apex of her thighs, she tried to squeeze her legs together and push his head away. Mason calmed her with a soft stroke of his hand and a shake of his head. He spread her wide and lapped at the treasure before him. He savored the taste of the dampness he discovered there. Samantha’s shocked moans made his desire mount. His tongue flicked faster over her nub and she raised her hips in response. His tongue delved inside the hot center and stars exploded in Samantha’s head. Her body bucked as her center pulsed out in ecstasy.

  Mason saw such beauty in her face at the moment of climax. He longed to see that look day after day, forever. Giving her time to catch her breath and come back to reality, he planted a kiss on each thigh, then her flat stomach and upwards to her chest. Finally reaching her lips,
he stroked her tongue with his, allowing her to taste herself.

  Samantha stroked his hardness from base to tip and smoothed the drop of moisture on the tip across its silky smoothness. His member jerked in excitement and anticipation for what was to come. She placed his member at the entry to her body and guided him slowly inside. Sweat popped out on his forehead as he held back his passion. Her warmth surrounded him inch by inch. Once he was fully seated, he remained still enjoying the feel of her softness wrapped around his hardness. Samantha wasn’t as patient. She put both legs around his waist, lifted her hips and took him an inch or two deeper. Mason swore under his breath. He couldn’t hold off any longer. He pulled out and slammed back in. Their bodies joined in a rhythm that their hearts beat in tune with. Each thrust was a promise of forever and a declaration of love. Mason watched as Samantha’s head turned side to side and her back arched. She screamed his name as her hotness squeezed his throbbing member. Her shout took him over the edge and he filled her with his seed. He prayed the seed was planted ion fertilized ground and would bring forth a sibling for Alyssa. If not tonight, then in the days to come. He would make every effort to join their souls and grow a family. He intended to take her often, in the room and on the shores of the beach, under the sun and the moon. He would declare their love every chance he got, from now until forever.


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