Twelve For Two Hundred (Men of the Vault Book 1)

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Twelve For Two Hundred (Men of the Vault Book 1) Page 10

by Aria Grace

  Am I? Despite the throbbing in my head, I’m not so sure. Words won’t form on my lips and that is even more scary than being dead.

  “Don’t try to talk.” Edge reaches for me, tracing a finger along my lip. “Your jaw taped up right now.”

  Panic begins to set in as I comprehend his words. He must be able to see it written on my face because he offers me a small smile.

  “Don’t worry, baby.” Edge lifts my hand and places it on his lap. “You’re still gorgeous.”

  He winks and I’m back to believing I did die and this is some kind of purgatorial fantasy.

  “We’re in a plastic surgeon’s office. A, um, friend of Tanner’s. He’s got you all closed up, but you’re going to be in a lot of pain for a while.”

  Edge stares at me for a few minutes, and his eyes begin to water. “I know you hate me right now, and you have every right to. I hate myself for what I did to cause you so much pain as a child. I swear to god I didn’t know your mom was with him. I didn’t learn that until you told me.” He closes his eyes and takes a few deep breaths, hovering right over me. “But I hope you can forgive me because I really want to explore things with you.”

  It’s a good thing he’s not expecting me to respond because I’m totally speechless. No words could express the crazy rainbow of emotions running through me right now.

  “I thought we were going to lose you,” Edge says quietly. And then a small smile curls his lips. “And I was just starting to really like you.”

  I nod once to indicate I understand what he’s saying, but the pain has me wincing. Even though I know I should hate him for what happened in the past, I know I can’t walk away from the way I feel about him. I only wish I could express some of that without wanting to die.

  Edge swipes at his eyes then stands up to give me some space. “Get some rest, and I’ll go tell the doctor you’re awake. I’ll be back in a few minutes, and I want you to be asleep.”

  He lifts my hand to his mouth and drops a kiss there. “I’ll be right here when you wake up. I promise.”



  I’m not disillusioned about what Liam is feeling for me. If he has any feelings at all, they’ve got to be of hate and disgust. But even with that knowledge, I can’t turn off my growing attraction and interest in him. Everything I know about him is good. He’s a kind man who’s had a hard life—because of my actions. He shouldn’t ever speak to me again. I know that, but I can’t accept it. I won’t accept it. If there’s anything I can do to win Liam’s heart, I will.

  “I heard he woke up?” Justin drops into the chair beside me in the break room of Wilkin’s private practice. Stephen Wilkins has been visiting The Vault for years. And when I told Tanner Liam had been shot, he called Steph immediately.

  When Liam first fell to the ground, I couldn’t tell if he’d been hit or if he was responding to my command. I’m not sure if he knew either. But as the puddle of blood below his face grew wider, my ability to function dimmed to nothing.

  I could have chased after Joseph and finished him off. But that seemed so petty when Liam was bleeding in the middle of a parking lot. Joseph’s brother Ronnie and the nephew being groomed to take over one day were the only two names on my list above Joseph’s. I may never get revenge on the man who pulled the trigger that killed my brother, but I’ve done enough damage to Joseph Nicola to relieve the driving need for vengeance I’ve lived with for the past twelve years.

  Just before Joseph and his crew showed up at that motel, Rainier sent an anonymous tip to the FBI and the local authorities with all the plans for the Nicolas’ school attack and the location of the warehouse storing the weapons and vehicles that would be used to execute it.

  At the same time, small amounts of cash were siphoned from various overseas and domestic bank accounts to ensure Alexi and Liam would both be taken care of for the rest of their lives. It was a small reparation for the time they spent with that family.

  It’s only been thirty-six hours but I’m sure Joseph and his remaining crew are long gone from the continent. Alexi mentioned a compound in Brazil that would serve as the headquarters for their trafficking ring. If we could have taken that down too, we would have. But we need to take baby steps.

  Joseph will have to spend the rest of his life in hiding, so at least he won’t be anywhere near his son or nephew. For now, that’s good enough for me. I’m ready to move on with my life in a way I couldn’t with Justin.

  I want to settle down.

  I want to start a family.

  And I want to do that with Liam.

  If he can ever forgive me.

  Steph only keeps Liam one more night. Once it’s clear Liam can eat soft foods and keep down liquids, he’s free to go home. Justin has Alexi in a safe house for the time being but Alexi has called a few times to check on his cousin. He was a wreck when he heard Liam had been shot, but Steph is amazing and Alexi won’t even notice a scar by the time it’s all healed up.

  “Does Tanner know I’m coming back today?” Liam asks from the passenger seat. His eyes are closed and he’s reclined in the seat, still stiff and sore from being laid up for two days.

  “Tanner knows you’ve been released, but you’re not going back to The Vault.”

  It seems to take a great effort for Liam to turn his head so he’s facing me, but when he does, the hope in his bright blue eyes makes me want to pull over and drag him into my lap.

  But I have better control than that. At least, sometimes I do. And right now, I just want to get him home and into bed where I can take care of him without other people constantly hovering around and asking questions.

  “Where am I going?” Liam’s voice is tentative but I hope he doesn’t argue. We haven’t talked about his parents yet. We’ll have to deal with it when he’s ready, but right now, he seems content to ignore that reality so we can live in the moment.

  “My house.” I look right into his eyes, daring him to argue. If he really fights me, I’ll hire a nurse to stay with him and I’ll go to a hotel for a while. But I hope that won’t be necessary.

  “Okay.” He closes his eyes and a small smile forms on his face, making me wonder if he’s still high from whatever Steph had flowing through his IV.

  That was almost too easy, but I’m not going to question my luck or his sanity. All that matters is he’s coming home with me. Where I hope he’ll want to stay…forever.



  Edge has the most comfortable bed I’ve ever felt. Instead of putting me in a guest room or on the sofa, he carried me right up to his bedroom and tucked me in. I’ve been stretched out up here ever since. I’m feeling a lot better so I attempt to get out of bed to stretch my sore muscles.

  Edge isn’t around and I don’t want to be a burden so I slowly cross the room and into the large bathroom on the other side of it. I turn on the shower to let the water heat up then sit on the seat to pee. Standing for just a few minutes is wearing me out but I haven’t showered in days.

  When I step under the hot stream, I immediately feel better. Washing away the grime of everything that happened makes me feel optimistic about what’s to come. Unfortunately, the renewal happening in my heart and mind doesn’t reach my muscles and I have to lean against the shower wall to stay upright. That’s a losing battle as I slide down the tile until my ass hits the ground.

  The water hits my whole body in this compressed position, so I lean out of the spray to keep the bandages on my face dry.

  “May I help?” Edge adjusts the shower head so the spray isn’t landing on my face, and then he steps in with me. He’s completely naked and doesn’t wait for permission before slipping his hands under my arms and lifting me into his lap as he slides below me.

  I sigh contently as I rest against his strong chest. “Thank you.”

  “For what?” Edge reaches for his body wash and forms a lather on his hands before rubbing them up and down my arms and legs.

  “For this. For every
thing.” I lean up and rest my head on his shoulder. “And even though I keep telling myself I should hate you, I just can’t.”

  Edge’s eyes shine with regret and I know how sorry he is. “You should. No one would blame you, especially not me.”

  I nod without looking away. “I know you were hurt and scared. Having been through something similar, I understand why you felt that was your only route to closure. I wish my mom wasn’t a part of it, but the truth is, she was just as wrapped up in the family business as my dad was. I saw her do things that I wish I could unsee. But I can’t. And even as I kid, I knew I wouldn’t have them in my life for very long. They chose their path and it didn’t include taking care of a young kid.”

  “I’m so sorry, Liam.” A single tear slips off Edge’s eyelashes. “I wish I could go back in time and change things.”

  I shake my head. “It would have ended the same way eventually. But I might not have ever met you.”

  Edge frowns at that suggestion and I can’t stop myself from pressing my lips to his. It’s the first time I’ve initiated physical intimacy since the shooting, and he seems to understand the significance of the small gesture.

  “God, Liam.” His arms wrap around me, shifting my weight so I’m straddling his hips. “I think I’m falling in love with you.”

  A choked sob erupts from my chest at the admission. And I finally allow myself to admit the feelings that have been growing in me since he walked me back to my dorm on that first night. “I think I love you too.”

  Edge’s mouth closes over mine, begging for entry which I quickly grant. After feeling like I might suffocate from the intensity of his unspoken emotions, Edge stands up, lifting me into his strong arms, and turns off the water. Without putting me down, he wraps two large towels around both of us to soak up the drips then carries me back to his bed.

  When he places me gently on the bed, I half expect him to tuck me in and tell me to rest. But he doesn’t do that. He pulls a throw blanket off the chair near his closet and covers us up after he lies down beside me.

  “I want you to stay with me, Liam.” His fingers comb through my wet hair, brushing the drops away.

  “For how long?” I know I’m putting him on the spot, but I need to know where we stand. Besides, I have a commitment to Tanner. “I still have ten months left with Tanner.”

  Edge growls and his eyes narrow, causing a shiver to race down my spine. “No boyfriend of mine will step foot in The Vault. Tanner will let you out of your contact if that’s what you want. But I don’t share, so if you choose me, you’re choosing only me.”

  A happy tear escapes down my cheek, and Edge quickly wipes it away with a twinge of fear in his eyes.

  “You don’t have to decide right now.”

  “Yes!” I throw my arms around his neck then instantly regret it when my jaw collides with his solid shoulder. “Ow, fuck. But yes, I choose you! Of course, I choose you.”

  Edge gently runs his fingertips along my bandages then looks deep into my eyes. “I choose you too, baby. Every fucking time.”



  It takes another week of being pampered and treated like glass before I feel human again. Edge doesn’t leave my side, even asking Justin to bring Alexi over so I can see for myself that he’s safe and happy.

  I can tell he wants to ask more questions about me and Edge…and he might even have some news of his own to share about his time hiding out with Justin, but now isn’t the time. Right now, we’re just grateful to be alive and not under my uncle’s thumb.

  Justin has tracked down the compound where my uncle is staying in Brazil. My aunt is still in Texas, but she isn’t being charged with anything related to the school bombing plan. She must have a politician in her pocket because the media around the incident has been almost nonexistent.

  But Justin has security posted outside Edge’s house and his digital team is watching where the major players are at all times. If anyone even remotely related to my uncle’s organization comes close to the Nevada state line, Justin’s team will be all over them. For now, I feel safe.

  And loved.

  And that’s the most amazing feeling in the world. I had no idea having someone care about me in such a personal way would change my entire outlook on life. Plans I never dared to make before seem tangible. And dreams I didn’t think were realistic are already coming true.

  After our guests leave, Edge ushers me into the living room and immediately pulls me into his arms. His thick, strong arms. The arms I never want to leave.

  When he releases me from his grasp, Edge takes my hand. “Come on, baby. Let’s get washed up.” After he pulls me down a long hall, we enter the massive bedroom with a huge king-sized bed which takes up almost half the space.

  But we don’t stop as Edge continues to pull me through the room and into his bathroom. The opulence of the room always takes my breath away. I didn’t fully appreciate it the first time I was in here, but now, I could spend hours in this room.

  Edge steps into the wide shower and turns on the water. Behind the shower is a large jacuzzi tub, and the entire area is covered in granite. As the water begins to spray, several jets coalesce from both sides of the enclosed room.

  Steam starts to form, covering the glass doors as Edge begins to strip me of my clothing. He removes his clothing too, taking each piece off methodically as if teasing my already growing erection with his hulking, muscular body. Once we’re both naked, he pulls me under the spray. The water is warm but doesn’t rival the heat of Edge’s kiss as he takes me into his arms underneath the cascading flow. Our lips crush together in a passionate embrace as his cock pushes against mine.

  “I love you, Liam.” His words expand the warmth I feel to my heart as I look up at him.

  “I love you too.” Before Edge can take complete control of the situation, I drop to my knees underneath the flow of water and lick his enormous. I want to take him fully in my mouth, but my jaw is still sore. As I suck on his tip, my right hand travels up his inner thigh to cradle his balls. Gently playing with them causes his cock to thicken as they draw up.

  Moving carefully, I position my hand between Edge’s ass cheeks and massage the opening of his hole. He begins to buck into me more furiously as I use my left hand to sheath what won’t fit in my mouth. “Fuck, Liam.”

  After a few minutes, I need to stroke my own desperate cock to relieve some of the pressure. The water flowing over me isn’t the best lube, but I don’t want to interrupt Edge’s pleasure.

  Edge is balancing his weight on the side of the wall under one of the jets. His soft moans turn into low growls as I work up and down his cock with my hand. My need combined with his forces our orgasms closer to the surface.

  “Goddamn.” His cry comes a second before a thick stream of warm come hits my mouth. I suck on the tip, determined not to lose a single drop of his nectar. My own orgasm doesn’t need much encouragement as stream after stream of my come coats the shower floor and follows the water’s path to the drain.

  Edge grabs me from under my arms and pulls me to him. His mouth covers mine, and he licks the remaining seed from it. “Fuck, I can get used to that,” he says, breaking away to look me in the eye.

  “Good,” I chuckle in response. “Because now that I’ve found my home, I don’t plan on ever leaving.”

  Also by Aria Grace

  Read Just a Few More for Damon’s story as his days at The Vault come to an end and he’s forced to make choices he never expected to face.

  About the Author

  Learn more at or become a kick ass fan by joining my mailing list for updates and free book opportunities.

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