A Dragon's Seduction

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A Dragon's Seduction Page 6

by Tamelia Tumlin

  Brayden scowled. He didn’t like the fact she had gone anywhere near Grigori’s World of Magik. Anything could have happened to her. A sudden pain gripped his heart at the thought.

  “I’ll ride with you to the fire station to pick up my car.” No way was he letting Callie go anywhere by herself while Cyrus remained on the loose.

  Brayden slapped the side of the fire engine with two sharp raps. “I’ll catch up with you guys later.” So much for going by the book. Might as well give Old Chief McIntire a new reason to be pissed.

  As the fire truck rolled away Brayden slid his arm around Callie’s waist and walked her to the car in the parking lot behind the warehouse.

  Callie fished the key from her pocket and mashed the unlock button on her alarm. A shadow moved in front of the streetlamp blocking the light. Darkness swallowed the car and Callie’s hand stilled. The sudden erratic pounding in her chest reached Brayden’s ears. Sensing a threat his inner dragon awoke with a different kind of rage. And it wanted out.

  “How’s my favorite sister?” The raspy voice issued out of the shadows and skirted over Brayden like sandpaper. He stiffened his spine, all instincts on high alert. His hand tightened around Callie’s waist drawing her closer.

  “Grigori!” Callie’s strangled cry reverberated through the parking lot.


  “It’s been a long time, sis.” Grigori stepped into the light. His dark hair brushed the collar of his light blue button-down shirt and iniquity flickered in his bright blue eyes.

  Callie flinched. “Y-yes, it has.”

  “We were just leaving.” Brayden shifted, positioning himself between Callie and her brother. A muscle twitched in his jaw. Callie could feel him battling to keep the dragon inside.

  “So soon? I thought we’d have a little family reunion.” Grigori took a step closer. Hatred rolled off him in waves.

  Callie sucked in a sharp breath. Not in this lifetime, brother dear. “Some other ti–”

  A high-pierced shriek sliced through the sultry night sky followed by the unmistakable sound of flapping wings. Callie’s head jerked up.

  Cyrus swooped, circling overhead like a vulture over a fresh kill. Fire flared from his nostrils and mouth, singeing the trees and shrubbery nearby. He plunged toward them before rising up and soaring toward the clouds. He circled once and turned back.

  Brayden muttered a vile oath then whispered in her ear. “When I shift, I want you to get on my dragon and hold on tight.”

  Callie swallowed hard and shook her head. Did he have amnesia? “You forget. Your dragon and me? Not the best of friends.”

  “Trust me, Callie.” Brayden’s hazel eyes locked with hers in a hypnotic gaze imploring her to believe him. “Trust me,” he whispered once more then released the grip he had around her waist.

  His body jerked violently as if he were having a seizure. Talons jutted from his fingers and with a roar his body morphed into a beautiful winged warrior with silvery-blue scales that glittered like diamonds in the moonlight.

  The Water dragon swung to face Grigori and snarled.

  “What the–” Grigori’s eyes widened. He retreated backwards into the shadows and dissolved into red mist.

  Terror took Callie hostage and rooted her in place. Her knees shook so hard she was sure the dragon on the ground and the one in the sky could hear them knocking together like marbles. Nausea bubbled in her stomach and cold chills pricked her skin.

  The Water dragon turned to her, pawing the ground. Orange eyes pierced hers and a shiver slithered over her spine.

  Callie swallowed hard. “Brayden?”

  The dragon snorted, flicking its forked tail. With slow, deliberate steps it moved toward her.

  Callie felt the scream rising in her throat. She bit the inside of her mouth to keep it from escaping as another wave of nausea washed over her.

  The dragon hissed and sniffed the air, his flaring nostrils only inches from her face. So close she could feel its breath on her cheek.

  Callie kept her body still, knowing any sudden movements could cause the dragon to attack.

  Use your Magik! her mind shouted. Defeat him then get the hell out of here.

  Callie slowly eased her hands up. The dragon snarled, baring a mouth full of razors. It reared back its head and breathed a bolt of lightning.

  This time Callie couldn’t hold back the scream. It tore from her lungs and pierced the air as lightning streaked over her head, the bolt so close she could feel her scalp tingle.

  Earsplitting screeches resonated above. Startled, Callie looked up to see Cyrus tumbling backwards in the sky writhing in pain. Within seconds outraged shrieks along with flapping wings closed in on her. A sound akin to a thousand bats flying from their cave.

  Oh Lord! It’s coming back!

  The dragon on the ground hissed again. Callie chanced a look at it. Orange eyes watched her cautiously. Then something flickered in them.


  Callie stared at the dragon. “Brayden? Can you hear me?”

  The dragon flicked its tail then promptly dropped to its belly and lowered its back. Orange eyes stared into hers expectantly.

  *Trust me.*

  The words seemed to come out of nowhere and plant themselves in her thoughts.

  Callie blinked. Could she?

  Before she could decide, Cyrus swooped down from the sky, and without thinking, Callie hurled herself toward Brayden’s dragon. She jumped onto its back and held on to its neck for dear life.

  “Get me out of here, dragon boy,” she whispered. The scales felt cool and slick beneath her hands. She tightened her grip.

  The dragon stood, flapped its wings and leaped into the air. They soared through the clouds with unspeakable speed. Cyrus screeched again close behind. Callie could feel the darkness gaining on them. Chills slithered along her spine.

  Minutes later Brayden’s castle came into view.

  * * *


  “In here.”

  Brayden strolled into the parlor to find Callie staring out the window, her back to him, shoulders deflated. In the distance a large, dark figure soared through the sky just outside the castle’s threshold, shrilling like a banshee.

  “We’re never going to defeat them, are we?” Her words sounded strained. “My brother really does mean to kill me. I could see it in his eyes tonight.” Her shoulders trembled. “Just like he killed our father. His mother. And who knows how many others.”

  Brayden eased up behind her and rested his hands on her shoulders. His heart constricted at her despair. “I’m not going to let that happen.”

  “There’s nothing you can do. Together they are too powerful. And I’m not nearly as strong as Grigori.”

  “Callie.” Brayden turned her around to face him. “You’re a sorceress. You have more power than you think.”

  Callie shook her head. “Not enough. I didn’t develop my powers. Not even after I came into full power. Instead, I walked away from all of it years ago.”

  “You’re wrong.” Brayden traced her cheek with his thumb. “You’re much more powerful than Grigori. His mother was mortal. Yours was a sorceress. Your power comes from both parents. That’s why he hates you so much. He knows you are much stronger than he ever will be.”

  Classic sibling rivalry. Not that he’d know anything about such contention. He had been an only child himself. Born to a dragon and a mortal he’d had the best of both worlds. Until the clash with the wizards ended his parents’ lives.

  Anger flooded his veins. Such a senseless war. Though it had been many years ago, he still felt animosity toward Callie’s race. Which is why it surprised him so much his own mate would be a sorceress. How ironic. But looking at her now, with her clear blue eyes staring at him with apprehension, he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt she was his.

  “I don’t see how. I haven’t practiced Magik for years. Not really.”

  Brayden’s thumb stilled on her cheek. There was
only one way Callie would be able to harness the true powers of her Magik.

  But it would cost him his mortality and chain him forever in the form of the beast if she didn’t love him. It would also banish him to Jarithia forever. If he lost his mortal form, he could no longer be a Gatekeeper and only the Gatekeepers were allowed to remain in the Earth realm indefinitely. His inner dragon enjoyed the freedom to roam between both worlds as much as his human side did so it would be a loss for both of them.

  The dragon within paced, snarling its warning, not the least bit happy with his train of thought.

  Brayden’s stomach clenched. Could he do it? Give up his mortality for her?

  Grigori’s demonic eyes burned in Brayden’s memory. Callie was right. Her brother meant to kill her. He didn’t want to make this choice, but there was no way he would ever let Grigori harm a hair on her head. Callie was his and he would fight to the death to make sure she was safe.

  Even if it meant losing her forever.


  Now or never.

  “There is a way.” Brayden rubbed his five o’clock shadow and took the plunge. His heart thudded wildly against his ribs. His dragon protested with a pitiful whine, not at all pleased with the thought of returning to Jarithia permanently.

  “How?” The sliver of hope in her voice gave him the courage to go on.


  Twin scarlet circles flushed her cheeks. “You’re joking, right?”

  “No.” His words were soft and deliberate. “Climaxing releases my power and allows you to harness yours. Your Magik will rise, empowering you in ways you could never imagine.”

  “For the love of Magik! That has got to be the most ridiculous pick-up line ever.” Callie smiled in spite of herself though her cheeks flamed an even deeper shade of red. “Does it get many women in the sack?”

  “It’s not a line, Callie. You felt it before.” His lips trailed a path from her temple to her mouth. She trembled against him. “Can you feel it now? Your Magik growing stronger by my touch.”

  “I do.” She swallowed, splaying her hands across his chest and kneading the pecs underneath. “I feel it.”

  Brayden hauled her closer and captured her mouth with his. “Good.” His tongue slid against hers, tasting, exploring, reveling in the sheer pleasure of her sweetness. “Very good.”

  “Brayden?” Breathless, Callie pulled away.

  “Mmm?” His hands ran down her arms to the hem of her blouse.

  “What happens to you if I harness your power?” She slid her arms around his neck and caressed his hair. Her fingers rubbed lightly against the back of his head igniting white-hot ripples of desire through his body.

  “I’ll be fine.” He wouldn’t. But he didn’t tell her that. Besides, if he were going to lose his ability to shift into human form, what better way to go than making love to his mate. Because if she didn’t love him in return he would become the dragon – forever.

  Brayden tugged her blouse upward and her arms lifted to allow him to discard it. His manhood hardened as the creamy pale skin of her belly came into view.

  “Brayden, what if … you know … you change?”

  “I’ll keep him under control.” At least he’d bloody well try. “I promise. Trust me.”

  Biceps bulging, he wrapped his arms around her upper thighs, hauled her up and roughly pushed her against the wall. The curtain tangled around them. Brayden growled and shoved sheer fabric aside, then his lips found her stomach and blazed a trail of kisses to her navel.

  He circled the soft swelling with his tongue then moved downward. Callie whimpered, clutching his shoulders. Her nails dug into his flesh. Her body shuddered and her Magik bubbled beneath his lips.

  His inner dragon pawed and roared inside.

  Last chance, St. John. If she doesn’t love you, you’d better let her go or kiss your mortal ass goodbye.

  Brayden growled low in his throat and yanked Callie’s black silk pants down to her ankles. A wisp of white lace covered her most intimate treasure. He placed a kiss on her jewel and his libido kicked into overdrive. His hand slapped the wall behind them and gripped the curtain. Panting they fell to the floor bringing the fabric down with them. His lips found hers and their hands began a feverish exploration of their own. Touching, caressing, teasing. His clothes and the rest of hers vanished in the urgency of their exploration.

  The dragon inside him stomped with fury. Brayden tightened his rein.

  Not yet.

  Not until he brought her to climax. Not until he released her Magik.

  And her pleasure.

  Callie’s hands made their way to his rigid shaft. Pleasure seared through him as her fingers massaged his manhood. He throbbed and hardened beneath her touch.

  Groaning, he buried his face between her breasts and trailed his tongue over each alert mound. He found a hardened nipple and flicked his tongue across the rosy peak. It beaded beneath his lips drawing a new moan from him.

  Callie tightened her hand around his arousal.

  Brayden nearly exploded from the touch, but with careful control he forced himself to wait. Magik radiated from her fingertips exuding pleasurable tingles down his shaft that nearly sent him over the edge.

  Gritting his teeth, he stayed in control.

  Until Callie’s eyes locked with his and she guided him to the moist “V” between her legs. Unable to control himself any longer Brayden plunged into her core. She arched then quivered around him.

  Damn, she felt good! Tight and silky.

  A perfect fit.

  A perfect mate.

  If only…

  He plunged harder and harder, gasping with each rhythmical thrust. Sweat beaded across his brow as he picked up momentum. Callie ground against him, meeting each thrust match for match. Seconds later he felt her climax with a shudder and a long satisfied sigh.

  *I love you, dragon boy.*

  The telepathic endearment reached his mind just as his body tensed and spasmed in unimaginable pleasure. His inner dragon writhed in agreement, begging for more.

  With one last quiver, both the man and the beast accepted Callie as their one true mate. Brayden gave a warrior’s shout then exploded inside her knowing both he and his dragon would fight to the death to protect her. Dragons mated for life and he was no exception.

  Waves of pleasure crashed into him as he held her tight. She’d taken him to the edge of insanity and back. He could feel her Magik rising from within. Strengthening. With one final thrust he released her full power.

  * * *


  Callie waved her hand in front of the locked metal door. It sprung open and they entered the empty auditorium. Thankfully, no one cared to watch a Magik show at three in the morning. Staying close to the exit, she turned to Brayden. “Do you really think we can do this?” She caught her bottom lip with her tooth. “I’m not so sure. I mean–”

  Brayden took her hand and gave it a hard squeeze. “Absolutely, sugar. I have faith in you.”

  “You do?”

  “More than you’ll ever know.” He brushed his lips across hers. “Let’s do this thing.”

  Callie nodded. Here goes nothing. Nice knowing you, dragon boy. She looked around nervously. “Is he here?”

  Brayden sniffed the air. “Yep.”

  The maroon velvet curtain on stage rustled. Callie jerked her head around as a tall, dark figure appeared. “Grigori,” she whispered. Moisture collected in her palm and she hoped Brayden couldn’t feel it.

  “Sis, so nice of you to drop by.” Grigori’s lips stretched into a malevolent grin right before he dissolved into mist. A moment later he materialized at their side. “What can I do for you?”

  Callie took a deep breath. “We’re here to put an end to this madness. Talk some sense into you. Why are you doing this? Putting innocent people in danger. Invoking dragons. You’re my brother, Grigori. I love you. It doesn’t have to be this way.” She searched her brother’s face for any
sign of empathy. Anything that would tell her he hadn’t crossed over so far he couldn’t return. She didn’t find anything.

  “You think you can stop me?” His words were soft yet deadly.

  Not in this lifetime. She swallowed. “Yes. But I don’t want to. We’re family. Ours might not have been perfect, but there were some good times. You weren’t always like this. What happened to you?” A sob caught in her throat. Brayden squeezed her hand.

  Cold black eyes bored into hers. “You’re wrong, sis. We were never a family. I only tolerated you when the parents were alive because I had to. If you want to know the truth, I hated you. I would have gotten rid of you a long time ago but you are more useful to me alive. At least for a while.” Grigori threw back his head and laughed. An evil sound that skittered fear along her nerves. He took a menacing step toward her.

  Brayden’s arm shot out and grabbed Grigori’s wrist. “You don’t want to do that.”

  Grigori’s eyes widened for a split second at Brayden’s low, lethal tone then he yanked his arm away. He glared at Brayden but didn’t move any closer to Callie.

  “Why are you doing this?” Callie’s heart played tug-of-war with her common sense. He hadn’t always been like this. There had been a few times during her childhood Grigori had been a real brother to her. Sticking up for her when no one else would. Sure, there had always been a black aura about him, but he was still her brother. And on some level she loved him. “Don’t be like our father, Grigori. You don’t have to do this.”

  “What do you know about Father? You never understood him. You’re weak, Callie. Always were and always will be.” Grigori sneered. “Father knew it. He washed his hands of you years ago.” He waved a white-gloved hand in front of her.

  Pain shot through her chest. Her knees buckled and she fell against Brayden’s shoulder.

  Brayden swore, grabbed Grigori by the throat with one hand and steadied Callie with the other. The magician dissolved in his hand, laughing. He reappeared a few feet away.


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