Pleasing Her Racy Doms [Racy Nights 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Pleasing Her Racy Doms [Racy Nights 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Tara Rose

  “She’s a looker all right. And a sweet girl who’s not in the lifestyle. Remember that, okay?”

  “What about you? No interest whatsoever in her?”

  “Of course I’m interested. But are you suggesting we share her, Evan?” Both men laughed. It was a long-standing running joke between them. For all the adventurous things they’d done together, sharing a woman in bed wasn’t one of them. But they’d always wanted to try, if only for the experience. None of their subs had ever agreed, however.

  “Oh, sure,” said Evan. “She’d agree to that in a heartbeat. Not.”

  Thayer had no idea if Cherilyn would agree to something like that or not, but he sure wished he could find out. His damn dick was rock hard. And the fact that he’d be taking care of that himself yet again once he was back home tonight didn’t do shit for his mood right now. Why were things always so fucking complicated? All he wanted was a woman who would care about him. He was more than happy to take care of her every need, in and out of the bedroom. But was it too much to ask that she give a shit about his needs in return?

  He drained his drink and asked for another one, carb percentages be damned. He was happy as hell that they’d raised so much money tonight for the city, but he also wished someone would hold a benefit to fix his broken sex life. It was in the toilet, and had been for longer than he cared to admit.

  Chapter Two

  Evan caught Mayor Bernie Crumb’s eye, and walked over to shake his hand yet again, and thank him yet again, for showing up. He hated the man, and was convinced he paid people every four years to get him reelected. Nothing else would explain why such a douche bag kept his job, time after time.

  The photographer who had followed Bernie around all evening, and whose name Evan couldn’t seem to remember to save his life, snapped a ridiculous amount of pictures when Bernie smiled his fake smile and shook Evan’s hand. He thanked Evan profusely for his and Thayer’s contribution to the city, all the while glancing around to make sure everyone who was still in the gym heard him and was watching. Evan kept a smile plastered on his face until his cheeks ached, and tried not to puke.

  This man had publicly denounced not only Maddox’s club but also every Racy resident who was in the lifestyle so many times now that Evan had lost count. And in Racy, there were a surprising number of residents who were into BDSM, so Bernie was kept pretty busy with his condemnation speeches. He’d recently tried to block Maddox and his cousin, Ellis, from opening their large homes to the residents whose houses and apartments had been demolished by the tornado, but since Ellis McCree was the building inspector, and his good friend Chase Taylor, also a Dom, was the building commissioner, Bernie had been effectively voted down.

  Now, he was just sucking up for future votes, and everyone knew it. When he finally finished his speech, he received a few seconds of polite applause, but for the most part everyone ignored him. By the time Evan was finally able to join Thayer again, his stomach felt queasy. He also had a strong urge to wash his right hand. He could still feel Bernie’s damp sweat on it.

  “Brown nose.” Thayer was on his second drink, which was very unusual for him.

  “Would you rather have done it?”

  “Hell no. I saw him eyeing us and I ignored him.”

  “Cherilyn is coming this way again.” Evan’s pulse raced, and his dick jumped to attention. She was probably just coming over to say good night, but it was still more attention than she’d ever paid either of them outside of seeking training advice in the gym. She looked a bit unsure, and that made Evan want to protect her. From what, he didn’t know. Maybe from himself.

  “You two need any help cleaning up?”

  Wow. That was more than anyone else had offered. Most of the attendees were gone now, and the other gym members who had volunteered to do everything from take tickets, as Cherilyn had done, to tend bar were packing up to leave. He’d assumed that he and Thayer would be stuck doing all the cleanup. Not that he minded. It’s not like he had anyone waiting for him at home.

  “I’m sure you’re tired,” he said.

  She shook her head and glanced around. “Not a bit. This has been so much fun. You guys did a good thing tonight. Any idea how much money was raised?”

  Thayer didn’t skip a beat. “Between the price of the tickets, the cash bar, and the private donations we received, somewhere in the neighborhood of sixty thousand dollars.”

  Evan grinned at Cherilyn and cocked a thumb toward Thayer. “He sleeps with his calculator.”

  Cherilyn laughed loudly, but the sound wasn’t abrasive or embarrassing. Instead, it washed over him like warm summer rain, filling his head with erotic images of her dancing dark eyes, and that thick dark hair spread out on a pillow. He was in deep trouble here.

  “Is that true, Thayer?”

  Thayer grinned, and Evan narrowed his eyes as he waited for Thayer to speak. He knew that look in Thayer’s eyes. He wasn’t immune to Cherilyn after all. In fact, things were about to get very interesting.

  “That’s Doctor Thayer to you, missy.”

  “Oh, excuse me. I forgot you have a PhD. No wonder your math skills are legendary. Can you ever forgive me?”

  “I don’t know. I may have to make you work it off.”

  “Well, I did volunteer to help you clean up.”

  “We’ll take you up on that. Right, Evan?”

  “Sure. It’s appreciated, Cherilyn.” His gaze roved over her dress. “Only, do you have workout clothes here in your locker? I’d hate to see you ruin that dress.”

  A flush crept up her neck. “Yes…yes I do. I’ll go and change, and then you can tell me what to do.”

  Oh, why had she said that? As Evan watched her walk toward the locker rooms, all sorts of things he’d love to order her to do ran through his mind, and they had nothing to do with cleaning.

  * * * *

  Cherilyn drank an entire bottle of water in the locker room before she peeled off the dress and changed into workout clothes and a pair of athletic shoes. While it felt good to be in comfortable clothing again, she’d felt sexy and bold in the dress. Bold enough to have an actual conversation with Evan and Thayer, at last. But she’d drunk way too much booze tonight and not only did she feel woozy and thirsty, she seemed to have lost control of her hormones.

  When Evan had teased Thayer about sleeping with his calculator, all she could picture was her own body next to Thayer in bed. And when Evan’s gaze had roamed over her dress, her pussy had contracted in tiny spasms and her nipples had begun to tingle. She’d better get a grip on herself and fast. Then again, maybe she should have simply gone home instead of offering to stay and help them? She’d orchestrated the perfect chance to be alone with them tonight.

  Cherilyn groaned out loud and leaned against the row of lockers. What was she doing? Maybe others would stay, too? She was sure they would. They’d recruited over a dozen volunteers from the regular gym members. She couldn’t be the only one who wanted to help them clean up. As long as she was with others she’d be safe from her own fantasies. At least for tonight, that is.

  When she emerged from the locker room, Evan and Thayer had shed their jackets and bowties, and loosened their dress shirts from their cummerbunds. No one else was in the gym. “Are you kidding me?” She hadn’t meant to say it out loud, but both men turned toward her. “Everyone else left?”

  “Afraid so,” said Evan. His hat was still on, and apparently she hadn’t yet drunk enough water to dilute the booze because she found the sight hysterical.

  Choking back a laugh, she walked over to where he was gathering up half-empty bottles of liquor. “What can I do to help?”

  “Would you mind putting these in here?” He pointed to a crate on top of the makeshift bar. “And help yourself to anything that’s left.” He gave her another wink, and she had to avert her gaze.

  As Cherilyn worked, she glanced at Evan and Thayer from under her lashes. They were seriously gorgeous men, and of course she’d always known that, but wh
at she’d often noticed before during her workouts was how comfortable they were with each other. She had been several grades ahead of them, but in this town most people had at least a passing knowledge of who hung out with whom, especially when you were a kid. She’d heard through the grapevine they’d both attended Ball State and had roomed together, but it still amazed her that they’d stayed such good friends all these years.

  They co-owned the gym, and it was difficult enough to be in business with anyone, let alone someone you’d already spent so much time with over the years. It spoke to the kind of men they were. Why were they both unattached? Or were they? Who was Cassie to Thayer?

  She’d finished stacking up the bottles in the crate. “Okay. Now what?”

  “You can throw the used glasses in here.” Evan tore off a large plastic trash bag and handed it to her. “At least they’re all disposable so we don’t have to wash dishes.”

  “Want me to save the unused ones?”

  “Sure. You never know when we’ll decide to have a party again.” He handed her another crate for the unused glasses.

  Thayer gave her a thoughtful look. “Cherilyn, are you sure we aren’t keeping you from something more important tonight?”

  “Me? Heck no. All that awaits me is my TV and a big bag of pretzels.” Why had she said that? Was she truly that much of a lame idiot? She’d just made her entire life sound about as exciting as watching paint dry.

  “What do you like to watch?”

  She stopped in the act of scooping up plastic glasses with lipstick stains and stared at Thayer, certain he was teasing her. He wasn’t. “Cop shows, mostly. You know, like Law & Order: SVU, and things like that.”

  “No soap operas?” His grin assured her that now he was teasing.

  “Right. You caught me. I record them all day long and then sit there half the night with a box of tissues and bags of potato chips, catching up. My secret is out, I guess.”

  “I’ll keep it safe, if you promise not to tell anyone that I sleep with my calculator.”

  She chuckled. “It’s a deal, Thayer.” A look passed between him and Evan that she couldn’t interpret.

  Cherilyn finished with the dirty glasses, and then stacked up the unused ones into the other crate. She followed Evan to the storeroom in the back, carrying both crates.

  “You and Melinda Troy have known each other a long time, right?”

  “Yes, since we were in kindergarten. We lived right down the street from each other.” Her arm brushed his as they placed the crates side-by-side on a shelf, and a jolt of electricity raced straight to her throbbing clit. She bit back a moan.

  “Thayer and I have been friends that long, too.”

  “I know.” She didn’t know what else to say. Standing so close to him, breathing in the clean scent of his cologne, and staring into his incredibly blue eyes, all she could seem to think about was kissing him. She would never initiate that, of course, but she couldn’t get the image out of her mind. His mouth looked so inviting.

  “Cherilyn, I never had the chance to tell you how sorry I was about Chuck.”

  She sighed out loud. “Thank you, Evan. It sucked.”

  “I can’t even imagine.”

  “But friends like Melinda have helped a lot.” She didn’t want to talk about it. That realization filled her with guilt. But there was nothing more to be said, was there? She’d always be his widow, but would he want her to hide away from life? She was only thirty-four years old. How she wished she could ask him.

  “It’s good to see you out like this, among others. I mean I know you come to the gym almost every day, but this is different.”

  “Evan, I had a wonderful time tonight. And I don’t just mean because of the party. It’s nice to talk to you and Thayer like this. Almost like we’re friends.”

  “We are, in a way.” He looked so uncertain and that surprised her. “We see you every day you’re in here, but never outside of the gym. It’s time we did that.”

  She stared at him for a second or two as the realization of what he was saying finally broke through the fog. “Evan, are you asking me out?” Did Doms do that? She had no clue what his lifestyle was all about. Or had she completely misinterpreted what he was saying?

  His grin sent a shock wave of desire straight to her clit. “Thayer might be pissed off if I did that. In fact, I’m surprised he hasn’t come looking for us by now.”

  “I don’t understand.” She had the uncomfortable feeling that she’d just assumed a whole lot of untruth from his comment, and mentally scrambled for a way to save face.

  Evan’s face lost the uncertainty as his gaze roamed over her face and hair. “Cherilyn, I know you’ve been through hell, but surely you are aware of the fact that you’re a beautiful sexy woman. Thayer and I both think so.”

  Holy shit. “Um, well, you two aren’t so bad yourselves.” That was an understatement. But how could she tell him the fantasies she’d had about the two of them? He’d think she was a nut job.

  “So what’s stopping you?” he asked quietly.

  “From doing what?” Duh. She knew exactly what he meant now, and she felt like the biggest dumbass on the planet. “Evan, I’m not in the habit of throwing myself at people.” Oh God. Now she just sounded like a prude. She was surprised he hadn’t given up by now.

  He brushed her cheek softly with one finger, and this time she couldn’t stop the quiet moan that escaped. “We’d never make you do that.”

  “We?” Oh boy. She was slow on the uptake tonight. He wasn’t talking about getting horizontal with only him.

  That grin was going to be the undoing of what little self-control she had left. It was hanging on by a thread as it was. The air in the storeroom was suddenly tight and close, but she didn’t want to leave. She wanted him to push her up against the wall and kiss her until she couldn’t breathe.

  “We, as in Thayer and I. You game for that?”

  “I don’t know. I never have. I mean with two guys at once.” There were a lot of things she’d never done, but he probably knew that.

  “Neither have we. I mean two of us with one woman.”

  That was a shock.

  “So, I’ll ask you again. What’s stopping you?”

  “You really want to know?”

  He nodded.

  “The question of what would Chuck want for me now that he’s gone.”

  His gaze softened a bit as he cupped her face with one strong hand. “I can’t answer that. No one can. But I do know if I were him, I’d want you to be happy. I’d want you to honor my memory by living your life. No one can take his place, Cherilyn. I’m not going to try.”

  She swallowed against the tears that threatened. Every lonely night she’d spent for the past eighteen months came flooding back. Every tear she’d cried, every prayer she’d uttered, and every frustrated night she’d cried herself to sleep rushed in like the floodgates had just opened. She didn’t want to live like a nun anymore. She wanted this man, and she wanted Thayer as well. She wanted them both, right now, right here in this storeroom if need be.

  Chapter Three

  Cherilyn put her arms around Evan and reached up to kiss him. His lips were as warm and soft as she’d imagined them to be, and it had been so damn long since she’d had a man’s lips on hers that she couldn’t stop one leg from curling around his thigh, or her fingers from tangling in his soft hair.

  Loud moans escaped her throat as she parted her lips to let his tongue inside. She was actually dizzy, although that might have been due more to the champagne than his kiss. Either way, she loved it. His hands brushed over her back and down to her ass, settling there as his tongue continued to assault her mouth. She pressed closer, and was rewarded with the pressure of a hard dick against her lower abdomen.

  “What the fuck?”

  Cherilyn broke the kiss first at the sound of Thayer’s voice. His gaze wasn’t on her. It was planted squarely on Evan, and the expression in his stormy eyes was full of anger and disbe

  “It’s my fault,” she said. “I kissed him.”

  Thayer’s anger melted away into surprise, and then he tilted his head and gave her a thoughtful look. She still hadn’t let go of Evan, and she didn’t want to. His hands were still on her ass, and she hoped he kept them there.

  Cherilyn licked her lips and tried not to think. She simply reacted for the first time in her life. Moving one hand from Evan’s hair, she held it out toward Thayer. “Why don’t you come on over and join the party?”

  The lust that filled his eyes forced a sigh from her lips. She had been certain he’d say “no fucking way” or something equally deflating. Was this really happening?

  “Are you sure?” His voice was quiet, and the fact that it was also a bit shaky caused her heart to give a strange lurch. How could these sexier-than-hell men be unsure of themselves with any woman?

  “Very sure,” she whispered.

  Evan moaned softly at her words, and then he nuzzled her neck. “Thank you,” he whispered. Cherilyn threw back her head as he planted tiny kisses and nips along her jawline and down her neck. His hat fell off, but neither of them bent down to retrieve it.

  Thayer strolled over and moved behind her. As he did, Evan moved his hands off her ass and brushed them over her breasts. Cherilyn moaned loudly, and then her moans turned into a steady drone of pleasure as Thayer grabbed her ass cheeks and kneaded them in his strong hands.

  “You have the fucking sexiest ass, Cherilyn.” He kissed her hair, her back, and then her neck. Evan continued lavishing his attention on the other side of her neck.

  Cherilyn wasn’t able to process the competing sensations. The erotic images that had raced through her mind all evening, and pretty much every time she’d been to the gym, couldn’t hold a candle to the reality of these men touching her and kissing her at the same time. She didn’t know if it was right, wrong, or someplace in between. She only knew she didn’t want it to stop.


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