Pleasing Her Racy Doms [Racy Nights 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Pleasing Her Racy Doms [Racy Nights 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 4

by Tara Rose

  Cherilyn didn’t drive straight home. She passed the cemetery, even though it took her five miles out of her way. She didn’t get out of her car because it was two in the morning and this wasn’t the best time to go tramping among graves in the dark, but it didn’t matter. She knew where Chuck’s grave was. She sat in her car with the window down, and whispered to him that she was sorry for what she’d done, and that she hoped he wasn’t laughing at her right now.

  By the time she got home, Oak Street was as quiet as the cemetery had been. She pulled into the driveway of her town house and went inside. She was too tired to do anything except brush her teeth, peel off her clothes, and crawl under the covers. But it was a long time before she fell asleep. Images of Thayer’s eyes and Evan’s grin filled her mind, and when she finally did drift off to sleep, the memories of what she’d done with them haunted her dreams.

  Chapter Five

  Thayer tried to sleep but it was pointless. The look on Cherilyn’s face just before she’d turned and walked out of the gym tonight wouldn’t leave his consciousness. She’d looked like she was ready to jump out of her skin, and he’d assumed that was because she’d been embarrassed by what they’d all just done.

  But now that there was blood in his brain again and he’d had time to think, he realized he’d been wrong. She hadn’t been embarrassed. She’d been waiting for him or Evan to say something—anything—that would give her a clue as to what they were thinking. But they hadn’t. They’d practically pushed her out the door.

  By now, she must believe that tonight had been nothing more than a one-time event, fueled by the excitement of the evening and booze. She must believe that all they’d done was use her, and Thayer was absolutely certain she felt humiliated by it. If he were in her place right now, that’s how he’d feel.

  He wanted to see her again, but she didn’t know that. He couldn’t forget the taste of her mouth or the sight of her tied to that incline board, her curvy ass and beautiful pussy presented to them. She’d taken a lot of impact and had seemed to enjoy it. But she wasn’t in the lifestyle, and Thayer had never done that even with a sub so soon. The last thing he’d wanted to do was leave her with the impression that he and Evan made a habit out of doing this.

  But making love to her had been heaven. He’d fantasized about doing so often enough. But she didn’t know that. And even though his fantasies tonight had been more than fulfilled, he’d left her with nothing except erotic memories and a quick brush-off. What the hell was wrong with him?

  He and Evan needed to talk. They hadn’t done so after she’d left. They’d merely said good night and driven back to their condos, three doors down, the same way they’d arrived, in separate cars. They should have talked. They should have stopped her from leaving so abruptly.

  It was three in the morning. Thayer considered texting Evan to ask him if they could talk, but he knew Evan would be sound asleep and even a text message wouldn’t rouse him. The man could sleep through anything. Was Cherilyn still awake? Even if she was, he wouldn’t do that to her. She’d be at the gym tomorrow. She came every day now. He’d talk to her then, with or without Evan. He had to.

  * * * *

  Evan woke Thursday morning with the feeling that his head was full of cotton. His mouth tasted like dust and his stomach felt queasy. He hadn’t slept well, which was unusual for him. Memories of last night came flooding back, and he sat on the edge of the bed and groaned. What the hell was wrong with him? How could he have done that to her? What must Cherilyn think of him and Thayer now?

  They’d treated her like she was nothing. He’d never forget the look on her face as she’d turned around one last time and bid them both good night. It had been a combination of confusion and overwhelming sadness. Why the hell had he let her leave like that? She’d said she’d never been with two men at once. And in the six months she’d been coming to the gym, neither man had pursued her. It had been too much, too fast, and there was no way she’d think it had been anything other than a one-night stand. Or worse.

  She knew they were both Doms and frequented Maddox’s club. By treating her that way last night, they’d left her with the impression that a Dom took what he wanted, even from someone not accustomed to bondage or impact play, and then just let them leave afterwards. They were scum. He was scum. He had to make this right. He and Thayer needed to talk this morning and figure out a way to make this right.

  Would Cherilyn be at the gym? She usually was on Thursdays after work, but City Hall had been damaged in the tornado, and they weren’t yet finished setting up the new space for it and the courts that had also been damaged. There was a warehouse close to downtown that Maddox had told them was being equipped to house both the city government offices and the courts until City Hall and the courthouse could be rebuilt.

  Well then, he and Thayer would need to talk before she arrived at the gym today, if she arrived at all. And if she didn’t, then they’d have to go to her.

  * * * *

  Cherilyn slept until noon on Thursday, as she didn’t have to work until the new space for the city government offices was complete. She was awake for all of three seconds before she made the decision not to go to the gym that day. It would be one of the few days she’d missed in the past six months, but she didn’t care. There was no way she could face them. She could barely stand to look at her reflection.

  When she turned sideways in front of the mirror and realized she could still see faint redness on her ass cheeks, she shook her head. Best to forget about that, even if the experience had left her wanting more. They’d left her without a doubt that last night wouldn’t be repeated, and she could never walk into Maddox’s club now, even if she were to become bold enough to explore the lifestyle on her own. Thayer and Evan were at the club a lot. She knew that for a fact.

  The grapevine in Racy was an active one, and Cherilyn worked at gossip central in City Hall. Nothing got past the men and women who worked with her. That sudden thought sent her crawling back into bed and drawing her knees up into a fetal position. If that were true, would her coworkers find out about last night? No. They couldn’t. Not unless Evan or Thayer told someone.

  But why would they do that? To brag? What would be the point? Did guys still do that after they left high school? Was she totally screwed now because in a moment of weakness she’d kissed Evan in that damn storeroom? Fuck. She was toast. How would she ever show her face in town again?

  She finally forced herself to get out of bed and take a shower, but all that did was fuel her imagination as she pictured Evan and Thayer with her, soaping up her body and sliding their big dicks into her pussy and mouth again as the three grew slick with body wash. This was impossible. Eighteen months without sex and she’d chosen to have an erotic one-time fling with her gym buddies.

  And they weren’t actually her gym buddies. She barely knew them. They were just the two sexiest men in Racy who happened to own the gym, and whom she saw every day in there while she tried to work out without fantasizing about them at the same time. Now, every time she went there she’d be constantly reminded of last night. And she’d never be able to use the incline board again or pick up a resistance band.

  After she showered, her cell rang, and a quick jolt of hope raced through her but quickly deflated as she saw it was only Melinda. Cherilyn didn’t answer it. She knew if she did, she’d blurt out everything, and then the entire town would know by that night. She loved Melinda like a sister, but she also knew that her best friend was the biggest gossip in town.

  She was alone in this. She’d have to find a way to deal with it like a big girl instead of a silly teen, and she’d have to go back to the gym one day unless she wanted to buy a bunch of equipment and work out at home. And why should she avoid them? She hadn’t done anything wrong. Embarrassing, yes. Humiliating, only to the point that they both now knew that she didn’t mind being paddled with dowel rods or whipped with resistance bands, and she could give head and take a good pussy pounding at the same

  But she hadn’t done anything wrong. She was an adult, and so were they. If God was kind, they’d both simply chalk it up to experience and leave the bragging to the sixteen-year-old boys. But she wasn’t going to find out today. Today she’d stay home and try to forget the look in Thayer’s sexy eyes, and the feel of Evan’s mouth on her pussy and clit. She’d try to stop thinking about what it had felt like to be tied to that board and have both men spank and paddle her ass, her pussy and her nipples. She’d erase the memory of them filling her mouth and pussy at the same time with their incredible dicks.

  And she’d especially wipe out how it had felt to be held in their arms afterwards as they’d stroked her hair, back, and sore ass cheeks, as tenderly as if the two had been her lovers for years. That was the one that had her so confused. If this had been nothing more than a spontaneous thing they’d done in the heat of the moment, why had they taken such care with her afterwards? Why had they looked at her so tenderly during it, and why had they been so careful and gentle with her when tying her up? It made no sense. None of this made sense.

  * * * *

  By the time she woke Saturday morning just as the sun was staring to rise, Cherilyn still hadn’t gone to the gym, and she’d ignored calls from Melinda and a few other friends. She’d watched every episode of various Law & Order spin-offs, and had consumed too much junk food. She couldn’t seem to shake the funk that had settled over her on Thursday afternoon.

  But since she was feeling like a giant slug from eating potato chips and French onion dip, not to mention too much Ben & Jerry’s, she decided to brave the world outside and drive to Walmart. It was on the outskirts of town in the opposite direction of the gym, so the chances of running into Thayer or Evan were practically nil. Plus, it was barely six in the morning.

  As soon as she walked in, she knew something was wrong. The few people there stood in a small group, talking excitedly and gesturing. What was going on? She caught the words “break-in” and “gym” and her heart froze. Had something happened to Thayer and Evan?

  She rushed out of Walmart and raced across town to the gym. Sean Brennan and Chad Bristol, both detectives on the Racy police force, were standing next to the unmarked cruisers they drove that everyone knew were police cars. A small crowd had gathered outside, but they were mostly standing around talking amongst themselves, not to Sean and Chad.

  Evan and Thayer were with the two detectives, but Cherilyn didn’t care. All she wanted to do was make sure that they were all right. She parked her car and walked as quickly as possible without actually running toward the four men, her pulse racing. Thayer and Evan looked okay, and she didn’t see any broken windows in front, but clearly something was going on.

  Thayer spotted her first, and the look of relief that passed over his handsome face took her by surprise. Why would he look so happy to see her? “What happened? I was in Walmart and people said something about a break-in?”

  Evan looked like he was about to hug her and then quickly reined it in. What? Was she hallucinating now? She was never eating potato chips and ice cream again.

  “Someone trashed the gym overnight,” said Thayer. “Spray-painted equipment, tossed papers everywhere, and overturned benches. Things like that. It doesn’t look like they took anything, but we really haven’t had time to go through it yet.”

  “What? Who? Why would someone do that? How did they get in?” Her mind was reeling. Things like this rarely happened in Racy. More than half of the historic buildings downtown had been demolished by the recent tornado, and to date there hadn’t been a single incident of looting reported. She had a difficult time imagining someone from this town breaking into the gym just to trash it.

  “We don’t know,” said Evan. “As to how they got in, Adison is on his way.” Adison Kincaid was head of security for Notus, the power company that owned and operated the miles of wind turbines close to the city. He had also set up security systems for many of the businesses in Racy, including The Fit Bod and Tye Me Up, the sex shop that Cherilyn’s best friend in high school, Kari Tye, had opened in December.

  She scanned the front of the gym again to confirm that nothing looked out of place. But that didn’t mean the rest of the building was intact. “You mean they got past the security system?”

  “Apparently so.”

  “Evan,” said Sean, giving Cherilyn a sharp look. “Let’s keep that under wraps for now, okay?”

  The look he gave Sean in return was nothing short of incredulous. “Why? Adison had nothing to do with this. You were there the night Alexa’s ex-Dom broke into Tye Me Up after cracking their security code, remember?”

  Alexa Monahan was Kari’s business partner, and just a few months ago her ex-Dom Brad Foster had come looking for her. He’d been arrested after breaking into Tye Me Up.

  “And Cherilyn had nothing to do with this either. Are you going to seriously question every single one of our gym members?”

  “Ah, yes. I am. And since she’s here now…” Sean motioned for her to follow him. Cherilyn glanced up at Evan, shocked to see the same look of relief in his eyes that she’d seen in Thayer’s. They were both glad to see her. But why? Could she have been completely wrong about the other night?

  “It’s okay,” he said. “They’ve been harassing everyone this morning who came to work out.”

  “It’s not harassment,” said Chad. “You guys want to know who did this? Then let us do our jobs, okay?”

  “Fine, but I’m staying with her.”

  “You are?” Cherilyn’s jaw dropped open and she had to make an effort to close it, just as she’d done Wednesday night. She must stop making this a habit.

  “Yes.” He cut his gaze quickly to Thayer, who nodded as the corners of his mouth turned up.

  “I am, too. Where do you want to talk to us, Sean?”

  Sean narrowed his eyes and glanced from Thayer to Evan, and then to Cherilyn. Finally he shrugged slightly. “Fine. Whatever. Let’s go around to the back where you have those picnic tables set up. Our conversation will be more private that way.”

  Something about the way he said “private” caused a flush to creep up Cherilyn’s neck, but she no longer cared. Her heart was beating so fast she half-expected it to sprout wings and fly right out of her chest. Evan and Thayer were all right. And they were happy to see her. And as if that weren’t enough to make this a perfect day, they had refused to allow Sean to question her alone.

  Chapter Six

  “Where were you last night?” Cherilyn didn’t know Sean well, but she knew he was a no-nonsense person when it came to his official duties. The gruff tone to his voice and suspicious look in his turquoise eyes was just part of his personality on the job.


  “Can anyone corroborate that?”

  “Sean, you know they can’t. I live alone.” Everyone in Racy knew that. Everyone in Racy knew everything about everyone else.

  Sean nodded and made notes. “When was the last time you were at the gym?”

  “Wednesday night. The night of the benefit.”

  “Cherilyn helped take tickets at the door,” said Evan. “You were there with Maddox and Julie, remember?”

  Sean ignored him and kept his attention on Cherilyn. “What time did you leave that night?”

  “I’m not sure.” Fuck. Was she going to have to tell Sean what had happened?

  “She left about one thirty in the morning,” said Thayer. “Right before Evan and I did. She stayed to help us clean up.”

  “Who else stayed?”

  “No one.”

  Sean glanced up with a curious look on his face. He studied their faces for a second, but if he suspected anything his expression didn’t give it away. “Do any of you remember seeing anything unusual outside that night? Or hearing anything outside?”

  “No,” said Cherilyn.

  “Like we already told you,” said Evan, “absolutely nothing out of the ordinary has gone on here.”

  Sean clos
ed his notebook and pulled out a business card from a holder tucked into the other side of it. He handed it to Cherilyn. “If you think of anything, call me. If I’m not there, ask for Chad.”

  “I will.”

  “Chad and I are going to hang around the gym all day so we can talk to as many of your members as possible.”

  “That’s fine, Sean,” said Thayer. “We appreciate what you’re doing.”

  As soon as Sean turned the corner of the building, Thayer addressed her. “We have been so worried about you. Are you okay?”

  “I am now.”

  “Why haven’t you come back?” asked Evan.

  “I just haven’t been feeling well.” She hated lying to them, but right now she felt foolish at the things she’d assumed.

  Thayer’s face was suddenly filled with concern. “It’s not like you to miss working out two days in a row.”

  “I know. I’ll be okay now.” Would she? Just because they were relieved to see her didn’t really mean anything, did it?

  “Cherilyn, we need to talk about what happened Wednesday night.” Evan’s blue eyes were startling in the bright May sunshine.

  She swallowed hard. This was it. No matter what they said, she vowed not to let her reaction show on her face. “Okay.”

  “But not now.” He glanced around. “We have to get back inside and try to clean up. Obviously we won’t be open for business today, but we hope to be up and running by tomorrow. You’ll be back then, right?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Thayer brushed the back of her hand with his fingertips, and she bit the inside of her cheek to keep from moaning as memories flooded her mind. “Cherilyn, have you been avoiding us on purpose?”


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