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Decimate Page 24

by Sheridan Anne

  “Hi,” I respond with a smile. “Come on,” I say leading him around the back of the building and towards the staff housing. I walk around the back of his building to the window he has been leaving unlocked. I climb through and lead him into his lounge room, taking a seat on his extra comfy couch.

  “What’s up?” he asks as I take a seat.

  I look up at him and hope I’m not about to break his trust in me. “Your dad came to visit me yesterday,” I say.

  He sits up a little straighter and narrows his eyes in suspicion. “And?” he prompts.

  “And he mentioned that if you claim your lineage, you’ll be the next ruler of The Guard.”

  “Wow, he gave it to you straight, didn’t he?” he comments. “Is that all he told you?”

  “He mentioned that you might be getting in a bit of trouble for the unauthorised rescue mission and for taking underage students with you,” I say, unable to meet his eye, as if it wasn’t for me, he wouldn’t be facing this.

  He takes a deep breath and pulls me up onto his lap so I straddle him. “First of all, there is no way I’m claiming my lineage. Could you imagine me trying to be the leader, dressed in some ridiculous suit? Never going to happen.”

  “Actually,” I say cutting him off, “I think you make an amazing leader, especially after seeing you in action the last few days. It’s in your blood and for the record, you’d look damn fine in a suit.”

  “No. It’s never going to happen,” he repeats.

  “I know,” I agree. “What about the other thing?” I ask quietly, averting my eyes once again.

  He reaches out a hand and raises my chin to force me to meet his eye. “I’d do that a million times over if it meant getting to you,” he whispers then leans forward and places a kiss to my lips. “I don’t want you to worry about it, after everything that has gone down, your rescue will most likely be swept under the rug.”

  “And if it isn’t?” I prompt.

  “If it isn’t, there will be a trial in front of the leaders which, if I’m lucky, I’ll get a suspicion.”

  “And if you’re not lucky?”

  He lets out a rough breath. “Then I’ll end up in The Guard Prison for a year or two.”

  A gasp flies out of my mouth and I bury my face into his neck. “I’m sorry,” I say. “This is all my fault.”

  “Hey, calm down,” he soothes. “Nothing is your fault. There’s nothing to worry about, my father will never let it get to the point of imprisonment, and even if it did, all I’d have to do is let them know who I really am and it’s over.”

  “But then you’ll be stuck leading our people.”

  “Well, if it comes to that, I guess I’ll have to have a few sons that I can pass it on to,” he smirks, watching me as my whole future flashes before my eyes. A future where Rylan has kids, a future where I’d really love to be the mother of those kids, you know, after I kick ass on the front lines for long enough first.

  “Tell me you’re not thinking about kids already?” I ask hesitantly.

  “God, no,” he laughs. “I want you to myself for a while before I have to share you again,” he admits, leaning in for another kiss.

  “So you’re really not going to jail?” I ask, just to be sure.

  “No, I’m not going to jail. If anything, I’ll get a slap on the wrist.”

  “Ok,” I say. “I can deal with that.”

  He smiles as he pulls me in, careful not to hurt me. “So, there was something I wanted to show you,” I smile.

  “Oh yeah?” he smiles, running a hand through his dark hair. “What’s that?”

  I grin as I climb off him and stand before him, keeping my eyes locked on his, I ever so slowly raise the hem of my shirt, first revealing my toned stomach and hope he keeps his eyes off the bruises. He takes me in, focusing on the material as it rises higher and higher, my bra comes into view and he sucks in a breath as he realises it is my new lacy red one. I strip the rest of my shirt off, shaking my hair out in the process, letting it cascade down my back in long dark waves.

  I silently turn my back on him and make a show of popping the button on my jeans, then begin lowering them to reveal the smallest little panties ever imaginable. I glance back at him as I begin to bend over, removing my jeans from my legs to find his eyes on absolute fire.

  Once I’m void of all clothes but my underwear, I make my way back onto his lap, his arms immediately circling my body and exploring my naked skin. “I love you,” he tells me in a whisper.

  I run my hands down his tight abs and shimmy his shirt up between us, riding it off his body in no time. “I love you too,” I say leaning in and kissing him with everything I’ve got.

  He stands up from the couch, my legs instantly hooking around his narrow waist as he takes me down the hall and into his bedroom.


  I wake in his arms and it is absolute heaven. I hop out of bed and make my way around his apartment collecting my things and getting dressed in the process, making sure to peek in on my still naked man fast asleep in bed. Yep, I will never get bored of that sight.

  I get busy in his kitchen, making who the hell knows what, but it kind of smells good. I play some music softly while I sip on coffee and dance around his kitchen in absolute bliss.

  “Good morning,” he says suddenly right behind me. I gasp and twist around in sudden fright, pulling at the stitches in my neck.

  “Damn it,” I cry putting a hand to my neck to find it bleeding.

  “Shit, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he says apologetically standing before me with a glorious bare chest.

  “It’s ok, you’d think I’d be a little more aware of my surroundings after the week I’ve had,” I grumble as I grab a tissue to hold to my neck.

  “Let me do that,” he says, grabbing the tissue and begins to clean me up. “I don’t want you to be aware while you’re here, I like that you’re relaxed and comfortable,” he says, bending down and giving me a quick kiss. He pulls the tissue away, but the wound keeps bleeding. “I think you’re going to have to go back to see Dr. Mandoza.”

  “Really?” I groan. “But she will most likely ask me about my sex life again.”

  He smirks down at me, his dark, gold speckled eyes shining in laughter. “Well, you better let her know how amazing it is.”

  I smack his arm playfully and shake my head in exasperation. “You’re an idiot,” I grumble, turning back around to grab my coffee.

  Five minutes later we sit down at the table for breakfast. I take the fork and scoop a bite into my mouth and begin chewing. “This is awful,” I tell him, looking up to find him also halfway through chewing his first bite.

  “Yep, it really is,” he agrees but takes another scoop, then another.

  “You don’t have to eat that,” I tell him.

  “Try and stop me,” he warns.

  I shake my head at him once again and watch as he finishes off his plate, then begins to finish mine. I get up to help him clean up but he sends me on my way, making sure I promise to stop at the infirmary first. I grumble an ok and squeeze myself out his window while he tells me he will come and check on me soon.

  It’s a beautiful morning as I make my way across campus. I push through the big double doors of the infirmary, pleased to find it much calmer than yesterday. I make my way down the long hall passing room after room on my way to Dr. Mandoza’s office. I pass a door that has been left open and take a peek as I pass and find none other than a still unconscious Luke. I can’t stand the kid, but he didn’t deserve this, though I’m sure he will be back to his annoying self in no time.

  I keep going making my way to the end of the hall and knock gently on Dr. Mandoza’s door. “Come in,” she says.

  I gently open the door and stick my head through. “Hi,” I say awkwardly as I make my way right into her office and take a seat. “I think I did something to one of my stitches,” I explain. She immediately grabs a pair of gloves and gets to work on my neck, which indeed, does
need another stitch.

  She chats on and on about how crazy busy she was and how she didn’t get a wink of sleep, worrying about all her patients when she finally finishes and lets me go.

  I make my way back down the hallway, eager to get started on my day, though what the day will actually include, I have no idea. Maybe payback on Daniel’s gawking from yesterday, maybe a movie day with Jacinta before classes go back tomorrow.

  Being the sticky beak I am I look into all the rooms, every single one of them occupied by men of the Front Line and I realise just how lucky I am to get away with just a few stitches. I pass Luke’s room and take one final look as I walk by. Yep. Absolutely fine. Wait. Was he even there? I backtrack a few steps and take a better look. Nope, not here. Maybe the moron fell off his bed. I wouldn’t put it past him. There would have been an alert in Dr. Mandoza’s office if he had woken up.

  I take a step into his room and then another. “Luke?” I ask, taking a look around. “You in here Luke?”

  The door to the room suddenly slams shut and I jerk as I spin around, pulling at my stitches for the second time this morning. I find Luke standing before me, giving me the look of absolute death. “What are you doing? I was just checking you were ok,” I explain in the snotty attitude I reserve for him, though I toned it down just a little, I mean he has just been knocked out for nearly 24 hours.

  He doesn’t respond, just keeps glaring. “Ok…,” I say taking a step towards the door. “I’ll be going then.”


  I step closer and go to reach around him for the door when I hear him inhale a deep breath. “Are you smelling me, you creep?” I ask in shock taking a step back so I can look him in the eyes.

  The eyes that are currently pulsating with a red glow. Shit. He’s a vampire. He must have had a blood exchange when the vampire fed off him during the battle. He hasn’t just been unconscious, he has been making the transition into a vampire.

  I step back once again and run my back into the small table beside the bed. I feel around the table for anything that could possibly be used as a weapon and only come up with a pen. Oh well, that’s better than nothing.

  Luke roars in agony as his fangs emerge for the first time, blood seeping from his gums, damn that looked foul. He steps towards me once he has the pain under control. “Finally, you’re mine,” he says taking a step towards me.

  The door flies open with a nurse strutting her way in, humming to herself, completely oblivious to what is going on around her, but at least the door is open now. “Oh good, you’re awake,” she says to Luke’s back. “Though you should really be laying down.”

  Luke turns on her and grabs her by the throat then launches her out the door, her body crashes into the wall, creating a hole in the plaster as she slumps to the floor.

  I make my move. I jump onto his turned back and jam the pen right through his neck and scream for help, knowing even in a ward filled with injured soldiers at least one of them will be able to help. “Vampire,” I screech. “He’s a vampire.”

  The pen lodges deep in his throat and I know it will not kill him, just make it very uncomfortable. I’m rewarded with a few seconds to escape the room. I dash for the door, knowing he will be right after me. I make it into the hall just in time to see a few of the soldiers exiting their rooms to see what all the fuss is about, they all try to jump into action the moment they see him, though not one holds a weapon and they are all severely injured. This one is up to me.

  I launch myself at him, giving him everything I’ve got as my calls for help echo around the room. I land a blow to his face and he immediately gets one back. I groan knowing this is going to be a hard one as Luke was trained by Rylan. He has all the same moves and techniques as me, though, I was stronger and faster. He is now a vampire, who is much stronger and much faster.

  “This is amazing,” he comments as he takes in his new power. “I should turn you,” he says, his eyes lighting up with excitement. “It will hurt and I can’t promise I’ll stop,” he warns like we’re best friends. What the hell? I ignore his running commentary and do what I can until someone arrives with a weapon I can use to take this guy out. Take him out? Wait? Can I kill Luke? Of course, I can, he is a vampire. The question is, can I live with myself once I’ve done it?

  I fight him for another few minutes when a dagger comes slicing past my face in slow motion and lands deep into Luke’s chest, piercing his heart. He glances down at the blade then back up at me in shock, falling first to his knees and then flat on his stomach. I stare at him in shock. Dead. Luke is dead? What? Just yesterday he was a normal human boy, while a nasty annoying one, he had a full life to live. Today he wakes as a vampire, wanting to turn me and is now suddenly dead.

  I swivel on my heel to find out where the dagger had come from and who besides me or Rylan could possibly have such a great shot. My eyes glance up locking on a familiar dark, gold speckled pair. Of course. Rylan. Always there when I need him.

  My love.

  Chapter 26

  “I’ve got to go, mum,” I say into the phone. “The service is about to start.”

  “Ok, sweetie, be safe. I love you.”

  “Love you too, mum,” I say, hitting end on the call.

  It’s been a week since the battle and things are only just starting to get back to normal, yet here I am, making my way back into the Great Hall where The Guard is currently holding a mass memorial service for all our fallen soldiers.


  43 is the number of men and women of The Guard whose lives were taken. 43 coffins lay spread evenly through the great hall as friends and family come to say goodbye. I didn’t know any of them personally, apart from Luke, but I fought alongside them, which makes them my brothers and sisters.

  I take my seat between Jacinta and Daniel, who has Nora on his other side. He puts his arm around me and quickly pulls me in. “You ok?” he asks.

  “Yeah,” I lie. It will be a long time before I’m ok.

  He accepts my lie for what it is with a quick nod and a tightening of his lips. He releases me and turns his attention to the stage where Brett Norrington is currently taking his position behind the podium. He welcomes us all and gives a heartbreaking speech, then invites Rylan up onto the stage to give a brief run down to the friends and family of the dead, to give them a better understanding of their loved one's final moments, making sure to mention their strength and courage.

  Jacinta listens intently beside me, grabbing my hand as she takes in the details of the one day I still haven’t told her about. “Bianca,” she cries softly as to not disturb the service, pulling me into her. “I’m sorry you had to go through that.”

  “Don’t be,” I whisper back, holding on just as tightly.

  We sit through the emotional service and say our final goodbyes, then leave so the close family and friends can have more privacy, our whole group, including Nora make our way out into the Quad. I spot Rylan talking to a few friends of his from the front line and continue on my way, knowing he won’t come over with Nora hovering around.

  “That was beautiful,” Jacinta sighs as she takes a seat on Trey’s lap at the table.

  “Yeah,” I agree. “It was a nice way to send them off. It was a shame it had to happen at all.”

  Half an hour later the remaining people in the hall begin to spill out, tears streaking their faces as they begin to leave The Academy. Following them, comes out all the Guard officials and Council members, with a very exhausted looking Brett Norrington, who I am sure is heartbroken at the loss in his people.

  The masses eventually thin out until it is just a few Guard officials, the faculty, and the senior students.

  My eyes drift over to the officials who I notice have me in their sights. Great. More people wanting to gossip about me. One younger man breaks away from the group and makes his way over to me. My eyes flash towards Rylan who I notice also has his eyes curiously zoned in on the man. Rylan casually takes a few steps in my direction just in tim
e to hear the man introduce himself.

  “Hi, you must be Bianca,” he starts. “My name is Roman, It’s a pleasure to meet you,” he says extending a hand. I look over his hand, really not wanting to shake it but having no other choice.

  “Um… Hi,” I say, giving his hand a firm shake. “Can I help you with something?” I ask, glancing up and taking in his slightly dark and slightly oily features.

  “Yes, in fact. I am actually your ride,” Roman says.

  “My ride?” I ask in confusion.

  “Yes. To The Guard Head Office,” he says, also sounding a bit confused. I glance over to Rylan who is now a lot closer and has his eyebrows pulled together in confusion. “You were served your papers two weeks ago stating your assignment. Did you not receive them?”

  Oh no. My knees begin to shake as I look at the poor slightly confused man before me. This can’t be happening. They can’t take me away. This is my home.

  He ignores my silence and continues on with his orders, “You have,” he starts, looking down at his very expensive watch. “Forty minutes to get your belongings, then your presence will be required at the front gates where I will escort you to the airport. A jet will be waiting to take you and the rest of The Guard back to head office,” he smiles then acknowledges my shocked friends. “Good day,” he nods as he makes his awkward exit.

  My legs begin to give out and I fall to the floor as Rylan dives in to catch me, cradling me like precious cargo. “It will be ok,” he soothes. “We’ll make this work.”

  Decimate Playlist

  Fall For You – Secondhand Serenade

  Secret Love Song – Little Mix

  Gorilla’s – Bruno mars

  The Kill – 30 Seconds To Mars

  Dirty Little Secret – American Rejects

  Alive – Sia

  XO – Beyonce

  Ready For It – Taylor Swift

  Unconditionally – Katy Perry

  Stand By You – Rachel Platten


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