Fallen Angel (The List #3)

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Fallen Angel (The List #3) Page 30

by N. K. Love

  “Why hello there, handsome. What’s a guy like you doing in a place like this?”

  “Well, I was planning on meeting a sweet little angel for a night of scintillating conversation—but I think I may need to revisit my plans.”

  “Is that right?” She leans down to give me a kiss on the cheek, which I steal for my lips. She tastes of strawberry and it reminds me of our night at Tricks, with her sucking that lollipop. “Well, how about you revisit, whilst I get us a drink—”

  “Not so fast, beautiful.” I stand up and whisper—or rather, I practically growl—in her ear. “You park that perfect pussy on this chair and I’ll get the drinks.”

  “Aww Jax, you say the sweetest things.”

  She may mock, but we both know she loves my dirty mouth. Beth takes my seat at the table.

  “Where’s Wills?”

  “She’s just on the phone outside, she’ll be in in a minute.”

  “Okay, do you two want a bottle of wine?”

  “Hmm… No thanks, I fancy something stronger tonight.” She runs her hand over my abs and grips the top of my jeans. Her eyes fixated devilishly on my cock and she’s sucking in that pouty bottom lip of hers. “Surprise me.”

  I rest my hands on either arm of the chair and lean into her face, eyeing her suspiciously.

  “I can see you’re going to be trouble tonight, Angel?”

  “Who me?” She flutters her eyelashes and brings her finger up to her mouth, biting the tip of it. “Would you prefer it if I was a good girl, Sir?”

  The word ‘Sir’ resonated exactly where she intends.

  “You’re right… Keep it up.”

  “Oh I aim to!”

  On that note I join the rest of the lads at the bar to fetch the drinks and spot Wills walking over to our table. The choice of bars in this place are few and far between so we’ve decided to stick to one spot tonight. Mainly because it’s within stumbling distance for those that get too leathered to walk or sprinting distance for those that want to take somebody back to their room and get fucked.

  Hopefully I’m going to fall somewhere between both of those options.

  The rest of the girls have arrived and congregated at the tables next to ours. The lads and I re-join the group with trays full of drinks. I’ve bought some bottles of different spirits and jugs full of iced coke and tonic, so everybody can mix their own drinks as they please.

  I grab Beth and bring her outside.

  “I’ve got something for you.”

  “What do you mean? Why?”

  “I wanted to give you something. That’s okay isn’t it?”

  “Erm… I guess so. I just wasn’t expecting a gift. You shouldn’t have.”

  I had three designs couriered over for me to choose from late this afternoon. I take the velvet, rectangular-shaped box from my back pocket and hold it out to her.

  “Take it.”

  She cautiously takes it from me with shaky hands then kisses my cheek and wraps her arms around my waist, burying her head in my chest.

  “Thank you Jaxson. You’re so thoughtful.”

  “Hey, you haven’t even opened it yet. You might not like it.”

  “I already know I’ll love it.”

  She squeezes a little tighter and then let’s go of me to open the box, revealing the diamond encrusted charm bracelet. It’s a similar design to the twisted rope necklace of mine, which I know she loves. I’ve memorised every inch of her body so I know it’ll fit. I can’t see her face as she looks down into the box.

  “What do you think?”

  “It’s—it’s absolutely stunning. Jax—nobody has ever bought anything like this for me before. It’s too much. I mean, I love it but I feel like I shouldn’t accept it.”

  “Here, try it on, see how it feels.”

  I remove the bracelet, snap the box shut and stuff it back into my pocket. I asked for a double clasp because I knew she’d be paranoid about losing it. There’s no way this thing is going to fall off on its own accord.

  “It’s, wow. It’s just wow.”

  Now she takes a moment to really study it up close and sees the charm that I’ve had added to it already. It’s a book, hanging from the bracelet and the front is covered delicately with tiny diamond fragments. There’s even a little hook where the book actually opens to reveal a small space inside.

  For her, the charm will relate to her bookshop but for me it reminds me of our first ever conversation. Of when she talked about judging a book by its cover—she had me by the balls even back then. Calling my bluff like the badass that she is.

  Beth opens the book and sees the tiny photograph of us that I’ve placed inside. It was taken on a beautiful sunny afternoon down by the pool. Those smiles speak more words than that little book could ever dream of.

  The tears in her eyes reassure me that she loves it. Part of me clings onto those tears as signs of hope. Hope that everything will be okay, somehow. Hope that I will get the opportunity to fill this charm bracelet with our memories.


  A few hours into the night and we’re now playing drinking games whilst the non-drinkers stick to playing snooker and dart’s. I’ve had a game of snooker and darts but much prefer it right here, with this fine ass perched on my lap.

  The atmosphere tonight is one of good vibes only. That’s one thing I take pride in at the gym—encouraging positivity and cutting out the bullshit. Not that some of the men here aren’t egotistical maniacs—they are—but they’re all decent guys that don’t bring any negativity along with them.

  Beth’s enjoying herself. She’s so happy tonight, it’s written all over her freckled face. She’s sitting on my lap, unintentionally—intentionally—wriggling, taunting my dick with what’s only inches away.

  We’re playing ‘Never have I ever’ whilst Beth intermittently stops to whisper filth into my ear. I suppose I started it by telling her what I was visualising.

  Having her with me in public is sweet torture. This game has been entertaining to say the least. Wills thinks it’s hilarious that Beth’s having to drink so much. I guess if she played this before meeting me, she’d still be stone cold sober.

  I love watching her smile and laugh, not least because when she laughs it sends vibrations that inject obscene ideas into my trail of thoughts.

  I watch her with a heavy heart though. This girl loves me and we’re happy. But, because of me, all of that could be about to change. For the time being though, I just want to cherish every second that I have her as mine.

  “You enjoying yourself, G?”


  “You’ve gone quiet.”

  “Just admiring the view. Come on, you’re up.”

  The group all look over to Beth, and Andy starts strumming a drumroll with his fingers on the table.

  “Oh. It’s me. Okay. Right, okay… Never have I ever—had a threesome.”

  Beth announces her statement and there’s only her and Shona that don’t drink.

  Beth takes the shot glass from my hand and drops her bottom lip to me into a pout. The game carries on without us. Beth leans in to my ear.

  “I hate the thought of you with somebody else. For the record, I will never have a threesome with you.”

  “For the record, I never want to share you with anybody else, whether I’m there or not.”

  “You promise?” I freeze. I’m looking into her eyes but my peripheral vision has her at a disadvantage and everybody knows it. “Well?” I still don’t answer but I see it in her eyes when the penny drops. She rolls her eyes and turns back to the table, announcing, “This is victimisation!”

  At once, everybody breaks from their frozen pose and start laughing whilst I pour Beth her losers shot. We’ve been playing ‘Mr Freeze’ since we got here and they’ve caught us both out like this twice already, when we’ve been too wrapped up in each other to notice that one by one everybody else has frozen except us.

  It’s Wills’ turn next.

okay, I’ve got one now.” She never chooses anything sexual because she can’t win with that. Beth lies back onto my chest and I rub the back of her neck. She’s slowing down now, I know she’s getting tired. “Never have I ever—been in love.”

  Beth stiffens up and I catch her giving Wills daggers. I reach over and grab the bottle of vodka. Beth holds her shot glass out for me but I fill mine on the table first. She looks at me but when I look at her, she turns away. I pour her drink, replace the bottle with my glass and hold it up to clink glasses.

  I could be talking about my past—I’ve not told her that I’ve never been in love before—well, before her.

  Beth looks at me shyly as she taps my glass with hers. She then puts her glass to my lips and I follow suit. We drink each other’s shots and fade everybody else into the background as we kiss. It’s just Beth and I, in this chair, with the taste of each other’s love on our lips.


  Somebody announces it’s time to do body shots, but that kiss sealed it for me. I want to call it a night.

  “I’ve never done a body shot before.”

  “We’re not playing that game anymore Smiler. Come on, you do me and I’ll do you.” Wills is already dragging Beth up off my lap. “It’ll be fun. You like tequila, right?”

  “Wills, if anybody is going to be doing Beth, it’ll be me.”

  Wills squints her eyes at me.

  “He makes a fair point, Wills.” Beth adds.

  “Hmm, I suppose she would rather be licking your body than mine… Fine. Yo, Emma—”

  Wills tails off to the other side of the bar to find another partner.

  “Do you mind if we go for a walk after this, G?”

  “Sure. Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah of course. I’ve just had a brilliant night and I’d love to finish it by doing something couple-y. Like going for a walk, holding hands.”

  “I hear you, Angel. Whatever you want.”

  “Thank you. So, how do we do this then?”

  I grab the salt shaker and a few wedges of lime, whilst Beth fetches two shots of tequila off the tray Craig’s handing round. He’s not been drinking tonight because he’s our main contender for the circuit training event tomorrow.

  I pour some salt on her chest, which is perfectly shelved it her tight dress and slide the shot glass between her breasts. Of course, this option isn’t available for Wills, who’s currently lying on the bar with a row of shot glasses on her stomach for a few of the girls.

  Finally, I place the lime in Beth’s mouth. I don’t even like tequila but I’m certainly going to enjoy this. Holding my hands behind my back, I lick the salt, grab the shot with my mouth, neck it back and she takes the glass as I suck the lime from her lovely lips.

  For her turn, she puts the salt along my thumb and the shot glass in the waistband of my jeans. Instead of licking, she sucks my thumb, putting my dick straight on pussy alert. After taking her shot and sucking the lime, we say a few discreet goodbyes and I ask Craig to make sure Wills gets back to the room okay.

  When we get outside the bar, the night’s cold air hits us. I drape my jacket over Beth’s shoulders and cocoon her under my arm.

  “Let’s head to the beach.”

  “B, it’ll be freezing down there with the sea breeze.”

  “Well, I have something in mind.” I wait for her to elaborate. “I’ve only got four things left on my list and one of which happens to be… Sex on a beach.”

  “Here was me thinking you wanted to go for a romantic walk together, when all along you just wanted to get laid out in the sand.”

  “So, is that a yes then?”

  We head down towards the beach. It’s not far.

  “Actually, I’ve got something to tell you. It slipped my mind before—before you left.”

  “Well—you’ve got me intrigued, what is it?”

  “You don’t have four things left—you have three.”

  “Three? No, it’s beach sex, phone sex, sex tape and tattoo.” Beth stops walking but stays cuddled into my side. “Oh my God, Jax. Are you kidding me?”

  “Nope. You did it. Well, I did it, but, you know.”


  “Last Sunday. With the handcuffs.”

  “Oh my God. You didn’t?” She looks up at me and then straight back down. “You did.”

  “Yes. I hope that’s okay.”

  “Of course it’s okay. You know I was really anxious about doing it.”

  “I know. That’s why I figured that it’d be better if you were just being you and not thinking about being filmed.”

  “Oh wow. Are my cheeks flushed? I feel embarrassed.” She looks back up at me with a cute look of shock on her face. “I suppose finding out you’ve been filmed having sex without knowing is pretty fucked up. But it’s fine. It’s you. Oh wait, hold on—and this is a game changer—have you watched it?”

  “Don’t you think I learned my lesson after the whole ‘poem’ situation? We could watch it together.”

  “Wasn’t it dark though? There were just a few candles lit.”

  “I turned the lamps on once you were blindfolded.”

  “You sneaky snake, Mr Carter. I’m loving your work though. You’re clearly good at deception when you want to be. Is there anything else you’d like to confess? Now’s the time to do it because I’ve got a feeling my tipsy ass will forgive you for just about anything right now.”

  We step down onto the beach and kick off our shoes. Whilst I pull my socks off, Beth starts twirling around with her arms wide open, looking up at the night’s sky. My jackets falls to the sand and her dress floats out. I just watch her in total awe. She is more special to me than I think she’ll ever know.

  Leaving our shoes by the sloped pathway, I walk over in time to catch her as she sways to a standstill. We go over to a sheltered spot where a huge rock acts as a windbreaker. There’s sun loungers dotted about with gas heaters built into the parasols. They’re intended for the beach bar behind us, which is now closed.

  I shake the sand from my jacket and lay it on the lounger for her. She takes a seat whilst I ignite the heater. I sit down behind her, but instead of laying back on my chest, she smoothly swivels around and straddles me.

  She may have suggested sex earlier—which is never too far from my mind either—but that’s not what this closeness is for. I can feel her need for reassurance. Her body language is one of fragility. She’s aching to feel protected.

  Beth nuzzles her face into my neck. I reach over, grabbing my jacket from between my legs and cloak it over her back. She snuggles into me even more.

  The longer I hold her, the more cemented it feels. It’s as though this moment was orchestrated into our lives. It’s here for me to experience with her, for the sole purpose of showing me that I cannot live without Beth in my life. I’ve got it that bad. This beautiful strong woman is the single most important thing in my life and I’ve been acting as though it’s a done deal—that she’s definitely not going to accept me.

  I know I’ve set my mind on that outcome because it’s the most likely. Just like I haven’t told her how I truly feel because I don’t want to use that to hoodwink her into a life she wouldn’t have chosen for herself. I’ve always wanted her to have the facts and make her own mind up without coercion.

  But what I now know is that I won’t accept her answer when she tells me she’s leaving. I won’t roll over, as I’d intended, and submit if she says she wants nothing more to do with me.

  I will fight for her.

  I didn’t see it as an option before, I saw it as manipulation. But it’s not, it’s me showing her that I will do anything for us to be together—that I’ve changed for her, for us.

  I swear to God, if ever she blesses me with the decision to stick with me, she will be sick of the sound of the words ‘I fucking love you’ coming from my lips.

  Rubbing her back hypnotically, I stare out at the black sky, which represents the darkness I need
to share with her. The huge glowing moon stands solid within the black endlessness. Its reflection shimmers effortlessly across the unsteady waters. The cloudless sky showcases hundreds of twinkling stars. I’ve never seen so many, or never took the time to appreciate them.

  Beth has always been my sunshine. She’s kept the darkness at bay and shown me the kind of life I didn’t know I wanted—but only with her. Can she be my moon as well? Will she stand strong amongst the darkness and weather the shitstorm with me? Will she ride out the infinity of uncertainty and still be there to rise as the sun for me again?


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