An Extended Family

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An Extended Family Page 6

by Austin Daniels

  "Yes, Sir. I want that."

  I gently pushed one finger up inside of him, twisting it around. "Feel that?"

  "Yes… Sir."

  "It starts off like this, but it gets better."

  Pushing deeper, I let him get used to the sensation as I twisted my finger around inside. He'd apparently prepared for today's visit. After a few seconds, I started thrusting inside and then out again in a regular motion. When he seemed comfortable enough with that, and I felt him relaxing, I slipped in a second finger, repeating the procedure. He was taking it pretty well. "Now spread your legs a bit farther." Without moving my hand, I crawled between his legs and kneeled there, letting him get used to the position. Pulling one of his legs across my thighs, I watched as he did the same with the other one. It was a good sign that he was still this anxious. His breathing became deeper and rapid as anticipation turned to passion. "How does that feel now, Boy?"

  "Good. Really good. Are we ready now?"

  "Slow down. For this, we'll make plenty of time. I want you to enjoy this." His eyes began to droop as he heard the words I'd selected to have a maximum effect. I squeezed more lube on my hand, inserting a third finger and working the sphincter to stretch it even more. He was handling it well for a novice.

  "When do I roll over?"

  "You won't. Today you're staying on your back. Now, I'm slowly going to withdraw my fingers. When I do, DO NOT tighten up." Wiping my hand with a rag I'd left nearby, I reached for a condom, tore the packet open with my teeth, and tossed the golden wrapper on the side table. I sat back, lubricated the condom, and pulled him into position. I could see he was straining to see what I was doing as I rubbed the head across his now relaxed entrance. Lifting his legs up and resting them on my shoulders, I leaned slowly forward, entering him while staring into his eyes the whole time. The look on his face was priceless. Sliding his legs over my shoulders until his knees were resting there, I thrust gently, penetrating him further. Once deep inside I leaned over, taking his mouth in a kiss, breaking away only to whisper, "Now you're my boy."

  I was determined to make this slow. At the same time, I didn't want him to think this was something other than what it would be, so I went deep, taking my time to make sure he was able to appreciate what was happening. He seemed to be responding well.

  "Sir? How far in are you?"

  How cute, I thought. "All the way, Boy. You okay?"

  "Yes… Sir… please don't stop doing that. Don't… ever… stop doing that. Just keep that…"

  "You like that?"

  While wrapping his arms around my neck and pulling me close he gasped, "Oh GOD, yes. I never felt anything…"

  I wrapped his mouth in mine and plunged deep inside, pulling him down from his shoulders, making sure he felt my full length. He lay beneath me, a perfect fit, unable to speak further. I wanted this to last for him, but the passion of the moment was almost more than I could handle. I concentrated to make it last, but after a few minutes whispered, "I'm getting close." Once it was inevitable, I quickened my pace.

  "Harder please. Yes, that… Oh that's soooo good…"

  I was done for. Pushing into him hard, I let loose and felt the most incredible release. After a minute I lay quietly on top of him, still inside, kissing his neck. I could feel a sticky mess below me. I seemed to be wiping it up with my chest hair. I pulled myself up to my knees to look and realized he'd finished at the same time. Glistening orbs of white decorated the now wet and matted twists of hair across my chest.

  "Look what you did to me," he whispered.

  "How did you manage that?"

  "Just happened. The feeling of the hair from your chest rubbing against me while you were thrusting really hard over and over just made it happen, I guess."

  "Okay then. You're staying my boy, now. You know what that means?"

  "Not sure but I've got an idea."

  "Well for starters, it means I plan to keep you around and you'll continue to do as I say. On top of that you don't touch anyone else the way you touch me, just like you promised on day two."

  "What about you, Sir?" he challenged.

  "Not even a consideration," I said with a grin on my face. "With a boy like you I won't be even looking at anybody else."

  Within a few minutes, he was up and into the bathroom. A second later, he was dressing again. "Back to work. You too. Remember we both have a lot to do. See you tomorrow." Within a couple of minutes, he was gone, leaving me naked and still half covered in lube, with his scent rising from the moist hair on my chest.

  The Attack


  The next day I continued to write. I was living the story each day and writing it was only a matter of recordkeeping. Someday, I was going to have to show him what I'd written, but so far, he really hadn't shown an interest in what I wrote or what I'd already published for that matter. It made me wonder whether he was one of those people who read volumes of textbooks, but never read just for pleasure.

  As the time for his arrival came near, I double checked to make sure everything I'd planned was in place, so we wouldn't have any awkward pauses. He was going to be there at 5:30 today. I was clean and prepared. The bed had fresh sheets and I'd written over six thousand words that day. All was set.

  His arrival time came and went. He's always on time, I thought. What could be holding him up? I couldn't call him until enough time passed as then I'd have a genuine reason for concern. I wanted to pick up the telephone, but I knew I'd appear needy. I needed to appear unconcerned but upset. When he arrived, he'd need to be punished. I'd wished to avoid that for now, but this indiscretion could not be ignored.

  When he had not arrived after forty-five minutes, I decided it was now a sufficient amount of time and I might not look needy. I was less concerned with how I might appear and more concerned that something might be wrong. I'd originally set the time I'd call at two hours, but as I sat there looking at the wall wondering where the hell he was, my patience had grown shorter and shorter. After all, a Dom demands his sub be on time. I picked up the phone and called, getting that recording that usually meant the phone was out of power. "Not accepting calls at this time." The way he'd left the day before didn't translate into him not wanting to return.

  Something's wrong, I thought.

  I grabbed a piece of paper, scribbled a note and left it attached to the front door. Hopping in the car, I headed over to the apartment building he said he lived in. I had his phone number and I knew the building, but I had no idea what apartment number to go to.

  A few minutes later, I pulled in and parked in the lot. I could see that right near the entrance was the mail center. I scanned the boxes and for the first time wondered if he might still be using a pseudonym, but as luck would have it, I saw his name a few seconds later and had his apartment number.

  He was on the second floor in Apartment B. I was there in a few seconds, knocking on the door. There was a commotion inside and the door opened. Standing in front of me was Preston in torn clothing, covered in bruises. His face was swelling up and beginning to disfigure. My boy'd been beaten almost beyond recognition. One of his eyes was already swollen shut.

  "OH MY GOD, what happened?"

  "I was getting out of the car. Some guys came up behind me and called me a faggot. I turned around and there were three guys standing there. One of them pushed me and asked me if I wanted to suck him. Then they pushed me back and forth until I fell on the sidewalk. They started beating and kicking me. I couldn't get up to run away and just when I thought they were going to kill me, they laughed and walked off. I think I might have a cracked rib."

  "Have you seen a doctor or talked to the police?"

  "The police were here. One of the girls who lives here found me lying there and helped me in. Then she called 'em. I told them everything I know and gave them the best description I could."

  "They didn't offer to take you to the ER?"

  "They did, but I refused. I don't need the ER."

  "No? Why NOT?"

  "Well, for one thing the only thing they'd do is x-ray me, tell me I have a cracked rib, and that there's nothing they can do. Then they'd tell me it would heal in time. I could use a pain medication, but I'll get by. In the meantime, I'll save myself a thousand-dollar emergency room bill."

  "Get your books and tell me what you need from the bathroom. You're going home with me."


  "Yes, you have any problems with that, Boy?"

  "No, Sir."

  "On the way I want you to give me the description of the guys that roughed you up."

  "Why? I told the police."

  "Because I told you to." I didn't feel like arguing with him about it and let's face it, being the Dom has its advantages.

  "Yes, Sir. Ow. Don't make me smile."

  Once in the car, I reminded him to give me the description I'd asked for.

  "Well the guy that hit me first was a tall skinny guy. I think he was about six four. He had short dirty blond hair and one of the guys called him Ron. The other guys were about my height. One of them had really dark hair and the other one had brown hair. They were all white guys. The tall guy was wearing a long-sleeved t-shirt and the other two had colored t-shirts with pockets. I think they had a pack of cigarettes in them. The cops'll never do anything about it."

  A few minutes later we were pulling up outside the house. I walked Preston inside, stripped him down, and tucked him into bed. I had a few heavy-duty pain meds from an extraction of two wisdom teeth months before. I gave him one with a glass of milk, then unloaded his clothes and bathroom items from the car. It wasn't long before the painkiller took effect and he nodded off to sleep.

  While he slept I made room in the closet and after a few minutes, sat down at the desk to write. I hadn't planned my novel to take a turn like this one, but sometimes things just happen.

  It wasn't long before it became obvious that I was too angry to write. Now that his things were put away and I knew he was sleeping, I grabbed his keys and headed over to his apartment. It was a small place and he didn't have much. I was planning to pack up everything and move him in. On the way, I watched the neighborhood. The threesome he spoke about should be easy to find if they were still around, but there were few people on the street. Just before I got to his apartment building, I turned the corner and was surprised to see three young men walking down the street, facing the other way. There was no mistaking them. How often do you see three young men, one a blond over six feet tall and two others matching Preston's description?

  I continued to drive and parked about a block in front of them. Leonard's words hit me like a ton of bricks. "You never use your skills to attack. This kind of fighting is for self-defense only."

  Locking the car, I turned back and walked toward them. Turning my hand back at ninety degrees from my wrist, I bent over to dust off my shoes. I normally don't exhibit feminine characteristics, but I was baiting the hook. I needed them to believe I was helpless. They'd already been on the attack recently. I needed to look like a victim begging to be taken down. I didn't know any other way to catch their attention. If they were who I thought they were, they'd soon be bothering me. I was a little older and bigger than Preston, so I figured I had to look like someone who was unable to defend himself. Guys like them never attack anyone unless they're sure they have the upper hand. As it was, I'd be outnumbered.

  A moment later, they were on me. "Hey, it's another fag," one of them yelled. I threw my hands over my cheeks letting out a scream of surprise an octave above my own. As one of them swung at me, I went to work. Catching his arm, I had him on his back in a single motion. The other two were laid out on the sidewalk in another ten seconds or so. They were in pain, but none of them were hurt seriously. I walked over calmly and whispered, "I heard you boys like to beat up us fags. Anytime I hear you've done it again, I will find you. Next time, I'll do some serious damage."

  One of the boys whispered something and all I could make out was the word, "Abomination."

  I saw something familiar in his eyes. It was that gaydar thing I've never quite understood but learned to rely on. "Damn but I hate when a closet case beats on his own kind because he hates himself so much." Looking at the other two I laughed. "Looks like I'm going have to protect that one, too."

  Climbing back in my car, I headed back to my house. I realized I'd done what I really wanted to do and even though I'd planned on moving Preston out of his current house, I knew I couldn't do that without clearing it with him. He wasn't my slave. He was my boy. Taking away his authority over his possessions and his life would likely piss him off. We didn't need that. This could wait a day or two.

  The medication I gave him likely had him sleeping really deep, and it hadn't been very long since I left, so I made a pit stop at Leonard's.

  I was concerned that he might not be there. He spent a lot of time at AA. As I pulled into his driveway, I was relieved to see his car. I'd lucked out. He'd likely gone to the morning meeting.

  Leonard also lived in one of the original houses in the neighborhood. His was built of local stone and he'd brought it back to original condition. Along the front was a big porch and I could see Leonard with a book, rocking away in a hanging porch bench. "Hey, Leonard."

  "Boy! I mean Kyle, what's up?"

  I climbed onto the porch as he rose to give me a hug. Sitting on the opposing chair, I told him about discovering Preston all beat up and bringing him to my house. Before I had a chance to say more he reached out and examined my hands. "You didn't play victim again, did you?"

  Looking down out of habit, I soon realized I was subbing and pulled myself together. "I had to, you should have seen him. He was swollen and bruised. I was going to head over there and get some of his things. No actually that's not true. I was going to get all of his things. I was just starting to realize I needed to have a special talk with him first and there really was no hurry. I thought if I did that I'd just piss him off in the process. As I started changing my mind I saw the guys he described. I knew I couldn't just attack them, so I saw to it that they attacked me, confirming their identity in the process."

  "So you just baited them and let them make the first move, just the way you knew they would."

  "Well yeah, I know those kind of guys. They can't resist beating someone they assume is helpless. Those guys are trash."

  "Well, it's done. So, this special talk you're going to have. Have you decided what you're going to say?"

  "I have several thoughts on that. At first, I was just going to demand it, you know go all Dom on him. Now, I just don't know. I can't just tell him I have to protect him. He'll get all defensive. I don't even know the guy that well."

  "You know him more than anybody ever has. You have his soul in the palm of your hand. You just don't know his life plans, his family affiliations, the foods he hates and the foods he loves. You're falling for the guy. You just said it. The problem is you're clueless."

  It was obvious he was enjoying watching me fall for Preston. "Now get out of here. My new boy is coming by in about an hour and I have to prepare."

  "No advice?"

  "Yeah, that kid is likely crazy about you, so he'll want to move in, but you need to assure him that living with you won't get in the way of his studies. Both of you are stressed for time and need to be able to work at home. You may need to set some new rules to secure your own dominance. The more time you spend together the easier it is to go vanilla. He may not want that."

  "Sounds good to me. Okay, I'm out of here." Giving him a hug and thanking him for his help, I ran down the steps, hopped in the car, and headed home with new hope.

  Meeting Leonard


  Once I'd heard what Preston had to say about his new Dom, I was hot to see what all the commotion was about. The very idea that there were guys out there that would literally take what they wanted from you just did something to me. It made me feel kind of queasy, like the first time a guy ran his hands over my pants. I had to see what
all this was about.

  I hopped online and started surfing the web for information on the lifestyle. I wasn't planning so much to research, but instead looking for an opportunity to experience it. In my search, I found a hookup web site that dealt with dominance and submission.

  In a few minutes I was registered and reviewing the posts of men who were online and men who were registered, but not online at that moment. I chatted with a few of them and got the feeling that they were wrong for what I wanted. I had no experience, but I was bound and determined that I would before long.

  While I was searching the site, a window opened up on my screen. I was being contacted by one of the men on the site. I like that, I thought. If I want someone who'd be dominant, it'll be better if he wants me, too.

  To my surprise the man in the picture was Leonard, my self-defense instructor from a night class I'd just signed up for. "So, Dexter, do you like what you see?" he wrote. He obviously recognized me as well.

  "Yes," I replied. In a few seconds, an address popped up on the screen along with an order.

  "Come over here right now," it read.

  I hit the reply button writing, "I'm not far from you, but I have to hop in the shower."

  Seconds later his reply flashed on my screen. "No! You will shower here. Now get moving."

  For some reason I don't understand, I knew his orders had to be obeyed and right now. "I'll be there in ten minutes," I replied. Slamming my laptop screen closed, I grabbed the slip of paper with the address, jumped up, and ran outside, locking the door behind me. In seconds, I was in my car, turning the key, and pealing down the street toward the address he'd given me.

  I parked the car, hopped out and double checked the number on the house with the number I'd written. Working to remain calm as I stepped up on the porch, I knocked on the door, realizing it wasn't latched as the force from my knock swung it slightly open revealing a darkened interior. I saw the figure of a man sitting in an armchair in the corner of the room. A nightlight behind the chair made focusing on him even more difficult.


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