The Diary of a Side Chick 6 (SCD)

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The Diary of a Side Chick 6 (SCD) Page 29

by Tamicka Higgins

  “You don't have to worry about me,” she said.

  “That's not a chance I'm willing to take Meg.”

  “I'm made of steel.”

  “Yea ok.” He laughed. “Steel what? Cotton?”

  “Shut up.” She pinched him.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Mom’s had been doing a lot better by now. After Flin’s funeral, we all took a trip back up North. Tyshawn wanted to bring moms down to Florida and get her set up with some good doctors. Meghan had been keeping him on track. Even though he was still hustling, she made sure he did right by the money. We had found out that Trina had been skipping out on the doctor bills and using the money for herself, and you can imagine what drama that caused.

  “So how did you end up here with us doing a bid?” the other female inmates asked.

  “I ride for my brother,” I said.

  Tyshawn didn’t even know Big Shad had dropped the dime on him. Someone had dropped the dime on him and you know how the rest go.

  “They took me into custody back home for questioning, but I took the rap. My brother always been the strongest one in the family. I knew he had what it took to take care of my moms.”

  The entire prison broke out in applause.


  BONUS BOOK 2: Baby Mama Drama

  Tamicka Higgins

  © 2015


  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and events are all fictitious for the reader’s pleasure. Any similarities to real people, places, events, living or dead are all coincidental.

  This book contains sexually explicit content that is intended for ADULTS ONLY (+18).


  Journal Entry

  “There are days that I can honestly say I wish I had known better. Had someone told me that my life was going to be this insane, I would have straight told them, ‘Fuck you! That ain’t ever gonna be me’. I was struggling, I’ll admit that right now. I lived in a tourist prone fucking city and my rent wasn’t cheap. How in the hell was I supposed to support my momma and my baby on this minimum wage bullshit? I always pretended like I had my shit together when I knew damn well that I really didn’t. I’ll admit though, whenever I pretended like shit was cool, it made me feel good. I mean, in my chaotic bullshit of a life, it was nice to pretend and in a sense escape from what I was currently in. I sure do wish I could escape forever though, just run away from this life. Being a youngin’, it is hard trying to raise a baby. Zion is beautiful but he is a damn beautiful mess. He is only two right now, but he is really smart. This boy is going to be something, I can definitely see it in his feisty lil personalty of his.

  I usually don’t write shit, so this ought to be my first and last journal entry, I guess. While I’m here though, I’m gone go ahead and vent about my current issues. Marcus be gettin on my damn nerves! He know how much I love him, yet he wanna be childish and beat on a bitch like I’m some punching bag. I mean, this shit ain’t news to me, but it seemed like after I had Zion, the nigga went HAM on a bitch and for real used me to release his stress. Shit, ain’t he know that is what sex is for? Maybe I should get on some type of birth control so we can go on and fuck, and he can stop stressin. I just don’t wanna be more of a baby mama than I already am. I would love to have more when I’m married though. I want to have a big and beautiful home outside of this bullshit ass city.

  Hmm, I never got to finish up on what I meant by that escape. Do you ever catch yourself just laying on the roof or on the grass or even on your bed just straight up in a daze? I feel like escaping can be so dangerous yet so necessary and lovely. It just a way for me to get the hell away from the craziness. It allows me to put myself in a different world, somewhere less noisy and less busy. I will get there one day. I mean shit, I love the game I’m running right now. I’m slowly working my way out of it, but it helps a little with the income. I try to do a few drops for these niggas just so I can put some food on the table and pay my bills. Sometimes I wish that I just stayed in this shit full time because before I had Zion, I was making good ass money. But, I know I gotta stay clean and be a good example for my child so waitressin’ at this diner is gone have to do. It can be just so hard sometimes. I, I don’t know man. It’s just a lot going on. I feel like me having this baby had done some shit to me. I love my child, I really, really do. I just feel stuck. I don’t regret having him. I just regret who I had him with. He ain’t done much shit, but he always callin me up and shit and checking in on me like I’m some deadbeat. I never understood why he was always so damn nosey about where the hell my baby was, like nigga damn! The baby right here in my motherfucking arms, or he hanging out with his grandmomma. I swear, there are days where I wish I could get into that escape and make my dream a reality. I would take my baby and head the fuck up out of this shit. I would take momma too. She pissed me off sometimes, and her drug addiction makes me fucking cry, but I love that woman with every bit of me. I just wish things were easier. But hey, I’ll just have to hang in there, huh? Yo, this is hella weird. I feel like I’m talking to this piece of paper, yet it's some kind of therapy like for real. Hahaaa. Whew, just so much going on, I can’t even stand the ridiculousness that is what is going on in my day to day. I mean, I guess with all this bullshit, I find myself just running around living with typical baby mama drama.”

  Chapter 1:

  Loud sirens and flashing red and blue lights weren’t unusual in the slum city of Chicago. It was pretty cold, and it was evident by the sight of what looked like puffs of smoke coming from the hot mouths of people who talked. There was an ambulance wailing past Devyn as she walked along the street, lost in her own thoughts. She didn’t pay any mind to her surroundings. This was everyday life so it wasn’t anything new. She tugged on her thick coat and wrapped her scarf around her mouth, trying to keep herself warm, as she watched all the people run past her and gather around the source of the commotion.

  Devyn just rolled her eyes, annoyed that these people were blocking her path that she was eventually going to have to go through. She looked across the street and came to the conclusion that the sidewalk on the other side was too far for her to cross. Quite frankly, she was just too cold to move any more than she needed to. Crossing the street was just a big obstacle for her, and she didn’t want to inconvenience herself. She groaned and shook her head. All she wanted to do was go for a little walk to get her mind off of what was going on in her life. Her baby daddy was shit, her brother hadn’t talked to her in some time, and she was too busy with work, so she barely had time to spend with her own baby. Zion was her two year old son who she loved so much.

  He had the most perfect peanut butter complexion, and his dark brown eyes were just so precious. He was getting big and developing a personality of his own. He was pretty independent for being a two year old. He really thought that he was bigger than he was. It was so entertaining to watch him be bossy. He was just such a bundle of joy. She beat herself up internally over the fact that she really didn’t get any time with him. Last thing she wanted was for him to feel like she didn’t care about him.

  Devyn peered her eyes at the commotion that wasn’t too far from her, thinking about what could possibly being going on. She checked her surroundings and raised an eyebrow at the familiarity of the district that she was in. It wasn’t the safest part of town to be lurking around at night, being it was a section that was known for crackheads, prostitutes, and the like, yet this was the only street she liked to walk down because it was nearby her house and was just a nice quick route. It wasn’t uncommon for men to drive up by her and try to pick her up. She was gorgeo
us and, honestly, didn’t look like she belonged in the city. Regardless of the constant hollering by guys thinking she was for sale, she still chose to walk the street whenever she felt the need to get some fresh air.

  She continued to look into the distance and saw an extremely familiar face but didn’t want to jump to conclusions as to who it was. She walked a bit faster, keeping her eyes on the one who was now in handcuffs. As she got closer to the crowd, her eyes widened, and she began to get choked up, finalizing realizing the person being taken away was her brother.

  “Chris! Chris!” she yelled, now trying to force her way through the crowd.

  Her eyes were fixed on him, but he didn’t budge. He simply kept on walking. No matter how loud she yelled his name, he chose to ignore her and pretend that she wasn’t even there. She was determined to get to him and although Devyn was petite, she was strong and proved her strength by pushing through some people to make her way in through the crowd. She knocked down a couple people who weren’t paying too much attention and continued to fight her way through the sea of people. Several people became angry with her and yelled at her for trying to get through.

  “Damn bitch!”

  “Hey, quit pushing. Who the fuck you think you is, bitch?”

  “Hell nah!”

  “Who the fuck is pushing all up on me? God damn!”

  She paid them no attention. All she cared about was trying to get to her brother. When she finally made it through, she observed the crime scene. There was blood splatter on the ground that led to two black body bags, a small one and a big one. The air suddenly became thick as the metallic smell of blood and gunpowder filled her nose. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as she watched four men work on carrying the two body bags onto the back of the ambulance. There was an odd feeling welling up in her throat, and she couldn’t quite understand what it was. Maybe she was unconsciously upset that her brother was the one who killed the two people who were being carried away. Just the thought of that killed her on the inside, and she now wanted answers.

  “Ma’am this way, now. Get back!” a police officer yelled, pulling Devyn from her thoughts.

  “What the fuck happened here? Why are you taking my brother away?” she yelled frantically, putting her hands on the officer, trying to push him out of the way so she could get to him.

  He obviously didn’t like her hands on him and saw this as an opportunity to grab her by her arms and drag her to a nearby cop car. The crowd was going wild at this point, yelling expletives and other things that blurred out into a bunch of mush. She tried to fight back, but he overpowered her and shoved her into the backseat of the car. Devyn placed her hands on the window and held back tears that were forcing their way out from her eyes. She looked at the ambulance and at the cop car that had her brother in the back, and watched them take him away.

  “What in the fuck is going on? What the hell did he fucking do? Someone is going to fucking answer me!” Devyn yelled in anguish, banging her fist against the partition. She grew angrier and became even more erratic when they didn’t answer her back but instead just drove in silence, not even talking or looking at one another.

  “Are you motherfuckers going to answer me or what? Why in the hell is you takin’ me away anyway? What the fuck did I do? Let me fucking out if y’all ain’t gone tell me shit. All I asked is, what the fuck is going on? Come on, I got a kid I got to check on, not like you motherfuckers care anyway, but damn! I’m so sick of y’all right now.” Devyn yelled as she pounded even harder on the partition, stopping when the cop in the passenger seat turned around and pointed his gun at her.

  “Shut the hell up! God damn, you’re no different than these stupid ass hood rats who run these streets. You ought to be thanking us for doing you this fucking favor by taking your ghetto ass to the station to talk to this motherfucker. So do us a favor and shut the hell up. Your ass is in this car cause you need to identify the bodies.”

  Devyn raised an eyebrow and tilted her head.

  “Identify the bodies? Why in the fuck would you need my ass to identify some random ass body?”

  The two cops fell silent again as they navigated slowly through the now parted crowd. Devyn hated when they became silent. She had questions that needed to be answered, and she wasn’t about to let two high and mighty acting police officers not answer her.

  “Uh, hellloooooo. I know y’all hear me. Oh, now y’all can’t talk? This shit is helllllla irritating. Don’t make me turn into a real ass hood rat and start gettin’ louder and louder. I bet y’all would just love that shit.”

  The cop in the passenger seat turned around again and shot her a death stare, clearly annoyed that Devyn wouldn’t just shut her mouth.

  “Look bitch, we already know about your lil boyfriend, Marcus, and your brother took a hit for Stacks, killing your family as one of his missions.”

  That was a double hit for Devyn, and she was at a loss for words. She slumped back in her seat and began to cry. She was mortified and she felt so guilty. Not only did the police officer remind her of her ridiculous baby daddy who was someone she was too busy trying to forget, the cop also reminded her of the pain of knowing her brother killed their mother and her child. She was angry, confused, and dead on the inside. Her eyes averted towards the window as her mind went to wander. Everything moved in slow motion as she continued to sob.

  Chapter 2

  Devyn slammed her fist on the table in the interrogation room. She was already pissed off that she had to confirm the fact that the two people her brother killed that night were indeed her son and mother. The image of their restful state lying on the table stuck in her mind, and it felt almost unreal to see them laying like that. It hurt and she was definitely upset.

  “Chris, why would you do something like that to them? Why in the fuck would you kill them?” Devyn yelled as she slammed her fist on the table again.

  Chris just sat back in his orange jumpsuit and rested his cuffed hands in his lap. He stared at her with cold eyes, not caring about the situation or the fact that he had killed his own mother and the child of his sister. To him, it was just another hit, another job that needed to be done.

  “Are you going to answer me, or are you just going to fucking stay mute? I asked you a damn question. Now respect me and answer me, lil nigga!”

  He shrugged his shoulders and looked away from her, scoffing before returning his gaze unto her.

  “Look, it ain’t my fault yo ass slept round with one of them Royals. Shouldn’t have had a baby by that nigga.”

  Devyn clenched her teeth and pounded the table again.

  “So you killed my baby because of him? Chris, he was a baby! He was only two! What in the hell were you thinking? Not only that, but you killed momma. You put down the very woman who gave you your life. What the fuck did momma have to do with anything? What the hell did she do to deserve that shit? ”

  “Wrong place, wrong time, I guess. She was a damn addict anyway. The fuck did she do to contribute to my life, or yours? Besides, my house so my rules, bitch. I’m the one who was payin for ol’ ladies place. I can do whatever the fuck I want. Yo ass decided to leave yo baby with her and yo baby is a Royal. I ain’t with that shit. The fuck I look like housin’ the motherfucking enemy? She fucking did--”

  Devyn slapped him across the face, causing him to stop mid-sentence. She didn’t want to hear anymore vile words come from his mouth. She was beyond heated.

  “How dare you talk about Momma like that? How dare you kill my baby because yo punk ass ridin’ for them weak ass Stacks niggas. You killed your fam for them? Who in the fuck? You feel better lil nigga? You feel like they gone appreciate you for doin that shit? Nigga, if them bitches told you to jump off a damn cliff, would you? That shit is the same type of bullshit you pulled tonight. I can’t fucking believe this shit. I’m so disappointed in you.”

  Chris just sat back in his chair and sucked his teeth, shaking his head.

  “Yo, I’m sick of this shit. Let me g
et out of here. I ain’t need to hear no mo’ shit from this bitch. Let’s fucking go.”

  Chris stood up and was escorted out by one of the police officers. He looked back at her in disgust before walking out the room.

  “Let’s go. He’s gone and it is time for you to leave,” another police officer said, placing his hand on her shoulder.

  Devyn shook off his hand and brushed passed him. She was agitated and felt that he didn’t need to show her out. She was fully capable of showing herself out of the building. Devyn tried to get a glance of her brother again, but she was too late. He was already on the other side of the bars and headed down what looked like a neverending hallway. She scoffed and rolled her eyes before heading out the door to walk home.

  She fixed her scarf and jacket to bear the coldfront as she headed down the street. Girls in nine inch high heels were parading by her down the dim streets in skimpy tight dresses with no jackets to protect them from the weather. They looked like they were used to it, or they had to be because not too far behind them was a signature blacked- out Tahoe watching them strut their stuff, making sure they were on task and getting that money. Devyn remembered the days she had to do that. As much as she hated being used, she loved the money. As she watched the girls get approached, she remembered that she really wasn’t about that life. She was happy to be out of that world. It was hard and the money was real good, but the demands of what her pimps wanted were ridiculous. She just shook her head at the thought and continued on down the street.


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