The Diary of a Side Chick 6 (SCD)

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The Diary of a Side Chick 6 (SCD) Page 36

by Tamicka Higgins

  Makayla drove passed one house and notice that it was ominously empty. She had heard that this particular house was used to hide certain drugs and was one that he frequented every once and awhile. It sounded like the perfect place to hide someone, in a decent neighborhood that didn’t look to out of place. It was a place that seemed like it was used often. It didn’t look like a vacation house or one that someone only frequented on small occasions. The front of the house was nice and clean and although it did have a strange omnicity, it wasn’t odd. It was like the perfect house you would see on that magazine yet it looked suspicious, to her at least. After sitting there for another good minute, sizing up the house and debating if it was a good idea, Makayla got out of her car and headed towards the building. Makayla’s heart started to race and her mind started to spin as she approached the building, second guessing her judgement and wondering if this was even a good idea.

  “Makayla, shut up! This is for Devyn. Even though this place looks so fucking weird and this may be the place, you have to keep strong. You have to keep it together and rescue lil mama. She needs you, she needs you, she needs you. Come on now, you the baddest bitch. You ain’t never been scared of nothing, let’s go!”

  She carefully crept up the door and jimmied the lock open so that she could get in. It was surprisingly easy to get into the house which was concerning.

  What if they were expecting that she come in? What if that was the reason why it was so easy to open the door?

  Makayla shook her head of her dangerous and intimidating thoughts and closed the door quietly behind her before she looked around at the not so well furnished house. It honestly looked like a straight up trap house. Knowing how much money she knew the Royals had sitting around, she was disappointed. The inside of the house looked kind of ragged with its slightly torn leather couches, dusty desk, outdated wood lamp, a big chunky TV, and plastic plants.

  Maybe they wanted it to look like the typical trap house? Maybe they really don’t use this place?

  She pinched her nose at the scent of what smelled like rotting flesh, cigarettes, and alcohol. Her heart started to race as she crept more into the house, following the source of the scent. She happened upon several bedrooms but turned up nothing. She then headed further down the hall and came across a door that she had not gone into. As she approached the door, the overwhelming scent that was lingering in the other areas of the house, was more concentrated in that area. She bit her lip and wrinkled her nose, realizing that she had found the source of the scent. It was behind this very door.

  Makayla held her breath and fought back the tears, hoping that whatever was behind the door was not what she thought it was. She wanted to believe that Devyn was still alive, but she couldn’t help that she was constantly reminded of that damn note that Marcus had left on her kitchen table the day that he took away her best friend. She knew Marcus was crazy as shit, and she knew he didn’t play any games, but she had a glimmer of hope that he would spare her best friend. Makayla tried to be positive and looked back at the beginning of Devyn and Marcus’s relationship. She remembered how happy they were and how much they loved one another before they had Zion. Makayla thought maybe they just needed a new start, and they needed some alone time to figure things out. But then again, Mikayla remembered that Marcus could be very unpredictable so there really was no telling what could happen at any given time. Makayla also knew that he could be really violent, and that it didn’t take much to make him snap. Unfortunately, Makayla also knew that he was being abusive to her but let things go sometimes because she just wanted Devyn to be happy. There were a lot of things Makayla knew she did wrong as a best friend, and all she wanted to do was get Devyn back and fix all of her wrongs.

  She placed her hand on the knob and took a deep breath a before she opened the door. She swung it open and covered her mouth at the sight before her.

  “Oh my fucking.. What in the hell?”

  BONUS BOOK 3: She Betrayed Me

  A South Vendetta Hood Drama

  Tamicka Higgins

  © 2015


  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and events are all fictitious for the reader’s pleasure. Any similarities to real people, places, events, living or dead are all coincidental.

  This book contains sexually explicit content that is intended for ADULTS ONLY (+18).

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16


  Pop, pop, pop.

  It sounded like a warzone out in the projects of South Vendetta. How fitting of a name. Last time I checked, Vendetta referred to when someone from a family seeks vengeance on the one or on the family who killed their loved one. That is what is going on right now. A real life vendetta out here in South Vendetta.

  Pop, pop, pop.

  “Shit! Kaleo! Nigga, come back to fucking earth, man.”

  I looked over at my man, JB, who looked scared to death. I wasn’t scared. I was sure as fuck in a daze though. I wanted to fucking kill whoever killed my partner in crime—my best friend and brother. Those weak ass punks murked my bro in the most lame ass way. They caught him off guard when he was visiting his baby mama. His own baby girl saw her daddy fall to his knees and lay there dead. Shit had me heated. I wanted the HAs fucking dead—every single one of them goons who decided it was cool to kill him like that. Damn coward ass motherfuckers.

  Pop, pop…

  “Move nigga,” JB said, pulling on my arm to move closer into the building. We passed all the dead bodies laid out on the floors and on some counters. I didn’t see any of my men; that was a good sign.

  Pop, pop.

  We both ducked, but JB shot back up and fired a couple rounds back. It sounded like he got the nigga ‘cause someone made an agonizing groan right before he fell with a loud thud.

  “Yo! I need y’all! JB, nigga! Keshawn is down. I ain’t wanna leave him. Please help me bro,” a familiar voice called, but I couldn’t make out who was calling. I was still in my daze.

  JB just looked at me before heading in the direction of the cry for help. I remained alone and had to fend for myself. This definitely wasn’t my first rodeo. I’ve been in situations like this, but this one was for my bro.

  I heard shuffling coming from the left side of the room. I immediately gripped my Glock and moved towards the sound inside of the bedroom adjacent to where I was. I inched my way closer and closer, fingers clenched tightly to my gun, anticipating my first kill of the night.

  Feeling bold, I stepped into the doorframe and held my firearm up with my finger steady on the trigger.

  “Aye, motherfucker! I’m tired of y’all niggas killing my squad. Y’all here for vengeance but shit! I’m bout to fucking murk yo ass too.” A woman behind a ski mask yelled.

  Oddly enough, the voice sounded vaguely familiar and it unconsciously stopped me from shooting her. It was dark and dusty in the room, and I couldn’t make out much except the fact that she was indeed a female based on her figure and voice and that she wore a black ski mask and an all black outfit.

  I waved away the dust and focused my gun on the female. How interesting that my first kill of the night was going to be a woman. It didn’t f
aze me though; she was apparently down to kill so that meant she was down to die for her squad. I kind of admired that. My squad had a few of them, but we kept them behind the scenes, not out on these streets fighting alongside us. Just as I was about to murk the bitch, she took off her ski mask and dropped her gun to her side.

  “What the fuck? Kaleo?”

  Woah, what the hell? She knew my name? I mean that wasn’t unusual. Normally though, people will recognize me, yell my name, and then start shooting at me. I was so confused, like who the hell was this chick? I squinted my eyes and did my best to focus on her pretty little triflin’ face. Once I caught focus, I realized that this girl standing before me was my own damn best friend. She was standing right in front of me, defending the other team.

  “Yo, what in the hell, girl! I-I thought you didn’t mess with gangs and shit like this? You said this shit was beneath you. Damn, man.”

  My mind was racing as I took in her face. I saw what looked like tears flowing from her eyes. I took my attention off her face when I saw her start to move her arm. She rose the arm that held her gun and cocked it so that it pointed in my direction. What in the hell was going on, man?

  “W-wait, what are you doing?”

  I was never one to stutter, especially in tough and stressful situations like this. It was just mind blowing that my homegirl was right before me, pointing a damn 9mm my way.

  Click, click. Boom.

  Chapter 1

  “Yessss, yesss. Bitch, take this fucking dick!” I yelled as I slid myself in and out of a luscious and curvy ass hoe.

  I really am not one to talk like this when talking to women, but there was something about a woman with bomb ass curves and a good pussy that’ll make a good nigga like me turn into the street dominant nigga all these hoes appreciate. I guess I can give credit to my career as a factor to the fact that I talk like a street nigga. I mean shit, when you ridin’ the streets as the head of a major drug cartel, you tend to pick up slang and talk like the people you deal and work with. Not only do I run these streets sellin’ drugs, I am also a full-time pre-med student. Aha, I guess my smarts and my money are the real reason why these bitches like to play with a nigga like me.

  I continued to stroke deeper and deeper into this unknown female. I picked her up at a party not so long ago. She was fine and her ass had me all in my feels. So, I took her home and played around with the beauty. We had been going for some time now though and I was about to come. It was like she knew cause just as I was about to, she took herself off my dick and knelt in front of me. She grabbed onto my dick and stroked it as I came all on her face and in her mouth. Man, shit felt so good but lil mama ain’t come yet. So, being the gentleman that I am, I pushed her ass against the wall and fucked her again until she came. Didn’t take too long, I knew females like being pressured and pushed up against walls. Something I learned along the way when I was messing around with other girls. Also, I learned that shit in health class. Definitely pays to pay attention in class, huh?

  She kissed me on the lips before she went to go hop in the shower and get dressed. Like any other good hoe, she knew not to play games with a nigga like me, she knew that this was as good as it was going to get. I appreciated that though, for real. I came across so many psycho bitches that had some good ass pussy but tried to stick around claiming they were pregnant with my kid or that they wanted us to become something more. Nah, I got a good vibe off of this one, and I knew she knew it was only going to be a one-time thing. Good for me, man, good for me.

  I walked into another one of the bathrooms and took a quick shower myself, rinsing off real good before getting out to get dressed. When I had my clothes back on, I walked into my lavish living room and stared out the big window down at the city. Vendetta Heights was so beautiful. It almost never rained in this city and it was so lively here. I looked down and saw my school. Ivy Field University. It too was beautiful and was so hard to get into. It was already my third year in school. I can definitely thank my parents for kicking my butt and making me focus in school. I really wanted to make something of myself and I honestly didn’t want to disappoint them, so I went out here and left comfy ol’ Lakeland Heights for another comfortable place of luxury. It just makes me laugh how they think I’m such a good boy, going to school and making something of myself. I mean, that isn’t entirely wrong, but I run a dangerous group. Not only that, but I run the most notorious cartel in this city, yet they know nothing about it. Which works for me because, really, they don’t need to know. Only these other street niggas who are trying to come up and be as good as I am need to know about me.

  The female walked back into the living room and wrapped her arms around my waist. I complied and placed my hands on hers. She quickly let go of me and informed me that she was on her way. Simple enough. I watched her leave my place and drive away in a stylish little BMW. When she was good and gone, I averted my attention back onto the city. I smiled as I looked around again, thinking that this lavish city was mine for the taking. A youngin in his early twenties was already running these streets with the help of his man-made drug that drove these customers crazy. It gave them a high that lasted a good four hours before they came off of it, smoothly though. It was created for the user to come off of the drug feeling good and not groggy. While they were on it, it made them feel like they could conquer the world. Made the user feel at ease, too, though. It was an odd sensation that I can’t even put my finger on. Thank God for my chemistry and other medical classes that taught me all about chemical compounds and how to properly mix them up, producing my million dollar magic. Yeah, this drug has already set me for life and it had only been active in these streets for a couple of years. It’s not a finished project though, I’m still looking for ways to improve it, but for now, it's giving me a nice and steady income. Unfortunately for those who ingest it (but fortunately for me) is that whoever tries my drug becomes insanely addicted and comes searching for their next hit. They wonder why it's so good, but I keep my shit a secret. Hence why the drug is called Secret J.


  The sound of my phone vibrating startled the fuck out of me and quickly drew me from my thoughts. I rose an eyebrow as I approached my phone, wondering who the hell was calling me now.


  “Aye man! What up? I got some news for you and we need to discuss some shit.”

  It was Kairee, my best friend and my brother. It was always good hearing from him.

  “Yo Kaleo, I found out some real valuable information that I know you will for sure appreciate so uh, when you wanna meet up?”

  “I’ll catch you at yo place if you want, man. I don’t mind it. I need to get out of my place anyway.”

  “Aight bro, catch you in a bit.”


  I shoved my phone into my pocket, grabbed my keys, and headed outside to get into my Lambo. I cranked the ignition and headed over to Kairee’s.

  As I drove there, I found myself lost in my thoughts. Kairee had always been a brother to me, even though he ain’t came from the same momma. Unfortunately, his mom and all his siblings died in a horrific car accident. It was at night when it occurred. From what he told me, his momma was driving home from picking up the other youngins from seeing some friends when someone smashed into the back of the car, sending them off the overpass and into oncoming traffic. The accident caused a six-car pile-up and several other people died that night too. It was horrific, man. Kairee was waiting on them to all come home but got a phone call telling him they were all dead. It was our Freshman year in high school and I had only known him for a few months but we clicked and he was like a brother to me. When my family found out about this, we took him in and made him one of us. We loved him and raised him right. He too attends the same college I go to and is also a pre-med student, doing it big like me. Kairee is a fresh lil nigga. He’s fit and has waves that put all the desperate little college females in their feels. His hazel eyes, bright white smile, and tall stature definitely s
eal the deal.

  I made it over to his place and parked my car in front of his garage. There he was. He walked out from the front door and gave me a big hug before he led me inside his lavish mansion. We were definitely alike, we were both young with big ass houses, knowing we didn’t need all this space. But hey, when you have the money, why live in a typical college dorm or small ass apartment?


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