The Diary of a Side Chick 6 (SCD)

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The Diary of a Side Chick 6 (SCD) Page 40

by Tamicka Higgins

  “Yo, what up!” My little brother, Kyle, said as he too scared the shit out of me and popped out of nowhere, smacking me upside my head. Damn, was I losing my touch?

  I laughed out loud and put this lil punk in a headlock before hugging him. He wasn’t that much younger than me, just a year. He looked good, I mean he did get his looks from me. He was about the same height as me and looked real fit, must have stayed playing sports like Pops told him to.

  We all piled into Mom’s car and drove over to the house up on the hill. My place was beautiful, but Mom and Pop’s place was way better. Shit had like twelve rooms, six bathrooms, and a shitload of space. My parents always liked to entertain, so I mean I guess all this space was necessary. Then again, I can’t talk because my place has a lot of space too.

  We all got out the car and they showed me to my room in the house. Once I was all settled and comfortable, they poured me some lemonade and we all gathered on the couch. We just had small talk about how I was doing, the usual welcome-home-type questions. I told them about school and how I was doing well. I almost told them about Tangie and I kinda wanted to tell them about my cartel, but I knew better not to. I really wanted to get a kick out of it, but I wasn’t ready to see Momma have a heart attack.

  Speaking of Tangie, it had been some time and she ain’t text me back. What in the fuck? You know what? I’m not about to worry about this shit or about what is going on with her. I don’t mean to sound hella cold, but if she don’t wanna talk about it, there isn’t a reason for me to poke and prod at her. When she is ready, she will come to me, or not. I don’t care right now, can’t let that shit consume me anymore.

  After laughing with them and catching up, we all disbanded and Momma went to make some brunch. I was about to head up to my room when Kyle came to stop me, tugging me outside to chat with him. I didn’t mind it at all, not like I was doing anything special anyway.

  “What’s up, bro?” I said, grabbing his shoulders to give them a loving squeeze.

  “Aye, Kaleo. Not much just tired as fuck. School is killing me and I hate being a waiter at this bougie restaurant. People tip all right, but it’s just tiring being on your feet all day.”

  “I bet it is. Why don’t you get another job, like a desk job. Your major is in accounting, for Christ sake. You’re going to spend most of your time behind a desk, bro.”

  “But I need the money now. I’m not about to wait for another job interview and then wait for another decent paycheck after slaving for two weeks. I am kind of desperate here and I don’t wanna mooch off Moms.”

  “I may have an idea of a good job for you.”

  I shook my head and chuckled. Looks like lil bro was in quite a bind here. I would so love to help him out, maybe slide him some money. I mean, I got the money to just blow, but in a way I want him to work hard for it. I don’t want my bro getting hurt though; if anything ever happened to him, I don’t think I would be able to forgive myself at all. I really need to think about this if I really want him to work alongside me. He could actually benefit from working with me; I just don’t know if he will tell Mama. I guess I’ll have to feel that out before I make any offers.

  Chapter 9


  I found myself pacing my room again but this time my phone was on. Instead of avoiding phone calls, I was waiting for one, a major one at that. Travis was going to call me any second to let me know when he was getting close. Apparently he has something hella important to tell me. What was he going to tell me this time?


  “I’m outside”


  I didn’t even have a chance to say hello and he wasn’t kidding when he said he was outside. I turned to look out my window and saw his big ass waiting right by my door. What in the hell?

  I ran down the stairs and opened the door, opening my arms for him to hug me. I’m glad the feeling was reciprocated cause he wrapped his arms around me and gave me an actual hug, not some lame ass “oh hey” hug. Made me feel loved. That didn’t dismiss the fact that I was still scared as shit though. I was really worried about what he was going to say.

  I watched him glide across my living room and sit on one of my couches, looking at me like he was going to tell me a death sentence or something.

  “I need yo pretty lil brains to help me orchestrate an assassination or two.”

  Okay, maybe I spoke too soon. When I meant death sentence, I was referring to him telling me that I was going to die. I would have probably preferred he told me that he was going to kill me right then and there versus hearing that mess. I mean, yeah, I did consider joining his cartel and I did want to do whatever it took to help out big bro, but maybe reality was starting to hit me that I really wasn’t ready for this, like at all.

  “Uh, uh. Yeah, sure. I would love to uh. Yeah.” I muttered as I nervously stood before him.

  He noticed I was hesitant and I don’t think he liked that because he stood up real quick and towered over me. Here is my death wish, he is totally going to kill me now. All he had to do was sweep me nice and quick across my face with those big hands of his. But he didn’t. He gently took my hands into his and smiled warmly at me.

  “You seem hella hesitant. It’s aight, I promise it is. You is so smart and shit, smarter than me and I know you is mo’ than capable to do this task. Mo than I am. It’s all going to be okay. I know you got this.”

  His words were so soothing and I truly believed him. He put me at ease and I was beyond eager to work under his wing and do whatever the hell it was that he wanted me to do. I happily took my seat on my couch across from him and waited for him to talk.

  “Aight. So, remember how I mentioned how one of my connects got gunned down?”

  I nodded and listened closely.

  “Okay so like, they was small and shit and didn’t have much to them, but they was my gateway. They was the one who had more lil connects that I was bout to utilize in order to advance my shit. When these dumbass niggas came and ruined it by killin’ them motherfuckers, they messed up my plan. Now, this is where you come in, baby girl,” He said with a smug ass look on his tired lookin’ face.

  I listened in even more, making sure I took extra note of the next things he was going to say ‘cause this was the part where he would tell me what the fuck my dumbass was getting myself into.

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out two wallet-sized photos. I rose an eyebrow as he slid them into my hands, flipping the pictures over so I could see them before he placed them down into the palm of my hands. My eyes widened and I gasped at the sight of the two photos. They looked oddly familiar, both of them, so it was strange that I was given the task of killing people I probably knew. I guess that was something I was going to have to become accustomed to though, if I really did want to go through with this shit.

  I sighed as I looked away from the pictures and over at him. I quickly fixed my expression so that he wouldn’t get suspicious of me possibly changing my mind, even though I kind of was. I was in limbo over this shit.

  “So, you gone help out big bro?” He said with that same smirk on his face.

  I sighed again and returned the smile.

  “Yes, I am going to help you out. I know these dudes often frequent a bar by my campus. They are there like hella often so it won’t be too hard to spot them and follow them around if that is what you want me to do. Shit, I don’t know.”

  He stood up again and patted me on my head, shaking his head with a chuckle. “That is the idea, but I want you to follow them and figure it out quickly so that we can go ahead and murk ‘em. Get all the info you need though, chief. I’m trusting you.”

  Great, now I felt hella responsible. This was overwhelming. I stood up and nearly fell over because I was so dizzy from all of this shit. I watched him head towards the door and start to head out when he paused in the door frame.

  “Oh, ‘fore I forget. Welcome to the family. If this goes well, I’ll pay you more than your anticipated career could ev
er pay you and I’ll treat you like royalty. You are my baby sister after all.” With that, he was out the door.

  I leaned back in my chair and closed my eyes for a moment, trying to soak in all that just happened. I had already taken on the job and Travis just welcomed me into the family. What the hell?! I guess I better get to work.

  Chapter 10


  I rolled out of bed and grumbled as I wobbled towards the bathroom in my room. I forgot to close the stupid blinds last night, so the second the sun had a chance to peek its way into my room it woke me the fuck up. I quickly washed up before making my way down the hallway to the kitchen.

  “Mmm mmmm,” I mumbled as I was instantly hit in the face with the scent of fresh pancakes, eggs, sausage, and bacon. Momma sure knew how to throw down when it came to breakfast, or really, any type of meal.

  “Good morning everyone!” I said sounding as excited as I looked.

  They all looked at me and returned by greeting as I took my seat. I sipped on the glass of orange juice that was set down for me while I waited for my plate. Momma piled my plate high with three big ass pancakes, four sausage patties, and four strips of bacon. She scrambled my eggs to perfection and melted some cheese on top just to make it even better. My mouth watered and I wanted to dig right in but momma gave me the look.

  “Boy, you know you ought to pray for that food you bout to eat, come on now.”

  I looked up at her and pursed my lips. Why should I pray when I’m already a sinner. A big ass sinner; Momma should see the shit I get myself involved in. I take that back, I don’t need momma passing out on me or anyone so uh, I think I’ll just say grace. I ain’t prayed in a minute though. I just bowed my head and closed my eyes like I had always been taught to before I went into bullshit mode.

  “Uh…Thank you God for this meal and thank you for my family. Thank you for the many blessings you bring to me. Uh, amen.”

  I peeked one eye open and saw Momma bobbing her head in approval, guess that means I did it right, regardless of the fact that I really did pull that shit out my ass. I meant what I said though, now that I think about it. I really am thankful for this family, even though I’m still the biggest sinner in this damn room.

  I started to dig in and took big bites of my food. Man was this good. I hadn’t had good food like this since, well, the last time I was home a couple of years ago.

  Kyle patted my shoulder and looked over at Momma and Pops, making sure they were distracted before he whispered to me, “So what job did you have in mind? You never had the chance to tell me what it was.”

  I chuckled and was about to tell him a little about it when my phone rang. I looked over at him and told him that I would be right back.

  “Kairee, what’s good man? Is everything alright? Is there an emergency? Yo ass never calls me this early. Is it JB? Did that group retaliate? What the fuck is going on nigga, don’t leave me hanging!”

  “Damn nigga, if you would just shut the fuck up and let a nigga talk then you would find out real quick what the fuck is up! Nah, nothing is wrong. I just wanted to call you up and check in on you actually. How is the fam?”

  “They real good, real good. I was thinkin’ about adding Kyle to the family business, whatchu think?”

  Kairee went silent for a moment before answering, “That ain’t a bad idea to be honest. He is pretty smart; I just worry he may snitch and tell Momma”

  I laughed out loud.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought too, but I thought maybe if I waited a bit and introduced him to the idea that maybe lil nigga wouldn’t snitch.”

  “Up to you, bro. But uh, I’m glad fam doin’ well. Speakin’ of fam, bro, I’m bout to go see Chloe. I really wanna make this work with her so I’m meeting up with her and my lil baby girl Destinee at her place. I’ma stop over by the store and buy Chloe some flowers and then a little doll or something cute for Destinee. I’m hyped, bro, I’m real ready for this. We can finally be a family and be something. I don’t wanna be no deadbeat nigga. I know what that type of shit does to lil girls. They turn into lil hoes. I don’t want Destinee getting knocked up by some hood rat, you feel?”

  “Yeah, I feel you.”

  Kyle came by and kindly tapped me on my shoulder. He relayed to me that Moms and Pops was getting ready to head out for the day and that Kyle and I were invited to come with. I nodded and told him I would be right there.

  “Well Kairee, I’m mad proud of you and I know shit is going to go good for you. I love you so much, call me to let me know how it all went, aight?”

  “You got it, bro, thanks for listening and always being there for me. I am ready for this next step in my life. Thanks for everything for real, I love you.”

  “Woah, woah. Kairee you sound like you dismissin’ me for the rest of yo life. Nigga you ain’t movin’ across the country or leaving me for good. You sound like you bout to take your last breath and die or some shit.”

  “Nah, but tomorrow ain’t promised, bro, that’s why I wanna start shit right by thanking you and makin’ mends with my baby mama. I’ll catch you later.”




  I was so ready for this shit. I was going to have my babygirl in my arms and my woman’s arms wrapped around my waist. I had been waiting for this for some time. Chloe and I had gone through some shit. I’ll admit, I shouldn’t have just dipped after Destinee was born. Chloe was hella iffy about a nigga when I said I wanted to get serious and start something real with her. I don’t blame her, Destinee wasn’t some puppy dog; she was a human being who needed love and a damn father.

  I wrapped up the beautiful baby doll I had just bought for Destinee and tucked it in a big gift bag so she wouldn’t be able to tell what it was immediately. For my main girl, I bought her a nice bouquet of flowers and I got her a card. Inside the card, I wrote how I really felt for her and how sorry I was. I’ve never been one to be hella mushy and shit—hell I was a punk ass nigga when I met Chloe. Maybe my bad boy attitude attracted her, but what amazes me is that she still want a nigga even though she claimed she was done with me. I appreciate her for wanting to try and I felt that this card would show it. I also threw in a couple thousand dollars for her to spoil herself or to do whatever the hell it was that she wanted with it. I wasn’t tryna sway momma with money either, I just wanted to do it.

  I placed all these presents on the passenger seat of my BMW before I headed down to my baby’s house. My heart raced as I weaved through the streets, anticipating how well this was going to go.

  I pulled up in front of her house and saw my little girl jumping excitedly up and down on the porch, waiting for daddy to come pick her up and hold her. Right behind my little happy princess was my lil dime piece. Damn, she was thick as hell and had the world’s most perfect hourglass figure. Her naturally curly hair fell just below her shoulders and her caramel skin was so damn attractive. If that wasn't enough, my girl was blessed with some nice ass green eyes. She had a nigga droolin’ since day one.

  I hopped out the driver’s seat and walked over to the passenger side to open the door and grab the goodies. I held up the bag and watched as Destinee spun around, super excited to get what was in this bright pink bag. I then picked up the flowers and saw how Chloe rolled her eyes with a cheesy ass, million dollar smile on her face. I knew she loved flowers, lilies especially, so that's exactly what I got her. A big ass bouquet of flowers for my queen. She deserved it.

  I used my foot to close the passenger door before I made my way to my queen and my little princess. I was so close to holding them both in my arms. It had been a minute since things had been good between us and I just wanted it all to be good again. I was starting to get emotional when I saw baby girl running towards me, it looked like she was moving in slow motion.

  It started to get even weirder because everything seemed to slow down around her, too. My legs and arms suddenly went weak, causing me to drop the presents as I fell down. What in the hell was go
ing on? I looked over at my babies and saw them looking at me, mortified. Destinee started to cry. I felt so bad; I didn’t mean to drop her present, I didn’t. I tried my best to scramble and grab the bag to make it look all pretty again. Shit! Is she crying because I dropped the bag and ruined it? I'm sure it's still okay. Wait, where are the lilies? I looked over and saw they landed perfectly okay. Good, ‘cause I don't need to give my girl tainted and tarnished flowers.

  Hold on, why was Destinee running away from me? Wait, why is there blood on the ground? Why was I getting cold? I watched my princess run away from me and into the house and her momma followed right behind her. That’s when it finally hit me that I was being shot at and was hanging on to dear life. I guess my adrenaline and the excitement of seeing the women of my life caused me to drown out the sounds and sensations of being shot. Damn, the things love will make you do. Shit had me feeling like I was invincible, like I was having a good ass high on something real expensive and real illegal.


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