The Diary of a Side Chick 6 (SCD)

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The Diary of a Side Chick 6 (SCD) Page 47

by Tamicka Higgins

  Momma took the flowers before she walked up to me and hugged me too, covering my face with her infamous kisses. She then ushered both of us into her house and sat us down at her kitchen table. I laid the file down on the table and watched momma as she took out a vase and grabbed a pair of scissors. I didn’t want to rush her and make her come to the table, which just felt rude to do. I simply sat there and watched as the magical woman floated around the kitchen, prepping her flowers before she put them in the vase. I watched as she trimmed off the edge of the stems just before pouring what looked like some weird ass white powder into the vase. It looked like cocaine, but I’m guessing it was the plant food thing for the flowers. Momma then poured water into the vase and swirled around the flower cocaine before putting the flowers into the vase. When she was content, she wiped her hands and made her way towards JB and me, taking her seat at the table.

  “So, what’s up baby?”

  I looked over at momma and tried to keep it together. She was a strong woman, and the way she was holding it together impressed me. Shit, I couldn’t even hold it together, but I had to try. I looked down at all the papers and just slid them her way before I spoke.

  “Here are all the final papers, I just need your okay and your signature.”

  Momma pulled out her glasses and fixated them over her eyes. She peered through her lenses and flipped through all the pages. She didn’t say anything to us while she looked at the papers, she just kept flipping the pages. When it looked like momma was content with what was on the documents, she stopped to sign the papers. When she was finished, she let out a sigh and shuffled the papers back into a pile before sliding it back to me.

  “You did good, Kaleo. Everything looks like it is going to be beautiful.”

  I smiled at momma and took back the papers, sliding them back into the folder before we continued to talk.

  “So, Pastor Kenny will be there?”

  “Yes, baby! He will be there. I’m ready for this service to be here so he can be put to rest. He deserves that much.”

  I saw her faintly smile before she looked away. She sniffled and sighed again before she looked back at us.

  “I know you boys ate but are you hungry for snacks or anything?”

  JB and I simultaneously shook our heads to indicate that we weren’t. It was time for us to go anyway, I needed to check on Dae.

  “No thank you, momma. We are actually about to get up and head back. I want to check on Da… excuse me, I want to check on Kyle and see how he is. Excuse us, momma.”

  We all stood up and headed towards the door. Momma walked us to my car and gave us both big hugs before we loaded in the Masi. JB and I waved her away as we pulled out and drove down the street.

  “Well, that was easy and productive.”

  “It really was,” JB said as he looked down at his phone, focusing on it intently. Before I could ask him what was up, he lifted the phone to his ear and started to talk.

  “Hey, Dae. Are you alright?”

  Well shit, lil nigga was three steps ahead of me. I applauded him for that one. I just sat quiet and navigated our way to JB’s house so I could drop him off. I watched as JB switched the phone to speaker so I could hear everything too.

  “Yeah, yeah! I’m good. Thanks for checking in on me. Y’all coming home soon?”

  Lil nigga, Dae, sounded like he was doing good. I mean, we weren’t gone for too long, I honestly don’t know why I was concerned in the first place. Maybe I was just low key paranoid because I had already lost one of my brothers and I didn’t want to lose another one.

  “Yeah, we on our way now. I’m gone drop off JB before I head home, though, aight?” I interjected, knowing that Dae didn’t know he was on speaker phone.

  “Aight! I’ll see you later then, Kaleo.”


  “Way to think way ahead of me, nigga,” I said as I approached JB house.

  He just chuckled and nodded his head. We just continued with small talk before I pulled up to his house and dropped him off.

  “Thank you for coming with me, JB.”

  “Your welcome. I came ‘cause I didn’t want you to fall apart or anything. I knew me being there would be that extra crutch yo ass would need to keep it together. You know? I just wanted you to have someone to lean on.”

  He peeked his head into the opened passenger window and winked at me, making me laugh. He then tapped the hood of the car before he walked into his house. I sat there for a minute before I turned on the engine and peeled out the driveway. I was beyond thankful for JB, he really was there for me. That nigga really is observant, though, I deep inside wanted to just start bawling my eyes out. It was getting too real for me. All these papers being signed meant it was final and I didn’t like knowing that it was final. In a way I was, but the sadness of losing my lil nigga still lingered. I swear, if JB wasn’t there, I would’ve cried so hard, especially after looking at momma’s face and how strong she was being. She was being stronger than I was feeling and I really do admire her for that. Shit.

  I continued coasting back to my house, trying to keep from delving deeper into any more depressing thoughts.

  Chapter 6


  “Travis, I just wanna know where that fuckboy is so I can avoid him. I ain’t wanna come across him, aight!?”

  I was frantic and paranoid because I felt like Kaleo was hot on my trail. I mean, I didn’t know if he really was, but shit, the unknown ain’t something I really wanna find myself in. It was scary not knowing where he was.

  “Yo, Tangie, calm the fuck down. Why yo ass so damn paranoid? I got you, I’ll find out where dude is and then we will keep you away from him, aight? Damn. If anything, I got places where you can stay and hide out.”

  I stopped pacing around and nodded my head at him. I was hearing half of what he was saying and honestly thought he was just saying that shit to make me calm. For whatever reason, I didn’t quite believe him. I just nodded my head to make it look like I comprehended what he said so he would just back up off my paranoid ass and then just do his job. I don’t know what I was doing or what I was thinking. Hell, I didn’t even know what I wanted Travis to do. All I knew was I wanted Kaleo’s ass away from mine. I know what that nigga is capable of doing and I don’t wanna be in his path if and when he finally tracks my ass down. Fuck.

  “Are you hearing me or nah? Why the fuck is you still pacing around like you still have something to worry about? Tangie sit yo ass down and calm the fuck down, for real. You have a nigga over here startin’ to get antsy just watchin’ yo punk ass pace back and forth.”

  Travis swiftly walked over to me and placed his hands on my shoulders, forcing me to sit down in a chair. I just looked up at him blankly. My heart was still racing and my legs were still shaking. Maybe I was waiting for him to just tell me where he was exactly so I could then fully calm the hell down. I think he saw what I was thinking because he smirked and shook his head before he let go of me and walked away.

  “Tangie, you seem like you wanna know the exact spot of where this nigga is. I can guarantee the nigga is probably at his house or some shit tryna figure out how he gone lay his brother down. He probably not even thinkin’ about yo ass right now. I mean I ain’t gone lie and tell you that you won’t be on his mind for too long, cause yeah, that would be a lie. He will probably come after yo ass later on after he done dealin’ with his main family shit.”

  I looked at him and pursed my lips.

  “Travis, that didn’t help for shit. I understand you tryna be honest and shit, but nigga. Nigga, why would you say something like that? That ain’t help me calm my nerves. Yo ass just made me more nervous.”

  He sighed heavily and sat next to me, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me close. He tightened his grip and ran his hand through my hair before he spoke.

  “I’m sorry Tangie. I didn’t mean for that to come out like that, but it is true. I just wanted to warn you, I ain’t gone sit here and tell you it is gone be
okay. I mean it is, but still, you gotta know what the fuck is goin’ on.”

  I did appreciate the honesty, but sometimes this nigga needs to just lie to make me feel better. He was right, though, shit was going to happen regardless and it was better that I knew. I trusted that he would do his best to find out more about it, though. There really wasn’t anything more that I could do.

  “I’ll do my best, though, aight? I’ll do my best to locate that fuckboy so you can be at ease. I’m here for you though and I got my niggas here to protect you too. But you a strong ass female so I already know that you can hold your own. Aight?”

  Chapter 7


  Yo, I've been feeling this job. Lately, Kaleo had been giving me assignments to just do lookouts and just keep my eyes peeled for some off the wall shit. I'm with it. It ain't doin’ shit to me now and I just hope I can learn from all of this.

  Ring, Ri—

  “What up, Kaleo?”

  I immediately answered the phone, letting it only ring one and a half times because I wanted to show Kaleo I was on my shit and not slacking.

  “Dae. I got another assignment for you.”

  Hell yeah, another job. I wonder what it will be this time. Last time it was just looking out from the house, which is easy as shit because I'm here anyway.

  “I uh, want you to still keep on lookout from the house.”

  Damn. I thought that he was gone give me something of more value or of more danger.

  “But that's not all.”

  My ears perked up at the sound of his statement. It quickly made me gain back my excitement and hope that this nigga was gone finally give me something more interesting to do.

  “Yo ass isn’t just keeping a lookout for any niggas who swoop by and check out the house, nah, yo ass is gone patrol the streets around the house and around certain areas to make sure these niggas ain’t out here plottin’ in plain sight. If you catch what I’m tryna throw.”

  I kind of caught what he was tryna tell me, but shit, I was low key still pretty damn confused.

  “Wait, Kaleo. Nigga, what the fuck are you tryna tell me to do?”

  “Sorry. Let me be more clear.”

  I didn’t like the way Kaleo said that to me. I wasn’t sure if he was belittling the fuck out of me or if he really was apologizing for goin’ on his lil rant.

  “Well, yo ass is still gone watch the house for them goons if they swoop around and try to take a peek at the house. I just want you to patrol them streets too. Some niggas out there like to proclaim the shit they gone do so I just want you to do that. Be low key as possible and get information if you can. If you don’t, don’t beat yourself up about it, they may have just stepped up they game and decided they ain’t want they shit to leak. Make more sense?”

  “Y-Yeah. Yeah, I get you now. I’ll get on that.”

  “Nigga, relax. It ain’t somethin’ that you supposed to get right away. It is gone take some time, I guarantee. If anything, just keep yo ears open, aight.”

  “Mhm, I understand.”

  “Aight, cool. Another thing, though.”

  Ah, fuck. What was he going to tell me now? He didn’t sound angry about anything so I don’t understand why I’m being so paranoid. Maybe I just wanna do right for bro and make sure that everything is really okay. I just got here and I don’t wanna betray him or mess up. Fuck, what the hell am I thinking, it probably ain’t something I need to be worrying about.

  “What up?” I said in my best thug voice, tryna mask how I was really feelin’.

  “We gone head out to mommas in a few days for the funeral. JB and I just finished up all the plans and we gone be there in a few, aight? Just be ready ‘cause everything is set and momma is expecting you to come out there. I just wanna remind you not to mention shit when we out there. Momma still thinks yo ass is in school and working hard while you live with me. I’m pretty sure she gone ask you all about it so make sure you come up with somethin’ that is believable. When she is talking to you about it, don’t stutter and don’t fuck it up. For real, Dae. I really wanna keep you on my team and I want you to stay out here. Just don’t mess it up, aight?”

  “You got it, Kaleo.”

  “Aight then. Get yo shit ready for us to leave in a couple days and then go on and do what I have ask you to do. I love you, bro.”


  I placed my face into the palms of my hands and sighed heavily. All the anxiety and fear that I was feeling lifted off of me when we got off the phone. For starters, though, there really wasn’t shit I needed to be afraid of, but maybe just talking to Kaleo and getting new assignments both excited and scared me. I just didn’t want to fail him.

  Yo, when he told me he loved me, it really sealed the deal. I mean, we are brothers, but that really meant something to me. We weren’t that close because he really didn’t spend a lot of time with me, he was always with Kairee. It just felt nice to know that he loved me and that he really wanted me to stay here with him. I want to get to know him better and show him that I can be as good as Kairee. I know bro is going through some shit and he really loved Kairee, I just wanted to show him that I can be good too and I can be a rider.

  I finally got my shit together and headed into my closet to grab a suitcase. I shuffled through the clothes that were hanging and pulled out my best black and white, Hugo Boss, three piece suit. I tossed it into one of those suit bag things and zipped it up before I laid it down nicely into the luggage. I then grabbed my red bottom dress shoes and a pair of socks too, tossing those two items into the top part of the luggage. Once I had my funeral clothes all set, I grabbed a couple pairs of jeans and a couple shirts just to wear to lounge around before and after the funeral and shit. When I was content, I zipped up the bag and put it aside, deciding that I would pack my toothbrush and other shit later on when the day drew closer for us to leave.

  I crawled into my bed and threw the covers over my head. I knew I had a job to do, but I wanted to just gather my thoughts before I headed out there. I really didn’t want to disappoint Kaleo, I really didn’t.

  Chapter 8


  It was eerie as shit driving towards where my nigga was shot down at but I knew that driving this way was gone happen one day, might as well face this shit and do it now. I wanted to close my eyes and snap my fingers, instantly transporting myself into his baby momma’s—Chloe’s—house. It hurt driving in the same direction that these dumbass niggas went when they came for my brother. I felt like I was right behind them, going to see them commit the crime. I felt like I was the one going to gun down my brother. As weird as that sounded, it was how I felt. I hated them so much for this shit, I was so angry that he went down like that. I wasn’t gone ever let this shit go. Hang tight, Kairee, I’m gone get them back for the petty bullshit that they pulled on you.

  I kept driving down the street and felt my heart start to race faster when I pulled closer to the house. It was like I was watching the scene reenact itself. I imagined him carrying those presents and approaching Chloe and his precious baby girl, Destinee. I then saw it. I saw them idiots hop out the car and gun him down with smiles on their faces, knowing they had done their job and happy knowing that I was gone be pissed off and hurt. Maybe they did this shit to throw me off my game. Fuck. I wish I knew. I shook my head of the images and pulled in front of her house, quickly cutting off the engine. I sat there for a second and looked out my passenger side window at her house. I was becoming agitated. Lil nigga was finally stepping up and doing shit when this went down. He was finally making amends with his girl and was serious about starting a family and then this happens.

  I was beyond heated when I found out. I sound like a damn broken record, repeating myself and shit but I mean fuck, this is something I will never forget and something that will forever piss me off. I lost my brother for whatever fucking reason and it wasn’t worth it. I would sit at night and blame myself for the fact that he was in this game and that he was a target. If he were h
ere now, watching me struggle, I bet you he would be telling me to shut the fuck up. He would tell me that he chose to be in this game, too and that he knew what he was getting into. I know that shit, but fuck, being his brother, I felt so responsible. I felt like it was partially my fault for this.

  I shook myself and tried to get myself together before I went up to her door. Even though they weren't exactly together, I still wanted her to be at the funeral, that is, if she wanted to. I know that being there would be hard for her, but it was only right that she get invited because he loved her and I'm sure she loved him. It would give her and Destinee the opportunity to say their final goodbye to him before he went under. I just thought it was the right thing to do and it didn't hurt to ask.

  I finally got myself together and hopped out of my car. I slowly walked up to her door and couldn't help but look down to see a trail of blood. It was painful seeing that trail of blood streamin’ just by my feet. It was dry, but it looked like it was just shed literally a minute ago. Maybe it was my mind playin’ tricks on me, but it seemed like I was able to smell the fresh coppery scent of the blood. It was probably just my mind playin’ me. Shit, I had been in so many encounters that the smell of blood was something that wasn’t necessarily new to me so I was convinced my mind was just doin’ some extra shit right now. Maybe it was the fact that it was someone that I loved and cared for that my senses were playin’ tricks. Shit, whatever, let me get the fuck up out this damn funk and circle that I am runnin’ and let me go on and get to business.


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