Brock: The Hottest Guys You'll Love to Love (Best of the Bad Boys Book 2)

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Brock: The Hottest Guys You'll Love to Love (Best of the Bad Boys Book 2) Page 10

by Jessie Cooke

  “Yeah, we’ll be fine. I’m going to hit the shower.”

  “Yeah, thanks.” Damn I hate this…awkward conversation with a guy I used to be able to talk to about anything. I’m not so much pissed at him as I am frustrated with the entire situation. Lizzie…bless her heart…still hadn’t made any decisions about what to do. I have no idea what it is that Lance wants to tell her when she finally talks to him…did he change his mind about the “contract?” The problem was that as much as I cared about Lizzie, and Lance, this wasn’t my problem to solve and I had a hard time with that.

  Lance headed out to the training room and I took my shower. When I got back to my locker, I realized that I had a missed call from Lizzie. I called her back before I even got dressed.

  “Hey baby girl. I’m sorry I missed your call.”

  “That’s okay,” she said. She sounded good. “I’m sorry it took me two days.”

  “Don’t be sorry. Are you okay?”

  “I think I am,” she said. “Do you have time for lunch?”

  “Always for you,” I told her. Just talking to her on the phone and hearing her sound so much better gave me a sense of peace. “Where and when?”

  “How about Tony’s at one?”

  “Sounds good. I’ll see you then.”

  “Okay, and Brock…”

  “Yeah baby?”

  “Thank you for giving me some time. I had a lot of thinking and reflecting to do.”

  “I would say no problem, but I’m not that unselfish. It killed me to stay away.”

  She laughed. “I haven’t quite figured out what it is you’re sticking around for…but thank you.”

  I hung up feeling optimistic once again. She was a lot stronger than she gave herself credit for. I finished dressing and grabbed my bag. I needed to pee, but I was holding it because I had to test for Lucy today. I passed Clay on my way out and he gave me another goofy grin. He was watching Jacob and his eyes were filled with awe. Mick wasn’t anywhere in sight but Jacob was pounding a bag now. Even the bags cringed in his presence. I made a mental note to sit down and have another conversation with him about this fight. I still wasn’t sure that I could go through with it. I made my way to the lobby. Lucy wasn’t at her desk. She had my paperwork out and the cup that she’d have me pee in, so it looked like she was expecting me. I sat down in her chair and started filling out my part of the paperwork when I heard a noise in her big supply closet. That must be where she is. I signed the form and went over and pulled open the closet door. I really should learn how to knock. Lucy was pinned against the wall with her legs wrapped around a big ass naked Mick. As far as I could tell from that glance, what he was driving up into her was as big as the rest of him.

  “Shit! Sorry.” I backed out and closed the door. Shit! Against my better judgement, I sat in the lobby and waited. Bradley is the one that told me I had to test today. I couldn’t very well tell him that I couldn’t because his receptionist was too busy getting drilled in the closet by one of the new fighters. I kept sitting there, expecting Lucy at the very least to run out almost immediately with an embarrassed look. Fifteen minutes later they both emerged. Lucy was back in her cute little white pleated skirt and suit jacket. Today was one of those days when she’d worn her hair all spiked up on top. She was running her fingers through it as they came out and when she got to her desk she picked up her lipstick and a little mirror and began applying it. Jagger had on his work-out shorts and a tank top. He grinned at me as he passed by, obviously proud of his assets and his score. Lucy wasn’t quite as confident as he was, but her tone with me was completely professional with no hint of remorse that I’d just seen her tits and ass.

  “Sorry about the wait Brock, are you ready?”

  Swallowing a smirk that might get me in trouble with her later I said, “Um…yeah, let’s do this.” Jagger is a stud!



  I got to Tony’s Italian Restaurant early. The hostess showed me to our table and asked if I wanted something to drink while I waited. I asked her for water and nervously waited for Brock. It seemed like “nervously” was the way I did everything lately. I hated being anxious all the time and I doubted that it was good for the baby. I rested my hand over my belly. I suppose I had one thing to thank that asshole Nolan Wright for…he woke the maternal instincts in me. Since that day everything I’d done had been with my mind tuned to making sure that it was good for the baby. I’m still not sure what kind of parent I will be. The examples that I had in my life were not ones to follow…but I somehow feel confident that I’ll be able to figure it out.

  “Hey beautiful.”

  I looked up to see Brock grinning at me with one of his breath-robbing smiles. I knew that I had missed him, but I didn’t know until this moment exactly how much.

  “Hi,” I was suddenly tongue-tied. God, I’m ridiculous. Yes, he’s gorgeous, hot, sexy…but I’ve already slept with him a bunch of times…why the school girl shyness all of a sudden?

  He slid into the chair across from me. He was wearing a simple black t-shirt and jeans, but on him they looked like works of art. “Sorry I’m a little late. I have a story to go with it that I’d love to share with you later.”

  “Why not now?” I asked him with a smile.

  “I thought you had things you wanted to talk about.”

  “I do, but if it’s a good story, I’d rather hear it first. You can be like my warm-up band.”

  He laughed and said, “Funny you should mention bands. Do you remember Mick Jagger?”

  I grinned. “Of the Stones or the back-alley bars in Vegas?”

  Laughing again he said, “That’s the one. Well, on the way to Planet Hollywood the other day, he told me that he’s been…um…sleeping with, Lucy.”

  “Lucy the receptionist?”


  “No way. For one thing, he’s like two and a half feet taller than her…how do they line up?”

  He was really laughing then. “I know, right? Well, I wasn’t so sure he was telling the truth either, especially since he told me they’d had a three way with his neighbor…”

  “Oh my God! Lucy? I’ll never be able to look at her the same.”

  “Well, if you think you’ll have problems looking at her, I walked in on her and Jagger naked, vertical and doing the nasty up against the wall of Lucy’s office supply closet.”

  “What? Oh my God! What did you do?”

  “I excused myself, fast.”

  “Oh my goodness!” I was laughing, but shocked. “Do you think she’ll be mad at you when you see her again?”

  “Well that’s the other part of the deal. I had to wait for her because I had to test today. When she came out she acted all professional, typical Lucy. She didn’t even seem embarrassed. Mick strutted off, all full of himself.”

  I was shaking my head. “Wow, you made my day.”

  “Crazy huh?”

  “Yeah,” I said, still laughing. It felt good. “If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, I would have said Jagger made it up. He seems a teeny bit full of himself.”

  He laughed and said, “Unfortunately that’s an affliction that runs rampant around the gym. As long as we’re on the subject, maybe you need to hang around there a little bit more.”


  “You don’t know what it is that I’m sticking around for? I wasn’t even going to touch that one on the phone.” He reached over and took hold of my hand and said, “Lizzie, I’ve spent the last eight years or so going through women like they were going to go out of style next week. Not once in all those years did I meet one that kept my attention the way that you have. I’ve had one serious relationship in my adult life and even though I was with her for a few years…I never felt like I knew her the way I know you. You’re just…real, baby. You are unapologetically who you are…as well you should be.

  I’m awestruck by you and if you can’t figure out why, I’ll tell you. You’re freaking drop dead gorgeous for starte
rs. You’re the sexiest woman I have ever been with. You’re smart. You’re funny…But you know what impresses me the most?” I was willing the stupid hormonal tears gathering in my eyes to go away as I shook my head. “Strength impresses me…and I’m not talking just about the kind that you see in the octagon…although that kind impresses me too.” He grinned. “Strong people have strong characters and in spite of everything you’ve been through, you not only survived, baby…you thrived. You’re a better person than the people that raised you. You rose above everything and you came out on top. I know that right now you think nothing you’ve done or are doing is all that special…but it is. You rock that octagon girl job and fuck anybody who says it’s all about looking good in a bathing suit…not that you don’t rock the shit out of that too. You have this presence about you that draws people to you and it has drawn me in and even if I wanted to get away from it…which I don’t…I wouldn’t have any power over it. Since I started seeing you, I feel like something is missing when I’m not with you. I’m crazy about you, Lizzie and I’m afraid that you’re just going to have to deal with that.”

  I felt a tear escape and quickly wiped it away. There have been too many tears lately. I was tired of crying. I was ready to be happy. I smiled and squeezed his hand. “Thank you Brock. I’m pretty crazy about you too. I just feel so bad for sucking you into so much drama.”

  “We’ll fix the drama and move on from there. You are so worth it.”

  Another tear fell. No man had ever said I was worth anything unless it had to do with sex. I was going to have to work on believing that. I opened my mouth to start talking and the waiter showed up to take our order. I ordered the eggplant parmigiana and Brock got the Steak Pizzaiola. After he left I said, “Okay, so here I go with my news. If any of this changes you wanting to be with me…I will understand.” He started to speak and I said, “Wait, let me finish okay and then you can offer a rebuttal.” He laughed,

  “Thinking of being an attorney?”

  “Maybe, if I can start believing that I’m as smart as you say I am. But first, I’m going to be a mom.”

  His face literally lit up. “You’re going to have the baby…and keep it?”

  I nodded. “I had a conversation with someone the other day and during the course of that conversation, something inside of me woke up. I realized that something was a maternal instinct. I was protective of this baby and I felt real emotion for him or her…it was the first time I truly imagined it as my baby, if that makes any sense.”

  He smiled…he seemed to not be able to stop smiling. “It makes perfect sense,” he said. “I’m glad you’re going to keep it.”

  “No qualms about dating a single mom?”

  “Not even a little bit,” he said without hesitation.

  My chest almost hurt because my heart was so full.

  “Good. Thank you. Next order of business. Nolan Wright was the one I had the conversation with when I decided that I already loved this baby.”

  “Jacob’s dad?”

  “Yeah. He visited me the morning of the event at Planet Hollywood. He gave me an envelope full of cash…which I haven’t even counted and he told me to have the abortion and there would be more in it for me.”

  I saw his face change again. The vein in his neck was ticking. “Why would he care?”

  “He doesn’t want Ian to be “eternally linked” to Lance. He says that Ian is blinded by the desire for a family and if the baby went away, he’d get tired of Lance eventually.”

  “That arrogant son of a bitch!”

  “My thoughts exactly. But that’s not even the worst part.”

  “Oh, I can’t wait.”

  “He found out about the other girl that…the other girl my father raped in Colorado.” There I said it aloud. That was the first time ever. It’s horrible and disgusting…but it’s a fact and if I’m ever going to get past it, I have to face it.


  “He must have been looking for something. My father paid her mother off to keep quiet. I don’t know the whole deal he made with her…all I heard was bits and pieces of my parents talking and screaming and arguing about it…but I know there was some kind of a deal made and Nolan knows about it. Part of his deal with me was that if I refused the money and I went ahead with the abortion, he would go to the media with this and my father would be arrested.”

  “Jesus!” Brock’s face was red now. Nolan Wright should probably not show his face around him anytime soon.

  “I’m obviously not going to do it. I’m not taking his money either. If he chooses to go to the media…then so be it. It’s high time that my father suffered through the consequences of his actions. My biggest fear is that while I remained silent for ten years…he did it to someone else.”

  “Not your fault, baby. You were just a kid…a scared, abused kid.”

  I nodded. I was trying to come to terms with that. Taking a deep breath I said, “I want to talk to Lance and tell him I’d like to co-parent our baby. If he wants to do that, I’m more than willing. If not, that’s okay too. I am going to tell Ian what his father did. That’s not even out of spite. It’s just obvious that Nolan’s not going to stop until he breaks Ian and Lance up…they have a right to know that.”

  He nodded and smiled. “See what I mean about strength?”

  “I could have done that in the beginning and saved everyone a lot of grief.”

  He growled at me and said, “I guess I’m just going to have to tell you how amazing you are every hour of every day until you get it…if it takes the rest of my life.”

  “I don’t know what you have going on after lunch, but I’m free if you’d rather show than tell….” I can’t change everything about me overnight. I still love sex…most especially with Brock. He grinned and looked as lustful as I felt.

  “I say we change our lunch order to go.”

  “I say you’re the boss,” I told him with a smile. He was already waving the waiter over….



  We were standing in the foyer of Lizzie’s apartment and hadn’t even closed the door yet. She was skimming her soft hands across my chest underneath my t-shirt. I kicked back with my foot and closed the door and then pulled off the shirt to give her better access. I wanted to feel her hands all over me and mine all over her. I pulled her in so that her hips were up against me. White-hot desire was pooled in the center of my core…I wanted her so badly.

  She pressed her full lips into my chest and I shivered. “It’s been a few days; you might not be able to handle me.” She laughed.

  “What’s so funny?”

  With the touch of her lips still on my chest she said, “Baby I can handle anything you can bring.”

  I shivered again and then she reached up and clasped her hands behind my neck and pulled me down towards her. She placed her lips on my neck and my whole body felt like it was on fire. She drug her tongue along the side of it, drawing circles on my skin as she made her way up towards my face. When she reached my ear she took the lobe between her teeth and nipped at it, and then causing a groan to rumble out of my chest, she pressed her lips to it and said, “I can handle every delicious inch of you Brock Carter.”

  “Fuck baby! You’re so sexy.” She slid that hand that was on my chest down between us and into the top of my jeans. The shiver turned into a shudder as she grasped my already throbbing cock through my shorts. “Oh Jesus!”

  “What’s the matter baby…you can’t handle it?”

  “Oh fuck!” My vocabulary was all but gone as she started stroking me, slowly moving her hand up and down the shaft. At the same time, she was grinding herself into my thigh and making sexy little whimpering noises. “Oh Jesus, Lizzie.” I tangled my fists up in her hair and pulled her back so I could see her pretty face. She was smiling up at me. Her full lips framed her perfect teeth.

  She stroked faster and said, “What baby? What do you want?”

  “You, I croaked out dryly. I want you, Lizzie.”

  She gripped tighter and stroked faster. “What do you want to do to me, Brock? Tell me baby…what do you want?”

  “Oh fuck, baby…You’re going to make me cum in my jeans….” I pulled her head back further and brought my mouth down on hers. I kissed her hard…it was brutal. The blood coursing through my body was boiling. When we came up for air she was looking at me with a raw, undisguised lust.

  “Tell me, Brock…tell me what you want to do to me…my panties are already wet just thinking about it…I want you to make them wetter…tell me, baby.” She slid her hand down further and cupped my balls.

  I grunted out, “I want to fuck you, Lizzie like I’ve never fucked a woman in my life.” I reached down and pulled up on her shirt. She had to let go of my cock to lift her arms up and I was trying to move so quickly so that she’d touch me again that I was shaking. I tossed the shirt over my shoulder and unhooked her bra. Those gorgeous tits fell out and I gasped. Each time I saw her was like the first time. I couldn’t get enough of her. I leaned down and licked my way across the swell of her breasts. She put her hands on my head and as I sucked one of them into my mouth she gasped and her hands clamped down tighter pushing my face into her chest. I closed my lips around her nipple and swirled my tongue around it and then I found the other gorgeous breast and lavished the same treatment on it. Fuck she’s hot!

  “Damn baby,” I said, pulling back slightly so that I could take a breath. “You’re so beautiful. You’re probably going to kill me. My heart is going to explode and I don’t care.”

  She raked her fingernails across my chest and smiled that sexy smile at me. Then she brought them back up to my shoulders and did the same to my arms. Then she brought them up one last time and ran them down my back and into the back of my jeans and cupped my ass. She squeezed it tightly. “Let’s go in the bedroom,” she said. “We need to get these jeans off you.”

  “Fuck yeah we do!”

  She took my hand and I followed her into her room. As soon as we were there, she wrapped her arms around my chest and laid her head against me. I ran my hand along the back of her silky hair and she started moving her hips up against me in slow, circular motions. I reached down and grabbed her thigh and pulled her leg up. She continued rubbing against me and I thought I was going to bust a nut in my jeans like a teenager. I let her leg down and walked her back towards the bed. Before I laid her down on it, I unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. Once she was on her back, I pulled them off her. All she had on now was a hot pink thong. Lord have mercy. She reached up and pulled me in by the waist of my pants. Propping herself up on one elbow, she used the other hand to unbutton and unzip my pants. I was suddenly in a hurry. I pushed them down and as soon as I got past my pelvis, my cock popped out. She reached up and grabbed it and I swear to Christ it took everything in me not to cum in her hand right then. That wasn’t as tempting as what she did next though. She pushed up again and let her tongue swipe the tip where the evidence of my desire for her leaked out. My head exploded.


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