Brock: The Hottest Guys You'll Love to Love (Best of the Bad Boys Book 2)

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Brock: The Hottest Guys You'll Love to Love (Best of the Bad Boys Book 2) Page 19

by Jessie Cooke

  “Cum para mí chica sexy.” That simple, sexy request sent me tumbling over the edge of ecstasy. The muscles of my pussy contracted around him and I had to bite down on my bottom lip to keep from screaming. He put his hands on my hips and rose up off the seat, pushing into me as deeply as he could as I convulsed around him. He thrust over and over, bucking me up into the roof each time. When I finally collapsed into him, he gave me a sexy smile and said,

  “Hold on baby, it’s my turn.” He slid me off so I was on my knees on the seat and got behind me. He reached up and grabbed my tits as he entered me and immediately began to hammer into me. I held onto the seat so tightly my knuckles turned white as I pushed back into him. It didn’t take him long before he was grunting and groaning and I felt him release inside of me. At least I didn’t have to worry about the birth control working, I thought with a sad little giggle.

  He rocked back and forth until he was spent and then flipped back over onto the seat. I slowly rose on my feet and made sure my dress was out of the way before I sat down. I was going to be a mess when we got there. Cruz was panting as he leaned into me for another kiss. “That’s just warmed me up, baby. We’ll have to see what kind of bathroom facilities the place has later.” I rolled my eyes at him and he laughed. He knew that no matter how much I tried to pretend like I disapproved, I was putty in his expert hands.

  I watched as he reached down into a little cabinet underneath where the champagne sat and pulled out several towels. He handed me one, and I asked,

  “How did you know those were there?” He shrugged and then lowering the window slightly he said,

  “You better hurry, we’re almost there.”



  I stepped out of the limousine that Jacob had sent for me with my date on my arm as photographers snapped pictures and people started to gather.

  “Do I look okay?” Mila asked. She was beautiful. She was really sweet and sometimes I wished that I could feel as much for her as she said she felt for me.

  “You look gorgeous, baby.” Her face colored red. She took hold of my hand. We paused a few times for the photographers and then we were escorted to the elevator that would take us up to the swanky restaurant where the dinner was taking place. I had mixed feelings about all of it. I wasn’t great at being the center of attention and talking about myself, but with that being said, it was kind of cool to be the star of the show. I had spent the past almost two weeks, avoiding my brother as much as I could. It was hard with him at the club working out next to me every day. I was hoping not to have to spend too much time making nice with him at the party. I’d heard Jacob tell him he was part of the team and he had to be there. I was also not looking forward to seeing Alicia arrive on his arm. Six years was a long time. She had clearly made her choice. I had no idea why I was having such a hard time with it.

  At least Jacob was smart enough not to put us into the same cage. I was honestly not sure I’d come out on top of that one. I started getting there early and leaving late so I could avoid conversation or confrontation with him in the locker room, and I refused to drive him anywhere for three days straight before he finally seemed to get a clue and he stopped asking. I knew he had a lot of other transportation options. There was some twisted reason he wanted to flaunt what he was doing and how much money he was making doing it, even though he knew how much I disapproved.

  Mila and I exited the elevator on the twenty-first floor and we were greeted by a well-dressed man in a black suit. “Welcome Mr. Diaz,” he said. Then looking at Mila he said, “Good evening, Miss. Will you follow me?”

  We followed him all the way through the restaurant to a private dining room in the back. The entire team was there with their girls as well as people from the business end that I’d never met. I led Mila over to the corner where Jacob and Cassie were standing with a big guy I hadn’t met yet and a tiny little slip of a woman with dark hair and purple eyes.

  “Kane, there you are,” Jacob said. I introduced Mila, and Jacob introduced us to Mick and Skye Jagger. I was going to ask about the name, but I was sure he’d heard it before.

  “You’re a fighter?” I asked Mick.

  “I dabble in it,” he said. “I’m more of a musician that rides Jacob’s coattails when I’m in town. I’ve been on tour this past year. I just finished and Skye and I bought a house here. I’m going to start helping Jacob with some training.”

  Mila was looking around nervously and gripping onto my hand so tightly that it almost hurt. I didn’t blame her for being nervous. The place was humming with money and egos and I’d rather have been anyplace else myself. Mick’s wife with the purple eyes seemed to notice Mila feeling uncomfortable. I saw her smile at Mila and say, “They aren’t going to start for a few minutes. Do you want to walk to the ladies room with me?”

  Mila seemed to relax a little at that. There was something about the girl that said she didn’t really fit in with all the rich people either, although she definitely looked like she did. Mila told me she’d be right back. Mick bent down and kissed his girl like she was leaving for a week and then watched her until she was out of sight. When he looked back at me he said,

  “I’ve watched your videos, you’re kicking ass.”

  “Thanks. Hopefully my luck will hold with Santoro.”

  “Don’t look now, but I think you just conjured him up.”

  I turned and saw Jimmy Santoro walking in with a blonde that looked like a super model on his arm. He was dressed in a tuxedo like the rest of us, but somehow instead of giving him class, it seemed to make him look more like an ape. I’m not usually a judgmental guy, but Santoro was as black and ugly inside as he was out, so I didn’t feel too bad about telling it like it was. He had a nose that had been broken so many times it just laid flatly against his face. His cheeks were marked with the deep scars of acne left over from his adolescent years and long platinum hair that hung down his back only served to turn the already hideous picture into something carnival like. I tried to keep my attention on anything but him, hoping he’d find someone else to mouth off to, but my luck wasn’t that good. He dragged his date behind him like a caveman and walked right up to me.

  “Look honey, this is the little Mexican boy who thinks he’s big enough to take my title away.”

  I smiled. “You may as well just give me the belt Santoro, and save your ass whipping.”

  He laughed. “I bought you a ticket back to the mountain you live on in that God-forsaken third-world country. It leaves right after the first round. I’d drive you there, but I’ll be busy fucking that brunette I saw you standing with.”

  I was okay with the Cro-Magnon man insulting me but he needed to leave Mila out of it. I felt myself tense up and with my fists clenched at my sides I took a step forward. Jagger’s hand suddenly appeared on my shoulder and my brother somehow materialized behind Santoro. “Pretty hair,” Cruz said.

  Santoro whirled on him. “Who the fuck are you?”

  Cruz flashed his dimples and held out his hand and said, “Cruz Miguel Joaquin Diaz.”

  “Diaz? You’re related to this border rat?”

  Cruz was still smiling, but I saw his blue eyes flash. If we were in a bar, Santoro would be lucky to leave with his dick intact. “Border rat huh? That’s funny.”

  “You’re about the sorriest excuse for a Mexican I’ve ever seen. Padre must have been a border rat too huh? Looks like he dipped his dick north and south of the border.”

  Cruz was still smiling as he leaned in close to Santoro and said, “Careful, or after my brother takes your title tomorrow night, while I’m dipping my dick in this hot little blonde here, you might find yourself in a pine box with a hungry live rata. Did you know that it takes a man several hours to suck the oxygen out of a coffin before his lungs collapse and he finally suffocates? By that time the hungry rat will have chewed off your dick.”

  “Cruz.” Cruz looked at me. I tried moving my eyeballs around to let him know it was definitely not the plac
e for him to be making threats, especially ones I was afraid he might follow through on. That particular form of torture was a favorite amongst some of the men he’d worked for in Mexico. His eyes moved back to Santoro’s face. I could be wrong, but I got the feeling Santoro knew my brother was as serious as I did. Cruz smiled at him again and said,

  “I’ll see you tomorrow night Jimmy, now run the fuck along.” Santoro grabbed his girl’s hand and dragged her off. He may as well have just hit her over the head with a club and thrown her over his shoulder.

  “Damn!” I’d forgotten Jagger was standing behind me until I heard a low whistle and his exclamation. “I’ve known Santoro for a few years. I even fought him once in a bar I used to work in. I’ve never once seen fear pass through his eyes, until now.”

  “People don’t fuck with my brother,” Cruz said. He was looking at me like he expected me to be grateful to him. I gave Jagger a half-assed smile and grabbed Cruz by the arm. I led him a few feet away and said,

  “I don’t need you sticking up for me, Cruz. I’m not a kid anymore. I can handle myself, and you can’t just threaten people like that. This isn’t Michoacán.”

  Cruz shrugged. “It wasn’t about you, Pappy. He insulted our father and my mother.”

  “You’re defending Papa now?”

  Cruz laughed. “No, just my Mama, and it wasn’t a threat.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of. Can you stop thinking like a gangster for five minutes and…?” My mouth suddenly went dry and I couldn’t speak. Cruz followed my eyes as they landed on Alicia coming through the doorway from the ladies’ room. My lungs were suddenly tight. I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I had to put my hand out and grip onto the back of a chair. Fuck! I felt Cruz’s eyes back on my face but I didn’t look at him. I literally couldn’t stop looking at her. It was so hard for me to imagine the Goddess coming towards us in a slinky black dress and heels was the same girl in the yellow sundress I so nervously gave my virginity to six years earlier.

  As Alicia approached us she gave me a nervous little smile and slipped into the arm Cruz had out. He pulled her against his side and brushed his lips along the side of her face. I wondered if that intimate gesture was for my benefit. It seemed like territory marking to me. “Hello Kane. Congratulations on all of this. You look really nice.”

  “Thanks. You look…” I felt Mila reappear at my side and take my hand. My brother was looking at me waiting to see what I was about to say about his girlfriend. My cock was doing things in my pants that would be hard to hide if I stood here too long. “You look beautiful. Mila this is my brother Cruz and his girlfriend, Alicia.”

  Mila smiled. She was pretty, but she didn’t have one tenth of the effect on me that Alicia had when I looked at her. “It’s nice to meet you both,” she said, shaking Alicia’s hand. My brother took her hand and with his eyes on me the whole time, he brought it to his lips. Mila giggled. I think I saw Alicia roll her eyes. When Cruz let go of her hand I took it and said,

  “I think they’re getting ready to start. We should find our seats.” I literally had to rip my eyes away from Alicia as I led Mila away. It was like torture.



  I watched Kane walk away with the white girl gripping onto his hand like he was her lifeline and my pulse surged with a furious passion. I thought the first time I saw him after six years the reaction was normal. But, every time I saw him, it was the same. His full lips called to me at night after Cruz had his way with me or passed out because he’d had his way with too much alcohol. I closed my eyes and pictured his pretty eyes and that sexy, hot body. I was a terrible person. Cruz cleared his throat. I glanced over at him. He had that look in his eyes. The dangerous one that made grown men quiver. It was focused on me. I tried smiling and gently pulling his hand,

  “Let’s sit down.”

  He let me turn and suddenly his hand was on my stomach and he pulled me back into him, hard. He pressed his lips against the side of my face like he was kissing me and through his clenched teeth he said, “Desenterrando el pasado es peligroso mi amor.” He was telling me it was dangerous to dredge up the past.

  I wriggled around so I was facing him and said, “No one is dredging anything. Kane was my childhood. I’m a woman now. You’re my future.”

  That was apparently the right answer. I felt his muscles relax against me. He kissed me like we were back in the limousine and alone. It was possessive and meant more for his brother than for me I was sure. As we walked to our seats it was clear by the look on Kane’s face, he hadn’t missed the show. His girlfriend was blissfully ignorant to the family drama unfolding around her. I wished I was her. I wished I could go back to when I was blissfully ignorant about a lot of things. I looked over at Cruz as we sat down. He was wearing one of his most arrogant smiles. I felt like one of those cheap prizes at the fair. Cruz wanted to carry me around so everyone knew he won me. I knew he loved me in his own way, but I also knew most of his motivation for being with me in the first place came from wanting to one up his brother. He always had to be the best, at everything. I was not naïve enough to think otherwise. As we took our seats at the table I lay my hand against my belly and told myself whatever his motivation was back then didn’t matter now. I was with him and even if he didn’t know it, we were going to be attached for a long time.

  Cruz and I were seated next to one of his teammates named Brock, who Cruz told me was the heavyweight champion, and his wife Lizzie. Lizzie was nice to me. She seemed comfortable with the people and the nice place, but she was also down to earth. I liked that. As the plates were being served, Cruz was talking and laughing with Brock when suddenly in mid-sentence he went silent. I could actually feel the tension coming off him. I followed his gaze and saw him. Armando Joaquin Leandro Diaz. I had a feeling my good time for the night was over. The mere mention of his father could put Cruz in a mean mood. I couldn’t imagine what having to spend the evening with him in his direct line of vision all night was going to do. Cruz hadn’t seen him in six years. When Armando left Mexico with Kane, he hadn’t even asked Cruz to go with them. Cruz told me that Kane never knew that. He’d begged his brother to go and Cruz had told him he couldn’t because of his ties to the cartel. The truth was he hadn’t been welcome. It was the final insult from Armando in what Cruz counted as twenty-four years of them.

  I reached over and put my hand on his arm. His muscles were tight. I honestly expected him shrug my hand off. He didn’t do well with being comforted. It usually seemed to just piss him off. I think it was because he was so young when his mother died and Armando was as cold as ice to him most of his life. He didn’t really learn how to process feelings the way he should have. Instead of shrugging me off though, he covered my hand with his other one. I leaned over towards Cruz as Armando took his seat next to Kane and patted his youngest son on the back.

  “Are you okay?”

  Cruz pulled his eyes from his father and looked at me. I could see the fire burning behind them as he smiled. “I’m great,” he said. Then just like that, he went back to his conversation with Brock as if nothing had happened. I hoped that meant we would make it through the night without a confrontation.

  After dinner there was a lot of talking from the owners and trainers from both Kane and Santoro’s franchises. The people from Santoro’s were there all the way from New York. I listened as his trainer rattled off a long list of people he’d beaten. Most of his wins had been in the first round. I knew that meant Kane had to be pretty damned awesome if he was even good enough to challenge someone like that.

  After they finished talking they had Kane and Santoro take the microphones. Santoro was a blowhard who had a lot to say. I wasn’t sure what his history with Cruz was, but I could tell as Cruz watched him talk he was practically simmering inside. After the talking was over and dessert was served, the cocktail waitresses came around and took everyone’s drink orders. Cruz ordered a bottle of Crown whiskey. It was going to be a really long night. While h
e was hitting that bottle hard I went with Lizzie who introduced me to everyone I hadn’t met yet. Everyone was so nice. I had just begun to relax when I noticed Cruz was missing. At first I thought he’d just gone to the restroom, but an hour later when the party was breaking up and he hadn’t come back, I had to admit he’d ditched me.

  I slid my bag off the table and tried quietly to exit before someone stopped me and asked where Cruz went. It was going to be really embarrassing to have to tell them I didn’t know. I’d made it just outside the restaurant and I was standing in the casino trying to remember which way the elevator was when I heard Kane’s voice.

  “Alicia, are you okay?”

  With a sigh I turned around to face him. God he looked good in a suit. For just a second my mind went back to the first time we were together. He was so nervous and so cute.


  Shit! “I’m sorry. Yes, I’m fine. I was just going to head home.”

  “Where’s Cruz?”

  Fuck! “He wasn’t feeling well. He left a little earlier.”

  “He left you here?”

  “Well, I was still having my dessert, and…”

  “Why do you do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “Make excuses for him. I don’t understand Alicia. You deserve to be treated better than this.”

  “I told you Kane, our relationship is none of your business. Besides, he treats me just fine.”

  Kane rolled his eyes. “Look at you, Alicia. You’re the most beautiful woman in this place. Hell, you’re the most beautiful woman in any place. My brother is a fool for leaving you alone.”


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