Wolves among men

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Wolves among men Page 11

by penelope sweet

  “When we gave him our answer the man became angry and he changed into something inhuman. He became a creature as black as pitch and some say that a fire burned in him that threatened to destroy our people.

  “The creature attacked our chief and the few others that were with him. The others died but the chief’s heart wouldn’t stop beating, his soul was too strong. As the creature turned on the white settlers, our warriors were able to sneak past and save our leader. They took him into the woods and did the best they could to treat his wounds but he healed faster than any man we had seen before.

  “After the massacre of our tribe and the miners, the creature claimed our land for his own and we had no choice but to leave. We traveled many miles to the north carrying our wounded and stopping to rest only a few at a time. Our chief got better and so did the others. We thought of this healing as a blessing and we were happy. But the evil followed us.

  “When our hunters went to gather food sometimes one would not come back. As our young disappeared, our chief became angry and one night he changed into a creature much like the strange man from the east. His fur was gray as slate and his eyes blue like the sky that covers us, we feared that he would become evil like the man that created him but like a blessing our leader became a protector of our tribe. We were blessed with a great warrior and a feeling of safety. Some of the wounded began to change after him. Some gray and some black but the black ones were always killed. We had no other choice as they turned on us or ran away to the south.

  “After a while, the beast left and some of us went back to our lands. A small number of people chose to stay behind. Many months passed and our chief drove away all of the evil spirits. We made more warriors as we needed them and we were again in a time of peace.

  “Some decided to go and visit our brothers to the north but they had gone back to the Great Spirit. Their camp was torn apart and their bodies became food for this creature and the family he had made for himself. Our men counted the tracks of seven of these beasts before they decided to return to the safety of our lands.”

  He paused for a moment. I hadn’t realized how long we had been here as I scanned the sleepy faces of the people around me. The kids were snoring away and I caught myself in a yawn.

  “Like my dream?” Cordillia asked in barely more than a whisper.

  “Yes.” He met her eyes. “I believe you were attacked by one of his sons. That is why you saw our history. A history only shared by us and the great evil.”

  “Robert, come on you know it’s just a story. Don’t scare the poor girl now,” May chimed in sleepily. Robert winked at Cordillia and stretched letting a yawn escape him.

  “I think that is enough for tonight but I will say this, May. We were not the only tribe who met this great evil and the man with yellow eyes. His story is told as far as Canada so do not think me a crazy old man, just one who believes in the legends of my people.”

  We all took our time cleaning up the clearing before shuffling back to our cars. We hugged and said our goodbyes and I took a moment to thank Robert for his story. It had given me a lot to think about and a feeling of hope as I realized there was a difference between what I had become and the monster I had destroyed. I led Cordillia to the truck and held the door for her as she climbed in and rested her head in her hands and it wasn’t long after that her eyes fell shut and sleep took over.

  We made it back quickly and I carried her back to our hotel room laying her down and feeling surprised that she never woke. As I lay in my bed, everything I had heard tonight went through my head like a game of cat and mouse. I thought about the yellow eyed man and Cordillia’s dream but before I could put things into place, my world went black and I drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Ten

  Waking early I felt better than I had since we left California. There were no dreams last night and that meant no nightmares. I was relived and I could only hope that they would be gone for good but I was smart and I knew that it was just wishful thinking. Cordillia was sound asleep and the room was quiet aside from her soft snoring and occasional talking. I hoped that she was happy and that she didn’t feel like she had to come out of some sense of loyalty to me. I knew she would never tell me the truth so there was no sense in asking but at least with her by my side I had a reason to keep moving, keep searching for an answer.

  I looked over and the clock flashed ten thirty two. It was early, too early. I groaned and rolled over hoping to get back to sleep. I must have laid there for only a few moments before the phone started to ring and Cordillia rolled onto her side with a groan and pulled her blanket over her head. I chuckled and reached for the receiver.

  “Hello?” I said groggily.

  A sharp familiar voice came through the other end, “Ethan, are you and your sister safe?” I was confused. What the hell kind of question was that?

  “Who is this?” I barked as I sat up. This got Cordillia’s attention too as she sat up and shot me a confused look.

  “It’s Robert, just answer my question. Are you safe?”

  “Yes of course, why-”

  He cut me off, “Did you leave the hotel early this morning?” he asked his voice becoming more and more worried as we spoke. I hoped this was a joke but the seriousness in his tone suggested otherwise.

  “No we’ve both been here. What the hell is going on?” I demanded. I was done with being cryptic. I wanted an answer.

  “What is it Ethan? Is everything okay?” Cordillia asked groggily as she combed the tangles out of her hair with her fingers. I shook my head and shrugged, I really didn’t know what to say. I was just about as lost as she was at this point.

  “The police are headed to the hotel. They are looking for you.” My eyes grew wide as the thought finally hit me. Is this what Robert was talking about the other night when he said I might be in danger? Even that didn’t make sense because the police wouldn’t get involved. If there were people who knew about me and were afraid it would be more likely to find a lynch mob outside the casino. Unless…

  “Why, what do they want?” I asked but he didn’t answer.

  “No time to explain, you have to get out of there. Grab your sister and meet me here.” The phone cut out and I hung up quickly standing off of the bed and grabbing Cordillia’s arm.

  “What the hell is going on?” She dug her heals into the ground. Usually I appreciated Cordillia’s stubbornness but now was not the time.

  “I don’t know,” I answered her as I let go and turned to face her. “Just get your things together we have to leave.” I walked over to the large double windows and pulled the shade aside to get a look at the parking lot. No cop cars, I breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe we had enough time to get to Roberts and get some answers.

  Cordillia gathered her things quickly and we were dressed and out the door in record time. We jogged down the front stairs and to the large glass window of the check in counter. I saw the woman who had been flirting with me the other day and groaned. I didn’t have time for this. I walked over quickly and she smiled as I threw the key card down and turned to walk away.

  I walked fast and it took me a few moments before I realized that Cordillia was running to keep up with me. I was freaked out and all I knew was to get the hell out of here so that’s what I was doing. We climbed into the old girl and I gunned the engine, pulling out of the parking lot as fast as I could. Just as we turned the corner, I saw them pull in. Two cop cars turned into the casino parking lot and disappeared in my rear view mirror as I drove as fast as I could to what I hoped was a safe place.

  We got to Roberts less than ten minutes later. I figured we had to talk fast because it wouldn’t take the cops long to figure out where I had gone. As I pulled into the driveway, I looked over and saw that Cordillia’s hands were shaking. I put my hand on her shoulder and squeezed gently hoping to make her feel better. I didn’t mean to scare her but it wasn’t like I was calm myself.

  Robert came outside and half ran to the driver side of the truck
pushing the door closed as I tried to open it.

  “Don’t leave it here, you need to hide it. Follow me I’ll show you where,” he spoke as he walked around to the front of the truck and led me back to the clearing. He walked up a dirt path to the right of the house and I drove slowly until he told me to stop. “That should be good for now,” I heard him yell over the rumble of the engine. I cut her off and climbed outside ushering for Cordillia to follow.

  “What the hell, Robert? What’s going on?” I asked him. He turned and began walking back to the house and we followed close behind. He didn’t answer right away and his face told me that something bad was coming, the same something that the cops were looking for me to explain.

  He motioned for us to go inside and took a look around the yard before following us in. He was worried and I could smell fear on him. We sat down in the living room and Robert took a deep breath.

  “When you left here last night, where did you go?” he asked me not making eye contact with ether of us.

  “We went back to the hotel, we fell asleep and then you called. Why? What the hell is going on?” I begged. I wanted to know what was going on, what the hell was I being blamed for?

  “Something very bad happened a few hours ago.” He began as a look of pain crossed his face. “Maura was attacked on the street. She runs every day and today she didn’t come home.” His eyes met mine and I was stunned.

  “What happened?” I asked him not really sure if I wanted to know.

  “Marcus saw it. He said it was a black creature nearly as tall as the roof of the house he was standing next to. It jumped out of the trees like it was waiting for her and well you know what they are capable of.” I dropped my head in sadness, my eyes turned to the ground as Robert choked back the sadness in his voice.

  “Marcus thinks it was me.” It wasn’t a question but Robert answered me with a soft nod.

  “Marcus has told others that the evil has returned. They are looking for you now and they will make an example of you.” Robert looked scared for me and I was angry at him for that. Maura was a beautiful girl he should be concentrating on her. It wasn’t that I didn’t appreciate it just that I felt sorry for him. He reached into his pocket and handed me a piece of paper with some numbers scribbled on it. I took it and looked back up at him confused.

  “His name is Bryant. He is an old friend of mine. I was going to introduce you but it seems that we don’t have time for that now.” He started to say something more but was interrupted when the front door flew open and a very angry Marcus began to shout.

  “You’re protecting him!” he screamed as he stormed into the living room slamming the door behind him. I stood up off of the couch as Robert placed himself between us.

  “Marcus!” He barked staring into his eyes. “I know that you are upset but he didn’t do this.”

  “I don’t care if he did,” he snapped his eyes turning to meet mine. “He brought this on us. It followed him here. You know that,” he shouted, meeting his father’s desperate face again.

  “You don’t know that, son.”

  “Yes I do! We all do!” the anger in his voice was becoming rage and I could feel that this wasn’t going to end well. He took a deep breath and spoke again. The anger was still there but he was trying to keep control, “Nothing like this has happened in years and then you walk in…” He was looking at me now, rage seething in his eyes. “You came and now we’re all in danger,” his voice was dripping with anger. I could tell it was taking a lot for him not to hurt me and I didn’t blame him. I had lost someone I loved before that kind of pain makes you do crazy things.

  “Calm yourself, remember who you are. Maura wouldn’t want this,” Robert’s voice was pained but calm and I couldn’t help but wonder if he was questioning my place here as well. Robert turned to me as Marcus tried to gain control of his temper. “Ethan, I think it would be best if you and your sister were to leave.”

  “No!” Marcus cut him off. He lifted his head to meet my eyes. “He has to stay. He has to pay for this.”

  “He is innocent,” Robert defended not taking his eyes from his son. I felt sorry for them, Robert couldn’t make this better and I could tell it was hurting him to try.

  “No he’s not!” Marcus began to shout again. “He’s a monster, dad, he’s no better than the thing that killed Maura. He has to die, they all do.” His control was slipping and I was beginning to feel scared. I didn’t know what to do or who was waiting for us outside.

  “Remember the story. They are not all monsters. If it weren’t for them our tribe would be wiped out and you know that,” Robert pleaded with him. It was useless, Marcus wanted revenge and I didn’t blame him.

  “That’s just a story, dad. You don’t know that any of them were good and besides we can’t take that chance. If he leaves, we’re left here with those things running around and no way to stop them.” Marcus sounded calm but his posture and eyes said otherwise. I remembered the stranger at the diner, I had no problem stopping him and I didn’t see why they couldn’t.

  Against my better judgment I began to speak, “Why can’t you stop them? They’re strong sure but they can’t be that hard to kill.” Robert turned to me and a look of surprise crossed his face as I realized he thought I knew more than I did.

  “It’s not that easy, Ethan. These are not men like us or beast as we know them.”

  “But I did it. I killed one in California and it wasn’t that hard. Why can’t you-”

  “You matched him in strength that is why it was not hard for you,” he interrupted me. Marcus was calming down and for the first time today I saw a glimmer of humanity in his eyes. There was a long and very awkward silence as Robert sat back down and so did I, trusting that I was safe for now.

  “It’s not the method of killing them that is the problem. Almost anything that will kill a human will kill a werewolf. It’s the small matter of these things being very strong and very fast. A human just can’t keep up,” Robert spoke calmly. It was strange to me how he knew so much about werewolves and yet he couldn’t answer my questions with any sense of certainty.

  “But if a human can’t then how come there aren’t a lot more of them running around?” I asked. Robert laughed softly and I was surprised that he could laugh at a time like this.

  “I may be old but I don’t have all the answers. Whatever you want to know you will find. Start with the address I gave you.” I turned the piece of paper over and eyed it for a moment before shoving it into the pocket of my jeans. “He’ll steer you in the right direction,” Robert assured me as Marcus paced back and forth slowly.

  “Wait,” I spoke up. He stopped pacing and faced me. As he met my eyes, I got the unmistakable and overwhelming feeling he didn’t even want to be aware of my existence let alone be looking right at me. “I hate to ask but if a human can’t really kill one of... well my kind. What on earth were you planning to do?”

  Marcus paused and thought for a moment before shrugging and turning his eyes to the ground. “I hadn’t really thought that far ahead,” he admitted as he took a seat on the floor.

  The mood lightened a bit as we all sat still and quiet. “So I’m going to guess that you’re not going to kill me then?” I asked hopeful and relived.

  “Of course I am,” he spoke bluntly looking at me for only a second before returning his gaze to the floor. My stomach dropped, I didn’t want to die, not today. “If you ever come back,” he added with a huff.

  “Thank you, Marcus,” Robert replied before I had the chance to register what he said. The room was silent, I didn’t know what to say and no one seemed eager to break the tension.

  “I imagine the cops are still looking for me.” I asked my eyes meeting Marcus’s. He just nodded before he stood and walked over to the kitchen. I turned to Robert and hoped that this question was one that he could answer.

  “So how do we get out of here?” He thought for a moment as a look of worry crossed his face.

  “I’m not sure
. They change the roads so much I don’t know how to keep you from being noticed.” We sat in silence. Marcus returned to his seat on the floor and after a few minutes rolled his eyes.


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