The Holy Bible Is An Extraterrestrial Transmission

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The Holy Bible Is An Extraterrestrial Transmission Page 18

by C. L. Turnage

  In medieval times, people reported "flying dragons" that "breathed fire," and terrorized the countryside. Could these ignorant people, trapped in humanity's darkest hours have seen airborne vehicles emitting flames of exhaust, and associating them with things of Satan, have called them dragons?

  The New Testament book of Revelation contains an interesting collection of Mesopotamian symbols. These reveal both underlying political tensions, and ultimately a war that took place in Heaven between the adversarial Serpent faction, and the God of the Old Testament (See Revelation 12:1-9): "And a great sign appeared in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars; and she was with child; and she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth. And another sign appeared in Heaven; and behold a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and on his heads were seven diadems. And his tail swept away a third of the stars of heaven, and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth, he might devour the child. And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who is to shepherd all the nations with a rod of iron; and her child was caught up to God and to his throne." Revelation 12:1-5, NAS.

  Notice the woman with "the moon under her feet," the moon being the celestial symbol of Nannar-Sin.290 There is reference to the sun; and if you recall, Nannar-Sin was the father of the sun god, Utu-Shamash.291 The woman wore a crown, the Sumerian symbol for "kingship," or political authority. On the crown were "twelve" stars, stars being symbolic of the "host of heaven," and the planet Nibiru.292 In other words, the woman, a person of royalty, wore the crown of kingship, or the political authority of Nibiru (twelve representing Nibiru).293 Because verse five indicates that the woman had given birth to Jesus Christ, the Messiah, it is clear that she represents the nation of Israel. The twelve stars are also symbolic of the twelve tribes of Israel, descendants of Abraham, a Sumerian. And, the nation of Israel derived its political clout from the government of Nibiru, or Heaven.

  Who was the "great red dragon with seven heads and ten horns?" This symbol is obviously a Mesopotamian reference to the Deity Enki, and his adversarial faction -- for the dragon's seven heads ( seven represents earth) each wear a diadem, or crown, the symbol of political authority. Notice the intentions of the dragon, to "devour the child." In other words, he wanted to destroy the male child, but instead the child was caught up to God and to His throne. This appears to be a symbolic explanation of what happened to Christ. He was almost destroyed by the adversary, the dragon, on the cross, then he was resurrected and taken to Heaven.

  Apparently, the tail of the dragon swept one third of the stars of Heaven away and threw them to the earth. This meant that the cause of the Serpent faction attracted one third of the population of planet Heaven. These beings were then forced into exile here on earth with the Serpent faction. (This conflict in outer space is discussed thoroughly in my third book, "War in Heaven!").

  Revelation contains other symbols of Mesopotamian origin, such as the white horse, scorpion-like men, chimeras, and the "lamb of god." The motif of a horse's head occurs as a divine symbol on a seal of the second millennium B.C., and on Neo-Assyrian seals, as well as on a kudurra of the Babylonian monarch Nebuchadnezzar I. In the Neo-Assyrian period, the horse is the animal of the sun-god, Utu-Shamash. In fact, a detail of a Neo-Assyrian cylinder seal depicts Shamash standing on a horse, supported by two bull-men. Assyrian business documents sometimes specify as penalties for breach of contract, the dedications of two or four white horses to the god Assur.294 Symbolically, the white horse was considered acceptable payment for deities, with whom humans had committed breach of contract. This may explain why Christ returns on a "white horse," symbolizing that humanities' debt to God has been paid. The white horse was also symbolic of military victory: "And I saw Heaven opened; and behold, a white horse, and He who sat upon it is called Faithful and True; and in righteousness He judges and wages war." Revelation 19:11, NAS

  Intriguingly, in England, a large white horse is carved into the mountainside near Uffington village in Oxfordshire. The figure is 365 feet from head to tail. It is believed to have been carved by the iron age Celts around 100 B.C., and may represent the goddess Epona.295 The Bible mentions white horses a number of times. It becomes easy to understand why the four horses of the Apocalypse are colored differently, since each color represented a symbolic change. The first horse (white), was symbolic of purity and victory. The second horse (red), was symbolic of war and bloodshed. The third horse, a black one, is symbolic of subjection. The fourth pale horse symbolizes death.296

  Perhaps one of the most bizarre and frightening symbols found in the book of Revelation is the appearance of insect-like "scorpion men" on earth in the last days: "And the appearance of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle; and on their heads, as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were like the faces of men. And they had hair like the hair of women, and their teeth were like the teeth of lions. And they had breastplates like breastplates of iron; and the sounds of their wings was like the sound of chariots, of many horses rushing to battle. And they have tails like scorpions, and stings; and in their tails is the power to hurt men for five months." Revelation 9:7-10, NAS

  Although not fatal, the sting of scorpions in Mesopotamia is sufficiently painful to suggest the creature as a suitable image of power and protection. In fact, magical spells were used to counteract the effect of the sting. The Akkadians portrayed supernatural scorpion beings who wore the horned cap of divinity, possessed a human head with a beard, human body, the hindquarters and talons of a bird, a snake-headed penis, and a scorpions tail. Sometimes they were depicted with wings. These scorpion men were called "Girtablullu." These creatures first appeared in the art of the Third Dynasty of Ur, and of the Akkadian period, but were common only in Neo-Assyrian, and Neo-Babylonian times. By the Neo-Assyrian period, scorpion men had become powerful protectors against demons. Wooden figures of them were prescribed in Neo-Assyrian instructions for rituals of protective magic.297

  In all likelihood, the author of Revelation used this ancient Mesopotamian symbol to suggest that a "supernatural" invasion force would appear on earth to punish men who ally themselves with the enemies of God (the adversarial faction), in the latter days. These creatures are released by a "star from Heaven which had fallen to the earth," a star being an entity, (or perhaps spaceship) having its origin in Heaven. This indicates that these creatures are like a "Heavenly Special Forces" employed against the "demons," or Adversarial forces in exile here. Though these supernatural scorpion-like entities are described a bit differently in Revelation, than their earlier Mesopotamian counterparts, enough similarities exist between the two to indicate a common origin (Revelation 9:1-3, NAS.)

  Another common Mesopotamian symbol was the chimera, a combination of several different creatures. For example, the lion dragon (or lion griffin), with lion's foreparts and bird's hind-legs, tail and wings is represented from the Akkadian period down to the Neo-Babylonian. There were lion demons, and a "lion-centaur," a creature with the body of a lion, and the torso, arms and head of a man wearing the divine horned headdress.298 Notice the similarity between the above described creatures, and the following biblical description of the "beast from the sea.": "And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on his horns were ten diadems, and on his heads were blasphemous names...And the beast which I saw was like a leopard, and his feet were like those of a bear, and his mouth like the mouth of a lion. And the dragon gave him his power and his throne and great authority." Revelation 13:1-2, NAS

  Apparently, symbolic chimeras could be used to signify attributes belonging to a deity, or individual. Here the "beast" gets his power from the dragon, whom we have identified as Satan, or the Mesopotamian Deity Enki. In other words, these weird combinations of creatures were a type of symbolic-pictorial political statement. When one saw the symbol of the snake, or dragon for instance
, you knew instantly the political party it represented. The beast speaks with the mouth of a lion, which represents Babylon. In the Assyrian text, "Nebuchadnezzar and Marduk," king Nebuchadnezzar is said to "roar like a lion."299 The image also has the feet of a bear, representing the Persian empire. It was "like a leopard," the leopard representing the Greek empire. Evidently this passage in Revelation is merely a reflection of the earlier prophecies of Daniel in chapter seven, due to the similarities between the "two beasts," which are merely symbols of powerful earthly kingdoms.300

  Another rather interesting chimera of Mesopotamian origin found in the Bible is described in the controversial book of Ezekiel: "As for the form of their faces, each had the face of a man, all four had the face of a lion on the right and the face of a bull on the left, and all four had the face of an eagle." Ezekiel 1:10, NAS

  The Chaldeans believed in four genii, beasts with heads; one with a human face, one with the face of a bull, one with the face of a lion, and the fourth with the face of an eagle. These Chaldean genii stood at the bottom of steps leading to temples and palaces, and one could not walk through a city without seeing many of them. Ezekiel, who was a Babylonian captive, must have seen them as well. A set of four is currently in the British Museum, and came from the king's palace at Nineveh.301 These genii are further evidence that the religion of the Hebrews had a Mesopotamian origin.

  Celestial symbols such as the six pointed star of David, the eight pointed star of Venus, sun symbols and the like are found to predate even the Mesopotamians. They were used prior to that in Mu, and revered by the North and South American Indians.302 Though the star of David is not mentioned in the Bible, it is commonly recognized as being a symbolic emblem of the Jews. It had its origin as the symbol for Jerusalem (Urshulim), the "City of Shulim," meaning the "Supreme Place of the Four Regions." When Sin's son Shamash became the commander of the Mission Control Center, Jerusalem became the "Navel of the Earth." This was the central point in the divine grid of the space port that made the comings and goings between earth and Nibiru possible.303 The six pointed star of David emblem originally appeared as the Cosmogonic Diagram of the Motherland of Mu. It was drawn as two crossed triangles within a circle, containing another circle in its center. The central circle represented Deity; the triangle -- Heaven, and the outer circle, the universe. The twelve divisions between the two circles were the "twelve gates of heaven." Each gate was a virtue, and these twelve gates had to be opened by the twelve virtues before Heaven could be entered.304

  Notice the symbolic role the number twelve played in reaching Heaven. It was very similar to the Akitu festival of the Babylonians and Sumerians. This was a symbolic re-enactment of the hazardous but successful voyage of the gods from their heavenly abode to the seventh planet, earth. The gods passed through celestial stations, or houses, as they passed each planet.305 Logically, if a human were traveling to Heaven, he would need to be admitted to each house, and pass through its gates, as described in the Cosmogonic diagram of Mu, a direct reversal of the trip of the Elohim to Earth portrayed in the Akitu festival.

  Ironically, the Christian religion carries on this theme of passing through twelve gates, as evidenced by this verse in the book of Revelation describing the New Jerusalem which is predicted to come down out of Heaven in the latter days: "It had a great and high wall, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels; and names were written on them, which are those of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel." Revelation 21:12, NAS The great Babylonian temple, the Esagila, also had twelve gates.306 The great “high wall” is outer space. The twelve gates symbolize the twelve constellations, and the angels represent those who rule the heavenly bodies. The gates have the names of the constellations of the Zodiac on them, just as the twelve tribes of Israel were assigned a constellation of the Zodiac.

  Lambs were also a common Mesopotamian theme. They were used in sacrifices to the gods. This tradition was eventually carried over to the Hebrews, with their temple sacrifice, and the New Testament tradition with Christ becoming the sacrificial "lamb of God." Apparently, the symbolic sacrificial lamb that would die in the place of the accused, was drawn from earlier Mesopotamian practices of sacrificing a lamb to obtain favor from a god, who "judged" the case of he for whom the lamb had been slain. Note the similarities between portions of this ancient Akkadian text entitled "The Lamb," and verses of the Bible describing Christ as the sacrificial lamb of God:

  "(O Shamash, Lo)rd of judgment, ...I (hold up) to you a sacred lamb, A sacred ...lamb, curly of fleece, which was appointed for this at birth...In the extispicy I perform, in the ritual I perform, place the truth! (In the matter of) so-and-so, son of so-and-so, in the lamb I offer, place the truth! O Shamash you opened the bolt of heaven's gates, you ascended (to this place) a stairway of purest lapis, lifting (it) up, you hold a scepter of lapis at your side for the case you (gods) judge here...the case of mankind you judge...Let the divine shepherd bring forward a sheep to the assembly of the great gods...let them judge the case in justice and righteousness."307

  "The next day he (John) saw Jesus coming to him and said, "Behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" John 1:29, NAS

  "...knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your forefathers, but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ." 1st Peter 1:18-19, NAS (See also these verses: Genesis 22:8, Isaiah 53:7, and Acts 8:32).

  Clearly, the symbol of Christ as the "lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world," had its origin with the Sumerian and Babylonian worship of interplanetary beings from Nibiru, who required the blood of an unblemished lamb in order to pardon the sins of humanity. Christ has obviously "paid the price" for humanity according to Mesopotamian custom and ritual.

  14.1. Foot Notes

  258Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, pages 218-219, 89, 145, 326, 330-331, 88-89, 233-234. Churchward, James, The Sacred Symbols of Mu, Be Books, Albuquerque, Saffron Walden, The C.W. Daniel Company Limited, pages 227, 204, 166, 11, 94, 88, 61-66, 153, 182-183, 123, 365-373.

  259Churchward, James, The Sacred Symbols Of Mu, Be Books, Albuquerque, Saffron Walden, The C.W. Daniel Company Limited, pages 77-78. Black, Jeremy, & Green, Anthony, Gods, Demons, And Symbols Of Ancient Mesopotamia, University of Texas Press, Austin, pages 96 & 171. Levenda, Peter, Unholy Alliance And A History Of Nazi Involvement With the Occult, Avon Books, The Hearst Corporation, 1350 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New York 10019, pages 33-34.

  260Black, Jeremy, & Green, Anthony, Gods, Demons, And Symbols Of Ancient Mesopotamia, University of Texas Press, Austin, pages 96 & 171. Churchward, James, The Sacred Symbols Of Mu, Be Books, Albuquerque, Saffron Walden, The C.W. Daniel Company Limited, pages 78-79.

  261Churchward, James, The Sacred Symbols of Mu, Be Books, Albuquerque, Saffron Walden, The C.W. Daniel Company Limited, pages 88-89, & page 204. See figure 16 on page 88, pertaining to figure A, and page 204 figure 17, pertaining to figure C. Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 333. See figure 158 on page 333, pertaining to figure B.

  262Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 89.

  263Laurence, Richard, The Book of Enoch The Prophet, Wizards Bookshelf, San Diego, page 37.

  264Sitchin, Zecharia, The Stairway To Heaven, Avon Books, A division of The Hearst Corporation, 105 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016, page 205.

  265Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, pages 150-151. Sitchin, Zecharia, The Stairway To Heaven, Avon Books, A division of The Hearst Corporation, 105 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016, page 205.

  266Schellhorn, Cope, Extraterrestrials In Biblical Prophesy, Horus House Press Inc. Madison, Wisconsin, page 68.

  267Foster, Benjamin, (e) N
ebuchadnezzar And Marduk, Before the Muses, Volume I, CDL Press, page 301. Baigent, Michael, From The Omens Of Babylon: Astrology And Ancient Mesopotamia, Arkana, Penguin Books Ltd., 27 Wrights Lane, London, W8 5TZ, England, page 68. Black, Jeremy & Green, Anthony, Gods, Demons And Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia, University of Texas Press, Austin, page 168.

  268Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, page 330-331.

  269Sitchin, Zecharia, The 12th Planet, Stein And Day, Scarborough House, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510, pages 77, 80-81.

  270Churchward, James, The Sacred Symbols of Mu, Be Books, Albuquerque, Saffron Walden, The C.W. Daniel Company Ltd., page 63.

  271Churchward, James, The Sacred Symbols of Mu, Be Books, Albuquerque, Saffron Walden, The C.W. Daniel Company Ltd., page 63.

  272Sitchin, Zecharia, The Lost Realms, Avon Books, A division of The Hearst Corporation, 105 Madison Avenue, New York, 10016, page 7.

  273Churchward, James, The Sacred Symbols Of Mu, Be Books, Albuquerque, Saffron Walden, The C.W. Daniel Company Ltd., page 65.

  274Sitchin, Zecharia, The Lost Realms, Avon Books, A division of The Hearst Corporation, 105 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016, page 7.

  275Noyes, Ralph (editor), The Crop Circles Enigma, Gateway Books, The Hollies, Wellow, Bath, BA2 8QJ, UK, page 146.


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