Family Blood Ties Set - 3 books in 1

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Family Blood Ties Set - 3 books in 1 Page 61

by Dale Mayer

  The councilman straightened, his cold gaze locking on her. "You are not one of us."

  Cody hissed at her side.

  Tessa laughed. "I could have more vampire blood than all of you. Regardless, I'll never be one of you." She waited a beat, then added forcefully, "Thank God."

  The councilman reared back slightly, a haughty look on his face, as David whispered at her side, "Good going, sis."

  Her heart smiled. Her words came from deep inside, and they were true, not an impulsive blurting of whatever was in her mind. She did feel that way. And if they didn't like it, too effing bad.


  Cody's voice whispered through her mind. She forced her face into a blank, watchful look as her insides gave a quick wiggle. Have you got a way out of this mess?

  Thought that was your department.

  She almost snickered aloud, but held it back – although she might have given something away as the councilman turned his gaze back to her. "Take them into the room with the others. Stand guard inside. No tricks. And no killing. We need something from each of them first. Especially those three." He pointed to Cody, Tessa, and David.

  Because we're ancients, said Cody.

  And because I'm a throwback, she added softly. Fight now, or get into the room with the others so we're all together, then blow this place apart.

  Beside her, she could feel David's gaze as if he was wondering what was going on. She wouldn't be surprised if he could feel a weird buzzing in the air, like there was when her parents mindspoke.

  He'd be wondering what they were planning. And trying to be ready. She gave him a reassuring smile.

  "Why don't we separate those three now, then?"

  Her smile dropped away. That would change things. She readied her muscles.


  We can't be separated.

  We won't be.

  She watched as the councilman shook his head. "No. Separating them also divides our numbers. We can't take the chance. This way we'll deal with them all at once. Then we'll kill them. These ones are too much trouble to bother keeping around."

  "What about her? The docs wanted her." A short, very stocky vampire in the front pointed at Tessa.

  She bared her teeth, feeling her fangs slide down on their own.

  The councilman sighed. "It's a mistake, but fine. After we're done with her."

  She snorted. "Really. I get to live, but my friends don't. Why?"

  He laughed. "Not for any reason you're going to appreciate." His grin widened. "We want you to be our latest lab rat."

  Her stomach sank and a chill settled into her bones. A lab rat. So the one vamp had been right. They planned to do experiments on her. Find out what made her different, then copy it so all vampires could have her advantages – walking in the sun, for starters. Or isolate the odd genes to make sure it wasn't in the rest of the vampire population. She'd rather die.

  There's no way you're going to be a lab rat.

  Good. Make sure you kill me first.

  Not going to happen.

  She couldn't see what was happening for the building fear washing away her control. Cody nudged her. Startled, she turned to look at him. He motioned forward. She turned to see the others being led in a single line down the aisle. And we're just following blindly along?

  Until we know where the others are.

  She shuddered, but picked up the pace to catch up before any of the vamps could touch her. If they did, she didn't know what she'd do. Except kill them. And that wouldn't let them find where the others were being held. Better to get a grip for another few minutes. Her muscles tightened to the point of burning pain. She struggled to take a breath, to remain normal. If they had one hint of what she was itching to do…

  Smoothly, she slipped her hand inside her pocket and snagged the silver spike. She tucked it up her sleeve and kept walking.

  What did you just do?

  Moved a silver spike into my hand. I took it off a vamp I killed. I will not be someone's lab rat.

  Good. Then that's one we don't have to worry about coming back after us.


  A lot more than that.

  Yeah. He swallowed so loud she could hear it in her head. Can't say I kept count.

  She hadn't either, but each of the vamps she'd killed had become a stake in her own heart. She'd remember each of them and make her peace with it later. Much later.

  The line in front of her slowed, then stopped. She watched as Ian was led forward by two vamps. A large set of double doors opened up. The little bit she could see showed that the room appeared large and full of beds. Shit. The people were hooked up to machines again. Unconscious and drugged.

  Get ready.

  Shit, I've been ready since they showed up, she said. Ian has to be freaking out.

  I'm expecting him to go ballistic any minute. That's when we move.

  She tensed. How was it even possible that her muscles could tighten further? At this point, her thighs were solid steel.

  "Get a move on." The vamp closest to Tessa reached out and smacked her. Only his arm never connected. Cody grabbed his hand and squeezed, then released

  "Geez." The vamp shook his hand out, a pained grin on his face. "Protective of the freaky one, huh? I heard something about that. Do the two of you have something going? You like animals, right?"

  Cody stopped and glared.

  Easy. We're almost there.

  No, he whispered, we are there.

  He spun and attacked.


  Jared sat in silence the whole trip back up to the blood farm. He couldn't focus for worrying about the guys in the vehicle. They were laughing and joking steadily.

  He stared straight ahead, hoping to recognize where they were. They could be on the other side of the world for what he knew. There were no road signs. There were no houses or any major landmarks. Trees, endless miles of road, and more trees. All seen through the misty blackness of the night sky just behind the reach of the headlights.

  "How much longer?" he asked when there was a break in the conversation.

  "Not long. Another ten minutes, maybe."

  Just after Seth spoke the car began to climb noticeably. Jared tensed. Why had he decided that this was a good idea? His father. Right. He stared straight ahead and tried to focus on all the good reasons for doing this. People whose only crime was to be human. Sure, some might have been taken off the streets, stolen from the shelters and bus stations, but many were like him and his father – sold to solve a problem. And make money to continue corrupt lives.

  He hated them all. He hated the vampires who'd bought him, but they did it for a reason and, although he didn't like it, he understood it. Blood was their food source. To them, they were farming humans the same as his people farmed beef. No different.

  But for the humans to sell one of their own to the vamps – to a life of living death – was beyond his understanding. Surely it wasn't possible to remain human. At least the type of human he'd like to imagine humans to be.

  Anger stirred. He wanted to sell those bastards to the blood farmers himself. Give them a lifetime of hanging beside their victims – but preferably without the same amount of mind-dulling drugs.

  Let the assholes be aware that they were paying the price for their actions.

  Like his uncle would soon.

  Tessa launched up and over the heads of the two vamps in front of her, barely clearing their heads, and kicked off the side wall to land just behind the last guy in line. He was now pinned between her and Cody.

  Cody had a different vamp in an arm lock, with yet another trying to ride his back. Even as she watched, the guy pulled out a spike. "Cody, watch out."

  She took out her spike and stabbed the guy on Cody's back. He incinerated in front of her.

  "Crap. I'm never going to get used to that." Cody spun around, still holding the vamp tightly in his arms, as the ash burnt through his shirt. Tessa gave the second vamp the same treatment. "Asshole."
  She grinned at Cody as he stared down at his empty hands before turning her attention to Jewel, who was pinned against the wall by two vamps. Jewel and Ian's blood wasn't as important as Cody and David's to these guys. So if push came to shove, they might be killed outright. And that wouldn't be good. With her fangs bared and unholy sounds coming from deep down below, Jewel was fighting with all she had…and maybe starting to win. Tessa hopped over and grabbed the first guy's neck in her father's neckhold. Just like every other time she'd used it, the vamp dropped. Only now, dropping wasn't good enough. She bent on one knee and punched the silver spike into his back.

  Bouncing to her feet, she spun, ready for the next asshole, only to realize the fight was mostly over.

  Cody appeared to be in trouble again, though, locked in a stronghold with the redhead. And she was gaining on him. Tessa shook her head, sure she had to be mistaken. Cody wasn't going easy on this one, was he?

  Then she heard him.

  "Damn it Xana, I don't want to hurt you."

  Xana. The ex-girlfriend. Damn.

  Light, tinkling laughter whispered toward Tessa. "I know. Darling Cody. So weak. So useless. And so easy." Her voice hardened. "I played you. Lying down on the last bed when I heard you and your damn friends arriving."

  She kneed him in the groin. "How easy to tape a needle on my arm and make myself one of the victims."

  Cody gasped and doubled over. She grabbed him by the neck and pinched, but he twisted away from her grasp. He grabbed her arm, spun her around, hooked her arm against her back, and slammed her against the wall. "I don't want to kill you."

  Her chest heaving, Xana kicked and slashed, hissing and spitting, trying to free herself as Cody kept her pinned helplessly in place.

  Finally Xana collapsed against the wall, tears of frustration and anger pouring down her face as Cody held her firmly in place.

  Tessa watched, hating the ripping feeling inside. Hating what this war was doing to everyone. Hating what it would still do to them. And hating to see this woman in Cody's arms. Even if they were fighting. He'd shown remarkable restraint, and that meant something.

  But what?

  She couldn't watch the vanquished Xana anymore. That could be her at any time.

  Yet, how did they keep Xana from turning on them again? And was she even responsible? Had she been drugged and reprogrammed? Like so many others? Or had Xana always been on the other side?

  And how to find out?

  She gave them a moment as she took stock of the mess. Cody had a pile of ashes at his feet. Actually, it was a huge pile of ash – all that was left of a few oversized designer vamps. David stood over two vamps lying on the ground. Ian picked up one and tossed a big vamp onto the pile. She counted several more lying around behind the group.

  "Is that the lot of them?"

  "Appears so," said Ian. "But there's likely to be another dozen coming any time."

  "Do they have some way to communicate with each other? Like, how do they know about us? Cell phones are spotty at best, and living down here there must be some kind of system."

  "I don't know." Cody pulled something from his pocket, still holding Xana to the wall. He tossed it to Ian. "I found this in the ashes of one vamp. I wondered if it was some kind of implanted communication device."

  Ian held it up for a closer look. "I've never seen anything like that."

  "Nor I." David frowned at it. "It's pretty damn small, but considering the advances they are making in drug research, they could also be involved in technology research."

  "This isn't all that advanced," Ian said. "The technology has been available for a while. Didn't your father say he had tracking units put in Tessa and you?"

  "Tracking versus communication isn't quite the same."

  "But neither is it that far away. Technology for implants and technology for telecommunications both exist. Putting them together is just a lateral step."

  Cody walked closer, a firm grip on Xana's wrist. "Get me something to tie her hands with, will you?"

  Xana laughed, a mocking sound that had no give in it. "Like that will help," she said.

  David walked over with spare tubing from one of the machines. Within seconds, Xana's arms were tied in front of her.

  Tessa stepped back, her eye on Xana's face. Xana stared at her, then she sneered, "What are you looking at?"

  Tessa raised an eyebrow and gave her the haughtiest of looks. "I'm looking at a possible traitor. That's what."

  Xana hissed.

  Cody snapped his attention back to the two of them. "Xana," he warned. "That's enough."

  "I'm not a damn dog," she snarled.

  Tessa snorted. "Really? 'Cause that's what a bitch really is, and there's no doubting you're one of those." She caught Ian trying to hide his smile and David making no attempt to.

  Xana cut her a look that would have dropped Tessa cold before this mess. Not now. Tessa had grown a backbone and Xana was just another asshole. Female, but the same as the rest of these losers.

  Cody couldn't help but roll his eyes. "I want your assurances that you won't attack anyone here. I don't know what we're going to do with you. We have to figure out the drugs they gave you. Maybe find an antidote. But in the meantime, we need you to behave."

  She turned her back on Xana and looked around the room full of beds and victims. Jewel walked over to join her. She gave a delicate shudder. "Yuck, and double yuck. A couple of these victims we just rescued today. Damn it."

  "They were there with Jared at the end." Tessa tried to recall all the people she'd seen. She pointed at a young woman. "She was there, and so were these two."

  "So, instead of letting the world know what was going on, rescuing and getting rescued," Jewel said, her voice thin with disgust, "all we did was supply the blood farm with new victims."

  Tessa wanted to puke. Her stomach contents actually started to heave. Not here. She needed anger to keep going.

  Xana mocked. "Look at you. You're such a baby."

  That did it. Tessa took a deep breath, then straightened.

  David walked to the opposite side of the room. "These ones are the youngest I've seen yet."

  Tessa joined him, standing so she could see the victim's' faces. And gasped.

  "Oh my God. That's Catherine and Jill. They're my best friends." In reaction mode, and without any conscious thought of the repercussions, she ripped the needles out of her friends' arms. Blood trickled from the needle site. She collapsed on the side of the bed, stroking Catherine's arm, tears streaming silently down her cheeks.

  A warm hand landed on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Tessa."

  A faint shudder rippled down her back. "Did I cause this?"

  "No." Everyone spoke at the same time.

  She slumped in relief. "Thanks. But I'm not sure I believe you," she whispered. "If I hadn't come after Jared, how would they have found these girls?" She reached down to stroke Catherine's hair off her pale forehead. "I can't stand to know they're here. We have to stop this. Who could do this to them?"

  Cody answered with dark promise in his voice. "We'll find a way to stop this. It's not just you and your friends; it's also us becoming slaves, lab experiments, or ashes."

  "Or we join the dark side," Jewel stated quietly. "To stay alive."

  That silenced everyone.

  Tessa swallowed hard. She walked over to Jill's side and stroked her shockingly white cheek. "I'll do everything I can to stop this."

  "And I'll help you," Cody said, his voice low.

  Tessa smiled across the bed at him. She stood…and cried out as a sharp pain slashed across her neck. "What the…" She turned when her jaw was slammed hard, forcing her into the machinery connected to Jill. She struggled to regain her feet, her arms up protectively.

  Xana, her fangs out and dripping blood, jumped her again. Her arms slamming into Tessa's ribs. Tessa cried out as the bruises she'd already received were pummeled again.

  "I heard the rumors about you and your human friend
s, but couldn't believe it. What a disgrace," Xana sneered. "You might have taken me prisoner, but I'm going to do the world a favor and take your life."

  Still emotionally disoriented from finding her friends, Tessa recoiled defensively. In victim mode. Realizing what she was doing, she struggled to shift.


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