Conspiracy (Alex and Cassidy Book 4)

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Conspiracy (Alex and Cassidy Book 4) Page 28

by Nancy Ann Healy

  “How would he do that?” Cassidy asked.

  “Please don’t ask me that,” he said.

  “Who else?” Alex asked. McCollum shook his head and looked downward. “Who else?” she demanded.

  “There are so many, Alex. That’s why I went to Russia underground. Assets were passed to your father for placement.”

  “Assets?” Cassidy looked at Alex.

  “People they were brainwashing—for lack of a better term,” Alex said. “My father, it would seem, placed them in the positions they were meant for,” she said disgustedly.

  “As much as possible, we brought them in. I looked to uncover what their objectives had been, with moderate success. If I could not determine that, we often sought to change it. There are risks involved with it. You can never completely wash away a person's memory, neither what is organic nor what is planted. That is one of SEED’s greatest failures. One mission wasn’t enough. Some people went through a number of processes, multiple times. The more that is repressed, the more triggers it creates. Breaks occur.”

  “What kind of breaks?” Krause asked.

  “Emotional, psychological….behavior changes, and ironically enough, an asset can lose control altogether, depart into a unique reality—disconnected, violent, even what you might deem evil. They become capable of things…”

  “Who?” Alex demanded again. “Who? Tell me one of those names was not Carl Fisher?”

  Cassidy went cold. She looked at her father as he shut his eyes tightly. “Oh, my God,” she whispered.

  “O’Brien?” Alex guessed.

  “Likely, yes. Kargen, Elliot,” he looked at Edmond, who shook his head in disbelief. “Claire…Alex, that’s why MyoGen is so important. They continued, widespread, steadily growing like The Collaborative itself. Their research? Their programs? There will likely be names that we do not have.”

  Alex nodded and took a deep breath. She wanted this over with for both Cassidy and Eleana soon, but she needed to know as much as possible. “And, the split with Ivanov?”

  “Ivanov has always been rogue. He’s not his father, just like none of us were our parents. But, he shares a vision with many others that to preserve what they have, they have to stem the growth. Intelligence is business now, Alex. The big pie is being cut into smaller pieces. Ivanov, Bill—they see an opportunity. Draw those deeper lines on the map again. Give the world a reason to fear a World War. Terrorism is effective in spurts. Nuclear annihilation, invasion? Those possibilities create a different kind of fear, one that breeds order instead of chaos.”

  “You think someone will use a nuke?” Krause asked.

  “On a large scale? No. What? You think they had Claire liberate Cesium to make Carecom look bad? Come now, Jonathan. You think they bombed the embassy in Russia to shut Russ Matthews up? John? You think his assassination was about what? Passenger planes shot down, crashing mysteriously. You’ve heard the conspiracy theories about Russia, the CIA—all of it. Those are only fringe benefits, the little bonuses that make it all the more enticing for them. The same types of things are happening in Russia.”

  “You think John’s death is part of that plan? No one is talking war,” Krause pointed out. “There is no massive public outcry or fear over Russia becoming a threat to our security. The conversation is about terrorism, domestic woes…There is no uprising in Russia of nationalism either.”

  “Yet, Jonathan. They’re whispers now. In time, they will become shouts. All of that? All of those things I mentioned are seeds too. They are the seeds of perception—changing perception takes time. And, Jonathan? It would not be the first time an asset was installed in The White House only to be removed to make way for war because he acted more on his conscience than his directives.”

  Cassidy let go of Alex’s hand and walked silently over to Mackenzie, who was playing with a toy in the play yard that Alex had set up for her. She picked Mackenzie up, whispered in her ear and kissed her when Mackenzie giggled. Cassidy turned and headed for the door. She stopped abruptly and looked at her father. She regarded him silently for a moment before shaking her head and then nodding as if she had suddenly had an epiphany.

  “I do not understand you,” she said. “I’m not as naïve as you might think—any of you, in fact. I’ve lived in this world long enough, seen enough things—lost enough people for whom I cared to understand that what you say is true. People can be greedy. They can be selfish, hurtful, vindictive—violent. You’re right about all of that. You sit here and you talk about assets,” she said. She looked at Mackenzie. “People are not assets. They are people. Children are people. You bring life into this world and that life knows nothing but to love you,” she told her father. “You choose to create life—you assume the responsibility to care for it. You talk about protecting me—protecting any of us.” Cassidy looked at Edmond and shook her head again. She looked back at her father. “I wonder what it is you think you have protected us from,” she said.

  “Cassie,” McCollum tried to reach his daughter.

  “No. You’ve had the floor for a while. I listened. I heard every word you said. We all did. I’ve watched this madness unfold for too long silently. Protect us? Here we are—all of us. Well, not all of us. John is dead. Christopher? Claire? What about her? Do you know how many nights I still wake up and see Carl Fisher’s face?”

  “Cass,” Alex called gently to her wife.

  Cassidy ignored Alex and continued. “Do you know that Alex struggles to stand some mornings because of that IED attack in Iraq? That I almost lost her once to this insanity?” Cassidy asked. Her voice remained even. “What about Mom? Dylan? What about Jane? Or Stephanie and Alexandra? How many children have to mourn their parents?”

  “No one wanted this,” he said softly. “We wanted to protect you,” he told her. McCollum looked up and met Cassidy’s eyes. “You have every right to hate me. I need you to know that I love you. I always will love you, Cassie.”

  Cassidy nodded. “I know that,” she said. McCollum’s surprise was evident. “I don’t hate you,” Cassidy said. “But, I don’t know if I can forgive you either. And, that is not about me. I have Alex, I have Dylan, and Mackenzie. One day there will be someone else to add to that list,” she turned briefly to Alex and smiled. “I have Pip and Jane….All of it, ironically, because of this madness. But, what you caused for them? The pain you caused Mom? I don’t know if I can forgive that,” she said. “I love you,” Cassidy said.

  Eleana closed her eyes as she listened to Cassidy calmly address her father. She was certain everyone in the room could feel Cassidy’s anguish in spite of Cassidy’s composure. Eleana felt her anger simmering as Cassidy spoke. Krause took hold of her hand. He watched Cassidy in awe. He had not been surprised by anything McCollum offered. Little surprised him anymore and he was sure that Alex had anticipated at least some of what Cassidy’s father had divulged. He was not prepared for what he was now witnessing. It was difficult to watch, as if they were all intruding on a private moment. Yet, somehow he understood Cassidy’s words were meant for everyone in the room in some way.

  Cassidy sighed at the shocked expression on her father’s face. “You can’t come in here and fix what you chose to break years ago. If you want me in your life, if you honestly feel remorse for what you created at all—you will have to build something entirely new. We all have choices to make,” Cassidy said. “That is yours.” She turned to Alex. Alex smiled at her. “I’ve heard enough,” Cassidy said.

  Alex stood and walked Cassidy to the door. “I love you, Cassidy,” she declared plainly.

  Cassidy smiled at Alex. “I know. I’m sure you will never know how much I love you,” Cassidy said. She kissed Alex on the cheek. Cassidy looked over at her father one last time. “I hope you make the right choice.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  It only took seconds after Cassidy had left the room for Eleana to erupt. “You knew?” Eleana questioned her father.

  Callier steadied himself. “We had an all
iance, Eleana. You don’t understand. We swore, all five of us to protect you above anything else. Whatever I have done was for that cause alone. There was a great deal at risk…”

  “At risk? What the hell is it with you? All of you? You had a great deal at risk? What about Claire? What about Cassidy? What about me? You had a great deal at risk?”

  “Eleana,” Krause placed a hand on her arm gently.

  Eleana tugged away from him violently. “No, Jonathan. I want an answer. An actual answer for once.”

  “What is it that you expect me to say? That I am sorry? I am. I’m sorry for many things,” Callier said honestly.

  Eleana scoffed at his words. “Sorry is a pitiful word. Were you sorry then?”

  “I was sorry for Claire, Eleana. We all were. If I had any knowledge that you might have been exposed…”

  “I don’t even care about that right now. What about Cassidy? Were you sorry for her too?” Eleana asked.

  “I didn’t know about Jim,” Callier reminded his daughter.

  “Didn’t know he was actually alive—yes, I know. You thought he was dead, right? Killed to preserve your….What did you call it? Alliance?”

  “Eleana,” Krause called softly. “Nothing he can say…”

  “Nothing he can say can change the past. I know that.”

  “None of us wanted this,” Callier said. “This…”

  “You created this, Papa. You, The Admiral, Mr. McCollum, Jonathan’s father—all of you. You created it. And now, what? You want to pretend that this was some crusade for the greater good? Whose good, Papa? Where is the good in all of this?”

  “You don’t understand, Eleana. We could not let the alliance fracture. If we lost control of the programs…If we had not tried to change the course. It would have destroyed lives. It…”

  Eleana’s disgusted chuckle sent a shiver up her father’s spine. “You are pathetic. Your alliance? It is fractured, beyond repair. This Collaborative of yours—who do you think destroyed lives?” she asked with the shake of her head. “Did you not hear Cassidy? You shattered children—your own children.”

  “We tried to protect you.”

  “You failed,” Eleana said flatly. “Je ne vous connais pas. (I don’t know you).”

  “No matter what you feel. I’m your father, Eleana, and I love you.”

  Eleana closed her eyes and spoke softly. “ Non, Edmond. Vous êtes un étranger. (No, Edmond. You are a stranger).” Eleana looked back to her father one last time and shook her head sadly. Without another word, she calmly left the room.


  Cassidy had just put Mackenzie in her highchair when she heard a car pull into the driveway. “This cannot be good.” She walked the short few paces to the study and opened the door. “Alex? Someone just pulled in the driveway.”

  Alex exchanged a glance with Krause. “I’ll go,” he said.

  “Where’s Kenz?” Alex asked.

  “In the kitchen.”

  “Take her and go upstairs,” Alex said.

  Alex had no idea who could have known they were all here. She had no message from Jane. That caused immediate concern for Alex. Had it been Brady or Fallon, she would have expected a call. She looked at McCollum. Without a word, Alex walked to a safe underneath her father’s old desk. In less than a minute, she was standing in front of James McCollum. She had stripped the man of his weapon when they had arrived.

  “Take it,” Alex handed him his pistol. “Go with Cassidy.” She followed him out the door and called after Cassidy. “Tell Eleana to stay with Claire. Your father will protect you in case,” Alex stopped when she realized the irony in her words. “Do not let anything happen to them,” Alex told McCollum. He nodded and followed Cassidy up the stairs.

  “Me?” Edmond asked.

  “Go back in the study and call Jane. Tell her what just happened and that we seem to have company. See if you can find out where Brady and Fallon are. Lock the door behind you.”

  Edmond complied immediately. Alex took a few deep breaths, exhaling each forcefully. She made her way to Krause. “I’m not armed.”

  “I know. Let’s hope you don’t need to be,” he said.

  Krause waited with his hand on the door knob. He looked out the small hole in the door, waiting for a face to come into view. He steadied his breathing, feeling an uncharacteristic nervousness emanating from Alex. Normally, they were both controlled and unemotional in uncertain situations or dangerous ones. That was a necessary survival skill. What had just transpired would have been enough to unsettle nearly anyone. Alex’s family was upstairs. That made this situation all the more tenuous.

  “Just stay behind me, until we know,” he told Alex.

  Two quick knocks came. Krause could not see anyone. Another knock, this time louder. “I know your home,” a voice carried through the door. “Come on, Alex.”

  Krause jumped back when an eye met his and the owner of the eye stepped back and deliberately into view. “Christ Almighty,” he groaned as he opened the door, his gun at his side. “It’s Hawk.”

  “Geez, Krause! Do you greet all of Alex’s friends this way? Taking the older brother role to a whole new level,” Hawkins teased.

  “Hawk?” Alex stepped into the foyer. “What the hell are you doing here?”

  “I figured with this crew you would be serving lunch soon,” Hawkins quipped. Alex pulled her into the house forcefully. “What?” Hawkins asked. “Was I supposed to bring pizza or something?”

  “You could have called,” Alex said. She gave Jonathan the nod to give the all clear to everyone.

  “I thought Tate would have let you know I was coming.”

  Alex shook her head. “I’m going to kill him,” she groaned.

  “You sure are jumpy,” Hawk said.

  “Can’t imagine why,” Alex replied.

  “Why then?” Hawk grinned.

  “How about my dead father-in-law is upstairs and two of my ex-lovers are in the house. How much more do you think Cass can take?”

  “What can’t I take?” Cassidy asked from behind Alex.

  Alex looked upward, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “Who did I piss off?” she mumbled. Alex turned and smiled at Cassidy. “Cass, this is Charlie Hawkins, my former…”

  “Partner,” Cassidy finished the sentence. “Yes, I remember. Nice to meet you, Agent Hawkins,” Cassidy said with a smile.

  “Hawk,” Hawkins gave Cassidy her preferred name. “Everyone calls me Hawk. Nice to meet you too.”

  Cassidy felt her phone vibrate. She passed Mackenzie to Alex and took her leave to answer it.

  “Hey, Helen,” Alex heard Cassidy’s voice grow more distant.

  “So what are you doing here?” Alex asked Hawkins.

  “Shit, Alex,” Hawk chuckled. “That baby looks kind of like you.”

  “You think?” Alex beamed. “I think she looks like Cass.”

  “Is Nicky the…”

  “What are you doing here, Hawk?”

  “Got some information I think maybe we should talk about.”

  “Am I going to like this information?” Alex asked.

  “Bah!” Mackenzie called out happily.

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m afraid of Kenz,” Alex told her daughter. “Oh, hell, I don’t see how this day can possibly get any worse now. Let’s have it.”

  “Alex!” Cassidy called out as she hurriedly came back into view.

  Alex turned and looked at her wife. Cassidy was pale and Alex could see the phone trembling in her hand. “Cass? What is it?”

  Cassidy shook her head. “Dylan.”


  Alex took the phone from Cassidy’s hand. “Mom?”


  “Where’s Dylan?”

  “He’s still on the mountain,” Helen said.

  “How badly is he hurt?”

  “I don’t know. It’s not life-threatening. All the Ski Patrol told me was that he took a good spill. He injured his arm and they want to che
ck him out. They worry about concussions,” Helen said. “Rose is with him.”

  “Does she have her phone?”

  “I think so, but Alexis the chances you will get her are slim. I just wanted you to know they are taking him to the emergency room at the local hospital.”

  “We’ll be there as soon as we can,” Alex said.

  “Alexis, it is almost four hours from you. It’s supposed to start snowing….”

  “We’ll be there,” Alex said. “Call Cass as soon as you know anything.”

  “I will. You need to calm down. He’ll be okay. We can handle it,” Helen said.

  “I know you can. We’ll be there as soon as we can,” Alex said again. She looked at Cassidy. “He’ll be okay.”

  “I know, I just hate that we are so far away,” Cassidy said.

  “Me too.”

  Hawkins cleared her throat. “Alex? What about the…”

  Alex’s jaw tightened. “Go in the kitchen. I’ll be there in a second,” she told Hawkins. “Cass, go pack us what we need. Sounds like we might be stuck there until Wednesday. Plus, who knows how Speed will be feeling.”

  “Alex, can you do this now? I can…..”

  “Nothing is more important than you and our kids,” Alex said. “Nothing.”

  “I’ll get Kenzie ready.”

  “Hey, Cass?”


  “Maybe I am crazy, but if we’re going to the cabin…Maybe…”

  Cassidy nodded. “What about Edmond?”

  Alex smirked. “We’ll stick him in back. I think Eleana could use the space.”

  “I’ll tell my father.”

  Alex watched Cassidy climb the stairs. “She’ll tell me what?” McCollum asked hesitantly.

  Alex spun around and smiled at him. “You lived in Siberia, right?”


  “Good. You’re still familiar with snow,” Alex said as she headed toward the kitchen.



  “Not that I am not happy to see you,” Alex began, “but, I need to leave soon. So, what is it that you needed to tell me?”

  “Tate picked up some chatter at Carecom from the night everything went down,” Hawk said.


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