Temperature Rising

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Temperature Rising Page 6

by Knight, Alysia S.

  She unlocked the door and turned back to him. “Well, thank you for the nice evening.”

  He stepped close and started to lean over her. Laken put up a hand to hold him off. He looked almost comically confused. “I thought that I’d come in for a while.”

  “I’m sorry, Howard. I’m very of tired and want to go straight to bed.”

  “That’s fine with me.” He sent her a leer.

  Laken was shocked, and felt her ire rising. “That was not an invitation.”

  This time the man looked taken back. “What is this? We went out to dinner and to that little club for music.”

  “Yes and that is all that is happening.”

  “What’s going on? Aunt Ardith said you don’t date much.”

  “Not a lot. What does that have to do with you coming in?” Her anger stepped up a notch.

  “Well, you should be happy to get a little.”

  “A little? As in you going to bed with me? No!” She really couldn’t believe he was serious, but there was no doubt he was.

  “What do you mean ‘no’? I bought you dinner.”

  “Yes, but that doesn’t mean you bought me!”

  “I thought—”

  “You thought wrong. Here.” She pulled the money she kept in her pocket in case of emergency during a date out and shoved it at him. “That should cover my dinner.”

  “That’s not half.”

  “But it’s more than enough for my dinner, and I’m not going to pay for all the wine you drank and I didn’t. Good-bye, Howard.” She stepped through the door and closed it in his face. Barely catching his remark, “No wonder she doesn’t date, tight—”

  Laken sank back against the door. What a miserable night. Correction — miserable day. Could her life get any worse?

  Chapter Five

  Laken forced herself to concentrate on the wall section she was moving to make room for the change in the ventilation system the owner had opted for. Usually, details like that really didn’t bother her too much. It just seemed silly that it wasn’t decided in the first place, but today, she could just scream with frustration. Today, she could scream about a lot, mainly deceitful men and underhanded bosses, which were one and the same in her book.

  “Miss Williams.” The voice from one of the people on her annoyance list called her name.

  She turned, not bothering to hold back completely the glare at her boss. “Yes, Mr. Hoster.”

  The man looked decisively unfriendly, which was okay, because she was still not very happy with him. “I heard that the police were here questioning you yesterday. I want to know what that was about.”

  Great! That was all she needed. She groaned under her breath. “It was nothing, sir.” She hated that he expected the title, unless of course, you were one of his golfing buddies.

  “I heard they stayed quite some time and that you were quite upset when they left.” He stared down at her in his patented disapproving look, that she didn’t realize until then really annoyed her.

  “There’s a case they are working on that I have some information about. They came to go back over my statement and to see if I remembered any other details.” She figured that was pretty much the truth.

  “What kind of a case?”

  “I don’t think I’m allowed to talk about it. It’s still under investigation, and they’re keeping information back for the time being.” She could tell Hoster was not happy with her answer, though he couldn’t say anything to object. Laken found herself taking pleasure in that fact. It wasn’t like her to be ornery, but between the lack of sleep, nightmares plaguing what sleep she did get, and the way she’d been treated, she had had just a little too much frustration in the last couple days to feel guilty.

  “Miss Williams, if you are involved in anything illegal, I will be forced to let you go.” The man huffed at her.

  “What?” She couldn’t believe what he said. “Mr. Hoster, I witnessed something. Surely you can’t hold that against me.”

  “If it affects your job or the image of this firm, it can’t be tolerated.”

  Laken couldn’t believe him. Then it hit her. He was looking for any excuse to fire her, but why? She did good work. She carried more than her fair share of the workload assigned in the drafting group. “Mr. Hoster, it is not affecting the performance of my job, and I have put in plenty of extra time to cover the time that I talked to them. I have a strong work ethic. I am meticulous in my job. I feel I work hard for the company. I had some information on a crime, so I went to the police about it. I felt it was my duty. That is it. This will not affect my work.”

  “See that it doesn’t.” The intercom sounded, ruining his snide comment. Laken ignored it to return his gaze until it sounded again. She reached over and pushed the button. “Laken, there is a Detective MacDaniels on line three, says he’s been trying to get hold of you, that it’s important.” Laken was tempted to tell Kathy to disconnect it but couldn’t with Hoster present.

  “Was there anything else?” She hoped the man would move away but no such luck. Laken grabbed the phone, giving her normal greeting.

  “Don’t hang up.” Mac voice rushed out at her, and she might have slammed down the phone except Hoster was still staring down at her.

  “What may I do for you, detective?” She enunciated every syllable, forcing herself to sound civil.

  “Please, listen, I’m sorry. I couldn’t get involved in the interview. But I do believe you. I’ve checked out the pharmacy. The clerk remembered all of you, and I have the video. Unfortunately, there are no clear shots of the guy.” He rushed the words out, as if he was afraid she’d hang up on him, but he’d had her right after I believe you. “I think I’ve come up with an idea to help convince the other detectives to take you seriously. Would you be willing to be hypnotized? I think it might help, and you might be able to remember more details.” He finally stopped talking, letting the words hang.

  Laken was too shocked to answer. He had checked out the pharmacy. Hypnotized? She could only stare at her boss’s disapproving frown.

  “Laken?” Mac called her over the phone. “Are you still there?”


  “I have an appointment with the force psychologist at four-thirty. Can you make that?” The hope in his voice was clear to her.

  “Yes.” She let the word out slowly.

  “Good, I’ll be there to get you just after four.”

  “No,” Laken shot back, feeling a stab of pain. Even if he did believe her, she wasn’t ready to give into him that far yet. “I’ll get there on my own. What’s the address?” She turned her back on her boss to write it down.

  When she looked back, Hoster glared at her and then turned away without further comment.


  Laken’s stomach clenched again as she stepped off the elevator. What she couldn’t tell was if it was fear of being hypnotized or apprehension at seeing Mac again that was making her nervous. She didn’t get a chance to decide before he was there in front of her.

  “Laken.” He said her name like a starving man savoring a feast.

  She wanted to turn away but was frozen in place, drinking up the sight of him. Pain rose again. Her hand came up to hold back the sob that came with it. Before it could escape, Mac crossed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to his chest.

  “I’m so sorry.” There was a tremor to his words. His lips brushed her temple as he buried his face into her hair. “Please, forgive me?”

  Unable to stop herself, Laken slipped her arms around him, amazed at how right the action felt. She breathed in the clean musky smell that was Mac. Behind them someone cleared their voice. “Detective MacDaniels, Dr. Shannon is ready for you now.”

  Mac leaned back and framed her face with his hands. “Are you okay with this?”

  Laken was comforted by the concern in his eyes. “Yes,” she managed to squeeze out, her throat suddenly dry. “Will you be with me?”

  “Right by y
ou,” he promised, bringing her hand to his lips, kissing her fingers before interlocking them with his to lead her into the room.

  A small, compact woman, who Laken guessed to be in her mid-fifties, stood as they entered the room. “Mac,” the woman greeted him then turned to her. “You must be Miss Williams.”

  “Call me Laken, please.” Laken extended her hand to shake the woman’s.

  “Thank you, I’m Laura. I like being on a first name basis. It tends to make people feel more comfortable. Won’t you sit down?” She directed them to a small sitting area to one side of the room with a tan leather couch, two wing-back chairs, and a coffee table. “Would you like something to drink?”

  “Could I have some water please?”

  “Of course. Please, I need you relaxed if I’m going to hypnotize you. You are willing?”


  “Good.” The woman poured a couple of glasses of water from a crystal pitcher on the coffee table then settled down in a chair while Laken sat beside Mac on the couch. “Mac has told me a little about what happened with you. I have to admit, I’m quite fascinated. There is much to be learned about the dream state.”

  Laken glanced up at Mac then back to her. “You believe me then?”

  “Oh, yes. Though I’ve never dealt with anything quite like what you experienced. I’ve been trying to decide the best way to go about this. If I should have you tell me about the dream first or just go into it with you under hypnosis. I’ve decided to have you tell me all you can remember, so I can know better what to ask. Is that okay with you?”


  “Good, before we start, Mac asked if it was okay if we record the sessions.”

  Laken cleared her throat. “It’s fine.”

  “All right, why don’t you tell me about that night?”

  By now, Laken had gone over it so many times it no longer threatened to overwhelm her. Eventually they switched to just talking.


  Mac held both her hands in one of his and kept his other moving up and down Laken’s arm in what he hoped was a soothing fashion. He hated to see her forced to bring up the terrible images again. He was proud of the way she handled it, and realized how strong she was. Even facing certain disbelief, she had come forward to help. His heart swelled as he looked down at her fingers still interlocked with his.

  It took all his willpower not to drag her out of there, to a place where she never had to face the bad things in life again. He relaxed along with Laken when the story ended. He then watched as Dr. Shannon directed her in relaxing further, and just listening to the woman’s voice, Laken seemed to slip into sleep.

  “Is she all right?” Mac could no longer keep from asking when Dr. Shannon stepped forward to check her.

  “Oh, yes. Let’s get started. Laken can you hear me?”

  “Yes.” Her voice was soft, kind of dreamy.

  “Good, I would like you to go back to last Wednesday.”

  Laken shook her head. “I don’t feel good. I wish I had something to make me feel better. I want to go home but need to finish the last changes to my plans. Hoster’s demanding that I work the Christensen’s plans. I don’t know why. They aren’t due for two weeks, and they’re supposed to be Jeff’s assignment.”

  “Good, can you go later, after work?”

  “Almost done, just have to print the sheet with the new changes. So sick, just want to sleep, but I’m done. They are so perfect, so perfect. Feel awful. Maybe I should just get a little sleep before I try to go home. No, if I go to sleep I won’t make it home, or I won’t get medicine. I have to get some medicine, go home and sleep. Just want to sleep.”

  Mac felt Laken’s body tremble. He glanced at Dr. Shannon. The woman shook her head as if reading his thoughts. He slid his hand over Laken’s, interlocked their fingers.

  “It’s so cold. I’m so hot. I hate being sick. I can’t believe I forgot my umbrella. I don’t like to wait for the bus alone when it’s dark, but it should be here soon. I feel so awful, need some medicine.”

  She moved restlessly.

  “It’s okay, Laken. You’re not sick anymore. Do you understand?” the doctor said, her tones soothing.


  “Good, can you tell me about the woman at the pharmacy?”

  Mac leaned forward, listening to her repeat pretty much what she’d told him before, but this time going into the conversation she’d overheard.

  “That was very good. Laken, now I need you to tell me about the man in the raincoat.”

  Calmly again, she told everything that had happened in the pharmacy. Mac experienced a wave of rage when she repeated how the man had touched her then licked his finger. Dr. Shannon led her through the dream. They were just finishing when Laken jerked and shivered, the violence of it taking him by surprise.

  “It’s okay, Laken.” Dr. Shannon stood and moved to her.

  “No,” she cried out.

  “She’s getting hot.” Mac moved a hand to her forehead alarmed. “She’s burning up.”

  “Laken, it’s all right.”

  “No, he’s angry. It’s building. He’s going to hunt. He’s going to. He’ll teach them. They are nothing. Shouldn’t be let out of the house. They forget their place.”

  “Who, Laken?

  Laken shook her head back and forth as if trying to fight off the answer. “He’s going to hunt.” Her words came in raspy gasps.

  “Laken, can you tell me his name?”

  She shook her head.

  “Can you describe him?”

  Again, she began to shake her head. “He’s in a crowded room. There’s so much noise. It’s buzzing in his head. It’s not fair. How can they think to compete with him? They’re weak. He’s stronger, smarter, better. They are nothing.” She cried out in pain. Her breathing heavily labored. Her skin was so hot Mac could hardly touch her.

  “We’ve got to bring her out of this,” he demanded, feeling his own panic.

  “Yes,” Dr. Shannon agreed, her own worry plain to see.

  “Laken, Laken can you hear me?” There was no response.

  “Laken.” Mac couldn’t keep from calling her name. She jerked.

  “That’s it.” Dr. Shannon shot him an alarmed look. “Laken, it’s okay. Mac’s here, he has you. Hold her tight, talk to her.”

  “Laken, sweetheart, listen to me, I’m here. I have you. I won’t let anything hurt you.” Fear pounded in his heart, knowing he couldn’t really protect her from this.

  “He’s going to kill again,” Laken cried out.

  “Come on, sweetheart, I have you. I’m right here. You’re safe. You need to listen to Laura.”

  “Laken, you’re going to relax now. Everything is all right. You are going to feel better now. When you wake up, the dream won’t plague you. You’ll remember last Wednesday clearly, but you will not be afraid. He can’t reach you. Do you hear me?”

  “Yes.” Her breathing smoothed and became regular. Her body temperature fell to normal. She let out a huge sigh. A shiver of released tension shook her, then she stilled, calm in Mac’s arms.

  “Very good, Laken. Now, I’m going to count to three, and you will wake up. One, two, three.”

  Mac let out a sigh of his own when Laken opened her eyes. She looked up at him holding her to him with one arm. His other hand still held hers, their fingers interlocked. “Welcome back.” He smiled down, never so happy in his life.

  “Did it work?”

  “Yes, you remembered a few more details, but it was all pretty much the same. How do you feel?”

  “Okay, just a little tired, thirsty.”

  He reached over for her glass. “Here.”

  She took it and drained what was left, and Dr. Shannon refilled it for her to drink again. “Thank you, I’m so thirsty.”

  Mac exchanged looks with Dr. Shannon.

  “That’s fine. You did very well.”

  “What do you think?” Laken looked hopeful for answers.

will tell you, I found it very fascinating. I’d like to go over the tape before I comment more on it. Then, if you don’t mind, I’d like to see you again.”

  “You don’t think I lied then or am making it up?”

  “No, I will try to find some answers for you,” the doctor said soothingly.

  The words seemed to help Laken relax. “Thank you.” Laken glanced at her watch and looked startled. “Oh, my, I didn’t realize it was so late.”

  Mac glanced at his own watch. An hour and a half had passed.

  “That was why I had you as my last appointment. I hope that it’s okay?” Dr. Shannon smiled, unconcerned.

  “Yes, I just didn’t realize that much time had passed.”

  “I understand.” The doctor rose with them, going to the door. They were through it when Dr. Shannon said, “Mac, can I speak to you alone a minute, please?” The woman looked thoughtful.

  “I’ll just be a minute.” He looked down at Laken. “Wait for me, please.” He waited until she nodded before going back in the office. When Dr. Shannon closed the door behind him, he turned to her. “Yes?”

  The doctor seemed to take a second to collect her thoughts. “I wanted to tell you that I believe everything she said. I’m quite concerned about Laken’s fever. The thing is, it shouldn’t have happened. It was extremely high, too high to be healthy for a person. I can’t explain it, but I think it’s a link.”

  “A link to what?”

  “I’m not sure. As I said before, I’ll have to do some research and see if I can find out anything.”

  The sense of dread slipped back into him, but all Mac could do was nod. He was relieved to see Laken waiting for him when he opened the door. A smile crept to her lips and pleasure filled him. She wasn’t mad at him anymore. Everything would be all right. He moved directly in front of her, so her head had to tip up to look at him. Her fingers locked around his as he took her hand.

  “Would you like to go get something to eat?” He raised his other hand to brush back the hair from her face. Her skin was incredibly soft. He longed to caress it, cup her face and draw her to him, and since the room was empty, he did just that.


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