Changing Her Mind

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Changing Her Mind Page 5

by Stevie McFarlane

  “Bookie?” Harry chortled, “I had a bookie once, fine fellow, made me a lot of money too. Don’t know if he’s still around, but I can give you his number.”

  Rebecca couldn’t help but smile at the absurdity of this conversation. Hugging Mary, whose hearing was fast becoming a real problem for her, she spoke loudly enough for all her folks to hear.

  “No, I’m not getting arrested and I don’t need a bookie. It’s just a misunderstanding,” Rebecca informed them drawing out the words slowly.

  “Huh? Standing? Here take my chair,” Harry offered, rising stiffly on his arthritic legs.

  Smiling helplessly, Rebecca patted Harry on his thin shoulder gently.

  “No Harry, I don’t need your chair. I have some paperwork to do in my office. Sara will help you now.”

  “Well if you need any help you just let old Harry Johnson know. I still have some friends left in this town my girl.”

  ‘I surely will Harry. You can count on it,” Rebecca choked out. Hurrying to her office she had a picture of Harry Johnson brandishing his cane at Mason. Shaking her head she closed the door and burst out laughing.

  Chapter Four

  Mason slammed the phone down for the eighth time in two days. If he got her voice mail just one more time…..

  The more she avoided him, the more furious he became. This was exactly why he hadn’t wanted to get physically involved and he cursed himself for his weakness.

  Rebecca had been a part of his life for so long that he couldn’t handle the separation. It had been two long weeks since he’d seen her. She hadn’t shown up for class last week and he felt responsible. Her grades couldn’t take any neglect. Economics was a tough course for someone who wasn’t exactly practical minded.

  Pacing his office he tried to think of a way to recover what they’d lost, knowing subconsciously that they couldn’t go back. His body burned for her in a way he’d never experienced before. The women in his life had always been fun, but forgettable and he’d never been faced with this gut wrenching indecision. ‘Witch’ was a good name for her he thought dejectedly, she’d cast a spell on him, haunted his nights and thought of her consumed his days.

  It amazed him that one night of Rebecca’s loving had affected him so deeply. He’d known she was a virgin and had figured it would take lots of patience and practice before everything clicked perfectly. He had expected some shyness, maybe a few tears, even some embarrassment the first few times. Instead he’d gotten a hellion who bulldozed him into bed before he even knew what hit him, and she’d loved every second of it. Thank God he’d been her first and so far only lover or who knows what could have happened. A guy could certainly take advantage of a woman like that, hell he still felt like he took advantage even though he loved her deeply. She wanted everything, and she wanted it right now. That was fine with him and he had no problem with giving her anything she wanted in and out of the bedroom but first he wanted his ring on her finger.

  Mason knew the longer this silence went on the more insurmountable their problems would seem. He’d tried to give her some space, time to cool down and realize that marriage was the only reasonable solution, but as time went by and he didn’t hear from her he began to grow angry. Every message he left that went unanswered increased his frustration. Rebecca had been angry with him many times, but to avoid a confrontation wasn’t her style. No, Rebecca preferred to battle it out. The fact that she was acting so out of character worried him and increased his sense of urgency. The situation was completely out of control and he’d better damn well think of a way to stop it.

  Brushing his hair back he dropped down on the edge of his desk absently watching the final blaze of the sun as it sank beyond the horizon. It isn’t as if she’s just some girl you met last week he told himself. You’ve watched her grow up; you know how her mind works. Now come up with a way to change it. It’s not her mind that’s driving you nuts a little voice whispered.

  Mason shoved off the desk and smiled. It’s her delectable little body. She wanted him. Wanted him enough to seduce him. Wanted him enough to tell him right out what she’d done. The answer had been there all along. He couldn’t believe it took him two weeks to figure it out. The worst thing he could have done was give her space.

  Mason grinned. He would assault her every sense, tease and torment her until she dragged him to the altar, because if she wanted his body again she was going to have to marry him to get it.

  If she didn’t show up tonight for class he’d go to her and show her just what she was missing by not becoming his wife. As he slammed the door of his office Maggie looked up from where she had been going over some figures with Masha and watched him stride down the hall.

  “Now there goes a man with a purpose,” she said. Marsha sighed wistfully, wishing that purpose was her.


  Mason leaned on the desk and glanced at his watch. It was six forty-five and Rebecca still hadn’t arrived. Checking the clock over the door he verified that his watch was correct. He couldn’t believe she was missing tonight’s class, the midterm exam. The next few minutes he devoted to answering some questions for the students who had shown up early. At precisely seven he closed the door and began giving out the instructions for the test. As he walked to the back of the room, passing out papers the door started to rattle. Knowing everyone was there except Rebecca; he smiled to himself and let out a breath he hadn’t known he’d been holding. Turning sharply he decided to make her pay for his worry.

  ‘So glad you could join us, Miss Moran,” he said with a touch of sarcasm.

  Looking up his heart stopped cold. Teetering in the doorway was Rebecca, wearing one and a half leg of jeans, the bottom half replaced by white plaster. Crutches under one arm; she swayed alarmingly, her heavy book bag, purse and the added weight of the cast pulling her to the left.

  Without thinking Mason swore and sprinted to the front of the room, swept her up in his arms.

  “What the hell have you done now?” he demanded not even caring that they had a very interested audience. His eyes scanned her from top to bottom and then back again as if he didn’t trust what he saw. He took in the heavy plaster cast that went from her bare toes to just below her knee. Her hair was pulled back in a glossy ponytail so he didn’t think she had any head wound. The bulky jacket she wore concealed most of her upper body and he had a flash thought of stripping it off her and inspecting for other injuries. When his eyes saw the bruise on her cheek, he lost it.

  “I asked you what happened?” he repeated harshly, fear making his voice raspy.

  ‘My car and I had a little argument with a telephone pole and I lost,” she told him quickly. “Now put me down,” she hissed.

  He continued as if she hadn’t said a thing, just as if they weren’t standing in a room with twenty-four people eagerly waiting to see what would happen next.


  “Two days ago, now put me down,” she responded, red faced with embarrassment.

  “Two days,” he all but shouted, furious because she hadn’t even thought to call him. “Should you even be walking around? What doctor did you see; I’ll call him and see what he thinks.”

  Rebecca sighed and put a hand to her aching head. “Will you please stop repeating everything I say? I don’t want you to call anyone. I just want you to stop acting like a lunatic and let me take this test, preferably seated at a desk, and go home,” she told him between gritted teeth.

  Several giggles and snickers finally began to penetrate Mason’s brain. Turning around to face the class he then proceeded to stride back and forth, not quite sure where he should go with the infuriating burden in his arms.

  Looking up and seeing the expressions on the faces of her classmates Rebecca groaned. Amusement was the most common one, but there were also several female faces with what could only be described as envy on them. Giving Mason a sharp jab with her elbow she finally lost her temper.

  “I have a broken foot Mason,” she almost shouted at him.
“I’m perfectly capable of sitting at a desk and I don’t need you carrying me around like I’m some kind of invalid. Now put me down!”

  Totally unconcerned with the tirade Mason finally settled on a place and kicking his chair out from under the large desk he sat her down gently, pulling out a drawer and propping her injured foot on it. He then retrieved her book bag and purse from the floor where they had fallen and set then within her reach.

  Walking back to the rear of the classroom he picked up the test papers and began to pass them out.

  Rebecca was seated so that she had to face the class and smiling in what she hoped was an apologetic manner she squared her shoulders and got out her pencils and calculator.

  “When you finish the test, raise your hand and I’ll collect your paper. There won’t be any class next week due to the Thanksgiving holiday, but if you check with the department secretary on Tuesday she can give you your grade. As soon as you finish you can go and I hope you all have a happy and safe holiday,” he finished, giving Rebecca a tight-lipped smile.

  Geesh, you’d think I trashed my car on purpose she thought. Sometimes I could just …,

  Unconsciously massaging her temple she closed her eyes and didn’t see the worry on his face.

  Rebecca was one of the last ones to finish her exam. As each student finished Mason put their papers into his briefcase and returned to the window ledge where he had taken up residence since she had his desk. She struggled with the answers until her head actually felt fuzzy and finally raised her hand for him to come and get her test. Handing it to him she quietly whispered, “Would you please get my crutch?”

  Mason stood looking over her paper but didn’t answer. “Could you hand me my crutch?” she hissed.

  Two more hands went up and Mason still did not make a move toward doing as she asked. Drumming her fingers impatiently on the desk she waited until the last student had turned in their exam in.


  “Hmm”, he mumbled, walking around and absently straightening up chairs, for all intents and purposes ignoring her.

  “Mason, do we have a problem here?” the nagging pain in her leg was nothing compared to the frustration of not being able to get up and walk out. It galled her to have to sit there and wait until he saw fit to hand her the damn crutch.

  “Yes Rebecca,” he informed her, crossing his arms and leaning against the desk in front of her. “I believe we do, several in fact.”

  “Well could we discuss it later? I’m very tired and I need to call Sara for a ride home. Now if you’ll just…”

  “No I won’t just…. I think things are quite convenient the way they are.” The expression on his face gave nothing away.

  “Although I don’t have you in quite the position I’d like,” he paused as though imagining a very different setting, “this is better than some I could think of.”

  “Give me my crutch!”

  “Not a chance.”

  At this point Rebecca decided that the distance wasn’t so great she couldn’t hop to the door. Standing on one foot, she balanced herself against the desk and started to move away from the chair.

  “Sit down Rebecca,” he growled

  “Go to hell Mace,” she answered sweetly still trying to control her temper.

  In two strides he was in front of her. Unless she could think of a way to go through him she was going nowhere. Her hands weren’t even free to slap him which was a delightful thought by this point.

  Her eyes were level with the third button on his shirt and she could smell his familiar aftershave. While she was mad enough to do him bodily harm, she also wanted to do nothing more than to lean on his wonderfully strong chest and be comforted. You definitely should have stayed for observation like that doctor wanted you too she told herself, you have some type of mental disorder.

  Mason was still standing close enough for her to feel the warmth of his body when he spoke again.

  “Rebecca, I have been stirred to every emotion imaginable by you over the last few weeks, and some that I have never even dreamed of, and while I have always prided myself on being an even tempered man, I find that just the opposite is true with you. Now if you have the sense that God gave an ant, you will sit down in that chair.

  “Okay, Okay,” she told him sitting down and putting some distance between them. The tone of his voice was one she didn’t want to investigate further and his eyes were a stormy blue-gray. There was something about him tonight that was different and she sensed a certain danger. Don’t be ridiculous she told herself, this is Mason, but it wasn’t the Mason she knew. This man was harder, stronger, and more determined. The control he placed on himself was almost a tangible thing and while it frightened her somewhat, she also had a strange desire to shatter it and explore the mystery underneath.

  He sat across from her now, his eyes assessing her every feature. They traveled over her so slowly and thoroughly that her face flamed. If he’d physically touched her it couldn’t have been any more intimate. A spiraling heat penetrated her, and breathing became an effort. The power of his gaze made her feel suddenly weak and her mind rebelled against what her body gloried in. When he began to speak it took her a moment to focus on what he was saying.

  “You have been a part of my life for a long time. I’ve always thought we were friends, good friends. I know we’ve had out disagreements, and that’s putting it mildly. You have amazed me, infuriated me, caused me countless sleepless nights, and recently given me more pleasure than any man has a right to expect, but you have never hurt me….until now.”

  Rebecca felt like a giant hand was squeezing her heart. Hurt him? Of all the people in her life, Mason was the one who least deserved hurting. Her eyes filled with tears as he continued.

  “Regardless of our differences the other night, or should I say the other morning, because the night was damned near perfect, I can’t believe you would have a car accident and not call me. How could you drag yourself to class like this, never considering how I would feel seeing you injured? Do you know how many times I’ve called you in the last week? Why didn’t you return them? I don’t know whether you’re trying to convince yourself that I don’t matter or convince me. Rebecca, we made love the other night. You can call it what you like and you can spout your modern attitude all you want, but that won’t change the facts. You belong to me and I won’t be shut out of your life, not without a fight. I want to marry you, not just be your lover.”

  Rebecca sat silently, her eyes misty. The last could of weeks had been tough without him and if the truth were known Mason had been the only one she’d wanted in the painful hours after her accident. But the word ‘belong’ froze something inside her. Belonging meant permanence and she of all people knew that nothing was permanent. Why couldn’t he just enjoy what they had now? Why tempt fate with empty promises of forever…when there was no such thing. No one knew what tomorrow would bring and she preferred not to count on it.

  Rebecca didn’t know what to say to make him understand; when her mother had died it had almost destroyed her father. For weeks he walked around in a daze, unable to function in even the most basic ways. Suddenly, he had become the child and she the parent, grieving alone in her room. Eventually he had recovered enough to have a semblance of his former life, but he was never the same man. At twelve years old she hadn’t been able to understand what had happened to her dynamic, fun-loving father, or forgive her mother for leaving them. She did however know one thing. She never wanted to love anyone like her father had loved her mother. Never would another human being hold her happiness in their hands. She would make her own happiness and if it included others, so be it. She didn’t believe in ‘happily ever after’ and she refused to delude herself. Her life was living proof that there was no forever, at least not on earth. Why couldn’t he just take one day at a time and be grateful for it. She loved him, she desired him, but she wouldn’t ever need him, at least not in the way he wanted. Slipping a ring on her finger wouldn’t change tha

  Mason watched the play of emotions on her tired face. Her thick lashes were moist with tears and he suddenly felt like an insensitive jerk. He could see that coming here tonight had taken all of her reserve energy. She was exhausted, probably in pain and having trouble keeping herself upright.

  “Come on baby,” he sighed, as he crossed the room to retrieve her crutch. “I’ll take you home. I guess this can wait until you’re feeling better.”

  Rebecca rose shakily to her feet and wiped the tears from her cheeks, looking at him with gratitude. She smiled slightly and misreading the look of relief, Mason froze.

  “This discussion isn’t over sweetheart, just postponed,” he told her firmly, slipping an arm around her and guiding her to the door. “I know you’re tired and in pain and I won’t push you anymore tonight, but I won’t change my mind either. You’re going to be my wife.”

  The twenty minute ride home was soothing to Rebecca. The night sky was black velvet sprinkled with diamonds and she sank further into the leather seat letting the powerful purr of the engine relax her.

  Mason was equally quiet. Remembering his plans for this evening, he smiled grimly. There was not going to be any seduction tonight and in a way he was relieved. He didn’t think he was up to another night of lying awake. Wanting her as he did, and knowing that if he allowed her to set the rules for their relationship he would regret it, he forced himself to keep his mind on her injury.

  Pulling up in front of her house, he shut the car off. Turning to look at her he swallowed a lump in his throat. She was so damn beautiful. The streetlight shone on the wisps of golden hair that had escaped her ponytail. Head back and eyes closed she drifted in the place between sleep and wakefulness, not aware that he studied her. The slim column of her silky throat was exposed and proved too tempting, despite his good intentions. Leaning over he trailed his lips along her neck, inhaling her delicate fragrance. Rebecca moaned softly and tangled her hands in his soft, thick hair, seeking more.


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