Changing Her Mind

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Changing Her Mind Page 14

by Stevie McFarlane

  Mason began to sweat.

  “Remembering the feel of your hands on my body, the texture of your skin… “

  Mason turned away and picked up the spatula, hands shaking as he played with the cooking meat.

  “Remembering the taste of you, the smell of you, the cloudy look that came into your eyes when you… “

  She got no farther. Crushed suddenly in his arms she moaned softly into his mouth. The spatula skidded across the floor as he swept her totally off her feet. Rebecca’s head fell back in relief as he carried her from the room and buried his lips in her neck. “Finally,” she sighed softly.

  Her own scream shocked her as she flew through the air and landed on the bed, bouncing several times. Shoving the hair out of her eyes she glared at Mason, struggling for names bad enough to call him.

  “Get dressed,” he ordered sharply. “We’re leaving.”

  “How dare you,” she began, rising to her knees and searching for something to throw at him.

  “Oh I dare honey. That and a lot more if you don’t get your butt dressed and ready to go in the next ten minutes,” he ground out, hands on hips as he stared her down. “I’ve had enough.”

  Rebecca swallowed any response she had planned to make. He looked enormous from her position on the bed, towering over her his eyes dark with passion and fury.

  “Enough of what?” She asked softly. Fear closed her throat. Enough of her?

  “I’m a man, not a plaything,” he shouted, raking his hand through his hair. “I’ve explained the way I feel to you but you just don’t get it do you. I’ve offered you everything I have, everything I am Rebecca and you, contrary woman that you are, aren’t complaining it’s not enough… no you don’t want it because it’s too much.” Mason stomped into his boots, his movements jerky and quick.

  “You want me to be less than I am Rebecca and God help me I was trying to be. I tried to make myself believe I could play it your way, fun and games and we’ll be buddies when it’s over, oh well, but it doesn’t feel right here Beck,” he told her, thumping his chest, his voice thick with emotion.

  “Oh I don’t blame you, not totally at least,” he continued. “I blame your father for shutting you out when your mother died, and I blame myself for always giving in to you. Well not this time sweetheart. You’re finally going to pay the piper.”

  “But Mason I want to mar…”

  “And another thing, just so we understand each other. I’d like nothing better than to get in that bed with you and make you cry ‘uncle’ but I won’t. For one thing no child of mine will be born a bastard and for another I wouldn’t want to do anything to make you try to welsh on our little arrangement. Not that I don’t trust you.”

  Rebecca stood perfectly still as Mason left the room.

  “Ten minutes,” he growled over his shoulder before slamming the door.

  Shaking with suppressed sobs, and wiping her tears away with the back of her hand she began to dress. For all the times she’d argued with him, for all the years she’d spoken her piece without effort, she hadn’t been able to say a word at what was probably the most important moment of her life.

  The trip back was long and silent. Mason had the cabin closed up and the truck packed in less than 15 minutes. Nothing had turned out as he’d planned although why that surprised him he didn’t know. Yes he’d accomplished his objective. Rebecca had promised to marry him but winning her in a card game…It was a bittersweet victory and certainly a blow to his pride, he admitted, to say the least. Not that he had any intention of letting her back out. For all he knew she could be carrying his child this very moment. It would be just like her to keep quiet about it too. He glanced speculatively over at her, trying to determine if she looked any different. No, if that mutinous expression was any indication, she wasn’t feeling any gentle emotions, maternal or otherwise. Best to get the arrangements made as quickly as possible he thought, watching her fidget out of the corner of his eye. Maybe then they could find a balance. This tension between them was out of control and as much as he wanted to relieve it for both of them he refused to be used like that. It was going to be all or nothing. But once that ring was on her finger….

  Jerk. Numbskull. Imbecile. Arrogant Neanderthal. Rebecca’s silent litany continued for several miles. How do I get myself into these messes? Everything I do backfires. He spends weeks badgering me to marry him and what happens when I finally agree? He gets his underwear in knots. Well it wasn’t exactly a fair way of going about it, a little voice whispered. So what, it worked didn’t it. Besides I tried the other way. I planned a romantic dinner and he accused me of being involved with his brother. Well, the voice returned, you were next to naked in the same room. Yes, but that wasn’t my fault. Nick understood perfectly. Why is Mason so pig-headed? Maybe it’s catchy the voice whispered. Oh shut up!


  Music filtered softly through the church as Nick and Mason waited for the signal from the minister. Mason had kept his word and made the arrangements without delay. Within two weeks everything was accomplished and now the church was filled with flowers and friends. The only thing missing was the bride.

  Nick watched silently as Mason paced the small waiting area. This was more than pre-wedding jitters. Mason was frantic.

  “She’s not coming,” he ground out, running a hand over his face. “I know it.”

  “Of course she’s coming,” Nick replied calmly. “She loves you.”

  “She’s late.”

  Nick laughed. “Rebecca’s always late.”

  “No this is different. I can feel it. She’s not going to show.”

  “Mace what is this about?” Nick asked, beginning to get a little nervous himself. “Did you have a fight?”

  “No we aren’t fighting, we’re hardly speaking,” Mason replied shortly.

  “Good God, Mason! What are you talking about?” Nick demanded, grasping Mason’s arm. “And stop pacing, you’re making me dizzy.”

  “I tricked her,” he said softly, sinking into a nearby chair and burying his face in his hands. “She didn’t want to get married but I pushed and pushed. Finally one night we were playing cards and we made a little bet.

  “What kind of bet?” Nick questioned, curiosity almost killing him now.

  “We were playing poker and I was losing, to say the least. Rebecca tried to trick me into making love to her and suggested we play one more hand. She wagered marriage but she had been on a winning streak and… anyway I cheated, and I won, but I may have lost everything.”

  “One question, brother? Why would she have to trick you into making love to her?” Nick asked, still trying to grasp the whole crazy situation.

  “I…” Mason paused. “I refused to sleep with her until we were married,” he finally admitted sheepishly.

  Nick threw his head back and roared with laughter.

  “It’s not funny,” he told Nick accusingly.

  Nick wiped his eyes and tried to control himself. “I’m sorry, Mace. I can’t agree with you there.”

  “Wel1 you go ahead and have yourself a damn good laugh Nick but you don’t know her like I do. I’ve lived in fear every time we made love that she would get pregnant. Knowing how she felt about commitment I couldn’t risk it. I’d like to be able to raise any child of mine.”

  Nick sobered instantly and laying a hand on Mason’s shoulder apologized. “I’m sorry Mason, I never thought about it that way and although now isn’t the time or place to go into it I do understand how you feel.”

  Mason resumed his pacing and this time Nick was right behind him.


  Maggie drove as fast as the speed limit allowed. They were already late and still ten minutes from the church. If Rebecca hadn’t forgotten something, they still would have been late but not this late.

  “He’s going to kill me,” Rebecca fretted, checking her make-up in the mirror and smacking the wayward hoop of her Mother’s wedding dress down.

  “Probably,” Maggie agree
d. “What was so important we had to go back?”

  “A little wedding present for my future husband,” Rebecca answered, patting the envelope in her lap.

  “Couldn’t it have waited till later?” Maggie questioned, trying to pay attention to the traffic.

  “It could have and probably should have,” she answered mysteriously. “But I figured I owed him this one.”

  Maggie glanced at the envelope and shrugged. It seemed like a small thing compared with what she had to face. She was honored to be standing up with Mason and Rebecca but the thought of spending the afternoon with Nick by her side was terrifying.

  Rebecca was out of the car almost before it stopped. Tearing up the slippery church steps one hand clamped on her tiara and veil and the other holding her dress up to her knees she ran smack into the man coming out the front door.

  Nick’s quick reflexes saved them both seconds before tumbling down the stairs.

  “Where’s Mason?” She demanded breathlessly.

  “Ripping his hair out in the waiting room. Where the hell have you been?” he questioned steadying her. Nick towered over her, his strong hands grasping her arms.

  “I forgot something,” she replied trying to twist out of his arms.

  “I hope it was important,” he ground out releasing her, the scowl on his face making his feelings perfectly clear. “You just put my brother through hell.”

  “It was,” Rebecca assured him, laying her hand on his arm. “Please give this to Mason” she requested softly, handing Nick the envelope before turning away and entering the church. Maggie could feel his eyes on her as she tried to slip past him. When his arm shot out and grasped her wrist she struggled to control her trembling and faced him with a boldness she was far from feeling.

  “I’ve been trying to reach you for days,” he stated calmly, the hold on her wrist tightening slightly. “Why haven’t you returned my calls?”

  “I’ve been busy Nick and you’re hurting me,” Maggie answered. He released her instantly and she tried not to wipe her sweating hands on her silk dress.

  “Well get UN busy,” he ordered. “We have things to discuss and I won’t be put off much longer.”

  “Nick please,” she pleaded. “I have to go to Rebecca; this isn’t the time or the place.”

  Nick nodded and made a visible effort to relax. Maggie breathed a sigh of relief as she hurried after Rebecca. Let this day pass quickly she prayed.


  The music swelled as Rebecca started down the aisle. If Mason had opened the envelope he would know she was coming to him out of love. She knew he might be upset with her for being late but once she explained he would know how important the card had been to her. Observing him carefully she noted the tenseness of his broad shoulders. His hands were clenched slightly but it was his eyes that threw her. There was a sadness in them that almost broke her heart.

  She stumbled slightly as she reached him and he took her arm to steady her. It was as if an electric current passed between them, snapping Mason out of a trance.

  “Dearly beloved,” Reverend Whittaker began.

  When Mason said, ‘excuse me,” Rebecca almost fainted. Mason turned her towards him and lifted her veil.

  “Rebecca there’s something I have to tell you before we go any further,” he began, stunning the entire assembly.

  “Mason,” she hissed, looking over her shoulder at the gathered guests and groaning. “Don’t you think they’ve waited long enough?”

  “This is important,” he stressed, taking her face into his hands. When their eyes met, Rebecca fell silent.

  “I love you more than anything in the world,” he began, softly stroking his thumbs over her cheeks. “I’ve waited forever for this day, and there were times I thought it might never come, but it has and I can’t go any farther without telling you the truth.”

  Rebecca’s heart froze. The congregation faded away and there was only Mason, his size blocked out everything but him, his eyes holding her spellbound.

  “I cheated,” he stated softly, guilt in his eyes for all to see.

  A collective gasp went up from the congregation as Rebecca’s heart resumed beating with a furious pace… Oh my God, she thought swaying and putting a hand to her forehead. I’ve driven him to another woman.

  Mason pulled her into his arms, afraid she would slip into a heap at his feet. He’d known he had to confess his deception before she said ‘I do’ but he hadn’t expected this reaction. Lord, he thought, she really wouldn’t have married him if he hadn’t won that stupid game.

  Recovering with a vengeance Rebecca shoved out of his arms and smacked him across his chest with her flowers, petals flying everywhere. Her hooped gown was swaying crazily and she stomped her foot down hard on his.

  “With who?” she demanded, hands on hips, totally oblivious to anyone but Mason.

  Mason limped backward, not sure she wasn’t planning a further assault and eyed her cautiously.

  “Not that kind of cheated,” he shot out; appalled she would think such a thing.

  Nick, watching the congregation, thought they looked more like they were at a tennis match than a wedding. Left, right, left, heads snapping back and forth. Sighing he stepped back a little himself when Rebecca grasped Mason’s lapels and pulled him down to her, nose to nose. Maggie held her hand over her mouth, although at this point she was incapable of speech.

  “What other kind is there?” she drawled softly while preparing to give him a good kick.

  “At cards!” he shot back. “I cheated on the last hand.”

  The minister held out his hands pleadingly, and sighed with relief. Giving a nervous laugh he tried to regain control of the situation. Mopping the sweat from his brow he spoke up.

  “Well now, that’s not so serious, may we continue with…”

  Rebecca’s fingers loosened on Mason’s lapels. Nervously she began to smooth out the wrinkles she’d made as he watched her cautiously. Backing up she adjusted her dress and fiddled with her flowers and gave an apologetic smile to her guests. Weak with relief that Mason hadn’t cheated on her she now realized he hadn’t open the envelope. At this point she was sorry she hadn’t left it at home and given it to him later but it was too late now. Squaring her shoulders she faced him, might as well get it all out in the open. She could only imagine his wrath later when he realized he’d made a complete fool of himself for nothing.

  “Mason,” she began with a meekness that immediately put him on alert. “About cheating, we might as well clear the air…”

  Now it was his turn to burn. The thought of her in another man’s arms almost brought him to his knees. The thunderous look on his face had Rebecca backing up, and the minister re-thinking this whole marriage.

  “Did you open the envelope Nick gave you?” she asked quickly before she changed her mind.

  Mason stared at her, remembering the envelope Nick had handed him moments before. Finally, shoulders slumping he patted his pockets until he located it. Pulling it out he slid his fingernail along the seal to break it, fully expecting to see a written confession of Rebecca’s infidelity.

  Mason stared at the contents. The Reverend Whittaker tried peering over Mason’s shoulder. Nick and Maggie both took an involuntary step forward, and the congregation leaned forward in their pews, all trying to see what Mason had in his hand. Rebecca smiled.

  For endless seconds Mason studied the contents of the envelope. The minister slid a finger under his collar and tugged. The congregation waited breathlessly. Nick gave up and walked over to slip his arm around a shaking Maggie, wondering if it would be inappropriate to offer her a swallow from the silver flask he carried in his pocket.

  Suddenly Mason’s deep laughter filled the church. Rebecca tossed what was left of her flowers aside and launched herself into his arms.

  Giving a whoop of pure joy Mason crushed her to him, his blue eyes sparkling with love and laughter. The royal flush scattered softly to the floor as his lips claimed hers in
a deep kiss.

  ‘Please, please,” the reverend began, so flustered he was beginning to get a headache. “Mr. Kord, Rebecca… that happens at the end of the ceremony. Let us continue.”

  “Oh, right sorry,” Rebecca answered tapping Mason on the shoulder and trying to whisper, “Put me down honey”. The acoustics of the church made this virtually impossible and she tried not to notice the tittering behind her. Once she was back on her feet she took a couple of moments to straighten Mason’s tux. Patting her hair she pushed her lopsided crystal tiara back up on her head and looked around for what was left of her bouquet. Unfortunately the stems were about four feet behind her and the flower petals were… well everywhere.

  Rebecca smiled apologetically at the congregation and turned to the reverend.

  “We’re ready now, reverend,” she told him smiling brightly as if this were just your average, normal wedding.

  “Good,” he told her quickly, sending a silent prayer skyward that there would be no other interruptions. He had never been afraid of the part in the ceremony that asked ‘If anyone had any reason why this couple could not be joined in marriage’ until today and he held his breath until it was time to move on.

  “Mason, do you take Rebecca to be your wedded wife? Do you promise to love, honor and cherish her as long as you both shall live?

  “I do,” Mason responded with love in his voice.

  “Rebecca, do you take Mason to be your wedded husband? Do you promise to love, honor and obey him as long as you both shall live?

  “Obey? Really?” she questioned. “I didn’t think they put that in the marriage ceremony anymore?”

  “Well,” Reverend Whittaker explained, tugging on his collar, “Some couples do and some don’t. It’s really a personal choice.”

  “Oh, well in that case, take it out,” she stated thankfully giving a sigh of relief.

  “Rebecca, Mason specifically asked for me to leave that in,” he told her trying to keep his voice low and blotting the sweat from his face with a hankie.

  Rebecca bowed her head and began to nibble on her index fingernail. Glancing up at Mason out of the corner of her eye she saw his eyebrow raise and a tick suddenly began in his jaw.


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