Gauntlet Rite of Ascension

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Gauntlet Rite of Ascension Page 7

by Marcus Abshire

  I stared at him for a minute then asked.

  “So you have been watching over me all this time?”

  “Yes.” Abaddon said.

  “Then you watched as the Beast killed Sara. You did nothing when it killed the cops.” I said.

  “No, I wasn’t present at that time. I had other pressing matters I was attending to. The change only can occur when someone with the right blood is bitten by another that has undergone the change. Be it one who is Ascended or not. It doesn’t matter. Someone found you and bite you. I believe in hopes of having you succumb to the Beast, thereby justifying your death, by Pack law.” He said.

  “When I came back into town you were at your house and I watched as you accepted the Beast. I was prepared to step in if you attacked your family.” He finished.

  “If you were gone how did you know about the cops and Sara?” I asked.

  “Once I came back into town and realized that you had been bitten I began monitoring local law enforcement transmissions. It wasn’t hard to piece together what happened from their reports of an animal attack.” He answered.

  “You said that my father wanted you to train me, which would only be an option if I Ascended wouldn’t it?” I asked.

  Abaddon nodded once.

  “What if I Descended? What did my father ask you to do then?” I asked.

  Abaddon turned his head and looked at me with grave sincerity.

  “Kill you.” He said with finality. I had no doubt that he would have done it either.

  I had so much to think about. So many things were happening.

  “Your second moon is rising soon. Being as young as you are, the Beast will rise. It is always strongest during a full moon. I wanted to get you away from your family and make sure you don’t hurt anyone.” He said.

  “I have to fight that thing again?” I asked, unsure I could do it a second time.

  “No, you have accepted it. The nature of the Beast is unchanging, however, and until you can manage the full moon you will still be dangerous. Your control is not strong enough yet. It usually takes months for a newly Ascended to be trusted during a full moon.” He said.

  “What do I have to do?” I asked, fear beginning to rise.

  “You need to calm yourself. Focus on who you are and fight the urges that grow within you. The essence of a truly powerful Ascended is the ability to channel the Beast and its wild nature into something you can control. Harness its power. This is where the true strength of the wolf comes from. Soon you will begin to feel the pull of the moon and the call of the hunt. Being in this car will help, but it is up to you.” He said.

  “Okay, I’ll try.” I said.

  “This part of the change is as important as the acceptance. The Beast will not rise to challenge you, but its nature will. You will have urges and desires. Fight them, your will must be strong.” He said.

  It reminded me of the lessons my teachers told us, the ones that they felt were important. The cadence and inflection was the same my instructors at school used.

  We drove in silence, I was anticipating the full moon and fear was building within me. I had no idea what to expect.

  A few hours later the worry about what was to come faded as weariness weighed on me and I nodded off, the lull of the road and quietness of the ride slowly began to drag me to sleep.

  I drifted off to dreams of death and blood.

  I was at home sitting on my bed. I sat there looking around, confused about why I was here. My sister walked in and said, “Wake up douchebag.”

  I turned to her, hunger rose in me, hunger for flesh and meat. I leapt on her before I could stop myself; one quick bite later, I eagerly gulped her arterial blood. The warmth and richness of her life’s blood filled me with a golden warmth that brought sweet ecstasy. I lost myself in the feast, taking bite after bite of my sister’s corpse. Eating until my stomach felt as though it would explode.

  My mom walked by and looked in on me feasting on my sister’s body; she walked over and patted my head.

  “My boy was hungry wasn’t he? Honey c’mere and see this, it’s so adorable.” My mom said like she did when I was younger and brought home a good grade from school.

  My dad walked in, his eyes a deep yellow. They were the eyes of the Beast, the eyes I looked through as I watched it devour Sara, desperate horror stabbed me as he smiled, his mouth was full of razor sharp teeth.

  “They grow up so fast, don’t they dear?” He said as he put his arm around my mom.

  She leaned into him and they both started laughing, it had a twisted edge to it, mocking and hate-filled.

  I looked back down at my sister in horror and saw a black werewolf where my sister had been. Its coat black as it pulled in the light from all around like a black hole.

  It lunged out and bit me, its powerful teeth clamped down on my soft stomach.

  I tried to fight back but my mom and dad had grabbed my arms and I couldn’t free myself. I was forced to lay there while my sister began to eat my intestines. A strange feeling like someone was pulling on my belly button was all I could sense. I looked from my mom to my dad, trying to get them to help me.

  “They grow up so fast.” They both kept saying over and over, nostalgia thick in their voices.

  “They grow up so fast.”

  I awoke with a start and realized I was panting and covered in sweat.

  I looked out the window to clear my head and saw the large silver moon clear in the sky. A deep hunger began to eat at me. My mouth watered as I could easily smell a rabbit that passed by on the side of the road. I had to get out of this car, I had to hunt it down and take it.



  I shook my head, clearing it, the urges of the Beast strong. They were mine, however, they originated from me. They were not thrust upon me by another and as such I had control over them. I exerted this control and barely managed to drive these feelings into a small corner.

  Abaddon watched me closely, pulling over he turned off the car and got out. He went to the trunk, retrieving something. He came to the passenger door and opened it. I looked at him as the fresh air and smell of the night rushed in, offering thousands of scents, each one magnificent in its uniqueness, each one intriguing.

  “Get out; your first lesson in control begins now.” He said.

  I didn’t understand but I got out anyway. I walked with him over to the side of the highway. We had stopped in a small rest area, just big enough for a few cars. This late at night the traffic was almost non-existent.

  “You feel the pull of the Beast. You can feel the energy coursing through you and want to run, hunt and kill.”

  “This is natural, but you have to be in control, not let these urges control you. The Pack does not respect those that give in to their urges. Mankind has realized his greatest feats when he has exerted his will on the world. This is what we are going to achieve.” He said.

  I stood in the open night. I could hear the animals in the area, my hearing acute enough to allow me to pinpoint each one. I wanted to run off into the night and find them.

  The wind changed direction and the sweet musky odor of a deer came to me, its scent like a physical blow. I swayed, struck by the deep clarity of it. All thoughts left me. My only need became finding the deer and bringing it down, the drive so strong as to consume my entire being.

  I turned rushing off into the woods in search of my prey. Pain, bright excruciating pain, exploded from my arm, instantly stopping me and causing me to turn to confront this threat.

  I turned to see Abaddon standing in an easy posture, holding a sword down at his side.

  “Where do you think you’re going? You pathetic undisciplined animal.” He taunted.

  His strike wasn’t as bad as the one he inflicted at the stream. The purity of the sword less than his other one, its cut was still painful, but I knew it wasn’t deadly.

  Anger grew in me; my vision became clouded in a red rage.

  He mocks me!
/>   The power of the Beast filled me, it flooded my limbs and my confidence grew. I wanted to hurt him; I wanted to show him I was the master, the dominant creature. I wanted to taste his life blood as I ripped out his throat.

  I felt a release as my body began to change. Searing pain filled my limbs as the bones quickly elongated and my form grew to accommodate the power it held. My viewpoint changed as my height increased, my balance shifted when my bodies proportions changed into that of the Beast.

  Hair sprouted from my skin and I could feel every slight variance of the air as it flowed over my sensitive body. My sight increased and I watched as an absent drop of sweat fell from Abaddons forehead, the detail exquisite.

  I let out my pent up anger in a bestial howl to the sky and rushed Abaddon, determined to bring him down.

  Abaddon stood with calm assurance that was maddening. I came in fast, faster than I have ever moved before.

  Abaddon stood there and waited.

  When I came to within a few feet his eyes flashed a deep yellow and he stepped towards me driving the sword into my chest and through my body all the way to the hilt. My momentum carried us down and he twisted, putting himself on top of me. Agony screamed from where his sword had skewered me. Every breath and movement brought more pain as the sword interfered with my muscles and lungs, slicing them as my body moved.

  Abaddon drove me down and used the sword to pin me to the ground. He reached out and overpowered my arms preventing me from using my claws against him.

  “You act like a rabid mongrel, unable to control yourself. You are a disgrace to your father.” He said, trying to get me to react.

  It worked; hearing him use my dad’s memory infuriated me. I lunged out, trying to bite his face. He easily dodged my attack and quickly brought his head down and slammed it into my sensitive snout. The blow momentarily stunned me.

  Abaddon stood up and pulled out his sword from my body. Another wave of pain flooded through me.

  “You have to stop thinking like an animal, remember who you are and force yourself to react.” Abaddon said.

  His words made sense. I knew this, but I couldn’t make myself do what he said.

  I looked down and saw my wounds heal, the gaping hole in my chest closing. Ignoring his advice I came at him again. Only I didn’t rush in, I stalked in slowly.

  Having learned my lessons, I wasn’t going to be caught off guard.

  Abaddon waited patiently.

  I got within arms reach and took a swipe at him only to be met by his sword. Pain lanced up my arm, again I tried to rake Abaddons body with my claws and again he easily parried me with his sword.

  “Think, Eric. Remember who you are, remember what happens when the Beast is unleashed. Think of the consequences when you have no control.” He said in measured tones.

  Somewhere inside his words sank home. I saw Sara’s face as she studied her menu, then again as she watched walking death come for her. I paused in my attack and stopped, my will a thread of the smallest strength, just enough to halt my advances.

  I let her beauty fill my mind and the deep red rage began to subside. I felt the warm soothing presence of my father’s legacy.

  “Breath, feel the power flowing through you. Use it to fuel your will. The power of the Beast is yours; channel it for your purposes.” He said in my mind.

  My father’s voice cut through the rest of the anger and I began to do what he said. I reached into myself, into the well of energy the Beast, no I, possessed. I funneled it into willing myself to change. I wanted to see how much control I had.

  A last wave of animal desires to run and hunt washed over me and I stood firm. My body once again felt the pain of the change and I soon stood facing Abaddon, my body shaking from the after effects of the transformation back into human form.

  “Amazing, you truly are your father’s son. Never have I seen a young one show signs of his Beast so far away from the full moon. Never have I seen one as young as you control the Beast so well so quickly.” Abaddon stood looking at me, shaking his head.

  “No wonder they are afraid, as well they should be.” He added.

  I stood and just breathed. Trying to let the energy of the Beast become more wholly my own. It was a reservoir that could be tapped into at will. Right now, at the time of the full moon it was more pronounced, something that filled my limbs with abundance. I imagined this is what a junkie feels like after a hit. It was invigorating.

  “Being able to manage the full moons effects are important to us. Everything has a cycle and for us the full moon is the peak. There are many ways to cope with the moons effects. One thing that I found very satisfying is running, running through the woods and letting the energy drive you, it is very soothing. You should try it.”

  “Go, head into the woods and let the night take you. When you are ready I will be waiting. You should have no problem finding me.” Abaddon said.

  That sounded like the best idea I had ever heard. I turned and fled into the woods, immediately swallowed by the trees and deep night.

  I ran, following a path that only my heart knew. My legs felt like they were on fire as a deep energy fueled them. They never tired and the faster I pushed myself the faster I went. Smells and sounds came to me as I ran. I quickly left Abaddon far behind, flying through the woods I didn’t think, I didn’t wonder where I was going, I just went.

  I ran for hours, letting the energy of the Beast fuel me. I noted the moon as its position in the sky shifted, denoting the passing of time.

  Eventually I came to a stop. I stood at the shore of a small lake, whose waters lay still, mirror-like. The moon and stars reflected on its surface. I felt my heart beating, strong and steady. The overwhelming need to do something had reduced to a bearable level.

  The breeze shifted and on it came an odor that was different than the natural scents of the animals and growth of the forest. It was pungent, yet feminine. It stirred me deep down in an involuntary manner.

  It aroused me and also made me weary. I was reminded of Sara’s natural odor, the scent of a woman, sweet and yet strong, unique and mysterious.

  There was more also. I detected a wildness to it, a strength came with it. It was very similar to mine, the scent I associate with the Beast.

  I turned quickly, zeroing in on the aromas location, my senses easily guiding me in the right direction.

  “Who’s there?” I asked loudly.

  “Betrayed by the shifting winds of fate, it is fitting I suppose.” A strong feminine voice said.

  A woman stepped out from behind a large tree. Her hair was deep black and fell in gentle waves below her shoulders. She was tall, almost as tall as me. She walked with a surety of foot, never bothered by the uneven terrain.

  Her body covered in tight leather pants and a form fitting tee shirt that clearly showed a muscular frame that at the same time exuded strong feminine sexuality. She carried with her a slight curved sword at her hip. Hung low, it swept back and forth as her hips swayed in time with her stride.

  She casually held one hand on its pommel, a Spanish style sword whose hand guard was large and decorative. She wore knee high leather boots that matched her dark clothes. Her jawline was strong and her nose was larger than average but it only added to her uniqueness and enhanced her beauty. Her eyes were deep brown and hinted at a mischievousness that was always near at hand.

  “I almost lost you there a few times. You’re fast.” She said as she walked nearer.

  Her English had an exotic shade to it, Spanish maybe.

  She got to within ten feet and I circled her, not allowing her to get any closer.

  “Wary too, for one so young and ignorant of our ways, that is good.” She said, amused at my trepidation.

  “Who are you, what do you want?” I asked.

  She was clearly beautiful, but I had no idea if she was dangerous. Abaddon had mentioned the Pack and its laws so that meant there were others like me. She wore a sword at her hip like a Spanish warrior. I had no id
ea what was going on, but my instincts told me to be cautious and I was beginning to trust them more and more.

  “My name is Katrina, and I just want to talk. Abaddon is such a pain in the ass. He insists on no contact from other Pack members until you are ready, he claims it might endanger you.” She said.

  “So it’s true, you’re like me? You’re a member of the Pack?” I asked.

  “Yes, we are alike. Yes, I am a member of the Pack.” She said.

  She had stopped circling and stood facing me, her posture was non-threatening, but looks can be deceiving.

  “You are not, you are Ascended, true, but you have not been accepted into the Pack, you are a rogue.” She continued.

  “Rogue?” I asked.

  “When one has Ascended, they must then show true mastery of their Beast. They have to pass the Rite of Ascension to be full Pack members. Normally a pup is trained within the Pack by their family members in order to succeed in the Rite. When one such as yourself is found, a sponsor may train you for a set amount of time before you are required to submit to the test.” She explained.

  “Has Abaddon told you none of this?” She asked.

  “He doesn’t talk much; I really don’t know what to ask.” I answered. I took a deep breath of the night air, detecting something I had already suspected.

  “I appreciate what you’ve told me. Now would you mind telling me why you’re really here?” I asked, her scent was enticing, but on it I detected a hint of deceit.

  It is hard to describe, but I had a feeling she wasn’t telling me everything.

  She took a more scrutinizing look at me, trying to see me more clearly.

  “Very astute, and surprising, you are gifted, there is no doubt, but I guess that should be expected, given who your father was.” She said.


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