Mafia Mugs and Sexy Hugs

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Mafia Mugs and Sexy Hugs Page 5

by Kitty Parker

  I picked up my speed, as did Andrew as he chased me across the open land. Why couldn't this place be around anything else? There just couldn't be some woods surrounding it like in all the fairy tales. Who was I kidding, this wasn't a fairy tale, this was a horror story.

  My feet were beginning to hurt. I had stepped on several small stones in my escape and now I was paying for it. I looked over my shoulder to see Andrew running at me full force. Then I tripped. Isn't that just typical! I couldn't even have tripped over a rock or a stick; no I had to trip over my own two feet. Nice getaway.

  Before I could get up and take off again Andrew was looming over me breathing heavily with a wild look in his eyes. I pushed myself away from him with my hands. Of course my hand grazes a sharp edge of a rock and cut it. A small drop of blood oozed out. It looked like my hand was crying.

  A small drop of water fell onto my had and mixed with the blood turning it a paler shade of red. I was crying. Damnit! Why was I crying? I have never been a big crier. I've always been a girl to be in control and keep herself under control. Ever since I had been here I was slowly loosing grip on that.

  I was still looking at my hand when Andrew's wrapped around it and jerked me to my feet. He turned and headed back towards the house. I didn't try to pull back, I didn't try to run, and I didn't try to bite, kick, or hit him. I just went. No struggling, no fighting. Why bother?

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  I swear this girl is crazy! First she throws dishes as me and then hits me with a fork! Then she decides to make a run for it! I can't believe I had to chase her down. She fell, how cliché. What I didn't understand was why she wasn't trying to pull away from me right now as I walked back towards the house.

  You know what, I don't care! Why should I care about her? She was just wasting my time. I stomped back into the house and up the stairs to her room. She was mine and I could do whatever I wanted with her. Right now I wanted to lock her in her room. So that's what I did.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  Oh wow! He locked me in my room! Big surprise! Like they haven't already done that a million times! I walked into the bathroom so I could clean the fresh cut on my hand. I ran it under warm water causing it to sting. I wrapped it and then looked up into the mirror. GOOD GOD! I looked terrible.

  My dark brown eyes were bloodshot, my skin was paler, my hair was frizzy, and my lips were chapped. I looked like hell. With nothing better to do, I made up my mind that I was giving myself a makeover. The rest of this dreadful day was going to be as relaxing as I could make it!

  I went through the cabinet until I found a bottle of vanilla scented bubble bath. I filled the white marble tub with warm water and dumped in the solution in the bottle. Bubbles formed and covered the water. I stripped from my clothes and sunk into the water. Letting the warmth envelope me into a peaceful relaxation.

  I could feel my muscles relax and my skin soak up the moisture. I dunked my head under the water and stayed there letting the calm rumbling fill my ears. I emerged when I ran out of air. I stayed in the bathtub for over and hour. I decided to get out when my bubbles had almost all but disappeared, and I was as wrinkled as a prune.

  I stepped out leaving wet footprints on the cold tile floor behind me. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around myself. First phase of the makeover would be my hair. I dried it and then styled it where it curled loosely at the ends. Second part would be my outfit. I walked out of the steamed filled bathroom and into the closet.

  I selected a pair of dark skinny jeans, with a periwinkle spaghetti strap top. I pulled them on over top of my underwear and bra and went back into the bathroom. I rummaged through the drawers. Until I found the makeup that Aidan had purchased for me. I had never used any of it; there had been no use. Not like there was one now, but hey, what the hell? I applied some light pink eye shadow and blush with matching lip-gloss, finishing with some light mascara.

  I looked into the mirror for the finished result and was pleased at what I saw. I looked refreshed and not like I hadn't had a shower in days. Now that I was thinking about it why had I bothered to do all of this? There was no one here to impress, or was there? No. Definitely not.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  "What's up with her?" I asked Seth. He was sitting across from me playing poker with Jett, Aidan, Mason, Matt and Mike.

  "What do you expect? You know who her father is." Seth replied throwing down a card.

  "Not anymore." I said adding a blue chip to the slowly growing pile in the middle of the table.

  "What do you mean?" Jett asked interested.

  "My dad sent a letter asking for a ransom and he sent a letter back."

  "So how much is he paying to get the little brat back?" Seth said taking a card from the pile.

  "Nothing." I said looking up from my cards.

  "We're just going to give her back after all the trouble we went through to get her?" Aidan asked in astonishment.

  "No, she's staying here." I said in an even tone.

  "I don't get it." Mason said. Mason hardly ever spoke. This caused everyone to look up.

  "Her dad wouldn't pay and then said that he told people that she died in a car accident." I said folding my cards onto the table.

  "What?" Seth spat out his head snapping in my direction.

  "He wouldn't pay." I repeated myself.

  "Typical. Not surprising coming from him." Jett said his eyes clouding over in anger.

  I wasn't sure if he was angry that Emma was going to be staying, or that he was angry that her father had done something like that to her. It was clear that he didn't like her, but it was almost as if he felt sorry for her. Why would he feel sorry for her? Jett wasn't exactly the most compassionate and emotional guy. I didn't think about it anymore as I picked up the cards that had been dealt to me and continued on with the game.

  Chapter 9

  The moon is really pretty. Especially when you have all the time in the world to look at it. Which is why I am staring at the moon through my window. I hadn't seen anyone since Andrew had locked me back in my room. This had given me some time to think about my life.

  I was thinking I was no longer a rich girl. I mean if my parents considered me dead, then they were no longer my rich parents, which meant I was no longer their rich daughter. I was normal. Who am I kidding? Right about now I was the farthest thing from normal. I was a girl staring at the moon, who had been kidnapped, people thought was dead, and was locked in a room. Totally normal, right.

  So if I wasn't a rich girl anymore than what was I? Hm.. I could be sad depressed girl, or I could possibly be girl who doesn't talk to anyone, or just maybe I could be, if I wished with all my might, girl that stares at the moon bored out of her mind!

  I screamed inside of my head as I laid face down on the floor tired of looking at the moon. I take back about how pretty I said it was earlier, it was boring. Let's face it, I was born a rich girl, and I was doomed to die a rich girl, nothing could change the last seventeen years of my life.

  "Why are you trying to suffocate your self in the carpet?" A questioning voice asked from the doorway.

  I looked up expecting to see Andrew, but it wasn't him.

  "Why are you trying to suffocate your self in the carpet?" A questioning voice asked from the doorway.

  I looked up expecting to see Andrew, but it wasn't him. It was a boy who barely looked older than myself. He had platinum blonde hair that he kept cut close to his head. His crystal blue eyes were filled with confusion at the moment as if he was pondering whether or not to call the funny farm. I remember Andrew introducing him to me along with the other guys, but for my life I couldn't recall his name.

  "I'm not." I stated pushing myself up, even though this sounded very promising.

  "Looked like you were." He said shrugging his shoulders.

  What was his name? Mark? Kyle? Trent? None of these sounded right!

  "So Andrew told me to come ge
t you, and take you to get something to eat." He said shrugging a shoulder towards the door.

  MASON! HA! I remember now! Okay now what did he say?

  "Food?" He questioned.

  "Oh. Yeah right." Said following him to the kitchen.

  This was like my second home. I either spent all of my time locked in my room or eating in the kitchen, can we say boring? Mason opened the refrigerator and pulled out what looked like to be turkey. He grabbed some bread from the breadbox and began to make two sandwiches. Hold up! This boy was making his own sandwich and mine? He was making Allen do it. I liked this guy already.

  "Thanks." I said smiling as I took the sandwich from his outstretched hand.

  "No problem." He said biting into his own.

  We ate our sandwiches in silence. I noticed that Mason was cute. He didn't have sharp hard features. His were more innocent and boyish. His crystal blue eyes were hypnotizing. They were so vibrant and soothing, they gave me a since of security.

  "So… why are you here?" I asked him.

  He paused before taking a bite out of his sandwich." I work." He stated simply.

  "What do you do?" I asked trying to figure out if he had also killed people.

  "Can't tell you."

  "Why not?"

  "I'd have to kill you if I did."

  I laughed when he said this. It was so mobster movie cliché. I stopped laughing when I noticed he wasn't laughing with me.

  "You're serious?"

  "Yeah." He said finishing off his sandwich.

  "Have you ever actually killed anyone before?"

  He shrugged his shoulders in response. I couldn't tell if that meant yes or no. I knew one thing for sure; this guy wasn't big on talking. I made it my new official job to get this boy to open up and talk to me. I needed someone to talk to. Well I mean I had Andrew, but at the moment I could care less if I ever talked to him again. What I did care about was living the rest of my life here with no one to talk to. Maybe I would actually end up as girl who doesn't talk to anyone. Great.

  I finished my sandwich and sat there. I looked up and noticed that Mason was staring at me. His cool blue eyes bore into me as though he was trying to solve a puzzle. I didn't like being stared at. I cleared my throat and caught his attention.

  "You ready to go back up to your room?" He said standing up from his seat.

  "Not really." I stated remaining in my seat.

  This caught him off guard. I guess he thought I was just going to say "YES! Please take me back to that same room that I've been stuck in since I arrived here!" No way. Plus this was a great opportunity to get him to talk.

  "Umm.." He said rubbing the back of his head. He had no clue what to do! Didn't they teach this guy to think on his feet?

  "I get really bored. There's nothing to do up there." I said leaning my head against my head. Maybe if he saw I was relaxed he would too.

  "I kinda have to take you back up to your room." He said with a bit of remorse in his voice.

  "Why?" I questioned with my best pleading puppy dog eyes.

  "Andrew told me to."

  ANDREW! God! Who did he think he was? Telling people that I could only be let out of my room for food and then be returned like some toy that a child had tired of.

  "Do you always do what Andrew tells you to do?" I asked heatedly.

  He didn't respond. He merely took my arm gently and led me back to my room. I was so over this whole 'lock her in her room until I decide to come get her' thing Andrew had going on.

  "I hope you're happy with yourself." I tried as a last ditch effort to make him feel guilty.

  It didn't work. He quietly shut the door and locked it with a click. I swear I was so tired of hearing that stupid click! I walked over to my closet and changed into some pink pajama pants with a periwinkle colored tank. I crawled under my covers and fell asleep out of sheer boredom.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  'She was really pretty.' I thought to myself as I walked back to my room. I felt kind of bad for having to lock her in her room again. I still couldn't believe that her parents had done such a terrible thing to her. I had actually almost agreed to not take her back to her room, but I knew Andrew would be mad at if I didn't. He was still pissed that she had tried to run away and that he had to chase her down.

  I opened the door to my small but comfortable room. It was simple, containing only a bed, dresser, and a bedside table. I removed my clothes leaving only my black boxers and climbed into bed. I fell asleep soon after my head hit the pillow.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  "Emma. Emma. Emma wake up." A deep voice purred in my ear.

  I groaned and rolled over trying to block out the voice and go back to asleep.

  "Emma wake up." The voice persisted.

  Whoever this was, was not giving up! Why can't they let me sleep? I rolled back over to face the direction the voice was coming from and opened my eyes. All I could see was green. I jumped back, and yep, you guessed it, fell on the floor. Andrew was standing on the other side of the bed; laughing.

  "Good you're up." He said sitting down on the bed.

  I had deiced that I was going to give him the silent treatment.

  "Not talking to me?"


  "Well I was just coming to see if you wanted breakfast, but I guess you're not hungry." He said getting up from the bed and heading towards the door.

  Now don't get me wrong, I was hungry, but I wasn't about to tell him because that would have meant that my silent treatment would have lasted all of 42 seconds. My stomach on the other hand was not about to let the chance of eating escape. It gave a loud growl that caught his attention.

  "So you ARE hungry." He said with a cocky smirk.

  I pushed myself up off of the floor and walked over to where he was waiting. He took my arm and led me down the stairs to the kitchen. Seriously, what was with dragging em everywhere I went. I could walk for myself. I was about to sit down when he stopped me.

  "I want eggs and bacon." He ordered.

  He wanted me to respond, to say no. I couldn't so I merely glared at him and opened the refrigerator. Stupid little ass! I pulled out four eggs and sat them on the counter. There was no bacon in the refrigerator. He was going to have to do without. I quickly fixed his eggs and threw the plate down in front of him. I sat down in a huff and crossed my arms.

  "Where's the bacon?" He asked looking at the plate.

  I shrugged my shoulders in response. I think I was going for a new record on my personal silent treatment.

  "I want bacon."

  Rolling my eyes.


  Eye rolling.

  "Bacon now."

  Turning my back on him.

  "Emma I said eggs AND bacon."

  Ignoring him.

  He grabbed my shoulder and spun me around on the stool. I glared at him and tried to turn back around. He kept a firm grip on my shoulder preventing me from doing so. What a baby! Just cause you don't have flippin' bacon!

  "Make me some bacon." He ordered pushing me from my seat.

  "YOU DON'T HAVE ANY DAMN BACON!" I screamed and the clamped my hand over my mouth. Well there went my silent treatment.

  "I know. I just was getting you to talk." He said smirking.

  "You have serious mental issues, you know that!"

  "Yes, I know I'm a genius."

  "God! You're such a stuck up, arrogant, smart-ass, self centered, selfish, egotistical, little prick, who uses everyone around him, and expects people to just bow down to you and do everything you s-"

  I was stopped in the middle of my rant. His lips were pressed against mine, in a rough, unexpected kiss. I didn't know what to do! I had never kissed anyone before. I sat there awkwardly with my eyes wide open, my back as stiff as a board and my lips mashed against his. He pulled away and smirked at me. My lips felt tingly, it felt nice.

  "I think I liked it better when you were quiet." He said standing a
nd walking out of the room. Leaving me sitting there like some stupid, idiot, who had just been told that the sky was orange.

  Did he just do that? Was it because he was trying to shut me up or because he actually wanted to? That boy was really good at forgiving and forgetting. I brushed my fingertips over my lips and smiled. They were still a little warm from his lips. God, I was SUCH a traitor. A happy traitor.

  Chapter 10

  That kiss. That kiss was the only thing I could think about for the rest of the day. Why did he do it? Did I want him to do it? I had come to a conclusion that I was both happy and angry about the kiss.

  I was happy because somewhere on the inside I had secretly wanted him to kiss me, to feel his lips against my own. It felt good, it felt right. I was angry because he had done it without my permission and he had stolen my first kiss. Didn't I have a right to whom my first kiss was given? I know it wasn't like I was giving my virginity to him but hey it was a big deal to me. I had always thought my first kiss would be more romantic and not with me ranting about how much I hated that said person.

  I hadn't seen Andrew since then. I didn't know if he was avoiding me or if it hadn't meant anything to him and he had already forgotten that it had even happened. Currently I was sitting cross-legged on my bed, surprise! I was going to go crazy if the rest of my life I only spent time in my room and the kitchen.

  I walked into the bathroom out of sheer boredom, I was actually thinking about counting the droplets of water in the sink. As I leaned over the sink to start counting something caught my eye. A small brown bobby pin stood out against the white marble counter top. This was perfect!

  I grabbed the bobby pin and rushed to the door. I carefully bent it into what I thought was the right shape and stuck it in the hole. I jiggled it around for a while, almost giving up and thinking about how stupid it had all been when I heard that all too familiar click.

  Holding my breath I turned the knob, hoping for the best. The door opened without a sound. I glanced down the hallway and because God loved me so flipping much, it was empty. I slipped out of my room and quietly closed the door. I tiptoed towards the stairs and held my breath as I passed by Andrew's door.


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