Mafia Mugs and Sexy Hugs

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Mafia Mugs and Sexy Hugs Page 9

by Kitty Parker

  "How can you hate this song? It's the best song ever!" I stated in protest.

  At that exact moment the song ended.

  "Thank the Lord." Jett said letting out a sigh.

  "You guys just don't know how to have fun." I said flipping to another station.

  I spent the remainder of the ride back to the house flipping through various radio stations, and arguing with Andrew and Jett over their horrible taste in music and their lack of singing abilities.

  As the large house came into view I noticed a sleek, silver, car sitting in the driveway. It had not been there when we had left earlier. It was a sports car with black tinted windows to keep prying eyes out.

  "They're back." Jett stated from the back seat.

  "Who's back?" I asked.

  "The twins." Andrew said as he parked along side the new car and stepped out.

  "The twins?" I said meeting him around the car.

  "Yeah, you remember meeting them. Matt and Mike."

  The names did seem to ring a bell but I couldn't put a face to either one of them.

  "Where have they been?"

  "Assignment." Jett supplied.

  I didn't question them any further. I was pretty sure I didn't want to know what kind of 'assignment' they had been on. No doubt it wasn't something good. It wasn't likely that they had been in Africa helping with the AIDS relief effort.

  As we stepped over the threshold we were net with two identical men. They both had auburn colored hair that hung slightly in their light hazel colored eyes. Which at the moment seemed to hold a look of surprise. Most likely from the sight of me being out of my room. They looked to be around 6'2 with a muscular build, and couldn't have been older than twenty-one. They were exact copies down to the tee, except for the small scar on the left cheek of one of them.

  "Hey guys." Andrew said nonchalantly, like nothing was different.

  "Hey." The replied tentatively.

  "Hi." I said quietly.

  "What's she doing out of her room?" They asked ignoring me and turning to face Andrew and Jett.

  "She's allowed out now." He answered simply.


  "Because I said so Matt." He said with an air of authority.

  He had addressed the one with the scar on his left cheek; Matt I needed to remember which one was which.

  "Sorry." He mumbled looking down at the ground.

  "So does that mean…" Mike began.

  "No!" Andrew cut him off shortly.

  "Aw. She's yours already isn't she? Damn, and she was pretty." He said looking disheartened.

  "Damn right she's mine." He said pulling me into his side with one arm.

  "Well while I appreciate being someone you care about, I don't belong to you."

  "I didn't say that."

  "You implied it."

  "Fine. We're in a relationship. Better?"

  "Yep." I replied happily squeezing him.

  I looked up when I heard the sound of three deep laughs echoing off the high walls.

  "What?" Andrew asked Jett, Matt, and Mike, who at this point were openly laughing.

  "I never thought I'd see the day where you would actually admit to being in a relationship not just a one-night stand." Mike piped up.

  "There's a first time for everything."

  "Yeah and I think you're whipped." Matt threw in.

  "Am not!" Andrew shot back defensively.

  "Yes you are!"


  "Shut it!" I snapped at all of them.

  "If anybody's whipped I think it's you all."

  That shut them up pretty quickly. Men and their enormous egos.

  "I like her." The twins said at the same time, the identical lopsided smile spreading across both of their faces.

  "Me too." Jett said sending me a friendly smile that I returned with one of my own.

  Glad to know that I'm loved. I said placing a hand over my heart. Laughs emitted from each one of them filling the air with their deep voices. Life had done a complete 360 on me, and I was okay with that.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  "They just got back." I said into the phone closing the curtain I had been looking out of.

  "Yeah. I know. I got it all under control. Don't worry. Okay. I'll see you soon."

  I hurriedly ended the conversation hearing voices ring throughout the entrance hallway. I could distinctively hear the twin's laughter mixed in with the others.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  Emma's P.O.V

  "Well I would love to stay and continue on with this conversation, I'm afraid I'm need to take a nap. All that food is starting to make me sleepy." I said

  "Alright. I'll come check on you later." Andrew said placing a soft kiss on my lips.

  I could hear the twins 'Awing' in the background and pulled away with a blush creeping up onto my cheeks. I made my way quickly toward the stairs and started up them.

  "Hey Seth." I called as I passed him coming out of what I presumed to be his bedroom.

  "Hey." He said with a small smile.

  I continued on my way to my room. Once inside I fell down onto the bed and pulled a cover up around me. I buried my face into an overly stuffed pillow and smiled. If life had always been like this, then I was sure I would win the title of happiest girl to ever live.

  I fell asleep, the smile still present on my face, dreaming about how my life had made a change for the best, and what was to come in this new, wonderful, life of mine. Scratch the happiest girl to ever live, I think I would win luckiest girl to ever live. No matter how that luck had come my way, it had come. Hopefully this luck of mine wouldn't run out.

  Chapter 17

  It wouldn't be much longer, three days. Three days and this whole thing would be over. Three days and I would be out of here. Three days and everything was going to change. Three days.

  I could hardly bear the waiting for those last three days to pass. I had been promised so much more for what I was doing. More then these people could ever give me. How stupid could they be to trust me? One would think they would have figured it out years ago.

  She hadn't been a part of the original plan, but neither of us had anticipated it. It was one of those things that you just had to deal with along the way. I must say I was impressed with the letter he sent. Marvelous way to throw them off. Although I'm sure every word of it was true, he really couldn't care less and neither could I. I was just in this for my reward.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  I never trusted him. I still don't know why everyone else does. Something wasn't right. He had been acting strangely lately, something was different, something was wrong. If no one else would listen to me about him, then I would have to do everything in my power to bring him down myself.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  "Good morning star shine. The world says hello." Was what I first heard when I woke up.

  "I didn't know you quoted Willy Wonka." I said with a small laugh. "Oh and Andrew, it's not morning."

  "I know but I like that line."

  I rolled my eyes at him and climbed out of my bed.

  "So any fun, exciting, adventures you want to take me on today?" I asked hopefully.

  "Hmm… Nope."

  "Ah." I said clearly letting my disappointment show.

  "Do not fear! I have something else planned for today." He said raising one arm in the air like he was superman.

  "Tell me!" I ordered bouncing on my heels as a five-year-old would.

  "It's a surprise."

  "Everything is a surprise with you."

  "Life isn't as much fun without surprises."

  "Whatever you say." I replied walking into my closet and pulling on a pair of jean shorts and a teal colored tee.

  "Ready." I declared stepping out of the closet, only to find Andrew no where in sight.

  "Andrew?" I called looking around the room.

  "Right here."
He declared stepping up behind me.

  "How the hell did you do that?" I asked whirling around.

  "Do what?"


  "Sorry I don't understand you."

  "Never mind."

  Without another word he grabbed my hand and led me out the door and down the stairs. I recognized the familiar path we were taking to the kitchen.

  "The kitchen? How original."

  "Not the kitchen." He replied pulling me threw the kitchen and out the back door.

  We were in the never-ending backyard. The grass was still warm from the day's heat even as the sun began to its slow descent on the horizon. Not too far from us was a large oak tree. Underneath it lay a dark blue blanket accompanied with a small basket.

  "A picnic?" I asked as we reached the blanket.

  "A picnic as we watch the sunset." He said pulling me down next to him.

  From the basket he produced two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

  "Your favorite I believe." He said handing me a sandwich. "And they were hand made, by me." He said with a toothy smile.

  "Thank you." I said, then kissed him lightly on the lips.

  "If that's my reward, I think I'll cook more often." He said placing another kiss lightly against my lips.

  "No, don't cook."

  "If I know this is what I get when I cook I'll never stop cooking."

  "I'll give you a kiss if you promise to keep the cooking to a minimal of PB&J. Deal?" I asked looking him straight in the eye, while trying to keep a straight face.

  "Deal." He replied happily and leaned in for his kiss.

  I met him halfway and placed my lips against his. I wanted to make sure he wouldn't cook, so I deepened the kiss. OKAY! I'm guilty! I didn't care if he cooked or not! I just wanted to kiss him. So sue me.

  His tongue soon found its way inside of my mouth and began to gently massage mine. His right hand cupped my cheek, with my own hand tangled in his mop of dark, brown hair. He moved his other hand to hold the back of my head. I leaned in to deepen the kiss, placing my remaining hand on his leg. I ran my fingers through his silky, brown hair and sighed into the kiss. God, I had wanted to do that forever! He pulled back and stared at me with lust filled eyes.

  "What?" He asked.

  "I've wanted to do that for so long." I confessed turning a light shade of red.

  "Do what?"

  "Runmyfingersthroughyourhair." I mumbled quickly, hoping he wouldn't catch it.

  "Excuse me? Could you say that again." He asked poking me in the side with a grin.

  "Run my fingers through your hair." I said looking at the ground.

  At first the only response I had received was silence. Great. He thinks I'm a psycho with some kind of hair fetish. Now he'll probably shave it all off and just go bald. At least that's what I was thinking before my thoughts were interrupted by loud, rough laughter. I quickly looked up to find Andrew laughing. His beautiful eyes squeezed shut and his brilliant white teeth showing.

  "What?" I asked shaking him.

  "Some times you're so adorable. You know that?"

  "Shut up." I said smacking him lightly on the arm.

  He caught my hand and with little effort pulled me into his lap. His warm arms encircled my small frame and held me in a firm grasp and I wiggled. He placed a light kiss on the top of my head, and I settled down.

  We watched the sun go down. The sky began to turn an orange-pink color. It truly was beautiful. Sure, I had seen plenty of sunsets, but this one was different, this one was special. It was special because I was sharing it with a special person.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  I stood looking out my bedroom window, which faced the backyard. The sun was setting turning the sky and orange-pink color. It was nothing special. Every sunset was exactly the same. At least that's how I saw it. All these greeting cards trying to sell the perfect picture of love with a sunset. A bunch of crap if you ask me.

  Something was different about this sunset though. I noticed this, as I was about to turn away from the window. Something in the lower right hand corner caught my eye. I could faintly make out the outline of two people. Just barely though, because it almost looked like one with one sitting on the other's lap.

  I didn't need to guess who they were. No one else here would be doing that. I hoped they wouldn't. A smile spread across my lips. Not because it was sweet or I was happy, but because I would finally get the satisfaction of seeing that bastard fall. Have everything taken away from him. That was another bonus besides the reward.

  I never liked him. He thought he was better than everyone else was just because his father was the boss. Well his father wouldn't be the boss much longer. Hell he probably wouldn't be alive much longer. He was going to have his whole world ripped out from underneath him and he didn't even know it. I turned away from the window with a satisfied smirk on my face.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  The sun had set and it had been perfect, like a greeting card. Andrew folded up the blanket and tucked it under his arm, placing the other one around my waist. I snuggled into him as we made our way back towards the house.

  Seriously could life get any more perfect? I had come to the conclusion that I was living in a fairy tale. I was playing the part of the damsel-that-was-FORMERLY-in-distress. Andrew was playing the part of evil villain-that-turned-into-my knight-in-shining-armor. My life should be written as a storybook for little boys and girls all around the world.

  He held the back door open for me as I entered the house. I guess the house could be our castle. Yes this was definitely a fairy tale come to life. I stopped and waited for him to come inside. He closed the door behind him and placed his arm back around my waist.

  We were headed back up to my room when he stopped in front of a door. He wrapped his knuckles quickly against the door and waited for a response. Seconds later a sleepy looking Mason appeared.

  He was clad only in a pair of dark blue boxers and his blonde hair was messily pushed to the side. He rubbed his eyes and blinked a couple of times trying to focus.

  "Yeah?" His voice was deep and laced with sleep.

  "Did you finish the reports?"

  "Already did them. Now can I go back to bed?" He asked annoyed that he had been woken up.

  "Okay. Thanks." Andrew said leading me away as he shut the door.

  We weren't far from my room when Seth popped out of another room.

  "Hey." He said as he continued to walk down the hallway.

  "Dude pull up your pants!" Andrew called teasingly as he turned around.

  Seth sent him a glare, quickly followed by a smile. He tugged his jeans up over covering up his dark blue boxers and continued down the hall. He looked back over his shoulder and called out.

  "Just make sure YOU keep YOURS on!" Before jogging down the stairs.

  I turned ten shades of red. Andrew would most definitely be keeping his pants on. We reached my bedroom door and stood outside for a few seconds before I spoke up.

  "You're keeping your pants on." I ordered him before I opened the door.

  "I know." He chuckled.

  We walked over and lay down on my bed. He pulled me over and wrapped his arms around me keeping me warm and safe.

  "Can I take my shirt off? Would that make you uncomfortable?"

  "No. You can take your shirt off, but the pants stay on." I said laughing as I poked him in the side.

  "Okay." He said releasing me as he pulled his shirt off.

  With the sight of his well-toned chest and chiseled arms I sure as hell wouldn't have minded if he had taken his pants off! Then again I didn't want to look like a slut so I remained quiet and reveled in the glory of his bare chest.

  He laughed when he saw me gawking at his perfection. He put his arms back around me and brought me up against his chest. I snuggled further into him and rested my head in the crook of his neck. His chin rested atop my head.

  I swear I didn't
mean to fall asleep in that state, or rather even him in my bed, but hey what happens, happens. Who was I to question fate, or a well toned, warm, knight in shining armor, within whose arms I rested? Exactly.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  God, he had no clue. He was too wrapped up in her to notice what was going on right under his nose. This was going to be easier than I thought. I stripped out of my clothes leaving myself in only my dark blue boxers. I lay back on my bed all worries erased from my mind. Two more days.

  Chapter 18

  I rolled over and looked at the glowing red numbers of my alarm clock. An evil smile instantly spreading across my face. Two more days. My life would be so different in two more days. I didn't have to take any bullshit orders from anyone any more. It was time that I start controlling my own life. That new life of mine would start in two days.

  I clambered out of my bed and threw on a pair of wrinkled jeans over top of my dark blue boxers and pulled a faded gray shirt over my head. I ran my fingers through my hair and headed out the door.

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  I could faintly smell the scent of cologne. It was mixed with another scent that I couldn't quite put my finger on. Vanilla, no, sandalwood, no. I opened my eyes to find a sleeping Andrew, breathing evenly as his bare chest rose and fell. That's were I knew that smell. It wasn't some spice, or plant; it was Andrew. He had his own unique smell to him.

  Now I know that sounds weird, but trust me it's not, I promise. He smelled like the outdoors, but with a more sophisticated scent like lavender, all mixed into one. I was positive there was no one else in the universe that smelled as nice as he did.

  I took a deep breath in, letting the smell linger in my nostrils, before letting it out. Pure heaven. This beautiful angel asleep next to me, my guardian angel, how did I ever have such good fortune to have him here with me?

  "Good morning." Andrew said opening his eyes and catching me off guard.

  I jumped a little at the sound of his voice. My body jerked in the direction of his chest and found itself pressed up against him. He lazily smiled down at me, while wrapping his arms around my frame.

  "Couldn't stay away?" He teased placing a kiss on my nose.

  "Who could?"


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