Their Heart Search: Bethany & Jordan's Story (Search Series)

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Their Heart Search: Bethany & Jordan's Story (Search Series) Page 12

by Kay, Amanda

  “For Tai, you ass. I knew she’d regret it if the invitation wasn’t extended.” Jordan heard Dale sigh.

  “Thank you for loving my daughter. And you!” he snapped as he turned to face Jordan. “You best be treating Bethany right or I will hunt you down this time.”

  Jordan sighed, “I know, sir, and I’m being patient with her. For her, time is what I have, I’ll wait.” He secretly hoped his wait was almost over, but if she decided she needed more time, he’d give it to her. Dale smiled at both Jordan and Raiden and faced forward again.

  The car stopped, “Come on, guys, let’s get our tuxes so in two days I can marry my girl.” Jordan laughed stepping out of the car and Raiden slapped him on the back as the three of them went inside the tux shop.

  They were just finishing up when Raiden’s phone rang. He answered but didn’t speak. Jordan could hear what sounded like Tai screaming and Raiden went ghostly white. “My dad.” He said as he rushed outside towards the car without another word. Jordan and Dale followed quickly.

  Once everyone was in the car Raiden raced towards the house, and Jordan called Bethany.


  Jordan and Bethany had had the whole week off helping Tai and Raiden with last minute wedding stuff. Today he was off with Dale and Raiden picking up their tuxes. She had gone with Tai yesterday to get her Maid of Honor dress. She couldn’t wait, just two more days. Her phone rang and she knew it was him. “Hey, Jordan.” She chirped.

  “Baby, I need your mom to come to Raiden’s.” He said quickly and out of breath.

  “What’s going on?” she asked suddenly fearing the worst.

  “I’m not sure exactly, but it’s Lee.” She nodded even though he couldn’t see.

  “I’m on it, Superman.” She quickly hung up.

  Dialing her mom a million things were running through her head. Lee was a second father to her. After her own father passed away, Lee helped fill the void a little. “Hey, baby girl.”

  “Mom, it’s Lee.” Her mother gasped and hung up. Bethany knew she didn’t need any explanation she would get to him and all would be okay.

  Bethany plopped onto the couch and cried. Lee had to make it. Raiden needed him. She needed him. Not Lee, not yet.


  The three men rushed into the house and got Lee upstairs. “Dad, please hang on.” Raiden begged, Lee’s eyes opened but he said nothing. Jordan placed his hand on Raiden’s shoulder. Jordan hated this. Lee was a good man, Raiden and Lee were close. Jordan only wished he was close to his own dad. “I should check on Tai.” Raiden muttered.

  “I’ll go. I should be getting back home anyways.”

  “Thank you.” Raiden replied.

  Jordan left Lee’s room and walked down the steps. Tai was still on the floor. “Hey, you.” He spoke joining her on the floor.

  “Hey.” She said as she wiped her eyes.

  “He woke up, it’s going to be touch and go all we can do now is hope he can hang on.” He had to hang on. Tai nodded at him, Jordan knew she needed those answers.

  “Did someone call Grace?” Jordan nodded his head.

  “I called Bethany, she was calling her.” Tai smiled although small. “I’m going to head. Raiden is with Lee. If you all need anything, let me know.” He kissed her cheek. It was just a friendly gesture. He had been doing that for a few months, for them both it meant nothing but a true honest friendship.

  When Jordan reached the front door he heard Meredith’s voice. “How many more signs do you need?” Jordan stopped and listened. Was she being for real?

  “What?” He heard Tai question.

  “Jordan came down for you. Raiden didn’t.” Jordan saw red. If he had to he would march back in there and tell Meredith off right now.

  “Mom, I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that. Raiden needs to be with his dad.” Jordan smiled, ‘that a girl, Tai.’ Jordan opened the door right as Grace was rushing up the sidewalk.

  “Upstairs.” She nodded and looked around before handing Jordan her keys.

  “Thank you.” He smiled.


  She jumped up the second Jordan opened the door. “Is Lee okay?” She raced towards him. He pulled her into his arms

  “Your mom arrived right as I was leaving. She let me borrow her car.” He laughed.

  “He’ll be okay.” She stated trying to reassure them both.

  “Beth?” He questioned pulling back a little. She stared at him and all she saw was worry.

  “What?” she asked.

  He walked her to the couch and sat her on his lap. “I overheard something as I was leaving.”

  “Meredith and Tai?” She asked hesitantly.

  He nodded, “I need you to remember your promise Bethany because I don’t trust her.” She nodded in reply.

  Wedding Day

  Tai looked beautiful in her dress. She was happy and excited. Bethany was nervous after the wedding. It was time. “So I’m going to tell Jordan I love him,” she muttered.

  “That’s wonderful.” Tai smiled.

  A text pinged on her phone, ‘hello, beautiful.’ She smiled at the text.

  ‘Is Raiden ready? Tai is ecstatic.’ She replied.

  ‘I’m about to punch him. He’s pacing like a madman.’ Bethany quietly chuckled. Her best friend was nervous on his wedding day. The man she never thought would settle down was head over heels.

  “Was that Jordan you were texting?” Bethany nodded. “Did Jordan say how Raiden was?” Bethany smiled at her question.

  She chuckled before answering, “Yeah, he’s nervous as shit and pacing like a madman.” Tai stared at her and Bethany felt guilty about her word choice.

  “Why is he nervous?”

  “Calm down, Tai. Of course he would be nervous he’s marrying his soul-mate today.” Tai nodded and Bethany saw her relax again.

  “You’re a vampire now!” Tai’s mother barreled in.

  Uh-oh this wasn’t good, Bethany focused on her promise waiting for Tai’s reply, “Yes and…?” Tai threw back. Bethany loved how Tai didn’t let it bother her.

  “He told me the first time we all talked nothing for you would change.” She hissed. Bethany knew that was why Raiden struggled so badly when this came up.

  “Mom it wasn’t his fault there was a law, so to speak he was unaware of.” Bethany waited for Meredith’s reply to Tai, but she just stormed off. Dale entered after she left.

  “Jordan let it slip.” Oh shit! Bethany thought not good. “He was trying to protect Raiden from some dumb comment.”

  Bethany waited, would Tai be mad? Tai shrugged, “It doesn’t matter who told her she knows now.” Bethany loved her.

  “Exactly, baby girl. But it’s time to focus on you and Raiden so how about we start with a gift from him?” Bethany felt overjoyed she was waiting for this part. She had talked with Raiden a few days ago and he liked her idea for Tai’s something borrowed.

  “What is it?” There was joy in Tai’s voice.

  Dale handed over the gifts and explained them to Tai. Tears of happiness filled her eyes. They filled Bethany’s too.

  “And my something borrowed? She questioned with a smile.

  “I have that covered.” Bethany piped up. “Jordan and I discussed this with each other and with Raiden.” She took the bracelet off. “He bought this for me for my birthday a few weeks ago. She held up the bracelet which now had a heart and arrow charm on it. A gift from her mother. “Jordan and I wanted you and Raiden to know we feel blessed to be a part of your wedding and we are truly happy for you considering how we all connect.” Tai nodded.

  “Thank you both so much.” Bethany fastened the bracelet on Tai’s wrist. “I love you.” Tai embraced her and Bethany returned the hug.

  “We love you, too,” she whispered, because they did.


  He held her close. They were dancing. He was happy but still reeling over Meredith literally voicing an objection to the wedding. “You’re still in shock?�
� she whispered.

  “A little. I didn’t think should would go that far.” He replied honestly. “The song started to come to an end. “Would you like something to drink, beautiful?” She nodded and he kissed her lips softly. “Be right back.”

  He walked towards the house and inside where they had set up the food and drinks. “I can’t believe you didn’t fight.” She hissed from behind. Jordan sighed he didn’t want to deal with her.

  “I am fighting.” He was just not for Tai.

  “No, you aren’t!” she yelled. Jordan looked up at her. Fuck this woman.

  “Meredith, I don’t love Tai. I. Love. Bethany.” He stressed every word, every syllable. He wanted Meredith to get this.

  “Jordan, you can’t be serious.” She looked dumbfounded.

  “I am. I told you before, Meredith, Tai and I were over. Tai and I should’ve been over long before we were. Why can’t you accept that?” He asked there was pleading in his voice he needed her to understand and let it go.

  “Jordan,” she whispered. “I love you and we can only be together if you’re with Tai.” His eyes widened and behind her he saw Bethany. Shit! Fuck! She did not just hear that confession.

  “I’m sorry, Meredith,” he replied chasing after his love.

  “Bethany, stop.” he called as he caught up to her. He grabbed her hands, “Please, let me explain, I didn’t….” He stopped because he was in shock at Meredith’s words.

  “Let’s go.” She answered walking past him. He followed. No, Damn It! He was not losing her.


  She remained quiet all the way home. She knew she wasn’t being fair to Jordan, it wasn’t like he confessed his love for Meredith, but the truth was, it shocked her.

  “Bethany?” he questioned once they were shut inside the apartment they had been sharing for months.

  She inhaled and then exhaled. She faced away from him as she began. “All my life I never gave my heart...I was always going to marry him...I didn’t love him, but...He’s my best friend.” Jordan grabbed her shoulders and turned her around. His eyes were pleading with her for an answer. She smiled at him. “And now....Well, now, everything has changed. Because Jordan Chase, I love you.” The smile on his face was euphoric. He lifted her off the ground and carried her into her bedroom.

  “I’m moving in here,” He stated. “I love you, too, Bethany Donald.” He kissed her cheeks and then her lips. Pressing her against the bed till they both collapsed onto it. This was it. This was what she wanted, this was what she deserved.


  Coming 11/18/14

  The Freedom Search, Search Series #4

  Kai & Gloria’s Story

  Two dark souls...

  Lost without escape...

  No freedom to be found...

  Except maybe with each other.


  Gloria has done things she’s not proud of. Including trying to break up Raiden and Tai. The worst part was Kai never explained why. It didn’t matter, Gloria fell in line. Kai had been trying to destroy Raiden for as long as he could remember. He used Gloria, a human to try to reach that goal, but failed. Now he’s drowning in his family’s disapproval and he’s finally starting to understand. Can two dark souls set each other free? Or will unforeseen circumstances push them a part? Leaving them both trapped.


  She knew she was in trouble, when she couldn’t get Kai Lukas out of her head. He was a fucking asshole, she thought the way Raiden kicked her out after they had sex was bad. Well it surely didn’t compare to the way Kai had dismissed her.

  “Damn it, Gloria! You are not trash!” She hissed, but the truth was, trash was exactly what she was. She knew Kai didn’t want her any more than Raiden and yet she easily fell in bed with both of them. Power and control was all those two cared about. Her phone rang as she stared into the darkness of her bedroom. “What?” she answered. Damn, she really was a bitch, she would have to work on that, but when your self-esteem is so low no matter how you present yourself on the outside, it’s tough to not be a bitch.

  “Gloria, It’s Kai,” he stated, his tone different than anything she had ever heard him use. He had lost whatever battle he was fighting with Raiden, because Raiden got engaged. For three months after that, Gloria ended her night in Kai’s bed only to be hastily thrown out the next morning. This last time though he was downright cruel and Gloria wasn’t sure why he was calling now.

  “And you want?” She hadn’t turned off the bitch and she wouldn’t, not for Kai Lukas. The truth was she thought even though they were trying to breakup Raiden and Tai that they had something special, Kai crushed that though this morning.

  “I’m sorry.” Was all he said before hanging up. He’s sorry. Really? Kai Lukas is sorry? Maybe he does care.


  He didn’t know what was going on, but for the last few months as he was trying to breakup Raiden and Tai he was fucking a human, Gloria, a fucking human. He was acting like Raiden, the same person he was bent on destroying, but she was different, he didn’t know why, but she was.

  “Damn it, Kai! You were an ass!” He usually was an ass though, so this morning’s events shouldn’t have surprised him. He always kicked Gloria out early. Shit, if his family caught her, Kai would be a dead man, but this morning he had discovered something that could land the final blow to Raiden so, when he kicked her out he was ruder than usual.

  He didn’t know how the human ended up in his bed last night. Probably a weak fucking moment. He was reeling about Raiden and Tai’s engagement when the bitch, Gloria, showed up at his door. He was pissed as fuck at her for not succeeding in breaking up Raiden and Tai and now what the hell had happened? They were engaged. So he solved his anger issue by fucking her all night long, hard. Very hard. She didn’t complain she just took it over and over until Kai passed out, but he hoped she would’ve left. She hadn’t, which meant he now had to get rid of her skanky ass. He was a jackass. Woman, you slept with Raiden before he met Tai. Thought he was jackass but no one dared to mess with him.

  “Get your shit and get out, dammit!” he hissed.

  “Kai?” she questioned. Really? Seriously? What the hell did she think was going on with them?

  “Don’t know what you’re thinking. Really don’t fucking care either, but I asked you to leave and I suggest you do it now!” he yelled. His patience was already wearing thin, it would be wise for her to not test that. He wasn’t Raiden, you did not mess with Kai Lukas.

  “I thought Raiden was a jackass.” She spat as she left.

  He growled, but let her leave. He had bigger things to worry about. Moving to his desk he began reading over the documents he had found after his failed kidnapping attempt of Tai. He was pissed off that she escaped, but grateful for a prayer that could solve his problem. Raiden getting married.

  As he scanned the document he found it. If the leading family’s heir chooses to be with a human the human must make the ultimate sacrifice. Become a vampire.’

  Ha! Who was he kidding? He had been having weak moments for months now. Truth was, he was in trouble, because he wanted more weak moments if it meant Gloria ended up in his bed at night.

  Upcoming Releases

  The Mother Daughter Search

  A Search Series Novella


  The Shifting Reality Series

  Perspective Shift 12/29/14

  Trust Shift 1/2015

  Shifting Their Forever 2/2015

  Shape of His Heart 3/2015

  Fight For Her 5/8/15

  Fight for Her

  A Paranormal/Fantasy Western Romance

  COMING MAY 8TH, 2015

  Celebrate my 30th birthday with me. Something a bit different, for us all


  Keila Sommer is a little different. Well actually a lot different. She is a Unicorn. In the city of Bison, South Dakota she feels alone with her secret until Woodrow Drake rolls into town. To Keila, it feels like the sta
rs align, because the day she meets him is her twenty-second birthday.

  Woodrow Drake is looking for a place to settle down. He closes his eyes and points to a map. His finger lands on Bison, South Dakota and he doesn’t blink an eye he just takes off. The first person he meets is Keila Sommer and she’s drop dead gorgeous. Woodrow is attracted to her, but also quiet. They quickly become friends and although he wants more, he’s sure she doesn’t. When he returns to Bison after leaving for a family emergency, every cowboy in town is lined at Keila’s door and she’s going on many dates.

  Keila wants Woodrow but he only seems to want a friendship, so she entertains the guys who are only interested in her for her secret. A secret no one was supposed to know about. A secret she wants to hide from Woodrow.

  Can Keila and Woodrow find their way to each other before she just settles for the average alpha cowboy? When her secret comes out will Woodrow stick around? Only time will tell how things will go down in the west.



  Keila Sommer was lying in bed. Today was her twenty-second birthday. She was happy, but at the same time, she dreaded the day. Six years ago on her sixteenth birthday her life changed forever.

  “Keila!” Coralee shouted from outside her bedroom window. Keila sat up in bed. Today was the day, she was finally sixteen. She’d be driving by the weekend and most importantly, she could now date. She closed her eyes again. Clifton Wright her long time crush had promised her a proper date when she turned sixteen she suddenly couldn’t wait to get to school.


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