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Rosalind Page 13

by Brianna York

  Rob thought about the way that his father had withdrawn from everyone after the death of his wife and daughter and felt a pang for his younger self. Rosy likely had enjoyed the type of upbringing that he himself had been denied due to his father’s difficulty in dealing with the accident that had taken the women in his family from him so suddenly. He had never considered that she might know more about running an estate than he did. He was not sure how he felt about such a thing.

  “I am sure that I shall be of some use to you in that regard at least,” Rosy said with a smile up at him.

  He looked down into her eager and beautiful face and felt a twinge of worry growing inside of him. If he could not bring with him the money required to keep her happy and now also could not manage his properties without her help, why on earth would she want him in her life? What sort of husband would he make if he could not manage even the most straightforward of his duties?

  “You are very quiet,” Rosy said then, her eyes showing her concern. “Have I said something wrong?”

  Rob forced a smile that looked more relaxed than he felt. “I apologize,” he said, placing a quick kiss on her brow. “I think that the excitement of the day has worn me out a bit.”

  Rosy smiled in relief. That was understandable. “I think I am running solely on nerves at this point,” she said agreed.

  “Shall we all retire to our rooms for a rest?” the Duchess was asking of the group as a whole. “I have not planned any other activities for the day. There will be dinner served at six o’clock, but the staff have been directed to bring trays of food to your rooms if you would prefer. We would like everyone to rest today so that we might have an enjoyable time tomorrow.”

  “Thank goodness,” Rosy whispered to Rob. “I have been wishing we were alone all morning.”

  Rob smiled at her, his earlier concerns about his place in her life replaced by anticipation of time alone with his new wife. “Indeed,” he whispered back. “We have far too much clothing on for my taste.”

  “Beast,” Rosy giggled, slapping at his sleeve gently in reproach which was not truly born of annoyance.

  “Shall we?” he asked her, offering up his arm to her. She took it gracefully and allowed herself to be led toward the house.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Once in the foyer, Rosy tugged at Rob’s arm eagerly.

  “Come with me,” she said as she pulled him after her up the stairs. “My mother has prepared the Royal Suite for us.”

  “The Royal Suite?” Rob asked with a laugh, not sure if she meant that this was the name of the room or if she was being silly.

  “Yes, yes,” she replied as she towed him along. They had gained the upstairs hallway and he caught up with her quick pace so that she no longer pulled him along after her. “This house is very old and the Royal Suite was once kept prepared for the King and Queen to visit whenever they might be passing through the country. Of course, it has not been used but once or twice in my parent’s day, but nevertheless it is a family tradition to keep the rooms ready at all times.”

  “I shall be quite spoiled when we leave your parent’s house in a few days,” Rob said with a chuckle.

  Rosy shook her head. “It is not as if every day is like this. My mother is using the wedding as an excuse to have a grand time being a hostess.” They had reached an ornate set of white painted doors. Rosy drew to a halt and gestured to Rob. “Will you open the doors for me, husband?”

  Rob quirked a brow at her, the look on his face flirtatious. “I shall be happy to open these doors now and other doors later.”

  “Oh goodness,” Rosy scoffed at his silly joke. “That is really not your best effort, My Lord.”

  He had the good nature to chuckle at that. “You are right. It really was a bit weak as a joke even if I meant every word.” He winked at her, then did as she had asked, swinging open the double doors. The sight that greeted him made him feel a bit overwhelmed.

  The room was very large and lavish in its appointments. Hand painted ceilings encrusted with gilt gleamed down at them and huge windows looked out onto the grounds on the opposite side of the room. The bed in the middle of the chamber was a huge four poster with heavy and ornate drapes pulled back to reveal a satiny bedspread and a very large number of pillows with tassels. The expensive carpets on the floor deadened even the slightest sound of their feet and a huge marble fireplace had a small fire lit in it to ward off the chill that hung in the room due to the high ceilings.

  “There are dressing rooms for us both,” Rosy said as she gestured from one side of the bed to the other. Rob saw that there were indeed two separate doors on either side of the bed that were the exact same color as the rest of the walls in order to make them less obvious. “There are quarters for our servants back there as well so they will never be far away should we need them.”

  “I wonder that your parents did not convert this room to be their master suite,” Rob said as he turned around slowly, trying to take in all the obvious outlandish wealth that had been poured into the room’s appointments.

  Rosy shrugged. “Mother likes the view from the other side of the house better. She had some rooms remodeled on that side of the house so that she and father could see the more interesting side of the property each day.” She glanced around her and laughed. “Although I will admit that this room is much to my mother’s taste and she has never changed anything significant in the room since she was married to my father.”

  Rob swallowed around the lump in his throat. He felt a bit uneasy in the presence of so much heritage and lavish wealth. His title was old but had never been as prosperous as the Duchy that Rosy’s father held. “I fear that you shall not be much impressed by my country house,” Rob said pensively. “It cannot compete with all of this.”

  Rosy crossed the room again to wrap her arms around Rob’s waist and lean her head against his chest. “I shall be very happy with your properties, my love,” she said honestly. “I have never wanted this amount of frippery in my house. I shall show you my rooms later. They are very practical and I asked for them to be designed for comfort. This level of display is really quite ridiculous and certainly I do not wish to be daily bombarded by it.”

  Rob reached up a hand to stroke Rosy’s back gently, his eyes still wandering over the richness of the room he stood in. He believed her that she felt that way but he still worried that she would get to her new country house and be embarrassed by the things that needed to be fixed and by its lack of grandiosity. He was feeling less and less sure of himself as the day progressed and he knew that he was not hiding it well.

  “This is very nice,” Rosy said, her voice a bit muffled against his chest. “But also, very tame.” She pulled back in his arms slightly and grinned at him.

  “Tame eh?” Rob replied, rising to the challenge in her voice. The hand that had been rubbing her back left off with affectionate touch and roved up to tangle in the hair at the nape of her neck. Thus anchored, he used the hand to tilt her head back before kissing her. She responded with her usual abandon, her inexperience winning him over as always because it brought so much honest enthusiasm with it. He delved his tongue into her mouth and was delighted when she teased him back with her own.

  Rob felt himself losing control of the kiss and pulled back a bit to allow himself some time to collect his wits. He reached up with both hands and began plucking pins from her ornate hairdo. He cast the pins onto the carpet, heedless of all but his desire to see her long hair freed of its polite moorings. Rosy closed her eyes and leaned into the pressure of his fingers as if she was enjoying the sensation of her hair being loosen from its tidy confines.

  Finally, Rob pulled the last pin out of the soft brown locks and regarded his handiwork with pleasure. Rosy’s cheeks were flushed with rising excitement and her luxuriant hair hung nearly to her waist. Rob tangled his fingers in the thick wavy mass with pleasure, his memory going back to the day in the park when he had seen her hair loose the first time

�I have wanted to do that forever,” he said huskily.

  “Why did you wait so long to do so?” Rosy asked him, her eyes darker than usual and glowing with banked desire.

  “Foolish. I was foolish,” Rob said a bit roughly. “Come, let’s have you out of that dress.” He gestured for her to turn around and then helped her to divest herself of her dress and her underthings. He took a step back to regard her and felt the shock of his physical reaction to the tips of his toes.

  “Lord but you are beautiful,” he said softly, his blue eyes very bright in the late afternoon sunlight that streamed into the room. Rosy willed herself not to do what seemed logical and cover up her nakedness. She pulled back her shoulders a bit and stood her ground as Rob looked her over with obvious pleasure. Rob stepped closer to her and brought his hands up to tease her breasts, his fingers softly cupping their fullness and rubbing over her nipples in tantalizing sweeps of pressure. Rosy gasped a bit at the answering wetness he was causing between her legs and tilted her head back as she instinctively leaned in to his touch. Rob slid his hands down her body to grasp the gentle curves of her buttocks before bringing her body full length against his. Rosy felt the pressure of his erection against her belly and squirmed closer to him in instinctive desire.

  “I had planned to do this slowly,” Rob said as he began to remove his own clothing. “I shall still attempt to do so but you are not making it easy for me.”

  Rosy laughed and helped him shrug out of his tightly fitted jacket. “Here let me help you with that,” she said as she unwound the ornate neck cloth and unbuttoned his vest. She allowed her fingers to skim down to his breeches and paused for a moment, intentionally drawing out the suggestion of what she was about to do.

  “Now is not the time for that,” Rob said with a little growl. She laughed again and obliged him by undoing the front of his breeches. Feeling as if he would die if he was not inside of her, Rob hurriedly tossed off the rest of his clothing and turned back to find her regarding him closely. His brow furrowed into a little frown as he watched her tilting her head first to one side and then the other. “Is something the matter?” he asked her.

  Rosy shook her head, her hair dancing over her shoulders. She closed the distance between them and looked down at his manhood. “May I?” she asked quietly, her hand reaching toward his nether regions. Rob looked down at the small hand and then up at her face and nodded. She stroked the length of his erection gently, her fingers barely touching him at first. She gained confidence quickly, however and cupped him with her palm, a smile spreading across her face. “You are so silky! It is really quite wonderful!”

  Rob managed to chuckle at her reaction to his most intimate self before catching a hold of her hand and removing it from his eager penis. “You had best stop doing that or this interlude will be over before it truly began.”

  Rosy nodded. “I did not know that I might have such an effect. Shall we kiss some more?” she asked eagerly.

  “In a moment,” Rob said, catching a hold of her waist and swinging her into his arms easily. She squeaked with surprise then melded herself to him as he carried her to the massive bed and placed her on it. He climbed up after her, his mouth falling onto her breasts.

  Rosy arched instinctively off the bed as Rob suckled first one nipple and then the other. She had not dreamt of such ecstasy just from simple touching. She watched his dark head bowed to his task and looked with a pleased eye upon his narrow hips and broad shoulders. He shifted position and she caught another glimpse of the rather amazing maleness of him as his erection grazed along her thigh. Burning with desire for him to complete their coupling as he had not done the first night they had embraced, she reached her arms out in entreaty to him. “Please, Rob,” she said, not even sure what she was asking for.

  Rob heard her whispered plea and shifted his focus back to her mouth. He positioned himself between her legs and she felt the first teasing pressure of him against her tingling wetness. “I shall try not to hurt you,” he said in her ear, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “You may tell me to stop if I do.”

  Rosy swallowed hard and nodded. “I feel as if I shall die if you stop,” she whispered roughly, instinctively lifting her hips toward him.

  Rob managed to rein in his instinct to plunge into her welcoming warmth and drew a deep breath. He had never been with a virgin, preferring his women wise in the ways of the world. He hoped that this first time should not be at all painful for her and vowed to try his best to make things as comfortable for her as could be managed. He eased into her body a little bit at a time, gauging her reaction as best as he could in his distracted state of arousal. Finally, she tensed a bit beneath him and he pressed another kiss to her cheek. “Steady now,” he said, “Almost there.” He felt her take a deep breath and he pushed the last inch or so home until he buried entirely within her. He tried to still the frenzied desire in his nerve endings and willed himself to enjoy the wonderful tight wetness of her. He held himself perfectly immobile while she grew used to his presence.

  “Dear God, woman,” he growled in her ear. “You cannot imagine how wonderful you feel.”

  Rosy giggled and shifted her hips welcomingly. “Probably as wonderful as you feel to me,” she countered. She tilted her pelvis up to meet him again. “This cannot be all,” she said to him. “Show me the rest.”

  Rob did not have to be told twice. He allowed himself to pull back out of her tightness gently and slowly the first few strokes, loving the way she moaned and arched her back in response. Finally, unable to hold himself back any longer, he allowed the tempo to increase. He heard her little cries of pleasure as he gave himself over to the slick warmth of her. For the first time in his life he was not certain if he was giving pleasure as well as taking it. She felt so good that he lost himself in the act entirely, shouting out loud when he came. He slumped a bit, careful not to crush her entirely and rested his head on her breasts as he panted and tried to catch his breath.

  She raised her hands to stroke his back and cradle his head. Her fingers roved through his hair and she sighed softly. “That was wonderful, Rob” she said honestly as she stroked a hand down his back. “I had never imagined that anything could feel like that.”

  He pressed a slightly messy kiss to the breast near his lips, then rolled to his side so that he would not press her too deeply into the mattress. He glanced down at the bed spread, then cradled her against him with care. “It will only get better for you, my love,” he said quietly, his fingers stroking gently up and down her flat belly. “You barely bled at all. I hope that I did not hurt you much.”

  Rosy settled into a more comfortable position against him and shook her head gently. “A few twinges here and there but nothing terrible. It felt like you were made to be inside of me,” she said honestly.

  “I could not have described the sensation more accurately,” he said in reply. “I have never felt anything like it.”

  Rosy preened a little at his words. She knew that he had certainly not been celibate before now. She pressed back against him more closely, enjoying the feeling of his skin against hers. The hair on his chest tickled her back and she was enjoying the slow fire he was stoking in her with the lazy pressure of his fingers tracing up and down her body. “You say that it will get better for me,” she murmured. “How so?”

  Rob chuckled a little. “Eager for more already are we?” he asked her, his fingers trailing farther down her body.

  “Perhaps I should not be?” she said, suddenly a bit worried.

  “That is not what I meant at all,” Rob answered her, his fingers toying with the soft skin between her legs. “Are you too sore to go again?” he said as he teased a finger inside of her. “Does this hurt?”

  Rosy arched against him eagerly with a gasp of pleasure. “No that most certainly does not hurt,” she said firmly before crying out as he delved deeper into her softness with his touch.

  “Perhaps I shall try and show you what I meant,” he said quietly. He stroked the
softness of her feminine self gently then slid another finger inside of her. Rosy cried out again at the spike of pleasure that ratcheted through her and arched her body into his touch. “So eager,” Rob said huskily.

  Rosy felt the spiral of intense feeling rising in her but had no idea how to control the tide. “Please Rob,” she begged him as he worked his magic with his touch. “Oh please.”

  Rob did not answer her, just turned her onto her back and shifted himself lower on the bed. She felt the tugging pressure of his teeth on her most sensitive skin and then wonderingly she felt his tongue delving into her as his fingers had just been doing. She gasped with the intensity of the feelings he was causing and shifted her hips helplessly on the bed. She felt all of her awareness reduce itself to the core of her being where tension was building steadily toward what end she was not sure.

  When she thought that she could not stand it any longer, Rob rose over her again. She was ready for him this time and opened her legs wider to give him better access. She heard his small exclamation of pleasure as he entered her again and she eagerly wrapped her legs around his narrow waist in order to take him deeper.

  “Oh Rob!” she panted, the sensation of his stroking in and out of her body making the tightness in her body feel as if it was wound so tight she would fly apart into a million pieces.

  “Just relax, my love,” Rob said hoarsely in her ear as he stroked his hardness carefully in and out of her. “Just let yourself feel.”

  Rosy took a deep breath and allowed herself to follow the movements of his hips driving her into the bed. She felt the rising tension in her body suddenly spike and then roll over her in waves of pleasure so intense that she screamed out loud. She felt Rob’s thrusting speed up and then heard him cry out as well. She felt the warm rush of him as he came and welcomed the awareness that she had been responsible for his repletion when he collapsed onto her.

  “Oh Rob,” she whispered.


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