Hawaiian Triple Heat [Dr. Love Shark] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Hawaiian Triple Heat [Dr. Love Shark] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 12

by Bobbi Brattz

  Before he could take her inside, she pressed her hand against the door.

  “No. I want to go to my room, alone.”

  “Rae, let’s get you out of that wet dress and into my warm bed. I want to hold you all night.”

  “No, Mateo. Please.”

  She felt his defeat as he gave in and carried her to her own door, opening it for her. Once she was on her feet, she turned and stepped inside without another word. Without looking up at him on the other side of the door, she locked it and went to the bathroom to strip down.

  While in the shower, hot water streamed down her face and body. Tears mingled as she sobbed and dropped to her knees. Her breasts still tingled and ached, and she wanted nothing more than to crawl in beside him and be held all night long, but the raw anguish in her heart was too strong.

  Suddenly, Rae remembered that Mateo hadn’t used a condom. Since she didn’t have her birth control pills with her, she could be pregnant! A cry of sorrow filled the room as she imagined raising a child without him. There was no way he’d want her now.

  The Love Shark had struck once again.

  * * * *

  The loud growl of her empty stomach woke her up in the wee hours of the morning. Rae groaned, her nipples tender and bruised from the tortuous clamps. Instead of hating them, she wanted more. Never had she experienced such arousal.

  Too sensitive to put a shirt on, Rae peeked out of her door and noted that there were no lights on so she slipped into the hall and tiptoed to the kitchen to grab something to eat. She paused by Mateo’s door but heard nothing.

  Thank God he’s asleep.

  Rae continued down the hall and walked to the fridge in the dark to see what she could find to eat.

  The fridge was neatly organized, which made it easier to find something she hungered for. The chilled air perked her nipples and made her groan before she could bite it back. The dampness that escaped her pussy creamed her thighs as her womb reacted.

  A bowl of fruit sat behind a few pop cans, which she moved aside to reach. One can dropped out only to land on her toe. She cried out, hopping on one foot as her instep throbbed and black dots floated before her eyes.

  “What on Earth are you doing?”

  Rae screamed and spun around in surprise.

  * * * *

  After delivering twins, Piers was exhausted and only wanted to catch some shut-eye. However, the moment he stepped into the house, he heard someone groan in the direction of the kitchen and went to investigate. When he opened the door and saw the vision of Rae’s naked body standing outlined by the fridge light, he thought he was seeing an angel.

  Holy instant hard-on!

  When the can fell on her foot, he rushed to her and asked, “What on Earth are you doing?”

  Rae’s scream as she spun on her heel startled him into action. He captured her in his arms to keep her from falling as she hopped on one foot. Together they crashed to the floor in a tangle of limbs, Piers taking the most of their combined weight as he strove to protect her.

  Instead of accepting his help, Rae struggled to get free, shrieking as she fought him, her fist catching him on his jaw.

  “Rae! What the hell?”

  Light suddenly flooded the room. Rae stopped and stared at Piers in horror.

  “Piers! I thought you were…I didn’t know it was you. I’m so sorry.”

  “What is going on in here?” Mateo glared down at them with fury in his eyes. He’d become a stranger, hard, cold, and dangerous.

  “I found an angel raiding the fridge, so I attacked her, ravishing her body because I couldn’t help myself.” The sarcasm Piers put in his tone as he glared right back at his friend wasn’t lost on Rae, who burst out laughing and climbed to her feet.

  “He was trying to stop me from falling, but I took him down with me. I’m so sorry I hit you, Piers.”

  “You hit him?”

  Snorting, Piers nodded then stood, cupping his jaw as though in agony.

  “I don’t know if I’ll survive it without some TLC. Can you kiss it better?”

  Instead of running off as she’d done all day, she pursed her lips as she leaned in close and pressed her soft body against him.

  “Poor baby. Maybe you should go lie down. I wouldn’t want you to pass out from the pain. I could call a doctor?”

  Piers caught the angry, hurt look in Mateo’s eyes as she kissed along his jaw, her breasts brushing against his chest. She gasped and pulled back as though in pain.

  “What’s wrong?” Piers held her at arm’s length and saw the bruises on one of her breasts, as though a large hand had abused it. He looked up at the mild grin on Mateo’s face and lost it. Pushing her gently aside, he walked up to Mateo and threw the hardest punch he could, knocking his friend to the ground. Mateo dropped like a rock, out cold.

  “Piers! Why did you do that?” Rae shouted, racing to Mateo’s side and lifting his head to her lap. She looked up at him with fury sparking in her eyes.

  “He hurt you!”

  “No, he didn’t.”

  “Look, Rae, I know signs of abuse when I see them, and he went beyond BDSM. We don’t hurt our women.”

  The instant pain in her eyes stunned him. What did I say?

  A groan broke his thoughts as Mateo began to come around. Rae looked down at him as he opened his eyes. The confusion in his gaze told Piers that something happened between them while he was out, and it wasn’t just sex.

  “Check to see if he’s all right. I’m going to bed.”

  The Love Shark milked the moment for all it was worth as he sucked in a quick breath and scrunched his eyes closed as though in pain the moment she moved. It worked like a charm, as usual.

  “I’m sorry! Stay still and I’ll hold you while Piers checks you over. Mateo, please don’t be angry at me. It was all a mistake. You didn’t hurt me at all.”

  His eyes flew open. “I didn’t?”

  “No. Let’s just drop it. Can I put your head down now?”

  “If you want, but I feel worse when you move. Could you wait a few minutes?”

  She nodded and cradled his head against her breast, holding him even closer.

  For the first time since he’d met Mateo as a kid, Piers wasn’t amused by his friend’s way with words. He had Rae eating out of his palm.

  “Piers, come and help me get him into bed. He’s weak.” Rae’s eyes were full of unfounded concern, and Piers wanted to tell her Mateo was faking it, yet he didn’t.

  Together they helped Mateo to his feet and struggled to hold the larger man up while he pressed his weight down on them. They finally entered his room and neared the bed. When Mateo turned his head to wink at Piers, he nearly lost it and tossed him on the mattress.

  “Be careful, Piers. You’re a doctor. You should know better. I’m going to get a cold cloth to press on his chin. Stay with him, won’t you?”

  The second Rae was out of earshot, Piers leaned in close and circled Mateo’s neck with his hands to hold him down.

  “If you ever hurt her like that again, I’ll kill you.”

  “Piers, I didn’t, I swear. I’d never hurt anyone like that. She won’t tell me anything, and it’s the first time I saw the bruises, too. Chill out, man.”

  He heard Rae as she rushed back and took one hand away from Mateo’s neck, pretending to check for damage, yet gave Mateo a warning glare.

  “Here, Mateo. This should help. Should we take him to the hospital, Piers?”

  Slowly shaking his head, Piers muttered, “He’s fine. Good night.”

  When he turned to leave, her delicate hand on his forearm stopped him.

  “Please, Piers. Stay with us. I don’t think we should leave him alone.”

  A dramatic groan from Mateo took her attention right back to him, so Piers gave in.

  “Help me make him comfortable.” Rae set out to plump up the pillows and brush Mateo’s hair from his eyes, pressing the cool cloth on his jaw where Piers had hit him.

  “Honey, it h
urts on the other side where my head hit the floor. Can you check it for me please? I’m not sure if it’s bleeding.”

  Piers ground his teeth as he watched her lean over Mateo, her breasts brushing over his chest. She was unaware of his cock standing erect in response until she sat back.

  “It’s okay, it’s…oh, Mateo!” Her eyes widened in shock.

  Piers wanted to punch Mateo again for duping her, but he held back. Fighting fire with fire, he let out a gasp while holding his jaw. It didn’t hurt from her weak punch, but he was playing the game now, too.

  Rae’s head turned as he hissed, wincing in apparent pain.

  “Oh, Piers! I really did hurt you. I’m so sorry! Come here and let me see it.”

  Sandwiched between the two men, she made him lie down beside Mateo and stared down at both of them with a mother hen’s concern.

  Piers was angry at himself for giving into his urges as his cock hardened at her attention. When she leaned over and kissed him, her breasts rubbed against his nipple causing him to groan as sensations rippled through his groin. He slipped an arm around her waist at the same time as Mateo.

  “What are you doing? I’m not going anywhere,” she murmured, caressing their jaws with tender fingers.

  Mateo reached for two condoms and some lubricant, passing one to Piers.

  “Are you all right, Rae? Are you hurting?”

  A look flicked in her eyes, but he couldn’t decide what it was since she shot a quick glance at Mateo and then a shuttered look hid her thoughts.

  “I’m fine enough to ma…have sex with you both. I want…”

  She wouldn’t look at either of them as her hands circled their iron hard cocks. Both men groaned.

  “Rae, tell us what you truly want. What is your fantasy? We’ll make it come true if we can.”

  “Oh, Piers, you are so sweet.” She swallowed hard then spoke in a whisper.

  “I want you both inside me at the same time.”

  “Mateo can come behind, and I’ll take your hot pussy. Okay?”

  She shook her head slowly, gnawing on her lip.

  “I want you both inside my pussy at the same time.”

  Mateo sat up, all pretence of weakness gone. He lifted her chin to meet her eyes.

  “Honey, we’re not small men. We could hurt you.”

  “I’ll tell you to stop if you do, I swear.”

  By the look on his face, Mateo was just as turned on by the idea as Piers was.

  “Your wish is our command, Nani,” Mateo murmured, leaning forward to kiss her gently.

  The blinding smile she gave them sealed the deal.

  “Mateo, since you’re hurt so much worse, you lie down and I’ll straddle you while Piers comes in behind. I’m sure I can take you both. This is so exciting. I can’t wait.”

  Piers marvelled at her enthusiasm and glanced over at Mateo. His friend held up the condom. “Let’s load ’em up, partner.”

  “You promise you’ll tell us to stop if it hurts, Rae?”

  “Yes, Piers. I know neither of you would harm me. Please, I want you both, now.”

  The condoms were in place in seconds.

  * * * *

  The moment Mateo hit the floor, Rae realized that she couldn’t fight her feelings anymore. He would never know her heart was lost to him, and to Piers, but she wanted them like she’d never craved a man’s touch before.

  While Mateo was sensual, alluring, erotic, and used his voice to stimulate her body, Piers was kind, gentle, sexy, and loving. Rae had no idea when they’d send her away, but she wanted to make the most of the time they had together. Her decision made, she played his game, pretending to be at his mercy and that he was hurt from Piers’s hard fist hitting him.

  It only took a moment before she realized he was playing her for a fool, yet she didn’t care. The amused look mixed with false innocence in his eyes made her want to giggle, but she fought it off and acted. She was his “model” after all.

  Once she and Piers practically carried him to his room, she fussed over them like a mother hen then set her plan in motion. They seemed to like it when she nursed them, caressing their bruised jaws, telling them what she wanted from them.

  Mateo’s and Piers’s eyes lit with interest and excitement at her words.

  I’m on the right track now. Mateo’s not the only one who can be seductive. I wonder if my voice would turn them on like Mateo’s does to me. Let me practice with the siren in me and see if it works.

  Once they’d put their condoms on, she leaned over and gave Piers the first kiss, working his mouth the way he liked it until he was groaning, his hands tight around her ribcage as he held her close. She lifted her head and placed his fingers at her entrance, wiggling her hips to show him what she wanted.

  “Play with me, Piers.”

  Once he began, she turned to Mateo and gave him the same treatment, praying he wouldn’t sense her mixed feelings of frustration and love for him. She placed his palm on her breast.

  “The nipples are so sensitive after you used your toy on them earlier. I want you to make me crazy for you with your mouth.” Low and sexy was her voice as she met his stirring gaze. He leaned forward and captured her nipple with his lips, his teeth and tongue taking turns until she could barely think for want of him.

  Piers’s fingers delved deep until he removed them and lifted them to his lips to taste her.

  “You are so wet, Rae. I think we can do this, but only if you’re sure.”

  “Oh, I’m sure, Piers. I’ll straddle Mateo first then you come behind and slide in beside him. I can’t wait to be filled with you both. Please, hurry.”

  Her lovers were rock hard and standing at attention, so she climbed on top of Mateo and sank down on him with one thrust of her hips, her shout ringing in her ears. His eyes were scrunched closed tightly as he caught his breath, strong hands securing her to his groin while they waited for Piers to lube up and begin his part.

  “You are so tight already, Rae. We don’t want to hurt you. Are you sure about this?” Mateo asked. He’d opened his eyes to stare up at her, and she saw genuine concern.

  To hide her thoughts, she closed her eyes and nodded. Piers positioned his hips behind her and leaned forward to kiss her neck.

  “Are you ready, sweetheart?” he murmured close to her ear.

  “Yes, Piers. I want you right now. I can’t hold still much longer.

  “She’s definitely wet enough, Piers. Ease in and I’ll pull out a bit so we can move up full hilt together.”

  Instead of answering, Piers placed the head of his cock at her crowded entrance and began to edge forward. At first she was tense, but the further he moved forward, the more she writhed and moaned.

  “God, Rae, you are impossibly tight. Try to relax your pelvic muscles. That’s it. Mateo, talk her through it.”

  “Rae, open your senses. Smell our sex, your arousal, the scent of our bodies mixed together in the air. Imagine both of us sharing your pussy, your passion. We’ll stop if it hurts.”

  “No! It doesn’t hurt, Mateo. I want…more, so much more. Move within me.”

  With a shift of her hips, she made both men gasp as her pussy clenched around them, squeezing and milking their hardness as they moved forward.

  “Open your eyes, Rae. Look at me. I want to make sure you’re okay.”

  She peeked from beneath her lashes. “Mateo, for once, stop talking and just have sex with me.”

  His eyebrows shot up in surprise, as though no one had ever said such a thing to him before as Piers chuckled behind her.

  Lost in sensation, she leaned forward to accommodate Piers, his cock hard and thick as it slowly slid alongside Mateo’s. When he pulled out a bit, she gasped and reached her hand to cup the back of his neck behind her.

  “Please, keep coming.”

  “Just…getting…ready to. God, I can’t take much more of this.”

  “I hear ya, partner.”

  “Shut up, Mateo!” she growled low in her
throat. His voice was a weapon against her senses she didn’t need at that point. Piers’s voice she could handle.

  Frustrated at the slow pace Piers was setting, she shoved backward with all her might until he slammed deep into the hilt. All three of them cried out until it was a symphony of lovemaking noises. She’d never felt her channel stretch to full capacity before. The pain and pleasure were nearly too much to bear. Rae grabbed Piers’s hands and placed them on her breasts while she slipped her arm around his neck again.

  “Move in opposite directions,” she ordered.

  The men thrust their cocks like pistons in and out of her. The friction of rubbing each other promised to end their play early, but she changed the tempo and shifted her hips side to side like a belly dancer. Mateo and Piers gasped together, their hands clutching at her skin as she led them through the paces.

  “Don’t either of you dare come yet. I’m not finished with you!” Her command had them both chuckling, yet they continued to do as she asked.

  “You’re killing us, sweetheart. You know that, don’t you,” Piers murmured in her ear, his voice edged with strain.

  “Many men…die in bed…Piers. Oh, it’s nearly time! Move faster now, both of you!”

  As ordered, they picked up the pace and thrust their hips until all three came in a mindless blaze of sexual frenzy. When it was over, Rae collapsed on Mateo’s chest while Piers fell on top of her. Their panting filled the room for a few minutes before she twisted and slipped away from the bed.

  “Where are you going?” Mateo asked, sitting up on his elbow, his chest shiny from the sweat of making love in the hot room.

  “None of your business,” she snapped, left the room, and slammed the door behind her.

  * * * *

  “What the hell did I say?”

  Piers whipped a pillow at his friend.

  “Apparently, not the right thing.”

  “Come on, Piers. She lapped it up just like all the rest of them do. You know what a great actor I am. I can make any woman do whatever I want.”

  The anger in Piers’s eyes surprised Mateo. His friend had always sided with him. They’d spent many hours joking over how gullible women were against the Love Shark. But this time something was different, and for the life of him, Mateo couldn’t figure out what it was.


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