Animal Attraction

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Animal Attraction Page 9

by Lynn Marie

  “No, thank you,” he said politely, taking a seat in one of the ancient rocking chairs that overlooked the lawn. He felt ridiculous in it, but he supposed that was the point. Nothing threw off a large man more than a chair too small that moved when it wasn’t supposed to. He’d already broken one chair this week.

  “You have the scent of the change on you,” Ephraim remarked, ignoring further pleasantries.

  Michael shifted, trying to get comfortable, and the chair pitched backwards. “I was patrolling, checking on the border.”

  “Hmmph,” Ephraim said. “And?”

  “Everything’s fine. No trouble from the cats.”

  “Hmmph,” Ephraim said again, rocking back once to display his superior control over the chair.

  “I’m doing what I was taught to protect my town and my pack.”

  Ephraim rocked back and forth for a while before speaking again. "Did your daddy ever tell you that you were the first Blackwood that ever left Pottsville?"

  That threw him. "Left? You mean when I went to college?"

  Ephraim nodded, staring thoughtfully out at his yard.

  Michael opened his mouth, and closed it. Was that true? His father had never mentioned anything about that. In fact, it had been his father who’d encouraged him to enroll in Cornell when he’d been accepted.

  "Just think on it, Son. It takes more than a name to make an Alpha.”

  Great. More cryptic advice.

  “When I was growing up, your grandfather was the toughest man I’d ever seen. I watched him take down a rabid bear once…” he trailed off and stared into the middle distance, as if reliving the moment. “There were real dangers, then.”

  Sensing an opening, Michael dove in. “I don’t think being Alpha is about being the strongest or bravest anymore, at least not like it was. Every man from here to Durham has a shotgun to defend his family, and there hasn’t been an issue with a neighboring pack in two generations.

  “Being strong and winning a fistfight aren’t the same thing, Son.”

  “I know. My job is to protect the interests of this town, its people, and to make sure our traditions don’t become just stories.”

  Ephraim just raised his eyebrows. “It’s going to take more than some words and winning challenges to convince us that you’re the person for the job, Son. ”

  “I know. I’m starting with the barn restoration, and I need you to help me make this happen. Blackwood Hardware is willing to match any contributions that local businesses make towards the new community center. It’s a good advertising opportunity, and has long-term return potential.”

  Ephraim narrowed his eyes at Michael. After a beat, he uncrossed his arms. “What kind of advertising?”

  Michael grinned in triumph. This was exactly why he’d started with Ephraim. As much as small towns liked to support each other, it was hard to beat online prices and delivered-to-your door service as a bookstore. “Let me show you the information packet going out. There are different packages.”

  In the end, he drank the iced tea he didn’t want, nearly wrenched his back trying to get out of the rocking chair, and convinced Ephraim to make a donation.

  He rode his high of elation all the way back to his place. Maybe he’d have to win the town over one-by-one, but even that didn’t seem surmountable anymore. He’d finally gotten somewhere today and he had his woman to thank for part of that.

  Uncapping a bottle of water he hit home on his cell, hoping to find a message from her. There was a message, but it was from Trip about the plans he was supposed to have prepared. He decided to call Trip to share the good news.

  “Hey man, guess who’s going to get the funding for the community center,” Michael said without preamble.

  “Not us,” Trip quipped. “I talked to the bank this morning, and—”

  “I am. I’m, asking for pledges from local businesses and the hardware store is going to match them. I already got Ephraim Greer to commit to five grand. I told you I’d find a way. The town won’t veto it if we’ve got the money lined up.”

  There was a long silence on the other end.

  “Wow, that’s… That was a really good idea, actually,” Trip said finally, sounding surprised and a little irritated. Maybe he was jealous that he hadn’t come up with it himself.

  “You don’t sound that happy about it. This is good news.”

  Trip sighed. “No, I am. It’s not like this project is going to make us money, but I guess it’s good for the town. I can get behind some pro-bono, I guess. How’d you come up with this?”

  Michael chuckled. “Evelyn. It’s funny, she really understands—”

  “You listened to an outsider?” Trip cut in, disbelief souring his tone. “You really think you’ll get other businesses on board with her idea?”

  “A good idea is a good idea. I’ve got a decent plan for return investment, so as long as they have the means, I should be able to convince them.”

  “Yeah, but you think the council’s gonna like it when they find out a stranger came up with it? And worse, a human stranger?”

  Michael’s eyebrows snapped together. “I’m sick of everyone’s attitude—if you or anyone else has a problem with her, you can take it up with me.”

  “Are you going to provoke the whole town because of her?”

  “Damn straight. People around here need to start getting used to the idea of an Alpha female that isn’t a wolf.”

  He hadn’t spoken the words out loud to anyone before and it felt odd, like he was just saying it now to prove a point. He still hadn’t said the word ‘mate,’ but he’d just as well. He’d have hoped his best friend would react with interest, support or at least some good old-fashioned ribbing about being whipped.

  Instead, his comment was met with tense silence.


  “So it’s really happening.”

  The mating or the community center? “Yup.”

  “Okay. We can start drawing up the plans tomorrow.” Trip hung up.

  Michael scowled at his phone. He knew Trip wasn’t 100% on board with taking on work that didn’t seem worth the payout, but he had to see the benefit to the town as well as to Michael’s bid for Alpha. Trip had seen how hard he’d been fighting, so why couldn’t he just be happy that he’d managed to win someone over?

  Trip was a stubborn asshole, sometimes, though. There was value in a Beta who didn’t agree blindly, but it was frustrating as hell sometimes.

  He looked at the time. Only about an hour before his date. Time to head back.

  She’d really opened up to him last time. Considering all that shit with her Dad, it was surprising she’d let him in at all. He’d known since he met her that she was incredibly distrustful of men. He could see it in her eyes whenever she felt like she was getting too close—she was expecting him to break her heart.

  Luckily, he was a patient man… not that his wolf would let him abandon her anyway. If she needed him to prove himself, that’s what he’d do. He could tell her he wasn’t going anywhere as many times as he wanted, but he had the sense that (like everyone else in this town) she wouldn’t believe him until he showed her. So, that was what he would do.

  For now, he had a shaky promise of trust and he needed to build on that.

  It was funny, he thought wryly, that people didn’t realize bondage was an excellent way to build trust.

  “…Then bake at 350 for an hour.”

  Evelyn waited while Dana jotted it down and set the recipe back in her box. She switched her phone to the other ear.

  “Got it. I don’t know why I had such a craving for Grandma’s strawberry rhubarb bars—they’re filled with trans fats.”

  “Maybe you’re pregnant.”

  There was a beat and both sisters burst into laughter. “Like I’m letting a baby anywhere near this belly. Not me, Evie. It’s all up to you to keep the Montgomery line going.”

  Evelyn touched her lower stomach. It wasn’t going to happen anytime soon, if her
IUD had anything to say about it, but she’d never say never. Kids were a distant desire—a final piece in the puzzle of her life that would fulfill a sense of purpose. Her mind drifted to Michael, wondering what kind of father he’d be.

  But it was way too early to be considering that step with Michael. She cleared her throat and changed the subject. “Any more recipes you need? Brownies, maybe?”

  “Nah. At least with these I can convince myself they’re healthy because they have fruit in them. Where are you keeping Grandma’s recipes, anyway?”

  “I have a box that I found in the attic after Mom brought all that stuff back from Grandma’s place after she died. There’s some pictures in here, too, of Grandma and Mom when she was little.”

  She heard the smile in her sister’s voice. “We should go through them sometime.”


  “You ought to keep all that stuff in a fire safe.”

  Evelyn frowned. “Why? I don’t have a fire safe, or anywhere to put one.”

  “Well, accidents happen and that’s what people are always sad about losing—memories and pictures.”

  That was true. It would kill her to lose the pieces of her past and the people who’d loved her unconditionally. “I can put them in a safety deposit box.”

  “Cool. I just… I don’t know. I have a bad feeling.”

  Evelyn straightened. She’d learned to listen to her sister’s instincts. “About what?”

  “Well…” her sister heaved a big sigh. “I wasn’t going to tell you this but… I saw Dad.”

  “What?” Evelyn cried, terror creeping into the edges of her voice. If he’d harmed one hair on her head…

  “Not with my eyes,” Dana interjected quickly. “It was like… I don’t know. A dream, but super vivid. And I was awake. I just saw him sitting in a car, smoking a cigarette and looking at a picture of us from when we were kids. I don’t know. I feel so stupid saying this out loud. Do you believe in premonitions?”

  “Not really.”


  Dana sounded so dejected, Evelyn decided to throw her a bone. “He has been calling me.”


  “Yeah. Tell me if you see him again, okay?” She wasn’t going to mention that she’d accidentally picked up one of the times.

  “Okay. And you be careful. I don’t like this feeling I’m having.”

  “Okay, I will.”

  “Listen to me, being such a downer… Anyway, have fun on your date!”

  As she hung up, she checked the time on the oven clock. Michael was always punctual so she had just enough time to put herself together. She went back to her room and selected an outfit with him in mind. It was a body-hugging dress, in a shade of green that set off her eyes and hair.

  She’d just finished with a light coat of mascara when she heard the knock on her door. Trying to quell the butterflies, she crossed her apartment and opened the door. He was leaning against the doorjamb with one arm, making his tricep bulge. Evelyn had to suck in a breath to keep from sighing. Everything about him made her want to tear off her clothes and tackle him—the dark hair falling in one eye, the half-smile, the tee shirt straining against his chest…

  “Ready to go?” she asked, suddenly anxious for the date to be over so they could skip to the end.

  He smiled ominously, crossing the threshold and setting down a small, black bag that she hadn’t realized he was holding. “We’re staying in.”

  “What? We’re not going to dinner?”

  “We can order something after.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “After what?”

  “Are you hungry?” He approached her and ran the tip of his finger down her chest, into her cleavage.

  She swallowed thickly as the desire bloomed in her stomach. Slowly, she shook her head. “Not for food.”

  His breath hitched and he closed the distance between them, wrapping his arms around her. “That is exactly what I was hoping you’d say.”

  Before she got swept up in the moment and forgot to ask, she pulled back slightly. Her eyes cut to the bag. “What’s in there?”

  He chuckled at her evasion and gestured to it. “See for yourself.”

  Burning with curiosity—and sexual anticipation—she unzipped the plain, black bag and peered inside. Her face scrunched up as she dug out the items. Several black scarves folded into squares, a blindfold… were those nipple clamps? She gulped.

  “What is this? A bag of debauchery?”

  He laughed. “You said I could tie you up ‘another time,’ and I decided this is that time.”

  She had said that, hadn’t she? Well, this was an interesting turn of events. She stared at the scarves. The thought of being tied up, at his mercy and laid wide open should not have been as hot as it was.

  “Did you just have this stuff lying around?”

  “Bought it just for you. Well, I had the rope in my garage…”

  She thought about Michael going to an adult store, or shopping online with his dark intent for tonight and her heart sped. As if he could sense her arousal, he made a grumbling noise deep in his throat and advanced on her.

  “Wait,” she said. He stopped.

  Admittedly, she was stalling. She licked her lips and looked down at the scarves again. God, even the nipple clamps made her pulse race. She’d been prepared for another night of mind-numbing pleasure; she hadn’t been prepared for this, though. She wasn’t sure she’d ever been more turned on and scared at the same time.

  Fuck it. She wanted to have some fun and she wanted to explore this with Michael. It just… had to be on her terms.

  “I think we should establish some ground rules. Should there be some sort of safe word—” she cut herself off at the look on his face. “What?”

  “You have thought about this before.” Male gratification and fierce approval was rolling off him in waves.

  “I watch porn like everyone else, Michael,” she said, feeling silly for the admission. Did women normally admit that?

  He groaned, a distinct sound of desire. “If you watch the porn that uses safe words, you definitely do not watch porn like everyone else.”

  She felt her face heat in sudden embarrassment. “It interests me…”

  “Hey,” he said, placing his hands on her shoulders and grinning broadly. “No shame. Don’t apologize for liking what you like. If you’re curious about something, let’s explore it. It’ll be fun and I’m willing to bet that I’m game for whatever you want to try.”

  “Okay then. Safe words?”

  The playfulness in his tone was replaced with sincerity. “That’s not really my style, but if it would make you feel better, we can do that.” At her curious expression, he elaborated, “This isn’t an act or a game to me. A safe word implies that I’m not in tune with you—that I might go too far, which I won’t. I plan on being so in tune with you that I’ll know what you want before you do.”

  Suddenly, she wasn’t sure. How else would he know that she’d reached her limit? On the other hand, what was the point of this stuff, if not to test her limits? And what protection did words really offer if he wouldn’t stop anyway?

  “I promise you two things, Evelyn. First, you’re going to enjoy this, and second, I will stop if you ever don’t.”

  She mulled that over for a second, then wordlessly offered her wrists to him. “I guess ‘stop’ will suffice.”

  With a mischievous glint in his eye, he grabbed her wrists with one hand and lifted them up. In the same fluid motion, he ducked down and threw her off balance. Before she knew what had happened, she was hoisted over his shoulder.

  “Oh my God,” she wheezed. This position put a lot of pressure on her lungs, but the carnal thrill of being picked up far outweighed the discomfort.

  He collected his bag with the other hand and made for her bedroom. She couldn’t contain the excited giggle as he threw her down on the bed. She scrambled to the middle, watching as he dumped out the bag. She realized she’d mi
ssed a slim pink vibrator when she’d taken stock earlier.

  Catching his eye, she rose to her knees and slowly untied the front of her wrap dress. She’d gone braless, despite the fact that it made her breasts bounce almost painfully, and panty-less, despite the fact that the cool breeze on her shaved skin made her shiver, because she wanted to see the look on his face when she revealed the fact.

  He didn’t disappoint. His jaw fell and his gaze raked hungrily over her body, starting at the rosy tips of her breasts and ending at her bald pussy lips. His hands fisted at his sides. The extent of his desire never ceased to thrill her.

  Trying to seem indifferent, she shrugged out of the dress and tossed it aside.

  “Evelyn,” he breathed. “Do you know what you’re doing to me?”

  Of course—she could see the bulge growing in his pants plain as day. She tilted her head playfully. “Enlighten me.”

  “Let me show you.”

  She expected him to tackle her, or grab her the way he had before when she’d teased him. But tonight, he seemed determined to maintain his control. He picked up one of the scarves and watched her face as he drew it between his fingers. In a mute gesture of expectation, he held out his hand.

  Chapter 8

  Michael had watched the warring emotions on her face and silently hoped he hadn’t pushed too far this time. It was possible that somewhere in between her defiant demeanor and tough personality was a woman who wanted someone with a will strong enough to be worth bending to. She wanted to know her own effect on him.

  Oh, she’d submit eventually—she’d enjoyed not only their power struggles in bed so far, but also the moment where she ultimately relinquished control. She had a sexually submissive nature, and she clearly wanted to explore it, she just had to decide whether her trust in him outweighed her hesitance to be helpless and exposed.

  He saw it in her eyes the instant she made up her mind to play along. She gave him one of her wrists.


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