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Captivated Page 6

by Bertrice Small

  "Whoooooo!" she squealed, wriggling more, and the hand punishing her came down again, and again and again until her backside was stinging and she could feel the heat of it. There was also a distinct tingling in her nether regions that was very familiar, and felt quite good. "More!" she demanded of him.

  "No," he said quietly, "but you shall learn something else new, my sweet, naughty queen." His hand again smoothed over the very pink, warm flesh. Then his finger found its way between the twin moons of her bottom to rub suggestively against the tight, puckered orifice.

  Her breath caught in her throat, and for a moment she could not breathe. Finally, she said, "I had heard it could be done there, but I never have. None before you even hinted at it."

  His finger pressed firmly against the aperture. "Only if you desire it, and not tonight, my queen," he told her. "We but explore the possibilities now." He felt the vent yielding to the pressure of his finger, and then it slipped in to the first joint.

  "Ooooooooo!" Kalida hissed breathlessly.

  The finger pushed deeper, first to his knuckle, and then its entire length where he kept it, allowing her body to adjust to this new invasion. After a short while, he began to move his finger rhythmically within the narrow channel. His other hand slipped beneath her lover's mount, cupping it, a single finger seeking and finding her pleasure place, teasing it until his hand was sticky with her love juices that his dual actions had convinced her to release in a shuddering zenith of pleasure.

  She slid off his lap. Kneeling between his legs, she took his already aroused manhood into her mouth. Her pointed little tongue encircled the ruby head of it, teasing, taunting. He was astounded, and utterly gratified, when she took him completely into her mouth, her throat relaxing as she half swallowed him. He groaned with delight, his eyes closing as he allowed the pleasure to sweep over him. But he wanted to release himself within her body, and so he finally pulled her away, lifting her up to sheath him as she sat upon his lap.

  Kalida sighed with enjoyment as she felt him pushing into her. She surrounded him with a hot throbbing that roused his lust even higher. Dagon took her face between his two big hands and kissed her deeply, passionately, his sensuous mouth ravishing her with pleasure. Their bodies moved together in a hot, furious rhythm.

  "It is too much! Too sweet!" Kalida cried as their crisis approached. Then she collapsed against his shoulder, drained and replete with pleasure.

  His cock shuddered within her as she squeezed the last drop of his tribute from him. "Ah, the gods! If I were yet my father's heir, I should take you for my queen, Kalida. I love you. There is no other woman for me!"

  Now it was she who took his face between her hands, and looking directly into his eyes, Kalida said, "You are he for whom I have been waiting all these years.You are my mate! I would have your daughters."

  "My love," he said, as they lay back among the pillows of the bed, "you honor your slave, but I would have you be certain."

  "I am certain," Kalida said. "You are the only mate for me, Dagon. Do you not want to be my mate?"

  "I do!" he cried, "but allow me a small trial. Tomorrow night, invite both me and another of your choosing into your bed together. If when the dawn arrives, you are still certain that I am your mate, then so be it, my lovely queen. You are the only woman I have ever truly loved, but I love you enough that I would be certain that you will be content and happy with me. For to take me as your mate means that you must give up the rule of Kava, and turn it over to another. Are you certain you are ready to do that?"

  "Yes," Kalida answered him without hesitation. "Being a queen is a lonely pursuit. I shall allow you your test of my love, Dagon. You shall see that you are the only mate who can make me happy."

  In the morning, Zeras again wished to know if Kalida would send Dagon away.

  "No," she answered him. "Have I not said this slave amuses me? What is it that you do not comprehend, Zeras? When I wish to be rid of Zenaida's gift, I will tell you. Do not keep asking me each dawn. I find you irritating beyond all." She turned her back on him, saying to Dagon, "Go to Vernus to be bathed, my pet. Then rejoin me, and we will break our fast."

  Dagon bowed deferentially. "As my queen commands," he replied.

  "I do not like that fellow," Zeras said when the prince had gone. "Why do you bother with him? You are a great queen. You do not need such a creature about you defiling you with his big hands, and his muscled body. If it is that monstrous dangling penis of his that keeps you entertained I will have it cast in plaster. We shall make a most realistic dildo in any variety of materials for you. Then we may be quit of this Dagon of Aramas."

  "You overstep your boundaries, Zeras," Kalida said coldly. "Do you think because you are my body slave, and have been since my birth, that you have the right to speak to me as you have just done? You do not. You are nothing more than a slave, as Dagon is a slave."

  "I am your father, and as such am entitled to your respect," Zeras said pompously.

  "You are not my sire," Kalida told him. "My mother mounted you once, twice, no more. My mother had dark hair as do you. If you were my sire, how could you have made such as fair a child as me? My sire was golden-haired. His name was Valcon. I'm certain that you remember him. He loved my mother with all his heart. When she died giving birth to his child, he killed himself. I'm sure you remember that, too. "

  "It suited my aunts to convince you that I was your child. That way, you would care for me with devotion. They had, as you well know, neither the time nor the inclination to raise an infant. They were actually sorry I was not a boy that they might have rid themselves of me when I reached age eight," Kalida said. "You have served me well, Zeras, and certainly with devotion, but you are a man. In this world men do not have the right to criticize women. You are inferior, as all men are. You hold your little position because I allow you to hold it. Do not overstep your boundaries, Zeras. I have raised you high as I was raised high. I can easily cast you down," Kalida warned him.

  "You are a queen because I made you a queen!" he countered angrily. "Do you think the goddess's dove alighted on your shoulder by chance, foolish woman? It was I who sewed grain into the neckline of your gown, thereby guaranteeing that the dove would choose you from all the maidens gathered in the arena that day.Idid it! I, Zeras!"

  "I never before realized what a schemer you are, Zeras," Kalida told him. "You have kept me isolated and imprisoned in this palace as Kava's queen far longer than I ought to have reigned. You think you exploited my choosing, but you did not, and you shall no longer keep me from the fate the goddess means me to have. I believe you when you say you sewed grain into my gown that day so long ago; but grain or no, I was chosen by the goddess, even if you choose to believe otherwise, Zeras. "

  "Do you think the messenger of the goddess would be tempted by a little grain in a gown? I have been Queen of Kava not because of what you tried to do, but because it was the will of the goddess,not the will of Zeras, a mere man. Go from me now. I am very angry at you, but I will not cast you aside as I should do. Your loyalty to me must count for something."

  "Are you preparing to take him for your mate?" Zeras demanded boldly.

  "I have not decided yet," Kalida lied smoothly. She would tell Zeras nothing lest he attempt to spoil her happiness. "When I do take a mate, the announcement will be made as tradition demands."

  "How do you know Valcon was your sire?" he asked her. He had often wondered how he, Zeras, had made such a beautiful golden child.

  "When I became queen, my aunts told me the truth," Kalida replied. "They feared your influence over me."

  "Will you make public the truth?" he persisted.

  "The truth of what?" she asked him.

  "Your parentage," he answered.

  "What difference does it make?" she wondered aloud, and then she smiled slyly. "Ahhh, I see, old schemer, what you are about. You have traded upon the rumors that you were my sire to gain your small foothold. Now you fear to lose your prestige." Kalida laughed
. "If you do not annoy me further, I shall say nothing. Why would I? It matters not who my sire was. Not in Kava. Go now, or I shall send you from my service forever, Zeras." She watched him leave her presence, his shoulders drooping just slightly, but she noticed as he exited the bedchamber, he made an effort to straighten himself up. Kalida smiled, then turned, and hurried off to her own bath, her thoughts turning to Dagon as she went.

  Dagon, meanwhile, had gone to seek out Vernus. To his surprise he found the High Procuress awaiting him in his bathing room. He bowed low to her, then stood awaiting her pleasure.

  "What news do you have for me, my prince?" she asked him.

  "It goes well, my lady Zenaida," he said, his eyes going to Vernus, who stood with another man.

  "You may speak before Durantis, my mate, and his brother, Vernus, my prince," Zenaida said.

  "You were right, my lady," Dagon began. "Zeras exercised great control over the queen. He taught her from childhood not to give in to her emotions. So it was that she had never tasted real pleasure until two nights ago when I brought her the gift of joy. Indeed, our bodies fit so perfectly together, it is as if the goddess had fashioned us for one another, as I believe she did. She desires to take me as her mate, but I have demurred, for while I love Kalida, I want her totally happy. Tonight she will invite me and one other man to her bed so she may be certain it is not just lust she feels for me. On the morrow she will, I believe, take me for her true mate. Kava may then choose a new queen."

  "Are you certain that this is a wise thing to do?" Zenaida asked him. "If she is content to have you for her mate, then so be it, Dagon. Why must you tempt her with another man?"

  "Kalida has been Queen of Kava longer than anyone else, my lady. You said it yourself. No man has ever really pleasured her until me. By taking another man into her bed tonight, she will learn with certainty that I am the only man who can pleasure her. She will then feel no reluctance in relinquishing her power over Kava; and nothing Zeras says to her will change her mind. His influence will be ended, and Kava will have another queen. You must trust me, my lady Zenaida. For Kalida's sake, this is the best way to proceed."

  "You are a clever man, my prince," the High Procuress noted. "I am not certain that you are also a dangerous man as well."

  "I am but a man in love, my lady," he answered her smoothly.

  Zenaida laughed, genuinely amused. "Very well then, if you are certain Kalida will not be distracted by another lover and decide not to take you for her mate, then I must be content with your plan."

  "I am the only man for the queen," Dagon replied with certainty.

  When Zenaida and Durantis had left, Vernus said, "You do realize, dear boy, that women tend to be fickle. Having opened the gates of passion to our beloved queen, how can you be so certain that another man will not now be able to stoke her fires?"

  "Because, my friend," the prince replied, "I know something about Kalida that no one else does. When I told Zenaidathat our bodies were well matched, I did not lie. I have never been able to fit my manhood entirely into any woman until I met Kalida. Her sheath is longer than any I have ever known. She devoured my entire length easily. Part of the problem was that no man had ever been able to fill her. Is there another man here in Kava who can match the size of my penis? If not, then there is no man who will offer the queen the pleasure I can; and only the man who can please her will mate her."

  Vernus was almost faint with this revelation. "Ohhh, the lucky girl," he murmured, "to have such ecstasy for eternity!"

  Dagon laughed. "A year ago, if I had been told I would be betrayed by my brother, sold into slavery, and become the mate of a beautiful queen, called Kalida, I should not have believed it," he said.

  "Then you are content," Vernus said.

  "For now," Dagon, Prince of Aramas answered him.

  chapter 4

  Kalida had chosen a handsome young slave named Adon to join them in her bed that night. He was of medium height with curly blond hair and melting brown eyes. His body was stocky, but well muscled, and his penis was thick, at least eight inches in length. Vernus washed him vigorously, strangely silent.

  "You have cared for her other favorites," Adon said nervously. "What is she like? Will I please her? What has happened to the slave with the enormous penis? Did she tire of him that quickly?"

  "He will be with you," Vernus said. "He has pleased her greatly. It was his suggestion to her that she might perhaps enjoy having two men to play with rather than just one. You must be at your best, Adon."

  "Two men at once," the young man said wonderingly. "The queen's appetite must be a great one indeed, Vernus."

  "Oh, it is," he agreed. "I don't envy you, Adon. Women are so demanding, aren't they?" He smiled at the boy.

  "What is the other slave's name?" Adon asked.

  "Dagon. He is a prince," Vernus replied. The queen, clever creature she was, had chosen a baby, he considered. Obviously she had made her decision, but to please Dagon, was going along with his test of her affections, Vernus thought. Adon was a pretty lad. He hoped they would not devour him whole. "I shall be here in the morning to take care of you, dear boy," he murmured, patting the young man's rosy buttock. Adon did not flinch. "Come now, and I shall turn you over to Zeras, who will take you to the queen's bedchamber," Vernus concluded with an encouraging smile.

  "What in the name of Suneva is the matter with you?" Vernus asked Zeras as he delivered the young Adon up for the sacrifice.

  Zeras shook his head wearily. "It is all over," he said despairingly. "There is simply no accounting for the vagaries of a woman. I thought I had kept her from her emotions. Now we are ruined, and all because of that man!"

  "Nonsense!" Vernus retorted. "We will simply move from here to there. There will be much honor in her former position." Then he glanced meaningfully from Adon to Zeras.

  "You are right," Zeras said. "In my disappointment I, who pride myself on my composure, have almost forgotten myself." His scornful glance went to the handsome young blond man. "Come," he told him frostily. "The queen awaits you." Then he ushered Adon to the doors that opened into the queen's bedchamber and pushed him through. He did not go in this time. He could not bear to see Kalida so suddenly and smugly content like some ordinary woman of the city.

  Now that they were alone, Vernus said, "If she indeed chooses to take Dagon as her mate, it will be several weeks before a new queen is chosen, and we have to leave the palace. Her private residence has been ready for her for several years now in anticipation of her coming. We'll have a great deal to do, opening it up, furnishing it, preparing for her arrival. And, of course, Dagon's apartments at the Outer Palace of the Consorts must be done up as well. There will be absolutely no time for either of us, or the other servants, to brood, Zeras. It is past time the queen took a mate. Surely you know you held no real power here.This is Kava."

  "As long as she was queen, I held power, Vernus. Do not fool yourself. I have been a man of importance; an adviser to the queen."

  "Well, it more than likely is over now. So best not to grieve but to move on, Zeras," Vernus said in practical tones.

  The tall, lean man sighed deeply. "I suppose you are right," he admitted. "For all my years in Kava, I never have really gotten used to women controlling everything."

  "Let them have the power, and the responsibility, my dear," Vernus said with a chuckle. "I enjoy being taken care of, and having no worries except whether I can obtain oil of gardenia for the queen's bath supplies." He took Zeras by the arm. "Let us go and have a goblet of wine, my dear. Everything always looks so much better after a small draught of the grape."

  "Two men at once," Zeras despaired. "I have never known her to be so insatiable. You will not believe what she said to me today."

  "Well, do come along and tell me," Vernus replied; but as they hurried off, he glanced at the closed doors of the queen's bedchamber. Poor little Adon. He did hope they would treat him kindly.What on earth did a woman do with two men?

e doors closed behind him, and Adon stood a moment, his eyes growing used to the dimness of the queen's bedchamber. The only light was that of flickering candles set about in gold and silver holders upon the marble floor and on the inlaid tables. The room was filled with the fragrance of wildflowers. The queen was sprawled naked upon the great bed, and the slave with the great penis lounged assuredly by her side. Adon stood frozen. They were the most beautiful couple he had ever seen. He felt a tingling in his manhood.

  "Come and join us," the queen called silkily to him. "Do not be afraid, my pretty Adon. I shall not bite you… well, at least not yet." Then she laughed softly, her slender hand beckoning him forward.

  Encouraged, he walked across the chamber until he reached them.

  "Onto the bed, my pretty Adon," Kalida commanded gently. "I want to see more closely what you have for me." She caressed him as if she were patting a favored pet. "Ohhh, how strong you seem." Her elegant fingers sleeked over his muscled arm. "What do you do?"

  "I work in your gardens, my queen," Adon said.

  "Do you like my gardens, pretty Adon?" she purred.

  "Yes, my queen! I was a farmer's son before I came to Kava," he replied. "The caliph's tax collectors took me in exchange for the additional taxes they said my father owed them."

  "And how old are you, little pet?" Kalida asked him.

  "I am seventeen, my queen."

  "You had no wife?" Kalida's hand brushed Aden 's thigh.

  "A betrothed. We were to be married in the full moon after her first show of blood, but I am no virgin, my queen. I know what a man must do to please a woman."

  "I am twenty-three," the queen told him, "and I have been pleasing myself with men since I was thirteen. Have you had a woman since you came to Kava?"

  He blushed. "No, my queen. There are no women in your gardens, I fear. That is where I have been in the year since I arrived."

  "Do you know how the women of Kava make love, little Adon?" The queen's green eyes narrowed as she spoke, assessing her new lover.


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