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Captivated Page 9

by Bertrice Small

  The day of Kalida's abdication came. It was a beautiful day, clear, warm, and sunny. For two days, the city had been filling with those women from the farthest reaches of Kava's borders.

  Now the flow of females of all ages surged up the temple steps, and out its rear bronze doors into the Arena of the Queens with its green-and-white pillars. In the center of the arena's sandy floor a large, flat marble altar had been set. The arches and balustrades of the arena were draped with colorful flowers of all kinds, and the air was heady with fragrance.

  The queen's box was on the west side of the arena. The female genitals, carved in gold, were proudly displayed on the box's front. An awning sewn from cloth-of-gold shaded the single throne, and the marble benches about it. The cacophony of chatter died immediately as the queen, the High Priestess, and the High Procuress entered the royal enclosure. Then a mighty cheer went up as Kalida stepped forward and acknowledged her subjects. They grew silent again as she raised her hand in order that she might speak.

  "Women of Kava! Ten years ago I was chosen by the goddess to rule over you. I have ruled longer than any queen in Kava's history. Until recently no man captured either my heart or my attention enough that I would give up the throne, and my crown, to mate with him. Recently, however, the goddess has brought to me a man for whom I am willing to do just that. Today I come to you to tell you that I have taken a mate, and will, in three days' time, give up my authority over you. Suneva has blessed me. I would that you, my beloved sisters, render me your blessing, too. Pray that the new queen will rule you as well as all those who have come before her have ruled you. We have thrived, and survived since the days of our earliest existence because of the peace and concord among us as women. We are not like men, who war and destroy. Suneva be praised!"

  "Suneva be praised!" the entire arena of women cried out.

  The High Priestess now came forward to stand by Kalida's side. "The time has come for the queen to mate," she said so that all might hear her. Once more the arena grew silent with anticipation.

  Dagon was brought forth into the arena escorted by a group of beautiful young women who were clothed in nothing more than wreaths of flowers and their long hair. There were flowers on their ankles and wrists, and about their necks and in their flowing hair. The nipples of their breasts were stained a carmine red. Dancing and laughing, they surrounded the queen's mate.

  He towered above them all. He had been bathed and primped by Vernus, who was almost beside himself with delight that Kalida had chosen Dagon for her mate. His dark hair shone with a blue-black sheen. It was tied with a gold-and-pearl ribbon, and topped with a floral wreath. He wore a simple linen wrap about his loins, and was barefooted. The muscles of his chest, his arms, and his legs were oiled to best show them off. He was bronzed and handsome, and the women leaned forward to obtain a better look at him, nodding appreciatively to one another.

  They brought him before the royal box, and Kalida, walking slowly down the staircase, joined him, to stand by Dagon's side. Reaching out boldly, he took her hand in his, lifting it to his lips to kiss. She could not help but smile at him, and a murmur of pleasure rose from their audience. Then the High Priestess raised her hand, and all grew silent once again.

  "Kalida, Queen of Kava," Uphala said, "is it your wish to take this man for your mate, knowing that by doing so you must renounce your queen ship with all its power and authority?"

  "It is my wish," Kalida replied.

  "Do you comprehend that he is now your charge and responsibility and that you may not repudiate him slightly or in pique, but only if he becomes disobedient and cannot be corrected. Understanding this, Kalida, Queen of Kava, is it still your wish to have this man for your mate? Answer truly, for Suneva alone knows the secrets of your heart."

  "It is my wish," Kalida repeated.

  "You have heard the queen," Uphala said to the assembled. "Have you anything to say to her, oh women of Kava?"

  "Is this your wish, Kalida, Queen of Kava?" the women cried.

  "It is my wish," the queen said a third time.

  "So be it," the High Priestess said. "Bring the mating cup."

  Two young girls hurried forth from the space beneath the royal box. One carried a large double-handled gold cup, carved about with both male and female genitals. The other held a carafe. They came before Uphala, and bowed low.

  "Pour the wine," she instructed them, and they hurried to obey her.

  Then the girl with the carafe put it aside upon the ground, and helped her companion to hold the double-handled mating cup up for the High Priestess to bless, which she did. The cup was then brought to Kalida and Dagon, and they drank deeply from it.

  The crowd cheered, and took up the chant:"Mate him! Mate him! Mate him!" This was, after all, what they had come to see. All mating ceremonies were alike, but this big man who had taught the queen how to love came with a reputation that was not to be believed. Still, they were anxious to see if those fabled attributes of his were real.

  Dagon was once again surrounded by his escort of laughing girls. Dancing and singing in a tongue he could not comprehend, they led him to the marble altar in the center of the arena. Finally before it, they removed the wrap about his taut loins, revealing him to a thousand pairs of eyes as they turned him slowly about for all to see.

  "Ahhhhhhh." The collective sigh went up. The rumor was truth. More than truth! The women turned to each other, chattering excitedly and pointing. Many were seen to rub themselves in lustful anticipation of the public mating to come.

  Dagon's companions now set to work arousing him. A pot of pale-green cream was brought forth from behind the altar, and several pairs of hands began to massage him rapidly over his entire body. His legs were spread, and the cream lavishly laved on his genitals. One girl knelt before him, taking his penis in her mouth to suck vigorously upon it. Another slipped beneath him, and took his balls into her mouth, rolling them about, and tonguing them until he was groaning loudly with his rising lust. There wasn't a part of his body they left untouched, and where their hands moved, his skin became so sensitive that he was hard pressed not to scream with the acute sensuality that was rising up and threatening to smother him with his unfulfilled desire.

  The girl entertaining his love lance could no longer contain it within her mouth. She fell back gasping for air. The girl with her teasing tongue also released him. His penis was enormous, and, seeing it, a shriek of excitement rose from the audience as they stood as one, pushing and shoving to better see this incredible man. The cup was put to his lips, and he was ordered to drink, which he gratefully did.

  "He is ready now," he heard Kalida say.

  His legs were near to buckling with the hunger racing through his entire body. The troupe of women brought him to the foot of the altar, and, laying him back, drew him up upon it. The audience was screaming with delight at the sight of his great love lance raised high to salute the queen. Dagon's head was swimming with a mixture of wine, and pure unfettered lust. He did not see them remove Kalida's simple white gown, but suddenly she was mounting him; slowly, and to his great relief, encasing him within her burning sheath. The sound of her voice calmed him.

  "Do not release your juices until I give you leave, my love," she warned him. "If you shame me now, our mating cannot be completed."

  Dagon drew in a deep, cleansing breath, and, reaching up, grasped her breasts in his hands. "Ride me, my queen," he said. "I will be strong as long as you are strong." Then he flashed a smile at her.

  Kalida smiled back, and began to ride him; slowly at first, rising up, and then grinding herself back down into his groin. She went on like this for some minutes, then her tempo became faster and faster. The watching women caught quick glimpses of his great lance as it flashed back and forth within the queen, in and then out again. They screamed, maddened, and many tore their clothing, rubbing and playing with their own genitals until the entire arena of women burst with an orgasmic crowning of pleasure even as Kalida cried,"Now!" to her
mate, and they together howled their satisfaction.

  The arena was suddenly quiet, and then the women broke forth in a thunderous clapping of approval."They are well and truly mated!" arose the collective blessing of the women of Kava. They stood, hands applauding the newly mated couple.

  "I do not think I can get up," Dagon said, a twinkle in his blue eyes. "You have totally exhausted me, my queen."

  Kalida dismounted her lover, springing lightly from the altar, and said, "Show the women how strong you are, my love, and tonight I will give you leave to do whatever you desire with me."

  "Anything?" he said, cocking an eyebrow at her.

  "Anything," she promised him, and he leapt up to stand by her side with a grin. Kalida laughed. "You are a villain," she said.

  "You have promised," he reminded her, "and I promise you a night of such unbridled ecstasy, my queen, that you will not regret your decision to give up your throne."

  Together they exited the Arena of the Queens through a passage beneath the royal box that took them back to the palace without having to appear again in public that day. When they had reached the queen's apartments, Dagon excused himself.

  "I must see Vernus if I am to keep my promise to you, my queen," he told her. "In another place this would be our wedding night, and I would have it be a very special one for you, Kalida."

  "I am in your hands," she told him happily.

  chapter 6

  Vernus was more than delighted when Dagon came to him for his help. It was he who would be the most important member of the former queen's new household. Poor old Zeras would be relegated to managing Kalida's commercial interests, but he, Vernus, master of the queen's household, would reign supreme, and his mistress's consort was already paying him the deference due to his position. Vernus felt mellow, and overflowing with goodwill. He positively beamed at Dagon.

  "How may I aid you?" he asked the prince. "I must say that your performance in the arena this afternoon was absolutely spectacular; if you will permit me to make the observation."

  "I did not think men were allowed in the Arena of the Queens but for a consort," Dagon said, amused.

  "I watched from the tunnel entrance," Vernus said, chuckling. "No one saw me, or I should be punished for my presumption. These women are so proprietary about their little ceremonies. Such a fuss over very little, but, of course, in your case…" He chortled once again. "Now, dear boy, how may I help you?"

  Dagon told him, and Vernus's gray eyes grew wide, but he nodded vigorously as the prince spoke quietly to him. "Can it be managed?" Dagon finished.

  "Yes, of course it can," Vernus said, "but why there?"

  "Kalida has given me permission to do whatever I desire with her tonight; a reward, if you will, for my pleasing behavior this afternoon in the arena. Since I intend introducing her to some rather unusual experiences, I should prefer we be in a more private setting than the queen's quarters here in the palace. A cry of passion might easily be mistaken by the queen's guard, who could come dashing in at exactly the wrong moment." He winked broadly at Vernus. "Now, I shall also need…" he said, lowering his voice.

  Again Vernus's eyes grew wide, and he said admiringly, "Of course, dear boy, I can obtain everything you need. I can but imagine how delightfully inventive you will be. I shall personally see to everything for you, and the queen will be there at the appointed hour."

  He hurried off, humming beneath his breath in anticipation. Dagon's plans were broad in scope, and he wondered if Kalida would really cooperate… but one could ask.

  One hour after the sunset, Dagon crossed the deserted royal square, hurrying along the private street to Kalida's home where she would live after her abdication. He saw no one as he moved through the darkness, but he had practiced the route several times during the late afternoon, and knew the way well now. He could have traveled it sightless. Entering the unlit house, he made his way to Kalida's bedchamber. This room was lit by many candles and empty except for a mattress set upon a wooden dais. On the floor next to the dais was a large basket filled with the items he had requested, a carafe of wine, and several goblets.

  Kalida, herself, was restrained, spread-eagled between two marble pillars. She was blindfolded with a strip of silk, and gagged.

  And she was totally naked. Seated silently near her was the young blond slave, Adon, also naked. Dagon removed her gag.

  "W-who is th-there?" Kalida half whispered.

  "Be silent, wench," Dagon replied in a harsh voice. "You are here to give pleasure, and to be pleasured in return, not to ask foolish questions." He removed his loincloth, and peered into the basket. For a moment he considered the contents, and then he drew forth a long, stiff white feather with a tiny, well-honed point. Seating himself cross-legged on the floor before Kalida, he ran the feather slowly along her slit, and across her plump lover's mount.

  She gasped, surprised, unable to decipher just exactly what he was doing to her, yet he certainly was not hurting her.

  Dagon ran the feather back and forth over the tempting little crease for several minutes. Soon Kalida was squirming, and her nether lips were beginning to pout and grow puffy. He could see new moisture just behind the folds. He plied the feather a bit more deftly with quick strokes and small jabs until he was able to push through her defenses, seeking her pleasure point.

  "Oooooo!" Kalida shrilled as the feather's tip found its mark, and she began to squirm. Was it Dagon playing the feather?It had to be Dagon. She wasn't so certain now she should have offered him such freedom to act on his own, but she would look weak and frightened if she went back on her word now. "Daaagon!" she moaned, but he didn't answer, and the feather kept working itself over her pleasure point until suddenly it burst, and she sighed gustily at the release.

  The feather brushed sensuously at the inside of her right thigh, and then was gone. "Whoooooo!" she shrieked as a tongue began to lap up her juices, setting her afire once again. The tongue moved relentlessly over her flesh, stroking at her pleasure point so hard that it hurt, but then the fire began to once again burn. She strained against her bonds.

  Hands were fondling her, but as she couldn't see, she couldn't decide how many hands. They slid up her legs, stroking, caressing, pushing both into her sheath and her rear aperture, driving and thrusting inside her until her constrained body was twisting wildly. She realized she wasn't afraid at all, but was very excited as she struggled naked, blindfolded, and bound, totally at the mercy of who? Dagon?But who else?

  The hands moved softly over her thighs and buttocks now. They slid across her belly, and up her back. A hand grasped her face, and turned her head to one side. Lips pressed down on hers, a tongue drove past her lips, and teeth into her mouth, sucking upon her tongue. Kalida's head whirled. Her breasts were being fondled, and kissed lightly. Another tongue began to lick at them, nuzzle between the twin mounds, lapping and encircling the nipples roughly. A mouth closed over a nipple, and sucked hard upon it, sending a streak of lightning from the nipple to her pleasure point. Teeth lightly scored the sensitive flesh, and she screamed softly with her pleasure.

  Then she felt her limbs being quickly untied, and the blindfold was taken away. Kalida blinked several times as her eyes grew used to the light once again. Seeing her mate, she smiled tremulously at him, and then her eyes swung to Adon, widening with surprise and delight.

  "You are so bad," Dagon said sadly. "We pleasure you, and you do not even thank us, Kalida. You must be taught to be mannerly." Reaching out, his fingers closed about her slender wrist, and he dragged her across the room to the bed upon the dais. Sitting, he pulled her over his knee, and his hand descended hard upon her pristine white bottom. "You are a very wicked girl, Kalida, aren't you?" The hand came down a second, and yet a third time. "Answer me, wench!" He smacked her again, and again, and yet again. "Have you nothing to say to me?" His hand came down upon her buttocks a seventh and eighth time as she began to squeal, and he noted that the previously snow-white bottom was beginning to grow pink
with his attentions. "Tell me just how wicked you are, Kalida!"

  "Very wicked!" she confessed, wiggling provocatively as she lay across his knees. "I need to be spanked!I want to be spanked!"

  He obliged her until her tempting haunches were red and hot, and his hand had actually grown sore. He was quite surprised by her capacity for this kind of treatment. The hand that had spanked her was firmly in the arch of her back now; he slid his other hand beneath her mount, and was not in the least surprised to find her wet with her juices.

  "You are shameless," he said, half laughing. "Adon, bring me the balls. Our fair queen needs to be punished for so enjoying her spanking." He turned Kalida over, and, cradling her in his arms, kissed her soundly. "You really are quite naughty," he told her, but his eyes were dancing with amusement.

  "What are you going to do?" she asked him.

  "Why, teach you to be even naughtier, my love," he told her.

  Adon brought Dagon a small red silk box embroidered with dragons. The prince took the box, and, opening it as he balanced Kalida in his lap, he showed her the contents. Inside, set in silken niches, were three little balls, each slightly larger than the other. One was gold, one was silver, and one was carved of ivory. Inside the gold ball, which was the largest, were several metal tongues. Dagon inserted it deeply into Kalida's sheath first. Next came the silver ball, which held a drop of mercury, and lastly the ivory ball, which was hollow and empty. "I think you will be well punished by these," Dagon said mischievously, and then he tipped her from his lap. "Walk about the chamber, my beautiful queen, and when you have completed three full circuits, you will dance another three. Then you will bring Adon and me a goblet of wine. Such sweet torture is thirsty work."

  Fascinated, Kalida began to walk about the room. She had taken only a few steps when she felt a curious sensation in her pelvis. By the time she had circled the chamber once, she realized she had never before known such pleasure-pain. He was watching her, and, gritting her teeth, she completed the next two circuits. Then she began to dance about the room. By the time she had finished, and brought them both a goblet of wine, she was half mad with the sensation blazing throughout her entire nether regions. "In the name of Suneva, take them out," she said through gritted teeth. She stood very still, desperately avoiding movement of any kind, for when she moved, and the wicked balls smacked against one another, it was torture. Delicious torture, but all she really wanted was Dagon's big cock piercing her.


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