It's Just Love, Not a Time Bomb

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It's Just Love, Not a Time Bomb Page 11

by Dawn Martens

  I pray to God she is on birth control and is at least clean. One thing I learned after the Renee problem, is to never trust a woman. Probably should have learned that after the shit my brother went through, but I’m a little slow on the uptake.

  Getting up to go use the bathroom and I hear the shower running. Okay, so maybe this is a bad idea, but I open the door and go in, craving another taste of her. The thought of her under the water naked takes my mind back to my first day here, thinking of her giving me head in the shower. My cock jumps in anticipation of seeing her all wet and soaped up.

  Without hesitating, I take a piss, and she doesn’t even notice I am in the room. On my way out to give her some privacy, I hear her giggle and say, “If you shake it more than twice, you are playing with it.”

  I can’t help but laugh at the crazy shit that rolls off her tongue. She is peeking out the curtain at me, and her eyes go wide at the sight of my hard-on. I cock my brow at her, challenging her to deny she doesn’t like what she sees. She draws the curtain back, giving me the invitation I want. Fuck it; I haven’t had my fill of her. I have to have her again. Last night wasn’t enough.

  Alix bends down to wash her toes, pressing her ass straight into my dick, and I slide right inside of her, deep. She groans but doesn’t protest as I pump her full of me. Gripping her wet hair, I pull her head back, and plant a kiss on her plump lips. She places her hands against the tile wall, taking everything I can give her. This position is somewhat awkward, considering she’s so short, but I bend down, and she goes up on her tip toes. She tenses on me, and I can tell she is holding back. Reaching around the front of her, I circle her clit with my knowing fingers. I swear it is as though I am tuned in to do exactly what she needs. Her hips buck, and I press deeper inside her sweet spot. When she whimpers, I have to bite down on her shoulder to keep from coming too soon.

  “Come for me, sweetheart. Let yourself go,” I bark. I can’t hold out much longer; she is driving me wild! And fuck, when she lets go, it’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Caught up in the moment, I spill my seed inside her again, but right now, I feel too high from watching her orgasm to care. Most beautiful fucking thing I have ever seen, her coming for me.

  “Oh my God, that was amazing!” she says, her cheeks blushing.

  After we both are satisfied, I tease her, “Might want to shave them legs next time. You got more hair on them stems than I do.” I noticed that last night, when I trailed my hands over her legs, and was shocked. Most women shave so much there isn’t even a stubble, but her leg hair, I swear is almost as long as mine.

  “Fuck you. There won’t be a next time.” She throws a towel at me and leaves; and there she goes, back to mean again. I think I liked her better when she was drunk and horny.

  I can’t believe I slept with him again. Of course, at least this time I remembered it, and God, it was amazing. I’ve never had a vaginal ‘o’, so when it was happening, I didn’t understand exactly what it was. Hearing him tell me to just let it go, did me in. I came! Boy did I come!

  I quickly pull on my baby blue, flowy, knee-length dress with buttons at my chest, and slide on my black flats. I should really just change, because me in dresses is not a good thing, considering I’m so short, but I say screw it. Before long, the snow and cold will hit, which means only pants. Brushing my hair out quickly, I realize that Jordan turned the shower off. Damn it, I let him fuck me without a condom twice in a day. What in the fuck is wrong with me? I need to talk to him about last night too, but damn, I’m afraid to get near him. Seems my body can’t control itself when he is near. No more! I can’t get wrapped up in another man.

  No time to blow dry. Shit! I end up throwing my hair into a loose bun and run out the door after quickly snatching my purse from the kitchen counter. I hate not fixing my hair; what kind of hairdresser shows up to work with bad hair? I’ll have to style it before the salon opens for the day.

  Operation avoid Jordan at all costs has just started.

  I make it to the salon quickly. I didn’t bother taking my car, since the salon is only a street over, and besides, Jordan might need to use it. After unlocking the door and switching the light on, I go to the appointment book and realize I only have two appointments today, with Hayley having three. I look over all the shelves that hold our product and make sure everything is neat and dust free. Starting a new business is rough, but I thought we would have sold more of the product by now. The place looks great though. The walls are painted black and trimmed in white molding. We have really nice comfy seats for the clients too, because I splurged a little, making sure they were extra comfy. For now, it’s just Hayley and I, but once we pick up more clients, I want to rent out some of the extra stations. We can’t afford to pay anyone on salary yet.

  We decided to name our salon, Haylix, a play on our two names. Some people say it sounds lame, but we’re not very creative, so it was the best we could come up with. Besides, I like it, and a name shouldn’t really matter anyway. What we can do with hair is what matters.

  Jotting down a few ideas, I’m thinking maybe I can ask Hayley to call her cousin, Kristi, to see if she can get a website going for us. If I can get that started, to at least be able to sell some product, that would help. One thing about our salon, is that we are all organic.

  Seeing that I have time before the first client comes in, I go over to my station and take out a brush to detangle the mess I made by piling it on my head in the first place. But I had to get out of there.

  I hear the lock turn on the front door and look up to see Hayley coming through with a swagger in her step. “Good night?” I ask her, smirking.

  “Oh, babe, you know it.” She winks at me. “How about you? You were drunk as fuck last night. Brock and I let ourselves out after Jordan carried you off to bed. I thought for sure you would have a horrible hangover today, and figured you would have called in, trying to sleep it off.”

  I shrug. “Yeah, I took some Advil before my shower. I’m fine,” I tell her, looking back down to my list of things I want to accomplish. I try to avoid looking at her, knowing she will see my just-fucked glow.

  “What aren’t you telling me?” I look up and see her narrowing her eyes at me.

  Squirming under her glare, I squeak out “Nothing.” Clearing my throat and pasting on a fake smile, I say more firmly, “Nothing.”

  “You fucked him!” she shouts. My cheeks must be extremely red because she bursts out laughing. She comes toward me and plops herself on the desk. “I need the deets, woman! Spill! Or I will go to him!” she says excitedly, punching me in the arm.

  Sighing, I comply. “Well, yeah, apparently we slept together last night, which I don’t remember, since I was too drunk for that. Then this morning, in the shower, it happened again, and my God, Hayley! I had my first big ‘O’!” I tell her.

  She shrieks. “Ahh! This is awesome! I’m so damn happy for you!” She leans toward me, wanting a hug, but I step away.

  “It’s not awesome! I can’t sleep with him! I’ve only known him like, what, a little over a month? And I slept with him? And in that little amount of time, he’s pissed me off more times than anyone in my life ever has!”

  She shrugs. “Oh, who cares? Your pussy is getting lovin’! Just embrace it!”

  She’s no use.

  I chuckle as I finish up my shower after Alix leaves the bathroom. What is it with that woman? She gets under my skin like no one has before.

  I turn off the water and look for a towel. I can’t use the one Alix threw at me, since it landed in the shower. Sighing, I get out and quickly go to the hall to find one in the closet.

  “Alix?” I shout. Normally, she’s so damn loud you hear every little thing she does. She must have left already.

  I finish getting ready and grab the keys she left for me on the counter. I think I’m gonna take up one of the guys at school about the offer for use of his truck. We’re supposed to get some serious snow next week, and I don’t want Alix walking
to work in the cold.

  Don’t know how these people can live like this, so God damned cold that they cancel school because of it. Back home, it doesn’t get nearly as cold, but we do get about the same amount of snow.

  I turn into the college lot and park. “Hey, man,” I hear as I get out. I turn around and see Vincent waving at me. He’s a good guy, apparently belongs to a biker club called Angels Warriors. The club just recently changed; used to be called Satan’s Law, but now it’s a non-profit club, serving and protecting innocent children from lowlifes that have hurt them. He also works at his friend’s mechanic shop, and is back here for some upgrading and shit.

  “You look like you got attacked by a cat,” he says, grinning.

  I frown, but then I feel the scratch marks on the back of my neck. I shake my head. “My girl has some claws, man.” My girl? God, I need my head examined.

  “Wanna meet up tonight, go to the bar down the street? Some of the guys and I will be there,” Vincent says.

  “Yeah, sure. I’ll be there,” I tell him.


  I met the guys at the bar and had a few beers before I ended up leaving. The guys were pretty cool. I’ve been bored as fuck with just school and going home to Alix’s every night, so it was nice just being out. Jasper, he goes by Angel to everyone, is the President of the Angels Warriors MC. He also owns a Repair and Tow shop in Airdrie, which is a little outside Calgary. He offered me a weekend position and some evenings if I wanted. I didn’t take him up on it, because my whole reason for moving here was to focus on my schooling. Plus, I’m getting the rental money that Sarah is sending me for everything else.

  Leaving the bar, I spot a familiar blue and pink head. “Alix!” I hear shouted. I look to see who called her name, and it’s some suit wearing guy.

  I look back at her and watch her face light up as she runs to him, jumping into his arms and hugging him tightly. She gets lowered down and plasters a big fuckin’ kiss on his lips before walking hand in hand down the street and into a restaurant called Moxie’s. Shit, I should have known; women- —can’t fuckin’ trust them. How can she go from fucking me twice in a day to being in this dude’s arms? I shake my head. What was I thinking getting wrapped up in the idea of being with her? Fuck, I am going back to my old ways. If she wants a fuck buddy, I’ll give her that.

  Angry, I turn in the opposite direction and go home. I thought she was different. Why do I seem to keep falling for women that don’t want monogamy? Isn’t that shit usually the other way around? I can’t win for losing. Making it home, I plop down on the couch, and get lost in bad reality TV.

  I’m downtown to meet Jaxon. He called me this morning, saying he was here on business, and asked to meet me. I asked if he brought Kellie with him, since she’s his personal assistant, but he said she didn’t come. He didn’t elaborate, but just said she was sick so couldn’t make this trip.

  That sucks, ’cause I miss Kellie. It would have been nice to see her again. Hearing my name just before I get to the restaurant, I turn around and see him. Man, if it wasn’t for knowing Kellie was hot for him, I’d do him.

  Running to him, I squeal and jump into his arms and hug him tight. “I’m so glad you’re here!”

  He chuckles and hugs me back. “Still the same as ever. Crazy Alix,” he says teasingly.

  He slides me down, setting me back on my feet. I smile and give him a big ol kiss on the lips.

  “You are trouble,” he says, laughing.

  He grabs my hand and takes me into the restaurant. Once we’re seated, I order a Bellini, Moxie sized, and Jaxon orders the usual house wine. When the waitress delivers our drinks, she slinks away, seeing to another table, but not before completely checking out Jaxon.

  “So, how’ve you been?” Jaxon asks me, his English accent as sexy as ever. Swoon.

  I shrug, smiling. “The usual. I’m good.”

  Jaxon frowns. “Cut the bullshit. I see through you, remember? Never could pull the wool over my eyes.”

  Taking a deep breath, I tell him the latest mess. My parents, Liam and Michelle, their baby, how I found out my mom used a surrogate to have me. I even tell him about Jordan.

  He whistles when I finish. “Wow, that’s heavy.” I can see he wants to talk more about everything, so I quickly change the conversation to him.

  “So, have you finally stuck it to Kellie?” I say with a chuckle and sly grin.

  He narrows his eyes at me. “If you must know, I have tried pursuing her, but now she’s avoiding me. She moved out of my home and quit.” He rubs at his eyes. “She’s pregnant,” he says after a few minutes of silence.

  My eyebrows shoot up, way up. “How the heck is she pregnant? She’s a virgin.”

  Jaxon stills, his face turning pale. “What?”

  “Uh,” I say, trailing off, looking down at my plate that was just delivered. “Wait a minute. Are you the father?”

  “Fuck!” he exclaims. “Bloody hell, I didn’t know.” He leans back in his seat and runs a hand through his hair. “Sorry, Alix, I need to get home early.” He pulls out his wallet and leaves money on the table for the waitress, and then leans over, giving me a kiss on the cheek. “Sorry, I’ll call when I can.”

  With that, he leaves, my eyes following him out the door. Oh man, I think I just did something wrong.

  After finishing my club sandwich and drink, I head home. I stopped by Hayley’s, but she wasn’t home. She must have been out with Brock. When I get home, I see that Jordan is there. I open the door and see him lying on my brown couch with a beer, watching some game on TV.

  “Hey,” I say walking by the living room.

  Jordan doesn’t reply, just grunts. Okay then. That’s weird! Normally he’s chattier than that. Maybe he had a rough day at school. I shrug it off. At first, I wanted distance between us, but now that I am getting the cold shoulder, I don’t like it. My emotions are giving me whiplash, and I hate that I like him so much. Fuck his attitude! I go into to my room, changing into my pajamas.

  Alix comes in about two hours after I saw her. I’m surprised she didn’t bring the suit back with her, but then again, he probably doesn’t even know I’m staying with her or that I fucked her.

  She goes to her room, but comes back out soon after, wearing her pajama bottoms and a ratty old oversized Old Navy tee shirt.

  “Scoot over,” she demands, coming to sit on the couch. I don’t move fast enough, so she ends up sitting on my legs.

  “Lift your ass,” I growl, trying to get my legs out from under her. She does and then sits back down when I swing them off the couch. “What’d you do tonight?” I ask her, fishing for information.

  “I saw my friend, Jaxon. He’s visiting from England on business, but I think I did something wrong,” she says, chewing her lip. I start to list reasons off in my head, thinking maybe she did tell him about me.

  “Oh?” I ask her curiously.

  Sighing, she grabs my beer from my hand and takes a big gulp, then lets out a loud burp. Classy. “He and my friend Kellie have been dancing around each other for years, neither admitting that they liked each other. I kept trying to push them together all the time when I lived with them when I first left home. Nothing.” I want to ask her what she means by leaving home and living with them, but she continues. “Well, I met up with him tonight for supper, and I got to teasing him about Kellie. Apparently, he made a move, and now she’s pregnant, avoiding him, quit working for him, and has moved out of his house. Then I had to open my big mouth and tell him she was a virgin,” she says all in one breath.

  Shit, now I feel like an ass, assuming she had a boyfriend or something and was cheating, and for indulging in thoughts of using her as a fuck buddy. I’m such an ass.

  “He ended up paling when I said it, then threw money on the table, kissed me bye, and took off like a crazy man. I need to call Kellie or something. I’m not sure what’s up with those two, but by the look on his face, it was pure guilt, so he must have done something,” she says,
not looking at me but at the TV.

  “My brother’s girl took off years ago after finding out he cheated. Shaun ended up screwing a girl named Marnie when he was drunk. Well, actually, he’s done that one a few times, no condom, and got the girl pregnant. Shit wasn’t good for a while, but things are now. My brother stopped fucking up, they ended up back together when Liz came home, and they are now working at putting their relationship back together,” I tell her, letting her in on a bit more of my life.

  “He cheated, and she forgave him?” she asks disbelievingly.

  “Yup, she did. Liz had found out she was pregnant, and then she ended up losing the baby. Shaun didn’t take any of that well. When Liz came back, she didn’t just take him back. He worked for it, and now they’re finally getting their happily ever after. Well, besides Marnie coming back to cause them trouble every once in a while.”

  She looks disgusted with that. “Cheaters never change,” she says angrily, getting off the couch and storming to her room. What the hell? I thought we were making progress. I can’t win with this woman.

  Hearing about Jordan’s brother, Shaun, cheating on his woman, and having a child with another woman, pisses me right off. I should know first-hand about cheaters, but at least I know now to never trust a man. Cheating fucking bitches!

  When I get to my room, I close my door and throw myself on my bed, thinking of the times I spent with Liam. Looking back, I wonder did he ever really love me? Was I just a piece to conquer? Or maybe I was just the girl that made him look good? I have no clue, but I guess I’ll never really get the answers for that.

  I grab my cell and call Kellie. “Hello?” she answers.

  “Hey, babe,” I reply.

  She lets out a long sigh and starts crying.

  “Kellie, are you okay?” I ask her, worried.


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