It's Just Love, Not a Time Bomb

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It's Just Love, Not a Time Bomb Page 18

by Dawn Martens

  We’re on the couch watching TV when a knock sounds at the door.

  I look to Kellie and frown. We weren’t expecting anyone. I get off the couch, passing her the bowl of chips that she sets on her stomach. I chuckle at the sight. Her stomach is huge.

  I don’t know how the hell she’s going to do this, she’s pregnant with triplets. Both Jordan and I told her she could stay with us. Since I never use the downstairs, I said she could have the whole place to herself. I asked her if Jaxon knows she’s carrying more than one child, and she said yes. Once she got the ultrasound done, she mailed him the photos.

  Jaxon has called me a few times, asking if I’ve heard from her, but I have to lie and say no. I promised Kellie I wouldn’t tell him where she was, and after she told me why she left him and ran, I wouldn’t tell him anyways. Jerkoff!

  I get to the door and open it, and come face to face with a very angry Jaxon. “Where is she?” he says through clenched teeth.

  “I’m right here,” I hear from behind me. “What do you want, Jax?”

  “You,” he growls, shoving me lightly to the side. Reaching for her, he pulls her with him, leaving the house. She is waddling awkwardly behind him.

  She looks back at me, her eyes wide, and I grin. Seems someone has manned up.

  I pull into the driveway with my pocket burning a hole. I picked out the ring today, and now I’m freaking the fuck out. I get out of my truck, and before I shut the door, my head turns to find two people in a screaming match on the front stoop. Kellie, who is hugely pregnant and is ready to pop anytime, is glaring at Jaxon.

  I hated Jaxon when I first saw the guy with Alix months ago, but after learning he has zero interest in Alix, we’ve sort of developed a friendship. It’s a little awkward, considering we’ve been harboring Kellie for a bit now, and keeping it from him, but it looks like he’s figured it out finally.

  “No, I’m not going anywhere with you!” Kellie shouts at him. I decide to enjoy the show for a while and lean against my new truck. The truck Vinny let me borrow ended up dying last week.

  “Yeah, you bloody well are! You are carrying my children!” Jaxon shouts back.

  Kellie shakes her head, her face going red. “These are my little girls! I will raise them, not you.”

  At that, Jaxon’s face goes pale. I feel for the guy; he’s not only having triplets, but he just found out all three are girls. “Girls?” he croaks out. “Why the fuck would you do that to me? Not even one boy?”

  I hear Kellie snort and see her roll her eyes. “Has nothing to do with me, asshole. You’re the one with the sperm! You and your stupid sperm gave me girls! It’s your fault!”

  I can’t help but chuckle, and Jaxon turns and glares at me. “You just wait. Soon you’ll be having girls too.”

  I crack up. “Nope, I have super sperm. Trust me, I can’t make girls,” I tell him.

  “You’re an idiot,” Kellie says. I shake my head and move away from the truck.

  “You are coming with me, Kellie,” Jaxon continues the same spiel.

  “No, I’m not, and you can’t make me,” Kellie says, crossing her arms.

  I start to walk up the steps to go into the house, when Jaxon storms down them, dragging Kellie with him, who is struggling to keep up. I turn around and see him lift her, staggering, and put her in the car. He then gets in himself and drives off. The whole time, I can see Kellie screaming at him in the front seat.

  I walk in to the house and see Alix lying on the couch. “Hey, Princess.”

  “Hey,” she says, lifting her head up and smiling at me.

  “You just missed the show. Should have seen Jaxon’s face when Kellie said she was having all girls.” I smile, reliving the moment.

  “She did not say that! Oh my God, that’s awesome!” Alix says, cracking up.

  I look at her, confused. “Huh?”

  “She’s having one girl. The other two are boys. I wish I was there to see his face,” she says, laughing.

  I’m glad that wasn’t me. Shit, I would have had a stroke. I move Alix’s legs and sit on the couch, running my hands on her thigh. Here it goes. “Wanna get married?” I ask her. Okay, shit, that wasn’t very smooth.

  “No,” she says, not looking at me, watching TV.

  I frown. I reach for the remote and shut the TV off. I thought she’d at least punch or kiss me, one or the other, maybe even both.

  “Why’d you do that?” she huffs out.

  “I asked you a question. Will you marry me?” I say, pulling out the ring from my pocket. She shakes her head.

  “And I said no,” she says, rolling her eyes.

  “Why not?” I demand.

  She lets out a long breath and sits up. “I just don’t want to. Look, I love you, and I want to be with you. Marriage is just a piece of paper. We don’t need it. Although, I will take the ring because it’s fucking beautiful!” she says on a grin.

  “I’ll wear you down eventually. We’ll have one huge ass wedding,” I tell her, giving her the ring.

  She snorts. “Sure you will.”

  I kiss her as she slides the ring on her finger. I think she secretly is thinking about it. She deepens the kiss, and I take her by the hands and pull her forward, leading her up the stairs to our room. Yeah, she finally let me move my stuff into her room. Just last week, she finally let me go on the house deed as co-owner, and yesterday, she got me on all the bills as a co-person too. One-step at a time, I am getting my way.

  I lay her down on the bed and take my time planting kisses down her throat. “Are you sure you won’t marry me? You’re not even thinking of it a little bit?” I pinch my fingers together, making a squishing gesture.

  “God, you are such a dork.” She kisses me, trying to shut me up.

  “I’m your dork, Princess.”

  She pinches my ass and says, “Damn right you are. “ I love this crazy woman.


  I flush the toilet after emptying my stomach. This flu should have passed by now. This is not a fun time. I hear a knock on the door, and Jordan pokes his head in. I love my man. It’s been two years, and he still is just as sexy to me as the day I first laid eyes on him. Even now, when I am sick, seeing him makes me smile.

  “Again?” he asks, shocked.

  “Yeah, I think I’m gonna go to the doctor today. Something isn’t right,” I tell him, getting up off the floor and moving to the sink to rinse out my mouth. I take a damp cloth and wipe at my forehead.

  “You need me to take you?” he asks, sounding concerned. He wraps his strong arms around me, already making me feel slightly better. What can I say? I love the way his hands feel touching me. They are comforting; he’s my center.

  I shake my head no. “It’s fine. You going away or are you in the shop today?” Two months ago, Jordan finally finished up his schooling and is now a certified heavy duty mechanic. His Journeyman diploma is hanging proudly in our living room. He applied at a few companies and ended up being hired on to a big Oil Rig company in town. I’m so proud of my hardworking man.

  He kisses my cheek when I turn around to face him.

  “I’m in the shop today. They don’t think we’ll be going out until our next set of days on,” he tells me, rubbing my shoulders. I give him a small hug before letting him have the bathroom so he can get ready.

  I make a call to Hayley to let her know I won’t be in today, since I’m still sick, and then get ready to head out to the walk-in clinic. I don’t care what I am wearing at this point. Dressed down in my comfy striped yoga pants, a tank top, and hoodie thrown over top, I am just ready to get rid of this shit, whatever it may be. As I slide my flip-flops on my feet, I frown, looking at my toes. I need to get a pedicure soon.

  I go to Jordan, kissing his cheek quickly. “Love you. I’ll call you later.”

  “Yeah, Princess, love you too,” he says, smiling at me as I shut the door.

  What’s with his weird smile just now? Knowing him, he is planning on asking me to
marry him again.

  After Alix leaves the house, I grin. She ended up getting a sinus infection a little over a month ago, and I happen to know that her medication voided out her birth control shot.

  I’ll have to get myself a helmet and a cup before she gets home, because I have a feeling I’m going to be in a world of hurt when she finds out she’s pregnant. I’m excited. I love her so much and can’t wait to see her stomach swollen by our love, our child growing inside.

  I’m just happy that our lives are the way they are. We’re happy. I haven’t heard from Renee after she got out of jail. According to Bobby, she’s back home and stalking some married man.


  I get home a little later than normal. Shaun and I decided to go out for supper. I also jumped on the idea, knowing I was gonna get a beat down when I got home. My phone has been blowing up with texts and calls all day, so I know I’m in for it.

  Shaun laughed at me and razzed me over supper about how I’m a chicken shit. He doesn’t have a crazy ass woman at home, so he wouldn’t know. Liz is all sweet and shit. Alix is the complete opposite. Alix is like a damn lion; she will chew you up and spit you out.

  I slowly make my way home, sweating. My nerves are shot to hell. I pull into the driveway next to Alix’s car, and I already see Alix looking out the window. Damn, she is waiting to pounce my ass.

  I slowly get out and make my way inside. “Alix?” I call out hesitantly.

  She doesn’t answer, so I walk into the living room, where I find her still looking out the window, her body still and anger dripping off her.

  “Uh, Princess?”

  She whips around, eyes going wild. “You son-of-a-bitch,” she seethes, sounding like Lily from How I Met Your Mother. “I’m pregnant.”

  I can’t help it, a huge grin lights up my face.

  “This isn’t a good thing, Jordan. I said no to that,” she says.

  “Actually, no, you didn’t. You said you never wanted kids a long ass time ago, and that was the last time we talked about it. You only keep saying no to marrying me,” I tell her.

  “Why would I marry you? It’s a stupid piece of a paper,” she says, rolling her eyes. We both know her saying that is a lie. She told me a few months ago it’s because of what happened with Liam. Everything was planned and bought, and it all went to hell. She doesn’t want it to happen again. I don’t blame her. That shit, hearing it, made me want to beat the life out of the bastard.

  I walk over to her, pulling her into my arms and resting my forehead on hers. “Babe, this is a child we made. We love each other. This is good for us. I’m happy,” I tell her.

  Her anger washes away. “Yeah, we do love each other. That should be enough,” she says, tearing up. “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll be happy about this, but all shit and puke, you are cleaning.”

  I burst out laughing. God, I love her.

  But damn it, I don’t do puke.


  I let out a scream. “You fucking asshole! I hate you, Jordan! I swear to God, I’m gonna kill you for this shit!” I am lying sprawled out in a hospital bed, praying for this torture to end.

  “Princess, calm down. Your blood pressure is spiking,” he tries telling me calmly.

  “Calm? You want calm, you motherfucker? I’ll give you calm once this baby is outta me!” I yell at him.

  I see him frantically looking around the room. When his eyes find the nurse, he yells at her, “Can’t you give her some pain relief or more of that damn laughing gas?”

  She shakes her head. “Sorry, no, she’s too far along in the delivery for it now, and the laughing gas made her vomit like crazy. The doctor will be in shortly. It’s just about time.” She pats his arm in understanding.

  “I’m sorry, Princess,” he tells me. He grabs the ice chips off the table by the bed and runs some along my sweaty forehead.

  “I mean it, Jordan. This is never happening again,” I tell him, screaming at the end when another contraction hits. I’ll never fuck him again. Nope, this is God-awful.

  “Sure,” he says, smirking. Asshole.

  I narrow my eyes at him. “I mean it.”

  “Yup.” He chuckles, looking so proud of himself and his dick. They did this to me. I hate them both. Okay, not really, but this shit hurts.


  Look at him over there, looking all sexy and smug. His blonde hair and his face are practically glowing under the fluorescent lighting.

  I let her get her way right now. Starting a fight with her while she’s giving birth to my baby is not what I want to do. The woman is already a screaming bitch at the moment, literally. Her cheeks are flushed, pain etched over her face.

  I’ve still had no luck getting her to marry me, but eventually, I’ll wear her down. Hell, Hayley got married, and from what Alix told me, it was a shock. Hayley has always been anti-marriage, so there is hope for me yet. I wondered if I could get a yes out of her today. Shit, I had better not press my luck. Getting her to have my child was hard enough.

  The doctor comes in and checks her out. “Okay, folks, it’s time.” He clasps his hands together and gets a fresh pair of gloves. “Time to push,” he says. Her legs are pushed up and out, her knees practically hitting her chin, and sweat is beaded across her forehead.

  It feels like another four hours pass, and Alix is still screaming at him. She told me before we came to the hospital that I wasn’t allowed to look at the baby coming out of her, because she heard that sometimes women shit themselves.

  But at this moment, I don’t care. I want to see my baby come out of her. Finally, it happens. He’s ugly and covered in gross stuff, but I can’t help but love him. He’s mine.

  The doctor and nurses get him all cleaned up and bring him to me. I hold my son in my arms. As I look at him, I feel the tears that are in my eyes coming out, running down my face. “Aiden Matthew Borel.” I kiss his tiny hand and look over to Alix, who is finally getting some sleep.

  My family.

  When I got out of the hospital two years ago, I officially ended all ties with Michelle and Liam. Turns out, Michelle had been sleeping with Kevin, the ex-boyfriend she had to leave behind when we moved. He apparently ended up moving to Edmonton after he graduated, and they started hooking up, but she refused to leave Liam. Instead, Kevin left her, and now has joint custody of their daughter. Michelle’s second child is, in fact, Liam’s. Liam only tried to contact me one other time. When he found out I was pregnant, he was pissed that I really was done with him. Honestly, the moron needs to let it go. When my parents found out, they didn’t want Jordan to get into shit for beating the crap out of him, so they stepped in and helped me get a no contact, restraining order. A month later, he and Michelle actually got married. Both are in their own sort of dysfunctional relationship, so I could care less. They deserve each other.

  Things with my parents are still strained. After everything that has happened, I don’t know how to ever make it right between us, but just because how things turned out, it doesn’t mean I stop them from seeing my son. They are great grandparents to him, and that’s all I could want.

  However, they have to come to us whenever they want to see him, because I don’t want my son surrounded by Michelle. I hope, one day, she takes a good look at herself and changes, but I highly doubt it.


  I get home from work, pissed off because I just found out I’m pregnant, again. I swear I’m gonna murder that asshole.

  This time, he’s either switching out my birth control pills with placebos or he’s willing his super sperm to break through the birth control... Ass! I ended up switching to pills, with Jordan being my reminder to take them, after I had Aiden.

  Jordan still asks me to marry him, but I still, each time, say no. However, I have Hayley and Brock babysitting Aiden this weekend, because I plan to ask him. It might be odd and backwards, but hey, who cares?

  Kellie and Jaxon seem to be happy. Even after all these years, they are still n
ot together. The triplets are so damn cute though.

  I walk into the living room to see Jordan and Aiden playing together on the floor with cars. I watch them, smiling. As much as I didn’t want kids, I wouldn’t trade Aiden for anything. I must have made a noise because Jordan’s head pops up.

  “Hey, Princess,” he says, smiling at me.

  Him and that stupid nickname. “Hey. I’m tired, I’m fat, and I’m gonna go munch on some chips and watch Pretty Little Liars,” I tell him.

  “I love you too,” Jordan says sarcastically.

  “Don’t be cheeky,” I say, scolding him.

  He grins. “Shaun called, wanted me to warn you that if you keep trying to convince Liz again to change her hair, he’s going to stop watching Aiden for date nights.” I roll my eyes. Jordan’s brother, Shaun, his wife, Liz, and their kids ended up moving out here once their father died a little over a year ago. He ended up doing the same thing Jordan did, going into Heavy Duty Mechanics, and both brothers work for the same Oil Rig Company.

  Mine and Hayley’s salon is running amazingly. Haylix even got an award for our work. We have become so busy that we’ve just started getting plans done for an expansion and will have to hire more girls. We even hired Hayley’s cousin, Lilly, from Airdrie to work as another stylist, but I think she might end up leaving soon, since she’s pregnant.

  I walk into the kitchen, looking through the cupboards for my chips, when Jordan comes in behind me and grabs my ass. “Stop that, Jordan!”

  “What? It’s there, it’s huge, and I wanted a feel.” I whirl around glaring at him.

  “You made it huge! It’s your fault! I’m fat thanks to you and your stupid sperm!” I shout at him. I’m not just saying that either; I really am fat. I’ve had a hard time losing weight after having Aiden. I tried for about a month, but gave up. Eating rabbit food and exercising was so not my thing. “You are lucky I love that little boy out there.” I say pointing into the living room to where Aiden is playing with cars.


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